
HYPERTEXT AS A RESULT OF SEMANTIC COMPRESSION IN THE TEXTS OF WEB 2.0 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
hypertext / semantic compression / social networks / hashtags / гипертекст / семантическое сжатие / социальные сети / хэштеги

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Alekseev A.V.

The article is dedicated to the study of the process of semantic compression. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that in modern society there is an increasing number of texts on social networks. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to understand the new format of communication in the media space, in particular, to understand the influence of certain lexical units on events in the world and their display. Special attention in the article is paid to component analysis, which is applied in relation to tokens expressed in the form of hashtags. It is emphasized that it is hashtags that are a new stage in the implementation of the process of using hypertext. Through comparative analysis, the difference in the understanding of the term “linguistic compression” is determined, highlighting the broad sense of the use of this concept and the narrow one – directly linguistic.

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Статья посвящена исследованию процесса семантической компрессии. Новизна исследования видится в том, что в современном обществе растет количество текстов в социальных сетях. Актуальность исследования определяется необходимостью осмысления нового формата коммуникации в медиапространстве, понимания влияния тех или иных лексических единиц на события в мире и их отображение. Особое внимание в статье уделено компонентному анализу, который применяется по отношению к токенам, выраженным в виде хэштегов. Подчеркивается, что именно хэштеги являются новым этапом в реализации процесса использования гипертекста. Посредством сравнительного анализа определяется различие в понимании термина «языковая компрессия», выделяется широкий смысл употребления этого понятия и узкий – непосредственно лингвистический.


Библиографический список

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13. Панков Ф.И. Грамматика наречия: постановка проблемы. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. 2015; № 4 (18): 64 - 68.

14. Шереметьева Е.С. Сфера действия отыменных релятивов: типы контекстов. Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология. 2015; Т. 14; № 9: 59 - 65.

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17. Шведова Н.Ю. Опыт описания типов сообщения в опоре на дейктические единицы языка. Русский язык. Избранные работы. Москва: Языки славянской культуры, 2005: 562 - 586.

18. Арутюнова Н.Д., Ширяева Е.Н. Русское предложение. Бытийный тип: структура и значение. Москва: Русский язык, 1983.

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20. Хорук К.М. Роль обстоятельств образа действия в организации семантической структуры русских простых предложений. Автореферат диссертации. кандидата филологических наук. Новосибирск, 2010.

21. Дегальцева А.В. К вопросу о возможности определительных наречий выступать в роли актантов пропозиции. Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия: Филология. Журналистика. 2020; Т. 1; Выпуск 2: 173 - 178.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 28.01.21

УДК 811.111

Alekseev A.V., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, English Language Department No. 6, Moscow State Institute of International Relations

(Moscow, Russia), E-mail: alexander1990alekseev@gmail.com

HYPERTEXT AS A RESULT OF SEMANTIC COMPRESSION IN THE TEXTS OF WEB 2.0. The article is dedicated to the study of the process of semantic compression. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that in modern society there is an increasing number of texts on social networks. The relevance of the research is determined by the need to understand the new format of communication in the media space, in particular, to understand the influence of certain lexical units on events in the world and their display. Special attention in the article is paid to component analysis, which is applied in relation to tokens expressed in the form of hashtags. It is emphasized that it is hashtags that are a new stage in the implementation of the process of using hypertext. Through comparative analysis, the difference in the understanding of the term "linguistic compression" is determined, highlighting the broad sense of the use of this concept and the narrow one - directly linguistic.

Key words: hypertext, semantic compression, social networks, hashtags.

А.В. Алексеев, канд. филол. наук, доц., Московский государственный институт международных отношений (МГИМО МИД РФ), г. Москва,

E-mail: alexander1990alekseev@gmail.com


Статья посвящена исследованию процесса семантической компрессии. Новизна исследования видится в том, что в современном обществе растет количество текстов в социальных сетях. Актуальность исследования определяется необходимостью осмысления нового формата коммуникации в медиапро-странстве, понимания влияния тех или иных лексических единиц на события в мире и их отображение. Особое внимание в статье уделено компонентному анализу, который применяется по отношению к токенам, выраженным в виде хэштегов. Подчеркивается, что именно хэштеги являются новым этапом в реализации процесса использования гипертекста. Посредством сравнительного анализа определяется различие в понимании термина «языковая компрессия», выделяется широкий смысл употребления этого понятия и узкий - непосредственно лингвистический.

