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Ключевые слова
KPHP / forest processing / facilities / infrastructure / Bengalon

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Aliri, Sarjono Mustofa Agung, Hartanto Sigit, Jurem

This research was conducted at one of the KPHs in East Kutai Regency, namely, KPHP Bengalon which includes Karangan, Kongbeng, Bengalon, Muara Wahau, Rantau Pulung, Batu Ampar, Telen, Muara Bengkal, Long Mesangat, Busang, Kongbeng and Sangata Selatan Districts. This study generally aims to analyze the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the achievement of the Forest Management Unit development, using the case study of KPHP Bengalon in East Kutai Regency. Analysis of the availability of facilities and infrastructure aims to determine whether the facilities and infrastructure owned by the Bengalon KPHP are appropriate with the ideal requirements for an FMU. To analyze the aspects of the availability of facilities and infrastructure at KPHP Bengalon, the content analysis method and the interview method were used. The results of the analysis showed that the availability of facilities and infrastructure at KPHP Bengalon was still very minimal for the operation of an FMU. For the manager of the Bengalon KPH to encourage the government to immediately facilitate facilities and infrastructure. With the lack of facilities and infrastructure of the Bengalon KPHP, it has an impact on the obstruction of work programs that have been planned by the KPHP Bengalon management.

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DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2020-12.13



Aliri*1,4, Sarjono Mustofa Agung2, Hartanto Sigit2, Juremi3 1Kutai Timur College of Agriculture, Indonesia 2Faculty of Forestry, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 3Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University, East Kalimantan, Indonesia 4Postgraduate Program of Forestry Science, Mulawarman University, Indonesia *E-mail: aliri.stiperkutim@gmail.com


This research was conducted at one of the KPHs in East Kutai Regency, namely, KPHP Bengalon which includes Karangan, Kongbeng, Bengalon, Muara Wahau, Rantau Pulung, Batu Ampar, Telen, Muara Bengkal, Long Mesangat, Busang, Kongbeng and Sangata Selatan Districts. This study generally aims to analyze the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the achievement of the Forest Management Unit development, using the case study of KPHP Bengalon in East Kutai Regency. Analysis of the availability of facilities and infrastructure aims to determine whether the facilities and infrastructure owned by the Bengalon KPHP are appropriate with the ideal requirements for an FMU. To analyze the aspects of the availability of facilities and infrastructure at KPHP Bengalon, the content analysis method and the interview method were used. The results of the analysis showed that the availability of facilities and infrastructure at KPHP Bengalon was still very minimal for the operation of an FMU. For the manager of the Bengalon KPH to encourage the government to immediately facilitate facilities and infrastructure. With the lack of facilities and infrastructure of the Bengalon KPHP, it has an impact on the obstruction of work programs that have been planned by the KPHP Bengalon management.


KPHP, forest processing, facilities, infrastructure, Bengalon.

In accordance with the constitutional mandate of all forests in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, including the natural resources contained therein, shall be controlled by the State to be utilized maximally for the welfare of the people. In the framework of this control, the state gives authority to the Government, which is the personification of the state to regulate and manage everything that is related to forests. One of several forest management efforts to obtain maximum benefit for the welfare of the people is through the development of Forest Management Units / FMUs (Suprianto, 2012).

Castaneda (2000) defines an FMU as a forest management unit whose area has been defined with clear boundaries, where most of the area is covered by forest, is managed for the long term, and has a number of clear objectives that are set out in a forest management plan. According to (Kartodihardjo and Suwarno, 2014), the FMU development process is actually a process of institutional change, where in the process of institutional change there are several main points of fundamental change which become its basic philosophy, namely: (a) Value changes and methods think; (b) Changes in the jurisdiction boundary; (c) Real output-based management; and (d) Increased transparency and accountability.

FMU development as an operational unit is a mandate of Forestry Law No. 41 of 1999, which seeks to streamline and streamline forestry development by separating the management agencies in the autonomous administrative area (Forest Service) from the management agency at the site level (Management Unit / KPH) (Sardjono, 2009; Nugroho, 2013).

