ICONICITY ATTRIBUTE IN STATEMENTS WITH DEPENDENT TAXIS IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Efimova Anastasia

The aim of this study is to determine iconicity attribute in case of dependent taxis presented in verbal participle phrases designs. The study describes the features of the semantics of dependent taxis, clarifies the essence of sign iconicity in structures with dependent taxis and identifies cases of non-sign iconicity in statements to dependent taxis. This work identifies theoretical aspects of iconicity in sign statements with dependent taxis, as well as reviewes design with dependent taxis with the semantics of simultaneity and time difference.

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30 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017




The aim of this study is to determine iconicity attribute in case of dependent taxis presented in verbal participle phrases designs. The study describes the features of the semantics of dependent taxis, clarifies the essence of sign iconicity in structures with dependent taxis and identifies cases of non-sign iconicity in statements to dependent taxis. This work identifies theoretical aspects of iconicity in sign statements with dependent taxis, as well as reviewes design with dependent taxis with the semantics of simultaneity and time difference.


taxis, iconicity, aspectuality, dependent taxis, aspectual-taxis situation, categorical, polypredicative structure, semantics conditioning


Anastasia S. Efimova

Master's student of Faculty of History and Linguistics teacher of Russian Language and Russian & Foreign Literature Chuvash State Pedagogical Univercity named after I.Y. Yakovlev. K. Marx St, 38,

Cheboksary, 428000, Russia E-mail: yamiko@list.ru


Taxis (gr. xd^iq — formation, order, arrangement) — is a linguistic category, which characterizes any time-dependent relations between actions (in a generalized sense -including any types of predicates) simultaneity or non-simultaneity, interruption, correlation of general and associated action, etc. Taxis includes an aspectual (specific) characteristic of temporally correlated actions and interacts with causative-consecutive, concessive-adversative and other values.

A temporal category acts as taxis itself in case of dependent taxis, thus the "correlation of past and present tenses transforms to the opposition, which could be described (using the terminology by B.L.Whorf) as opposition of an interval and a contact between two corresponded facts (Whorf, 1946). A marked form of this specific type of taxis in the Russian language is the adverbial participle, which dictates the corresponded fact that correlates with the major corresponded fact.

The time-related relations between the finite form and the adverbial participle in the Russian language are featured as relations between simultaneity or non-simultaneity, expressed by aspectual relations of predicates. Simultaneity is expressed by the adverbial participle built from the infinitive verb, while a non-simultaneity is expressed by the adverbial participle built by the perfective verb.

The concept of iconicity is very important nowadays, inasmuch as the language studies have been developed in line with the sign theory in the XXth century. However,

31 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 issues related to the semiologic interpretation of linguistic units, categories and texts remain unsolved to a large extent.

In this study, we have defined the theoretical aspect of iconicity in sentences with dependent taxis. The subject of the research is the expression of iconicity attribute in dependent taxis. The object of research are sentences with dependent taxis.

Materials and Methods

Let us examine constructions with dependent taxis and simultaneous and non-simultaneous semantics. The constructions with verbal adverb phrases and simultaneous semantics are commonly used when correlated actions in sentences are process-based, i.e. acts in dynamics of their elapsing. The simultaneousness of processes, as well as simultaneousness of secondary process and primary integral fact are distinguished depending on the character of interactions to the bound of general and associated processes.

The process of simultaneousness characterizes by the presence of verbal adverb phrases of imperfective aspect with iconicity attribute, since the progression of verb forms in examined sentences is reflected in accordance with the substantial course of events. For example: 1) Анна Павловна не поглядела на нее, а, не спуская глаз с дороги, отдала ключи и не спросила даже зачем // Anna Pavlovna did not glance at her, and not taking her eyes from the road gave her the keys without even asking her what for. (I. Goncharov. A common story); 2) «Садитесь здесь», — говорила Вера Иосифовна, сажая гостя возле себя. // "Sit down right here" - said Vera losifovna, beckoning him to a seat at her side. (A. Chekhov - lonych); 3) Гуров, глядя на нее теперь, думал: «Каких только не бывает в жизни встреч!» // Gurov looked at her and thought: "What different people one meets in the world!" (A. Chekhov - Lady with a Lapdog).

