IDENTITY AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS OF SUCCESSFUL SOCIALIZATION OF A TEENAGER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Психологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по психологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Kalinina Elena P.

The Introduction provides a justification for the relevance of studying the issue of the relationship between the formation of identity and psychological factors of successful socialization of a teenager in modern conditions. The results of the theoretical analysis of the problem of subjective determinants of success in the socialization of the individual are described. The main vectors of the projection of identity in the social activity of a developing subject are shown. The article gives a meaningful description of the role of self-identity and the identification mechanism in the formation of adaptive and preadaptive models of personality behavior in the conditions of social risks. The novelty of the study is to identify and describe the role of identity features in the successful socialization of adolescents. The Methods includes questionnaires and testing. The Results shows the role of identity reflection in designing a constructive individual trajectory of successful interaction in society. This module contains a comparative analysis of ideas about the identity of a person and its success in the system of social relationships of adolescents. For the first time, the risks of socialization associated with identity problems are identified and systematized. This module contains an analysis of the criteria for a high level of successful socialization of adolescents in the conditions of risks of modern society. The Discussion presents a description and interpretation of the results of an empirical study of adolescents' ideas about identity, adaptability and determinants of successful socialization in modern conditions. The data of an empirical study demonstrate the peculiarities of adolescents' ideas about the factors of achieving self-identity and success in social interactions. For the first time, the role of the development of identity and constructive behavior of adolescents in modern conditions of uncertainty is shown. In Conclusion, it is emphasized that there is a connection between the features of personal identity and the successful socialization of adolescents. It is concluded that the level of understanding of the content characteristics of self-identity and the specifics of identity manifestations affects the behavior of a teenager in a modern development situation, producing productivity and constructiveness of activity, or destruction. The model of the program of psychological support for the development of constructive identity in adolescence is presented. The description of the content modules of the program is given.

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Identity and psychological factors of successful socialization of a teenager

Elena P. Kalinina

Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation E-mail: elenaks7@yandex.ru


The Introduction provides a justification for the relevance of studying the issue of the relationship between the formation of identity and psychological factors of successful socialization of a teenager in modern conditions. The results of the theoretical analysis of the problem of subjective determinants of success in the socialization of the individual are described. The main vectors of the projection of identity in the social activity of a developing subject are shown. The article gives a meaningful description of the role of self-identity and the identification mechanism in the formation of adaptive and preadaptive models of personality behavior in the conditions of social risks. The novelty of the study is to identify and describe the role of identity features in the successful socialization of adolescents. The Methods includes questionnaires and testing. The Results shows the role of identity reflection in designing a constructive individual trajectory of successful interaction in society. This module contains a comparative analysis of ideas about the identity of a person and its success in the system of social relationships of adolescents. For the first time, the risks of socialization associated with identity problems are identified and systematized. This module contains an analysis of the criteria for a high level of successful socialization of adolescents in the conditions of risks of modern society. The Discussion presents a description and interpretation of the results of an empirical study of adolescents' ideas about identity, adaptability and determinants of successful socialization in modern conditions. The data of an empirical study demonstrate the peculiarities of adolescents' ideas about the factors of achieving self-identity and success in social interactions. For the first time, the role of the development of identity and constructive behavior of adolescents in modern conditions of uncertainty is shown. In Conclusion, it is emphasized that there is a connection between the features of personal identity and the successful socialization of adolescents. It is concluded that the level of understanding of the content characteristics of self-identity and the specifics of identity manifestations affects the behavior of a teenager in a modern development situation, producing productivity and constructiveness of activity, or destruction. The model of the program of psychological support for the development of constructive identity in adolescence is presented. The description of the content modules of the program is given.



identity, pre-adaptation, adolescent, success, socialization, self-knowledge, ideas For citation

Kalinina, E. P. (2021). Identity and psychological factors of successful socialization of a teenager. Innovative Science: psychology, pedagogy, defectology, 4(3), 36-45. doi: https://doi.org/10.23947/2658-7165-2021-4-3-36-45