Ключевые слова: гипертекст, семантическое сжатие, социальные сети, хэштеги.

The rapid development of the Internet at the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century, which marked the emergence of computer-mediated communication, more forcefully attracts the attention of both foreign and domestic linguists to such an issue as the study of the language of various genres of Internet communication. Due to the fact that this phenomenon has not yet been fully studied, the terminology has not yet been strengthened, there is no verified system and a universal approach to the study of genres of computer-mediated communication, some of which have been formed, while others are subject to the process of formation. This issue becomes extremely relevant for subsequent research and throws scientists new challenges, significantly expanding the research area for further linguistic analysis [1].

Having rapidly become an integral part of the life of modern society, Internet communication attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign philologists and linguists, among whom L.Yu. Shchipitsina, E.I. Goroshko, A.A. Atabekova, L.F. Kom-pantseva, G.N. Trofimova, O. V. Lutovinova, S. Herringidr, D. Crystal, B. Belainin, A. Fonseca, F. Sadat, K. Simeon and R. Hilderman. One of the main features of virtual communication texts is a limited number of characters, which determine the morphological, lexical and syntactic specifics of this discourse. In English, the phenomenon of "abbreviated language" used in SMS texts and Internet discourse is called txtslang [2].

In this regard, it is important to take into account the fact of language compression in the language. According to A.P. Atyagina, in the Internet discourse, compression is implemented at four main levels: grapheme, lexical, syntactic and semantic. The last layer is the most interesting, as it displays the semantic vector and structure of the entire text.

At the level of semantics, language compression is associated with the following categories: implicitness, presuppositions, latent meanings, context. Of primary importance is the pragmatic preconditions of the text, based on the extralinguistic knowledge of the recipients. An increase in the value of implicit expressions of the connection leads to the lexical conciseness of syntactic units of the language, semantic completeness. In addition, implication expresses an emotional state, polysemy, pun, etc. This can be seen by examining the Mitsubishi advertising slogan, which is quoted by A.B. Shokina in her work "Language Compression in Advertising Text": "New Colt. Where will you go by it? " In this case, two provisions are immediately implicit. Firstly, other people drove it somewhere. Secondly, the fact is known that the addressee of the message will definitely go somewhere on it. This type of implicit information acts as a starting assumption, or setting a question. This element of the semantics of the question can be qualified as information that appears as a consequence of any possible answer, except negative [3].

According to the explanatory translation dictionary of L.L. Nelyubin, semantic compression is the reduction of repetitive semantic components and configuration of semantic components in utterance and message. The process of semantic compression is based on the omission of differential semantic elements in connection with the transformation of a concept from a specific to a generic one when using a lexical unit of a broader meaning instead of a lexeme with a narrower one. Another variant of semantic compression is the use of deictic pronouns instead of auto-semantic lexical units. Separately, it should be noted that semantic compression is usually closely related to other types of compression [4].

According to A.P. Atyagina, semantic compression is one of the most productive and widespread ways of cutting information on the social network Twitter, expressed not only by adding links to the source of information, but also thanks to specific functional elements that provide the ability to use photographs, hashtags, a certain video sequence, etc. . In the messages of the social platform Twitter, users are forced to exclude irrelevant information regarding the situation. In everyday speech, there is background information framing the main sense of the message, in social networks in general and on Twitter in particular, we can often overlook the text, at first glance, torn from any conversation, while the information in the text is no longer supported by anything. Thus, no one will understand the text of a tweet without the appropriate extra-linguistic information that is necessary to understand the speech situation.

(1) #OccupyCentral

In this short message regarding the protest movement in Hong Kong, we cannot understand the situation and emotions that are implied in the text of one of the social networks. However, after studying the situation in China in 2014, it becomes clear that Hong Kongers would come to the main square of their city to defend their political interests. To understand the message, we have to follow the link, see the message there, and only then will the text make sense to us. The use of hashtags and their writing without spaces allows actors to compress the text of the message and mark the event.

In this case, a number of tokens are missing from Occupy Central District of Hong Kong with Love and Peace in order to express political point of view. Sometimes the #OccupyCentral token was even more compressed at the graphical level up to #OCLP (Occupy Central with Love and Peace).