In supporting the creation of a professional FMU, it is necessary to provide adequate facilities and infrastructure. Minister of Forestry Regulation Number. P.41 / Menhut-II / 2011

concerning Standards for Facilitation of Facilities and Infrastructure for Model Protected Forest Management Units and Model Production Forest Management Units, is explained in article 2 paragraph 1 that facilitating the facilities and infrastructure of Model KPHL and Model KPHP is provided by the government in encouraging the operation of KPHL and KPHP in the field. Further in paragraph 3 it is explained, the facilitation of facilities and infrastructure for the KPHL Model and KPHP Model as described in article 2 paragraph (I), includes office buildings, operational vehicles, office equipment, and operational equipment. Furthermore, it is explained, the facilitation of operational vehicles as referred to includes: a. four-wheeled vehicles; b. two-wheeled vehicles; and / or c. water vehicle. The office equipment facilitation as referred to includes: a. Tables and chairs; b.office wardrobe; and c. office electronic equipment. The operational equipment facilitation as referred to includes: a. communication tool; b. computer software; c. computer hardware; and D. survey equipment

Regarding the fulfillment of FMU operational facilities and infrastructure needs, the Directorate General of Forestry Planning (2014) states, identifying FMU facilities and infrastructure as presented in Table 1 below:

Table 1 - Identification of FMU Facilities and Infrastructure

No. Types of Facilities and Infrastructure Volume

(a) (b) (c)

1. Office building

KPH Office 1 unit

KPH Resort Office pm

2. Means of transportation

4 wheeled vehicles 1 unit

2 wheeled vehicles pm

Water Vehicles (Speed Boat) 1 unit

3. Office equipment pm

4. Survey Equipment pm

5. Mapping Equipment pm

6. Supporting facilities for forest management activities pm

7. Supporting infrastructure for forest rehabilitation activities pm

8. Making forest management facilities pm

9. Construction / maintenance of the KPH resort office pm

Source: Directorate General of Forestry Planning (2014).

East Kutai Regency itself has forests with an area of ± 2,198,354Ha, divided into several functions which include protection functions, conservation functions and production functions. The details are based on their function, namely conservation areas which are divided into Nature Reserve areas and Nature Conservation Areas with an area of ± 219,385 Ha, Protected Forests ± 270,726Ha, Limited Production Forests covering an area of 868,778Ha, and Fixed Production Forests of 839,455 Ha (BPS Kutim, 2014).

The Bengalon Production Forest Management Unit (KPHP) is one of the KPHs located in East Kutai Regency, East Kalimantan Province covering an area of ± 688,672 Ha. Geographically it is located between 0 ° 20'9.01 "N-1 ° 4T7.07" NL and 116 ° 41'44.02 "BT-117 ° 50'36.9" BT, which was formed through the Decree of the Minister of Forestry No: SK.674 / Menhut-II / 2011 concerning the Determination of KPHL and KPHP Areas in East Kalimantan Province. The institution is in the form of a Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) based on the Regulation of the Governor of East Kalimantan No: 101 of 2016 concerning the Formation and Organizational Structure of the UPTD at the East Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service (UPTD KPHP Bengalon 2018).

In general, this research aims to analyze the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the achievement of the development of a Forest Management Unit using the case study of KPHP Bengalon in East Kutai Regency. Expected results; a. The government, in this case the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, as input and reference for building professional FMUs; b. The management of

KPHP Bengalon and other related parties in East Kutai Regency, in building effective management, especially in forest areas or FMU areas.


Research that focuses on the issue of FMU "professionalism", especially on the situation and conditions of East Kalimantan has never been conducted before. Therefore, this research requires a case to be studied and for that purpose one of the KPHs in East Kutai Regency is taken, namely KPHP Bengalon.

The materials and equipment used in this study are as follows:

• Area location map;

• Regulations / policies from the Government (primarily the Ministry of Forestry) relating to research and regional development policies/ Regional Regulations;

• The plan to build the Bengalon KPHP from the East Kutai Forest Service;

• List of questions for informants (key and community leaders, adat heads, and village heads);

• Stationery, to record observations and results of consultations and in-depth interviews with community groups and the Implementing Unit;

• Computers and accessories are used for data processing and report preparation.

The objects in this study consist of:

• Central Government / Ministry of Forestry Regulations and Policies concerning FMU development and management;

• East Kutai Regency Goverment regulations and policies relating to the development and management of FMUs;

• The document of the Bengalon KPHP development activity program from the East Kutai Forest Service;

• Officials / officials from related institutions such as the Forestry Service, Environmental Agency, Regional Development Planning Agency and UPTD Planology.