Идентичность и психологические факторы успешной социализации подростка

Елена П. Калинина

Донской государственный технический университет, Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация

E-mail: elenaks7@yandex.ru Аннотация

Во Введении представлено обоснование актуальности изучения вопроса взаимосвязи формирования идентичности и психологических факторов успешной социализации подростка в современных условиях. Описаны результаты теоретического анализа проблемы субъективных детерминант достижения успеха в социализации личности. Показаны основные векторы проекции идентичности в социальной активности развивающегося субъекта. Дана содержательная характеристика роли самоидентичности и механизма идентификации в формировании адаптивных и преадаптивных моделей поведения личности в условиях рисков социума. Новизна исследования заключается в выявлении и описании роли особенностей идентичности в успешной социализации подростков. Методы сбора данных: анкетирование и тестирование. В разделе Результаты показана роль рефлексии идентичности в проектировании конструктивной индивидуальной траектории успешного взаимодействия в социуме. В данном модуле содержится сопоставительный анализ представлений об идентичности личности и ее успешности в системе социальных взаимоотношений подростков. Впервые выделены и систематизированы риски социализации, связанные с проблемами идентичности. В данном модуле содержится анализ критериев высокого уровня успешной социализации подростков в условиях рисков современного социума. В Обсуждении результатов представлено описание и интерпретация результатов эмпирического исследования представлений подростков об идентичности, адаптивности и детерминантах успешной социализации в современных условиях. Данные эмпирического исследования демонстрируют особенности представлений подростков о факторах достижения самоидентичности и успеха в социальных интеракциях. Впервые показана роль


развития идентичности и конструктивности поведения подростков в современных условиях неопределенности. В Заключении подчеркивается наличие связи особенностей идентичности личности и успешной социализации подростков. Делается вывод о том, что уровень осмысления содержательных характеристик самоидентичности и специфики проявлений идентичности влияет на поведение подростка в современной ситуации развития, продуцируя продуктивность и конструктивность активности, или деструкцию. Приведена модель программы психологического сопровождения развития конструктивной идентичности в подростковом возрасте. Дано описание содержательных модулей программы.

Ключевые слова

идентичность, предаптация, подросток, успешность, социализация, самопознание, представления

Для цитирования

Калинина Е. П. Идентичность и психологические факторы успешной социализации подростка // Инновационная наука: психология, педагогика, дефектология. 2021. Т. 4, № 3. С. 36-45. doi: https://doi.org/10.23947/2658-7165-2021-4-3-36-45


Today, psychological practice faces the task of increasing the social competence of a developing subject as a factor of successful socialization. Its solution involves the complex development of a constructive identity of a person, which contributes not only to the formation of adaptive and preadaptive abilities, but also to the modeling of a safe model of social behavior. Of particular importance here is the identification of adolescents with certain reference groups within the framework of social interactions. In the process of such interaction, there is an expansion of self-knowledge, an increase in social competence, the development of tolerance, facilitation of the formation of self-identity (Krylov, 2010).

In the modern situation, there is a multiplication of the variety of development trajectories, the variability of socialization models, the complication of living conditions and activities, the increase in the value of individualization, the desire for personalization and an active life position in the conditions of uncertainty risks increases. The researchers focus on the mechanisms, external and internal resources for ensuring the optimal development of preadaptive abilities, psychological readiness for transformations in a situation of multiple identification choices (Asmolov, Shechter & Chernorizov, 2017).

The social space today is quite complex and ambiguous, innovative processes associated with the introduction of digital technologies, the new psychological status of a teenager in society expands the windows of opportunities for creativity,


designing a life path, asserting individuality. At the same time, the growth of autonomy, the transformation of the age boundaries of independence, uncontrolled activity in social networks can produce new risks of identifying a developing subject. In this regard, the problem of developing psychological projects aimed at improving the social competence of adolescents, developing critical thinking, the ability to model a supportive environment and choose constructive identity models is being updated. The analysis of modern psychological research shows that the harmonization of the relationship "teenager-society" is associated with the vision of prospects, the identification of a teenager with resource groups (Yudina, 2013; Cote & Levine, 2002).