Representation of the process as an initial communicative element of the sentence or as a background, which is expressed by a pre-positive verbal adverb phrase of imperfective aspect is quite common for sentences with taxis situation of "secondary process simultaneousness" type of taxis situations. In other words, this is a process, which is executed on a background of another process; or a process, which is determined by another process. The iconicity attribute is present in constructions with "secondary process simultaneousness" type of taxis situations, since the substantial course of events is implemented by verb forms. For example: 1) И, садясь с наслаждением в коляску, он подумал: «Ох, не надо бы полнеть!» // And, as he sank blissfully into his seat, he thought: "Oh dear, I must not get fat!" (A. Chekhov - lonych); 2) Она приносила с собой работу, книги и садилась под дерево, показывая вид совершенного равнодушия к пристрастию Александра // She brought work and books with her and sat down under a tree, with an appearance of complete unconsciousness of Alexander's existence. (I. Goncharov. A common story).

Opposite situations, in which both the general and the associated actions are represented by perfective or imperfective aspects. The verbal adverb phrases, which contain both perfective or imperfective aspects, commonly include the same meanings as simultaneousness or asynchronicity. Taking into account that these constructions represent the substantial course of events, the iconicity symptom is also present in them. The simultaneousness of the secondary action or process and primary integral fact are shown in the following examples: 1) Александр, бежав от Юлии, бросился в вихрь шумных радостей // Alexander, fleeing Yulia, plunged into the whirlwind of vibrant delights (I. Goncharov. A common story); 2) «Давайте же поговорим», — сказала она,

32 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 подходя к нему. // "Do let us have a talk!" she said going up to him. (A. Chekhov -lonych); 3) И капитан стал приглядываться к Чонкину, изучая его привычки и склонности, ибо, прежде чем победить врага, надо его изучить // And the captain started observe Chonkin, studying his habits and aptitude, as one needs to know one's enemy before defeating them. (V. Voinovich. The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin); An example for simultaneousness of the secondary resultative state and primary process. 1) Александр, высунув голову из окна кареты, всячески старался настроить себя на грустный тон и, наконец, мысленно разрешился монологом / / Alexander, sticking his head out of the carriage window, was trying to bestir himself to a sad note and finally delivered an inner monologue (I. Goncharov. A common story); Старцев воспользовался минутой замешательства и сказал Екатерине Ивановне шёпотом, сильно волнуясь. / / Startsev took advantage of the bewilderment and whispered to Ekaterina Ivanovna, in great anxiety (A. Chekhov -lonych); 3) Князь Андрей пожал плечами и поморщился, как морщатся любители музыки, услышав фальшивую ноту. // Prince Andrew shrugged his shoulders and frowned, as lovers of music do when they hear a false note. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace). The iconicity symptom appears in verbal adverb phrases, which contain the general and associated actions represented by perfective or imperfective aspects.

An interaction between aspectual-taxis meanings and interactions of dependence between actions, which are designated by primary and secondary verbs, are definitive for aspectual-taxis situations, which include the elements of dependence semantic. Interactions between a cause, destination, condition, concession and effect are commonly distinguished in the semantic sphere of conditioning. Taking into account the results of comprehensive analysis of sentences with semasiology of simultaneousness, which contain cause and effect dependence, we can conclude that the substantial course of events is violated in these sentences, as a result - the iconicity attribute is absent. For example: 1) Пьер скинул плащ и вошел в первую комнату, где стояли остатки ужина и один лакей, думая, что его никто не видит, допивал тайком недопитые стаканы // Pierre threw off his cloak and entered the first room, in which were the remains of supper. A footman, thinking no one saw him, was drinking on the sly what was left in the glasses. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace); 2) Она полюбила и басню о Семеле и Юпитере, и об изгнании Аполлона и его проказах на земле, принимая все это так, как оно написано, и не подозревая никакого другого значения в этих сказках. (I. Goncharov. A common story); 3) Прекрасно! — сказал и Старцев, поддаваясь общему увлечению. // "Beautiful!" exclaimed Startseff, abandoning himself to the general enthusiasm. (A. Chekhov - Ionych). This attribute is present in a few examples: 1) Лизавета Александровна посмотрела украдкой раза два на Александра и, видя, что он не говорит ни слова, тоже вышла что-то приказывать людям // Lizaveta Alexandrovna sneaked two glances at Alexander and seeing him not utter a word, also went out to give orders to people (I. Goncharov. A common story); 2) Она смутилась, оглянулась вокруг себя и, увидев брошенную на кадке свою куклу, взяла ее в руки // She grew confused, glanced round, and, seeing the doll she had thrown down on one of the tubs, picked it up. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace). The substantial course of events is present in virtually all examples with purpositive semantics, thus the iconicity attribute is present. Examples: 1) И, не откладывая дела в долгий ящик, она подхватилась с Гераклом и кинулась вон за калитку // And, without pigeonholing, she grabbed Hercules and rushed our of the gate (V. Voinovich. The Life and Extraordinary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin); 2) Вскоре после знакомства с ней, он заговорил о свадьбе, как будто давая знать, что любовь тут сама собою разумеется и что о ней толковать много нечего // Soon after making her acquaintance he started speaking of a wedding, as if giving to

33 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 understand that love should be taken for granted and should not be spoken much of (I. Goncharov. A common story).