This study combines the documentation study method from various secondary data sources and the direct method, namely the collection of primary data in the field with interview techniques, structured and unstructured interviews (through questionnaires) and field observations. at the research location with the intention of validating secondary data.

The data that has been collected is then analyzed as follows:

Analysis of the draft Bengalon KPHP management plan.

• The management plan analysis is used to analyze in clarifying, understanding, managing and responding to problems in the development of the Bengalon KHPH in East Kutai Regency. To analyze this situation, the content analysis method is used;

• Analysis of the availability of facilities and infrastructure at the KPHP Bengalon;

• Analysis of the availability of facilities and infrastructure aims to determine whether the facilities and infrastructure owned by the Bengalon KPHP are in accordance with the ideal requirements for an FMU. To analyze aspects of the availability of facilities and infrastructure at KPHP Bengalon, the content analysis method and interview method are used.


Geographically, the Bengalon Production Forest Management Unit (KPHP) is located between 0 ° 20'9.01 "N-1 ° 4T7.07" NL and 116 ° 41'44.02 "BT-117 ° 50'36.9" East Longitude. While hydrologically the Bengalon KPHP management area is included in 6 (six) Watersheds (DAS), namely the Mahakam Watershed, Berau Watershed, Bengalon Watershed, and Karangan Watershed, Sangatta Watershed and Tabalar Watershed. Meanwhile, administratively KPHP is located in three regencies namely Berau, Kutai Kertanegara and Kutai Timur. However, most of the KPHP area (78.7%) is in the

administrative area of the East Kutai Regency Government and covers 12 districts, namely: Batu Ampar, Bengalon, Busang, Karangan, Kaubun, Kongbeng, Long Masangat, Muara Bengkal, Muara Wahau, Rantau Pulung , Sangatta Selatan, and Telen.

The availability of facilities and infrastructure to support the implementation of the main tasks and functions of FMU management is an important part of the implementation of these main tasks and functions. Through Regulation of the Minister of Forestry Number: P.41 / Menhut-II / 2011 concerning Standard Facilities and Infrastructure for Model Protected Forest Management Units and Model Production Forest Management Units, it is explained that, in article 2 paragraph 1, it is stated that the facilitation of means and infrastructure for Model KPHL and Model KPHP provided by the Government in order to encourage the operation of KPHL and KPHP in the field, hereinafter paragraph 2 mentions the facilitation of KPHL Model and Model KPHP facilities other than by the Government as referred to in paragraph (1) can be provided by the Regional Government.

KPHP Bengalon it self is an institution that was only formed in 2016. Based on the results of field observations and interviews regarding the availability of facilities and infrastructure for UPTD KPHP Bengalon, currently it is still borrowing and using an office building belonging to the East Kutai district government, for operational vehicles alone there is 1 (one) vehicle. 4-wheeled service, while 2-wheeled vehicles are not yet available. Office equipment and supplies that are available at KPHP Bengalon are computer PCs, printers, air conditioning machines, work tables/ chairs, filing cabinets, LCD projectors.

The existing facilities and infrastructure are deemed inadequate for an UPTD KPHP. This requires the facilitation of facilities and infrastructure, such as procurement / construction of buildings and vehicles for field operations. Support for electricity, water and communication networks, including computers and the internet, which are sufficient to support daily forest management activities. Work equipment also needs to be prepared, including radio communications, compasses, GPS, forest security facilities (patrol vehicles, handcuffs, ropes, clothing accessories. forest and others) including forest and land fire suppression equipment. Drones can also be budgeted to facilitate air monitoring activities. It is necessary to establish the standard and infrastructure in each FMU properly so that field officers working in the middle of the forest can carry out their duties properly. The facilities and infrastructure needs at KPHP Bengalon that need to be completed for the 2018-2027 period are as listed in Table 2.