The identity of a teenager is a projection of his ideas about belonging to various social groups, identification with a significant other.

Ego-identity becomes especially important in conditions of uncertainty, allowing you to maintain a sense of adequacy and stability of your own "I" regardless of modern transformations and uncertainty of the situation, to form the competencies of the future and achieve success (Nikonenko, 2018; Surova, 2011; Shcherbakova, Misirov, Akobyan & Zhitnaya, 2019).

The conflict of relations with the surrounding reality is a projection of the difficulties of identity and self-determination, which prevent the constructive solution of emerging problem situations. The success of a teenager's socialization in the conditions of risks of modern reality is largely determined by the level of development of his social competence.

The study of the causes of identity and socialization problems allows us to identify the factors that determine them: an insufficiently clear scale of value and semantic orientations; inconsistency in the assessment of various youth subcultures; instability of constructive behavior models; violation of personal boundaries and psychological distance in relationships with others; ignoring social norms and rules; excessive egocentrism; emotional instability; violation of ideas about social roles; socially perceptual barriers of interaction; low level of social competence; insufficiently formed positive self-concept and self-esteem (Chernyavskaya, 2019; Noonan & Curtis, 2014).

Psychologists consider adolescence as the most sensitive in terms of the formation of identity and the development of self-consciousness. Here, the definition of reference groups becomes particularly important, identification with which can have both positive and negative delayed effects. During this period, the developing sense of adulthood actualizes the adolescent's need for recognition, acceptance of individuality by others, increases his activity in finding a support group. Deficits of family interaction and the curtailment of the experience of identity with agents of the developing environment can provoke conflicts of a teenager with society and difficulties in self-determination in the process of socialization. The specifics of the psychological significance of


adolescence lies in the emphasis on identification links with significant others and social groups, the quality of these personal navigations ultimately determines the further life path of the developing subject. At this age, the subject chooses progress, a constructive path of development or a destructive trajectory of relationships with himself and others, from the point of view of E. Erikson, the crisis of adolescence includes the crisis of identity (Erickson, 2006).

At this age stage, the primary choice of a profession takes place, the trajectory of the life path is planned. A teenager wants to find his place in the world around him and assert his individuality. Questions of the attractiveness of the image in the eyes of others, exclusivity, opportunities to succeed. Experiencing an identity crisis, a teenager reaches an adult identity or "psychologically gets stuck" and a diffuse identity develops.

Preadaptation and success of socialization depends largely on the nature of identity, those role models that the subject chooses at different age periods, In the process of socialization, the ability to build individual identification projects and, thereby, build their own development trajectory, enriching the subjective experience of social modeling is formed.

In modern psychology, the idea of cultural and historical conditionality of personality development is actively developed, while the position is emphasized that the subject can not only use agents of the social environment for self-development, but also create optimal conditions for the formation of identity, due to social modeling (Nurmanbetova, 2016; Petrovskij, 2018).

Identity is associated with the formation of a strategy for the life of a developing subject in a changed world and dynamic living conditions, in the space of multiple alternatives. One of the central questions is the question of the decision to choose the subject of identity in a situation of uncertainty and the stability of purposeful behavior in this context.

Today, it is important to what extent the individual project of identity formation includes the search for psychologically justified optimal means of personalization, effective strategies of activity in a situation of uncertainty, determining the proportion of optimal perfectionism and tolerance to uncertainty within the framework of modern culture (Sokolovich, 2020; Skorodumova, 2010; Unger & Meiran, 2020).

A developing personality in an era of change reveals a tendency to adaptability and preadaptation to uncertainty as mechanisms for achieving identity and success.


The following methods were used in the study: the questionnaire "Self-image" by T. N. Shcherbakova, the test - "Self-esteem" (Dembo-Rubinstein). The study involved teenagers studying at schools in Rostov-on-Don.



The analysis of the study showed that in understanding the criteria for successful adaptation, adolescents distinguish the following: 41 % - "success and recognition"; 23% - "creativity, modernity"; 17%- "ability to solve problems independently"; 12%- "social, sports, cognitive activity"; 7% - " adult approval" (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Criteria for successful adaptation in the understanding of adolescents

Thus, most teenagers believe that adaptation is associated with real results, success and recognition.