The message in the above case represents, according to the terminology of Marvin Minsky, a lacunar frame [5]. This phenomenon can have a different linguistic nature, but in general it represents the omission of a significant part of the text: even if the excluded information is understandable for knowledgeable people, it does not lose its semantics in context. Thus, in the texts of users of the social platform Twitter, one can regularly note a violation of the Maxim of quantity by Herbert Paul Grice: " Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of the exchange)", " Do not make your contribution more informative than is required [6]. " ... In this regard, information can be either generalized, unclear, or overly specific, being out of context [7].

So, we see that semantic compression can be considered both in a narrow (directly linguistic) sense (according to A.B. Shokina and L.L. Nelyubin), and in a broad sense with the possibility of including photographs, audio series, video series , graphics, etc. (A.P. Atyagina). It is important to distinguish between these two conceptions, so as not to face confusion in terminology, because it is the broad sense of conception of semantic compression that is closely related to the concept of hypertextuality. Today there is an intensive stylistic development of new forms, types and means of communication. Departing more and more from the material component of the book, the traditional text acquired new forms of compositional organization, which is based on the structure of hypertext transitions, which sufficiently transformed both the semantic and formal structure of the text, which contributed to the materialization of various types of intertextual connections.

The presence of hypertext in many ways becomes the broadcast of information in various formats. In the 60s of the XX century, Jacob Nielsen understood hypertext as the designation of texts that have an electronic form, as a fundamentally new method of information technology at that time and an absolutely new method of publication [8]. The most famous definition of hypertext is given in computer manuals: "Hypertext is text linked to other texts." Vadim Petrovich Rudnev's Dictionary of Culture of the 20th Century gives another definition: "Hypertext is a text arranged in such a way that it turns into a system, a hierarchy of texts, simultaneously constituting a unity and a multitude of texts [9]". Tatyana Igorevna Ryazantseva understands hypertext as "a special type of written communication, a special form of organization of a written text, mediated by a computer environment and characterized by the process of nonlinear writing and reading [10]"

Research issues of hypertext as a semiotic-linguistic element of mass media communication were also presented in the works by Russian researchers N. S. Volgina and I.R. Galperin on the topic of informational and structural characteristics of a certain text and semiotic techniques of information compression [11, 12].

The obligation to provide the initial text with sources of hyperlinks leading to other information elements (text, auditory and graphic) can affect the text generation in general. Transitions, which can be characterized by non-trivial semantic connections between the object and the source of the link, begin to act as one of the most defining features of semantic coherence within the Internet discourse. They mainly appear in cases where the text does not have a "printed" analogue, that it is formed with a vector for exclusively network use. At the same time, the likelihood of a quick transition to another text on the Internet can be the reason for the laconicism of the initial text [13].

Hypertext realizes the circulation of semantic hypertrophy in the media space. The communication process functions within the framework of a fragmented and plural discourse, which is steadily expanding, embracing new formats of information transfer (text ceases to be only text in form, often including photos, video and audio, acting as its components). The mass media, which were designed to systematize large data streams and implement expedient communication, taking on the role of a component of the computer networks of the Internet, at the present stage of development only increase the asymmetry and lack of motivation of the interaction process. Hypertext appears in the role of both the consequence and the main expression of the idea of postmodernism, presenting a certain metaphysical construct that makes it possible to demonstrate the essence of the gap and shift in the humanities. A fragmentation process takes place to achieve the subsequent collage effect. In the conditions of unstructured, separately existing elements of life, a nonlinear text, decentralized in space, brings together many meanings into a single whole in diachrony, ensuring the integrity of the perception of a certain event, phenomenon or action. Thanks to clip

Fug. 1. Hypertext as a result of semantic compression

thinking, which is gaining more and more popularity today, hypertext is also becoming extremely popular. On the other hand, hypertext contributes to fixing the outgoing meaning in the form of movable links-transitions in order to avoid a strictly established order [14]. The absence ofacertainpart of the textbecomes latent, sinceit canbe found by a hyperlink, because the text becomes anchored to images, audio and video files, which eieeshhereaiaisnt oStoadereeraeption sS t he inhsrmatioo reseiveacom the media. Thus, a particular interest awakens a fundamentally new type of organization of information components, which can be expressed both in text and video and audio informatien.eniennPivefermefrhixemoreS ieerpanizmtion oOtde preseetedenitm in the hypertext system [15].