In most cases, the meaning of asynchronicity is implemented as a precedence of the associated action before the general action. Depending on the aspectual character of the general action, we can distinguish the situations when the secondary integral action is preliminary to the primary fact with the perfective attribute and it could be combined with the meaning of simultaneousness. There are aspectual-taxis situations that include the elements of purpositive semantics with interactions between time, cause, destination, condition, concession and effect. The iconicity attribute is not always present in examples with precedency semantics, because the substantial course of events is not represented in approximately half of analyzed examples. For example: 1) Сказав это, Наполеон поехал дальше навстречу к маршалу Лану. // Having said this, Napoleon rode on to meet Marshal Lannes, who, hat in hand, rode up smiling to the Emperor to congratulate him on the victory. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace); 2) Она вспыхнула и с живостью обернулась, уронив в свою очередь удочку в воду (I. Goncharov. A common story); 3) И он, представив, как махал руками квартальный, опять захохотал звучным и басистым смехом, колебавшим всё его полное тело, как смеются люди, всегда хорошо евшие и особенно пившие. // And as he waved his arms to impersonate the policeman, his portly form again shook with a deep ringing laugh, the laugh of one who always eats well and, in particular, drinks well. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace). However, the iconicity attribute is present in aspectual-taxis situations, which includes the elements of conditional semanticsas the substantial course of events is reflected in the verb forms. Examples: 1) Приехав в Москву, она останавливалась в «базаре» и тотчас же посылала к Гурову человека в красной шапке. // In Moscow she stayed at the Slaviansky Bazaar hotel, and at once sent a man in a red cap to Gurov. (A. Chekhov - Lady with a Lapdog); 2) Однажды вечером - это было в четверг - Александр, воротясь домой, нашел у себя на столе две вазы и записку от дяди. // One evening - on Thursday - Alexander, upon returning home, found two vases and a note from his uncle on his table (I. Goncharov. A common story); 3) Потом, убедившись, что все глаза устремлены на него, он как будто осторожно приподнял обеими руками какую-то невидимую, драгоценную вещь над головой, подержал ее так несколько секунд и вдруг отчаянно бросил ее. // Then having satisfied himself that all eyes were fixed on him, he raised both arms as if carefully lifting some invisible but precious object above his head and, holding it there for some seconds, suddenly flung it down. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace). However, the iconicity attribute is not present in examples with the semantics of time, causative, temporal or directed conditioning, because the substantial course of events is violated there. Examples: 1) Пьер, решившись во всем повиноваться своей руководительнице, направился к диванчику, который она ему указала. / / - Pierre, having made up his mind to obey his monitress implicitly, moved toward the sofa she had indicated. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace); 2) Ложась спать, он вспомнил, что она еще так недавно была институткой, училась, всё равно как теперь его дочь // Going to sleep, he recalled that she had been a student not so long ago, she had been studying, just like his daughter then(A. Chekhov - Ionych).

The dependent taxis of recurrence is implemented when the dependent form of taxis designates the S1 situation, which is oriented relatively to the S2 situation, which chronologically precedes the S1 situation and is represented by prop and independent verb form. An intervenient, contiguous or non-contiguous sequence is determined in dependence on presence or absence of a temporal span between the situations. The iconicity attribute is present in such constructions, as the sequence of the course of events is determined in them. For example: 1) Юра шел один, быстрой ходьбой

34 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017 опережая остальных, изредка останавливаясь и их поджидая. // Yura walked on alone, quickly getting ahead of the rest, stopping now and then to wait for them. (B. Pasternak. Doctor Zhivago); 2) Скорее, скорее и скорее, лише, лише и лише развертывался граф, то на цыпочках, то на каблуках, носясь вокруг Марьи Дмитриевны и, наконец, повернув свою даму к ее месту, сделал последнее па, подняв сзади кверху свою мягкую ногу, склонив вспотевшую голову с улыбающимся лицом и округло размахнув правою рукой среди грохота рукоплесканий и хохота, особенно Наташи. // Faster, faster, and faster; lightly, more lightly, and yet more lightly whirled the count, flying round Marya Dmitrievna, now on his toes, now on his heels; until, turning his partner round to her seat, he executed the final pas, raising his soft foot backwards, bowing his perspiring head, smiling and making a wide sweep with his arm, amid a thunder of applause and laughter led by Natasha. (L. Tolstoy - War and peace).


