disturbed, such as locking the door, shutting the fire, or hiding the water. He goes back to his house, checks the whole place, and when he is sure he is in the place, he goes out quietly. After a short distance from the house, the dazzling points are still coming back and back home. He's crying because he's tired and never goes out. Of course, the patient looks at these symptoms and wants to get rid of them, but never can.
Occasionally, the patient appears to have logical disagreements. For example, when the car approaches, the car is suddenly frightened and retracted. Some patients' thoughts are like stabbing themselves or someone else, and they do not go near the knife or close it.
The neurosis of the brain, which does not go away from the brain, ceases to be effective in timely treatment. In some cases, it may take up to a few months or even years. There are also emotional illusions that can be traced to the remission: the patient will be well-versed for months, and then again will be thought-provoking. Contrary to neurasthenia and hysterical neurosis, thoughts that leave the brain tend to be chronic. Most patients, even after being cured, are more than happy to wait for the same symptoms.
1. Вышняк Г.Н. Геренерализованные заболевание пародонта. -Киев-1999-С.216.
2. Ziyonet.uz
УДК 615
Qodirova G.A.
Teacher of Kokand Medical College Uzbekistan, Kokand city HYPERTHY - A HIGH BLOOD DISEASE
Annotation: Hypertension is a chronic illness, the main symptom of which is permanent blood pressure. Hypertension is one of the diseases of the vascular dystonia.
Key words: hypertension, pathogenesis, adrenoreceptor, renin, diabetes, climacteric period, sphygmomonometer, koranoracclerosis, leech.
The main symptom of hypertension is associated with increased or minimal arterial pressure in the body or organs, without any organic changes, vascular tone control and heart failure.
The causes and mechanisms of the disease have not been determined yet. Important emphasis on the combination of hereditary tendencies and the influence of some external factors. Increased activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system and changes in the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors play a major role in the pathogenesis of hypertension. The occurrence of renal failure in the kidneys and arteriosclerosis (renin) in the blood is one of the important symptoms of the disease. Hyperthritic disease is characterized by hereditary factors, social
environment, occupational and cortical endocrine disorders (fat, diabetes, gonadas disorder, especially in the climatic period, etc.).
At the stage of functional disturbances, it is noted that headache (not continuous, at the end or after many nervous periods), periodic dizziness, seruminess, and good sleep.
Arterial pressure does not increase continuously, but usually it depends on anxiety, stress, fatigue. In this period, the arterial pressure figures are less than normal. It is recommended to measure arterial pressure 2-3 times in both hands. This allows you to get accurate numbers. Because of the excitement of the patient and the reflective shrinkage of the vessels, sphygmomethometers may be higher than the true value of the arterial pressure.
The development of the brain is associated with dizziness, severe headache, brain hemorrhage, and stroke.
Heart type - myocardial infarction is subjective and objective characteristic of atherosclerotic coronarosclerosis. Finally, the renal insufficiency progresses gradually when renal function is violated.
In the case of hypertension, it is often the case of a hypertonic crisis - a characteristic of new symptoms or an increased symptom. Various adverse events (such as fatigue, severe exhaustion, heat-up, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking) or certain patterns of hypertension may cause dizziness, headache, increased arterial pressure. Sometimes it was just the same, the patient would vomit, suddenly become weak and lose consciousness. Due to brain hemorrhage disorders may cause speech and speech. In severe cases, the brain is transfused (stroke). Hypertension can develop in heart failure, with cardiac arrhythmia as the main symptom of cardiac pulmonary myocardial infarction. Hypertension can be a safe (slow-moving) or hazardous (fast-acting). When it comes to symptoms, all the thoughts are related to the safe appearance of hypertension. Hazardous appearance is fast and severe, especially for 2-3 years and sometimes months.
This type of disease is characterized by major clinical manifestations such as strong headache, dizziness. Arterial pressure is very high, and sooner or later, the organism changes in the cardiovascular system. The left ventricle is more disturbed and the left ventricle is exposed to hypertrophy. The disease does not go through any stages, and suddenly the organic phase changes. Most of the time, kidney failure develops swelling, the function of the scan is disrupted, numerous pathologic changes in the urine, anemia occurs. When treating a dangerous type of hypertension, it can be safely used.
At the stage of functional disorders, sanatorium-prophylactic treatment is of great benefit: rest, sleep, diet, sedatives and water treatment.
During the hypertonic crisis, first and foremost, it is necessary to maintain the physical and psychological well-being of the patient, the lungs, the calmness, the light in the bedroom lying on the bed. For the muscle, 20 mg of 25% solution of magnesium sulfate or 1% 1 ml of dibazole is administered intravenously.
Hypertension is often caused by leeches in the teatcups of myocardial
bones. One loin poured 10 ml of blood and about 30 ml of blood flowed to the lungs (not only to remove blood from the bloodstream, but also to blood-specific substances - goutin that reduces blood clotting). Honeysuckles have pain relief, distracting effects, and good headache. In addition, they produce blood more slowly than in blood. Leeks are stored in a water jug and sold in pharmacies.
Before placing a loaf, wash the place with warm water and soap (it is not recommended to rinse with alcohol). The lemon juice in the skin starts to ask for blood and after suction it is migrated, leaving a small wound on the spot where it is sterile.
It is important to keep in mind that care for patients with hypertension should be peaceful. Any factor that can adversely affect the patient (strong light, noise, nervousness) should be eliminated. The patient's nutrition needs to be quickly digested, rich in vitamins, and the patient should learn to eat less frequently. Cannot eat salted things, canned food, veterinarian. Patients traveling outside in the open air will have a positive impact on their health.
1. Бутрова С.А. Метаболический синдром: патогенез, клиника, диагностика, подходы к лечению//Русский медицинский журнал.-2001-№2.-Т.9.С.56-60..
2. Вышняк Г.Н. Геренерализованные заболевание пародонта. -Киев-1999-С.216.
330.11: 332.24.012.32
Rakhmatov D.N. assistant Achilov O.R.
assistant Umarov U.X. student
Tashkent institute of railway engineers Tashkent, Uzbekistan GLOBALIZATION, GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AND MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS
Annotation: The article analyzes the role of TNCs in the system of the world economy. The author tries to answer the question, what is the phenomenon of TNCs, and how should we treat this phenomenon of our time.
Key words: Globalisation, multinational corporation,ideological confrontations, technologichal innovation,democratization,measures.
Аннотация: В статье анализируется роль ТНК в системе мировой экономики. Автор пытается ответить на вопрос, в чем заключается феномен ТНК, и как следует относиться к данному явлению современности.