Based on the above information, we see that hyoartsxS teeceSaicedtsnttefiestc the semantic compression that A.P. Atyagina spoke about. Having considered all points of view, we e^^t^dt^ oompileataЫesbewingseraantic comdressiopasspro<sns of hypertext creation.

HashtegsiideePfioЫeer Irtemstntre of words \ni№Ocxs^xto^gn<^m tobm ics, have been introduced on the social platform Twitter to facilitate effective communication. Hashtags start with a hash symbol, which showcases various themes such as # f4f, #eiedien|eeAGA,#BLMidOeysormnsnot onlpanfemp, botaisoensmo-tional state, a certain action, an official association or a corresponding event. They are essentialfor seprcrnngenn extraxtse ^r^nOTmetbs^nd

advertising. Hashtags quickly entered the everyday life of Internet users, subsequently spreading to many social platfonmo, ^с^петт^^^, eahnbodkiFl¡cnrilnstactemi Pintem est and Tumblr [16, 17].

Thereforel e demonstate №e etocnss of semaxtic eom ptesbbo, we will uxe the hashtag as the most vivid lexical unit, which ultimately appears in modern virtual communication as a hypertext. One of the brightest hashtags of the past decade is # Kony2012. mednrd¡ngnos-voraeidemonWccompreesion, hhefelbw¡sg shsuid ba oot-

Библиографический список

ed. The graphic includes all images (photos and posters on social media) that display a graphic call to stop the actions of the accused Ugandan war criminal Joseph Kony. The video sequence includes the film "Kony 2012" (where it closely matches the audio sequence)andallvideosonsimilartopics.

With regard to verbal semantic compression, one should first of all note the very explicit component of this message, which is expressed directly in the text # Kony2012. As the example shows, it will be difficult for someone unfamiliar with the events in Uganda and the crimes committed by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) soldiers to understand the message. The only thing that a recipient who is not immersed in this topic can determine is the year 2012, during which this action took place. At the same time, even with regard to the second part of the lexical unit -2012, the explicit information will be incomplete, since 2012 expresses not only the date of the event to capture the criminal, but also 20 cultural figures and 12 political figures who have given global coverage to this topic [18]. In addition to this element, the entire lexeme # Kony2012 is implicit, since it is also the result of the abbreviation of the phrase Stop Kony in 2012.

Semantic compression in modern virtual communication can be considered both in a narrow sense - directly verbal information, which can be implicit and explicit, and in a broad sense, where text is perceived in combination with audio, video and graphic series. In addition, it should be noted that language compression is a process that leads to the formation of a semiotically capacious lexical unit, which is hypertext in nature. Social networks play an important role in the modern world, providing a large selection of texts for analysis, which are then easy to verify. In the media space in general, and on the Internet of the second generation in particular, lexemes, expressed in the form of hashtags, which reveal the picture of an event, often become translators of hypertext. It is the study of hypertext through the component analysis presented in the workthatismostfullycapableofcharacterizinga certainphenomenon.

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2. Атягина А.П. Твиттер как новая дискурсивная практика. Диссертация ... кандидата филологических наук. Омск, 2014.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 30.01.21

УДК 82

Alieva Sh.A., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Department of Second Foreign Language, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dagestan State University (Makhachkala, Russia), E-mail: shabakhu@mall.ru


In the ballad "The Death of Muslim Atayev", dedicated to the famous revolutionary, M. Akhmedov paints an objective picture of the brutal murder of M. Atayev during his last interrogation, where the author moves from the private to the general, from reflections on the event to reflections on the fate of an entire nation. After the final establishment of Soviet power, M. Atayev was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for his active participation in the struggle for Soviet power and military exploits. Despite his military and public services, M. Atayev was among those whose activities were completely discredited by the authorities. The dictate of I. Stalin, whom the poet calls "an all-knowing man", but pretending to "know nothing", is carried out by loyal executioners in the person of statesmen L. Beria and N. Yezhov. Through the memories of the revolutionary M. Atayev, which flash in his mind during the interrogation, M. Akhmedov reveals a fairly objective picture of the 30-40s of the political life of Dagestan and the country as a whole.