Speaking of iconicity in dependent taxis, it is important to note that the presence of iconicity attribute is determined by additional means as well as aspectual semantics (perfective or imperfective aspects). The absence of the iconicity attribute is determined by the disparity between the order of predicates and a substantial course of events.


R.O Jacobson was the first to introduce the term "taxis" to the academic world in order to determine the category of the verb, which "characterizes the communicable fact in regards to another communicable fact but with no reference to the fact of communication" (Jakobson, 1957) in his famous publication "Shifters, verbal categories and the Russian verb; as it is often mentioned by modern researches. Taxis by Jacobson is a grammatical category of the verb", which is represented by two forms. The first type includes forms of dependent taxisthat characterize the communicable fact in regards to another (general) communicable fact. These forms cannot be used in the text on their own. Another type of forms includes the forms of independent taxis that do not characterize the communicable fact in regards to another communicable fact but correlate this fact to the fact of communication. Dependent taxis has been defined as "expression of different types of relations to independent verb, such as simultaneousness, precedence simultaneity, interruption, et cetera" (Bondarko, 1987).

Iconicity, as one of the general semiotic dominants of the language sign, is viewed in keeping with the concept by C.S. Peirce, who expanded the boundaries of the iconic signs functioning by the semiotic systems of art, demeanor, ethics, para-linguistics and artificial languages. C.S. Peirce introduced the term "iconic sign" (gr. eikon - depiction, image, resemblance) and developed its content (Pierce, 1938-1952). In the opinion of a number of scholars (Y.S. Stepanov, E.S. Kubryakova, A.E. Kibrick, V.A. Vinogradov, E. Benvenist), this fact could be explained by one-sidedness of this very theory as well as by its restraint in Saussurean model of language "by itself and for itself".

The amount of iconic signs is limited by the structure of units, which are associable by a metaphoric correlation between the signified and the signifier, while the category of iconicity itself is comprehended either as a resemblance between the sign and depicted object, which is similar in appearance as a characteristic of non-verbal signs, or as a characteristic of signs-symbols - a formulation of the similarity of connection between different elements of particular category.

35 Modern European Researches No 3 / 2017

R.O Jacobson works are connected with universalization of manifestations of iconicity in language; these works feature the description of semiotic relevance of iconicity in its correlation with index or symbolic tendencies of the development of linguistic signs. In accordance with Jacobson, a linguistic unit equally reflects the vectors of development of iconic, indexial and symbolic semiotic systems (Jacobson, 1983).

The urgency of the research is determined by the fact that the question of the linguistic sign iconicity remains deeply academic, contemporary, and is commonly debatable since Plato until nowadays. This problematic is not well researched in relation to taxis structures and this fact determines the academic novelty of this study.


As part of the study, we examined the distinctive features of the semantics of dependent taxis, discovered the essence of the iconicity attribute in structures with dependent taxis, as well as unraveled the possible absence of the iconicity attribute in a sentences with dependent taxis.

This study determines the theoretical aspects of the iconicity attribute in sentences with dependent taxis. We discovered that taxis includes the aspectual characteristic of actions correlated through time, and the possibility of its engagement with the cause-and-effect, adversative-concessive and other meanings. The dependent taxis characterizes the communicable fact in regards to another (general) communicable fact. Iconicity (or iconicity sign) is a sign that possesses a number of attributes, inherent for designated object and acts as an impression of course of events or a sequential arrangement of the situations within the timeline.

This study examines constructions with the dependent taxis and semasiology of simultaneousness and asynchronicity. Constructions with verbal adverb phrases with semasiology of simultaneousness occur in cases when conjoint actions in a sentence are process-driven, in other words, they act in dynamics of their elapsing. Depending on the character of relations to the bound of general and associated processes. The simultaneousness of processes, as well as simultaneousness of secondary process and primary integral fact distinguishes depending on the character of interactions to the bound of general and associated processes.


Practical and theoretical utility of this study lays in the possibility of its usage in lecture courses for general linguistics, workshops and special courses, which are concentrated on functional grammar, as well in researches regarding the semasiology and syntax of temporal poly-predicative constructions and in the course of typological analysis of taxis category. Students who study the functional grammar, as well as teachers who present this course, can make use of this research.


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