IDENTIFYING CURRENT RELIGIOUS RESOURCES IN VIETNAM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Философия, этика, религиоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Tran Thi Hang

Religion was born very early, coming from the need for spiritual compensation of people. Through the long process of existence and development, religion has become a component of culture and strongly influenced all aspects of social life. Currently, objectively recognizing religious issues and identifying religious resources to promote and serve the cause of national construction and development have become the attitude towards the religion of many countries under different political institutions, including Vietnam. Religious resources in Vietnam are diversely expressed in all three aspects: spiritual, material, and human resources.

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№ 5 (96)

май, 2023 г.



Tran Thi Hang

PhD in Religious studies, Lecturer, VNU University of Social Sciences and Humanities,

Vietnam, Hanoi E-mail: hangtran201189@gmail.com


Тран Тхи Ханг

канд. теологических наук, преподаватель, Университет социальных и гуманитарных наук ВНУ,

Вьетнам, г. Ханой E-mail: hangtran201189@gmail.com

* This research is funded by VNU University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Hanoi, Vietnam. Code research CS. 2022.39

* Данное исследование финансируется ВНУ Университетом социальных и гуманитарных наук, Ханой, Вьетнам.

Код CS. 2022.39


Religion was born very early, coming from the need for spiritual compensation of people. Through the long process of existence and development, religion has become a component of culture and strongly influenced all aspects of social life. Currently, objectively recognizing religious issues and identifying religious resources to promote and serve the cause of national construction and development have become the attitude towards the religion of many countries under different political institutions, including Vietnam. Religious resources in Vietnam are diversely expressed in all three aspects: spiritual, material, and human resources.


Религия зародилась очень рано, исходя из потребности людей в духовном равенстве. В ходе длительного процесса существования и развития религия стала составной частью культуры и оказала сильное влияние на все аспекты общественной жизни. На сегодняшний день объективное признание религиозных проблем и выявление религиозных ресурсов для содействия и служения на благо национальному развитию и строительству, стало основной религиозной позицией различных политических институтов многих стран, включая Вьетнам. Религиозные ресурсы во Вьетнаме по-разному проявляются во всех трех аспектах: духовных, материальных и человеческих ресурсах.

Keywords: Religious resources, religion in Vietnam, Vietnam.

Ключевые слова: религиозные ресурсы, религия во Вьетнаме, Вьетнам.


Religion is a form of social consciousness and a social entity that affects society both positively and negatively. In the current context, peaceful coexistence and proactive identification of religious resources to promote and serve the cause of national construction and development have become the attitude towards the religion of many countries under different political institutions. Vietnam is a multi-ethnic, multi-faith, and multi-religious country. According to statistics from the Government Committee for Religious Affairs in 2020, about 27% of Vietnam's population were followers of 41 organizations under 16 religions recognized and licensed by the State of Vietnam. In addition, most

Vietnamese people have a rich religious life. Therefore, religion is considered a "resource" that needs to be promoted to contribute to the construction and development of the country.

1. Access to religious resources in Vietnam

President Ho Chi Minh was well aware of the human resources of religion in the great national unity bloc. During the resistance war, He affirmed: "All our compatriots, regardless of religion, are united and determined to defeat the enemy and protect the Fatherland and freedom of religion" [2, p. 490].

The point of view of promoting religious resources was mentioned in Directive No. 18-CT/TW dated January 10, 2018. It was officially included in the

Библиографическое описание: Tran T.H. IDENTIFYING CURRENT RELIGIOUS RESOURCES IN VIETNAM // Universum: общественные науки : электрон. научн. журн. 2023. 5(96). URL:


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document of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam with the content: "Promoting cultural values, good ethics, and resources of religions for the cause of national development" [1, p. 171].

There are many ways to classify and identify religious resources. According to author Chu Van Tuan, religious resources are understood as those that include the inherent potentiality of religions, the potential that religions attract from society, and the values that they create concerning the aspects of social life.

In the paper "Promoting spiritual resources of religion in the current national construction and defense," author Tran Thi Thuy Van stated that religious resources included spiritual and material resources. In which, material resources are reflected in religious establishments, heritage sites, relics, and artworks. Spiritual resources include religious values and norms expressed through doctrine, canon law, the provisions of the charter, and rules of the religious organizations, and they have a positive impact on the development [4, p. 55]. Religious resources include human resources, spiritual resources, and material resources.

From the above analysis, it can be generalized that religious resource is a combination of potential and spiritual values including moral values and religious culture. Potential and material values include property, financial sources, human resources of religions and societies, and the values that religions create in relation to all areas of life.

2. Specific religious resources in Vietnam

The reality of religious life in Vietnam shows that Vietnam has an extensive religious resources. Vietnam is in Southeast Asia, the confluence of Indochina, and the intersection of major cultures. This is the convergence of three famous ancient cultures: Dong Son, Sa Huynh, and Oc Eo. The long history of culture and socioeconomic characteristics bring Vietnam a religious life with many different features. That is diversity, abundance, openness, and integration in beliefs and religions. From the early days, the Vietnamese had primitive forms of belief and religion. Up to now, there are all kinds of major religions in the world, such as Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Protestantism, etc., endogenous religions, such as Caodaism, Hoa Hao Buddhism, etc., and a system of indigenous beliefs: worshiping ancestors, worshiping Thanh Hoang lang (the Village's Tutelary god), worshiping Mother Goddesses, worshiping God, etc. Hence, it was said that "Vietnam is the world's museum of beliefs and religions."