Key words: Magomed Akhmedov, poem, death of Muslim Atayev, hero M. Atayev, repressions, Stalin's dictatorship, executioners L. Beria and N. Yezhov.

Ш.А. Алиева, канд. филол. наук, доц., Дагестанский государственный университет, г. Махачкала, E-mail: shabakhu@mail.ru


В балладе «Смерть Муслима Атаева», посвященной известному революционеру, М. Ахмедов рисует объективную картину жестокого убийства М. Атаева во время последнего его допроса, где автор переходит от частного к общему, от размышлений над событием к раздумьям о судьбе целого народа. После окончательного установления советской власти М. Атаев был награжден орденом Красного знамени. Но, несмотря на боевые и общественные заслуги, М. Атаев оказался в числе тех, чья деятельность подверглась полной дискредитации со стороны властей, осуществляемой в лице государственных деятелей Л. Берии и Н. Ежова - верных палачей диктата И. Сталина, которого поэт называет «всезнающим человеком», но притворяющимся «не знающим ничего». Через воспоминания революционера М. Атаева, которые мелькают в его сознании во время допроса, М. Ахмедов рисует довольно объективную картину политической жизни Дагестана 30 - 40-х годов и страны в целом.

Ключевые слова: Магомед Ахмедов, поэма, смерть Муслима Атаева, герой М. Атаев, репрессии, диктатура Сталина, палачи Л. Берия и Н. Ежов.

Проблемы «человека и общества», часто поднимаемые М. Ахмедовым в своих произведениях, безусловно, связаны с политическими проблемами, политической средой, с определенными событиями, но М. Ахмедов умеет максима-лизировать эти события до философского уровня и раскрывать их через собственные чувства и мысли [1 - 6]. Однако в балладе «Смерть Муслима Атаева», посвященной известному революционеру, М. Ахмедов отходит от своих устоявшихся правил. В балладе мы видим объективную картину жестокого убийства М. Атаева во время последнего допроса, и здесь автор переходит от частного к общему, от размышлений над событием - к раздумьям о судьбе целого народа: Рагьулел-къалелруго Туснахъалъулкаваби... Чархит1а ккола г1ащт1и, Г1орал чваххулабидул. Инкъилабикъбалгиун, Унтунбугобалагьалъ БериягиЕжовги Жужах1 г1уц1улел руго. «Открывают, закрывают Ворота тюрьмы Точат острее топор, Реки крови текут Революция, лишившись удачи, Заболела бедой, Берия и Ежов Строят ад» [1, с. 622].

В поэме речь идет о 30 - 40 гг., когда в стране начались массовые политические репрессии, когда политические деятели начали преследовать, обвинять

в измене родине своих же единомышленников. Выходец из селения Хунзах Гу-нибского округа (ныне Хунзахского района), Муслим Атаев был революционером, успешным государственным и партийным деятелем. Он участвовал в составе 2-го Дагестанского конного полка в сражениях Первой мировой войны, в 1919 г организовал для борьбы с контреволюционными силами аварский партизанский отряд. После окончательного установления советской власти М. Атаев был назначен комиссаром Нагорного Дагестана, работал наркомом внутренних дел, военным комиссаром Дагестана и председателем Дагестанского совета физической культуры при Главном управлении всеобуча Народного комиссариата образования. За активное участие в борьбе за советскую власть и боевые подвиги он был награжден орденом Красного знамени. Но, несмотря на боевые и общественные заслуги, М. Атаев оказался в числе тех, чья деятельность подверглась полной дискредитации со стороны властей.

В самом начале баллады «Смерть Муслима Атаева» М. Ахмедов обращает внимание читателя на тотальную политическую давку, которая проходила в форме психологического пресса в народе. Приказы диктата И. Сталина, которого поэт называет «всезнающим человеком», но притворяющимся «незнающим ничего», выполняют верные палачи в лице государственных деятелей Л. Берии и Н. Ежова.

М. Ахмедов называет имена этих двух политических и строит вокруг них картину развития политической агрессии в стране. Многочисленные метафоры, сравнения, метанимии усиливают характерную для автора философичность произведения, его психологический пафос.

Кагътал - гьерсазул кагътал, Гъудузгъул бас гьабурал -Гъудузул улкая лъе эркенлъи бегьуларо. Бегьула бегьу, хъарахъ,

i Надоели баннеры? Вы всегда можете отключить рекламу.