The results of the analysis of the answers to the question about the role of significant others in modeling the further life path are of interest. The majority-51 %, believe that "a role model, determine the vectors of development", 17 % - "stimulate"; 15 % -"strengthen faith in opportunities"; 9% of respondents emphasize "the presence of support"; 8 % - "the desire to be a winner" (Fig. 2).

Interestingly, the majority of respondents also emphasize that not only real people from the social environment can act as significant others, but also historical and artistic heroes, modern stars and quasi-personalities.

The importance of a modern image for successful adaptation is noted today by 46 % of respondents, 24 % - emphasize the need for competence and knowledge, primarily informational; 30% - say that there is a need for space for testing their capabilities. It is obvious that this is due to the age characteristics of modern adolescents, those social attitudes that are positioned in society (Fig. 3).

Инновационная наука: психология. педагогика. дефектология 2021 ТОМ 4 № 3 ВОЗРАСТНАЯ ПСИХОЛОГИЯ

□ A role model, determine the vectors of development

□ They stimulate

n They strengthen faith in opportunities S Availability of support B The desire to be a winner

Fig. 2. The role of significant others in modeling the further life path


Ii 30% I Ifnnnnm

□ Modern image for successful adaptation H The need for competence and knowledge tUThe need for space to test their capabilities

Fig. 3. Factors of successful adaptation


Based on the generalization of the survey results, it can be stated that in the view of adolescents participating in the study, the influence of identification with significant others performs the following functions in successful adaptation: stimulating, indicative, informative, regulating.

Teenagers named the following typical associations with significant others: "charisma", "high status", "modernity","competence"," self-confidence","creativity", "success".

As a result of scientific and theoretical analysis, the survey data revealed the content of respondents ' ideas about the role of identification with significant others in modeling the individual trajectory of socialization in modern society.

The factors influencing the formation of identity and successful socialization were identified: images replicated in the media; cinema heroes; family traditions; values of a group of peers; the need for self-expression; the desire to be successful.

According to the method of" Self-assessment " (Dembo-Rubinstein), it was revealed that adolescents have high scores in the parameters "health", "character", "self -confidence", lower-in the parameter "appearance".


The nature of a teenager's relations with society, their content and operatio-nalization are influenced by a number of positions related to the development of identity, self-knowledge, the direction of self-determination, and the peculiarities of self-attitude.

In modern socioreality, there is a general trend of increased dynamism of standards and models of socialization, a variety of identification trajectories, which is reflected in the content of identification as a socio-psychological phenomenon and a determining factor of social behavior.

The formation of the personality of a modern developing subject is inextricably linked with sociogenesis and identification mechanisms, due to the integration of sociotypic and individual components.

Research activity, flexibility of behavior and the desire for development are an important condition for preadaptation in adolescence in conditions of uncertainty.

Identity provides an opportunity for the subject to assimilate individual and social experience and contributes to the preservation of integrity and a clear subjective position in the hyperdynamic modern world.

It is important that the identification activity of the developing subject in the social situation of development correlates with the zone of immediate development and contributes to the development of a reflexive internal position, critical thinking. Today, critical thinking, expressed self-identity are included in the list of competencies of the future.



In a transitive society in the era of globalization, rapid transformations, problems of the VUCA world, the markers of successful socialization are psychological readiness for change, the ability to solve current problems, expressed self-identity.

In the system of psychological support, it seems appropriate to use role-playing games, discussions, solving cases and other game techniques, which allows not only to expand the ideas of adolescents about possible behaviors and identification guidelines in difficult situations, but also to acquire specific experience of constructive behavior, develop social intelligence and social competence.

Modern psychologists distinguish among the conflicts that arise between a teenager and the social environment: personal; normative; interpersonal; image; communicative; semantic; emotional.

In the absence of effective supportive psychological support of adolescents from constructive adults, identification navigations can become destructive, acting as a blocker of successful socialization, provoking deviant reactions.

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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