Table 2 - Priority Fulfillment of Infrastructure Facilities and Equipment of the Nominating KPHP

No Sara's Infrastructure Needs and Equipment Amount Information

(a) (b) (c) (d)

A. Facilities and infrastructure

1. Construction of a new KPH office 1 unit Sangatta

2. Information Center Development 1 unit Adjoining the Bengalon KPHP Office

3. Procurement of wheeled vehicles 4 4 unit For KKPH and Operations

4. Procurement of wheeled vehicles 2 4 unit Each Section

5. KPH Office Facilities 1 Package Office Completeness

6. Fire extinguisher storage warehouse 1 unit Each RPH lunit

7. Satellite internet network (V-Sat) 1 Package Respective RPH and head office

B Office equipment

1. Computer 10 unit

2. Notebook 10unit

3. Typewriter 2unit

4. A3 printer 6unit

5. Printer 6unit

6. Scanner 6unit

7. Plotter 1 unit

8. UPS/Stabilizer 10unit

9. LCDProyektor 3unit

10. Digital pocket camera 3unit

11. DSLR Camera 3unit

12. Handycam 3unit

13. VoiceRecorder 4unit

14. Facsimile machine 1 unit KPH

C Forestry Equipment

1. GPS 8unit

2. Compass 8unit

3. Clinometer 8unit

4. Phi Band 8unit

5. Roll Meter 8unit

6. Laser Meter 8unit

7. Hagameter 8unit

8. Binokuler 4unit

9. Monokuler 4unit

10. Setphone 4unit

11. Radio Handy Talkie(HT) 3unit

12. HandyTalkie 10unit

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13. Pelbet 10unit

14. Forestry Police Equipment PM as needed

15. Management Equipment for Timber Forest Products and Non-Timber Forest Products PM as needed

16. Herbarium Equipment PM as needed

D First aid kit

1. Medicines, etc. PM as needed

E Fire Fighting Equipment (Brig dalkar KPHP Bengalon)

1. Fire Operational Vehicles Fire 5 unit

2. Tanker 4 unit

3. Two-wheeled vehicle 10 unit

4. Megaphone 1 unit

5. Car radio 10 unit Installed in operational cars and tank cars

6. Genset 2unit

7. Water Pump Machine 2unit KPH

8. Fire hose 25 unit KPH

9. Nozzle 3unit

10. Folding water tank 3unit

11. Chain saw 1 unit

12. Flapper 10unit KPH

13. Boots 10 pairs

14. Helmet 10unit KPH

15. Machete 10unit KPH

16. Hoe rakes 3unit KPH

17. Sharp rakes 6unit

18. One-eye ax 4 unit

19. Two-function ax (Pulaski) 4 unit

20 Shovel 6 unit

21 Back pump 10unit

22 Gepyok 8 unit

23 Torch ignition drops 1 unit

24 Personnel equipment (hats, masks, goggles, peples, whistles, etc.) 13 unit

Source: UPTD KPHP Bengalon, 2018.


The availability of facilities and infrastructure at KPHP Bengalon is still very minimal for the operation of an FMU. For this reason, efforts are needed for the managers of the Bengalon KPH to encourage the government to immediately facilitate facilities and infrastructure. The lack of facilities and infrastructure for the KPHP Bengalon has an impact on the obstruction of the work programs that have been planned by the KPHP Bengalon management.


1. BPS Kutim. 2014. East Kutai in Numbers. East Kutai Central Bureau of Statistics.

2. Castaneda F. 2000. Why national and forest management unit level criteria and indicator for sustainable management of the dry forest in Asia. in: Cheng TL, Durst PB, editors. Development of national-level criteria and indicator for sustainable management of the dry forest in Asia: background paper. Rap Publication, Bangkok, Thailand (TH). 1-22.

3. Ministry of Forestry. 2014. FMU Development Policies and Priorities. Presented at the Discussion on the Finalization of the RPI for the 2015-2019 Period. Jakarta.

4. Kartodihardjo H, Suwarno E. 2014. Mainstreaming Forest Management Units (KPH) in Forestry Licensing Policy and Implementation. Jakarta (ID): Directorate of Forest Area Management and Preparation of Forest Area Utilization Areas, Directorate General of Forestry Planning.

5. Regulation of the Minister of Forestry Number: P.41 / Menhut-II / 2011 concerning Standard Facilities and Infrastructure for Model Protected Forest Management Units and Model Production Forest Management Units.

6. Suprianto. T. 2012. Forest Management Unit towards Sustainable Forest Utilization. BTNLL. Central Sulawesi.

7. Sardjono M.A, and Nugroho, B. 2013. Financial Management Patterns of Regional Public Service Bodies towards KPH Independence. Directorate of Forest Area Management and Preparation of Forest Area Utilization Areas, Directorate General of Forestry Planning. Jakarta.

8. UPD KPHP Bengalon. 2018. Long Term Forest Management Plan (RPHJP) of Bengalon KPHP 2018-2027.

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