Religious resources are first expressed in the ready-to-serve spirit and the practice path of religions in Vietnam. From that path, the resources of religions are ready to promote and serve the country's development. Vietnam Buddhist Sangha acts under the guideline: "Dharma -Nation - Socialism." Vietnam Catholic Church's motto is "living the gospel amidst the nation for the sake of compatriots' happiness." The Evangelical Church of Vietnam (North) has the spirit of "god-fearing and patriotic." The General Confederation of the Evangelical Church of Vietnam (South) follows the motto of "living the gospel in the nation, serving god, the fatherland,

and the nation." The Cao Dai Churches throughout the country also show the spirit of serving the Fatherland and the nation through the motto: "The country is glorious, and the religion is bright" of Cao Dai Tien Thien. Or, Cao Dai Minh Chan dao acts under the motto of "maintaining humanity and national unity," "conducting social activities and benevolence, serving the interests of life, loving fellow believers and fellow citizens, uniting and supporting each other, helping the poor, caring for families who have made great contributions to the country."

Spiritual resources are reflected in the moral and cultural values of religions. "The spiritual source of religion is the values, standards, and ethics hidden in the system of scriptures, regulations, charters, and rules of religious organizations. This resource does not directly create a specific product or immediate economic profit but brings a "particular dynamic," positively impacts on the formation of a "good life, good faith" lifestyle of believers, and boosts national development and defense [4, p. 55]."

A closer analysis of the moral values of religion: Any religion builds for itself a system of ethical values and standards to regulate the behavior of its followers, directing them to shared standards and values. True religions aim at the moral values of humankind and are towards "Truthfulness - Compassion - Beauty" to lead people to good values. Buddhism advises people to live a life of kindness, compassion, delight, and renunciation to free them from suffering and ignorance, brighten wisdom, and arouse "Buddha nature" in every living being so that everyone can be pleased. Catholic ethical standards are encapsulated in the Ten Commandments, leading people to the two values of "loving God and loving others," helping believers to be aware of their responsibilities in the world. Hoa Hao Buddhism, Vietnam's endogenous religion, also builds a system of ethical standards with the principle of "studying Buddhism to improve yourselves." In short, the moral value of religion is a confirmed spiritual resource. In particular, the doctrines, canon laws, and ethical standards of religions attract the followers to study, practice, and cultivate voluntarily, so the effect level on behavior adjustment is great.

Material resources of religion: This resource is reflected in the system of worship establishments and expressed in architecture, painting, and sculpture. This is the system of the material heritage of religion, containing aesthetic, artistic, historical, and cultural values. In addition, many worship establishments bring economic value by exploiting tourism, contributing to the locality's economic development. In the picture of religious life in Vietnam, each religion brings a unique array of colors. Vietnamese Buddhism is famous for Yen Tu and Tam Chuc. Catholics have the Cathedral, Notre Dame Cathedral, Phat Diem Stone Church, the system of towers and temples of the Cham community, etc. For example, the One Pillar Pagoda is a cultural symbol of Hanoi, a symbol of Buddhist art in the Ly Dynasty, and a famous tourist attraction.

Material resources are reflected in attracting social resources in social security activities. All religions in

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Vietnam actively contribute to social security. Medical facilities (Eastern and Western medicine clinics), educational institutions (kindergarten and vocational schools), social charity (models for raising orphans, disabled, and homeless elderly), and especially charity activities of religions to help disadvantaged groups are contributing significantly to sharing the burden with local authorities in ensuring people's lives. Due to the specific characteristics of religion, these activities attract the participation of followers and have great attraction and spread enormously in the community. It can be stated that the major religions in Vietnam associate their Ways with life and incarnation thought, expressing through specific activities such as charity, cultural and social activities, and participation in public services to share the burden for society. In sustainable development, religion plays a vital part in protecting the environment, encouraging living in harmony with nature, etc.

Human resources of religion: Human resources of religions are dignitaries, priests, and followers. According to statistics, in 2020, Vietnam had 58,104 dignitaries, 148,046 workers (who hold positions in religious organizations) belonging to 16 religions [3], and 27% of the population of Vietnam were followers. This is a great human resource for national development. They have

religious beliefs and practices and are imbued with religious thought and ethics, so they have a positive attitude and lifestyle and are ready to serve the community. In particular, the contingent of dignitaries, workers, and monks are shining examples of the spirit of silent sacrifice for society and worthy of the motto of "good life, good Way." High-quality human resources of religions are intellectuals who have made many contributions to the process of building and developing the country, especially in national culture with works with profound human values such as literature, art, architecture, painting, sculpture, etc.


The above analysis shows that the concept of religious resources is quite broad, including spiritual, material, and human resources. Vietnam has a specific characteristic of religious life, so religious resources are richly expressed in all three aspects. Identifying religious resources to recognize the current situation and give solutions to promote its role in the context of national development and make Vietnam more prosperous, beautiful, and civilized is a crucial task with theoretical and practical significance.


1. Communist Party of Vietnam. Documents of the 13th National Party Congress, Volume 1. Hanoi: Truth -National Political Publishing House, 2021.

2. Ho Chi Minh. Complete Volume, Volume 4. Hanoi: Truth -National Political Publishing House, 1995.

3. Statistics of the Government Committee for Religious Affairs

4. Tran Thi Thuy Van (2021), "Promoting spiritual resources of religion in the current national construction and defense // Journal of Political Science. 2021. No 8. Pp. 54-59.

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