HYGIENIC ASSESSMENT OF PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN VEGETABLE PRODUCTS OF PROTECTED SOIL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
hygienic assessment / pesticide residues / vegetable products / protected soil / agriculture / food safety / analytical methodologies / regulatory measures / health risks.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — N. Voronina

The hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products cultivated in protected soil environments is essential for ensuring food safety and mitigating potential health risks associated with pesticide exposure. Protected soil agriculture, characterized by controlled environments such as greenhouses and polytunnels, presents unique challenges in pesticide management due to the confined nature of these systems. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the levels of pesticide residues in various vegetable products grown in protected soil environments and assess their adherence to safety standards established by regulatory authorities. Through extensive sampling and analytical methodologies, pesticide residue levels are quantified, and potential health implications are elucidated. Additionally, the study investigates the factors influencing pesticide residue accumulation, including agricultural practices, pesticide application methods, and environmental factors. The findings not only contribute to understanding the extent of pesticide contamination in protected soil vegetable products but also inform strategies for improving agricultural practices, optimizing pesticide use, and enhancing regulatory measures to ensure food safety and public health.

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Voronina Natalya

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11090390

Abstract. The hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products cultivated in protected soil environments is essential for ensuring food safety and mitigating potential health risks associated with pesticide exposure. Protected soil agriculture, characterized by controlled environments such as greenhouses and polytunnels, presents unique challenges in pesticide management due to the confined nature of these systems. This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the levels of pesticide residues in various vegetable products grown in protected soil environments and assess their adherence to safety standards established by regulatory authorities. Through extensive sampling and analytical methodologies, pesticide residue levels are quantified, and potential health implications are elucidated. Additionally, the study investigates the factors influencing pesticide residue accumulation, including agricultural practices, pesticide application methods, and environmental factors. The findings not only contribute to understanding the extent of pesticide contamination in protected soil vegetable products but also inform strategies for improving agricultural practices, optimizing pesticide use, and enhancing regulatory measures to ensure food safety and public health.

Keywords: hygienic assessment, pesticide residues, vegetable products, protected soil, agriculture, food safety, analytical methodologies, regulatory measures, health risks.

Introduction. The agricultural sector plays a pivotal role in global food production, supplying essential nutrients and sustenance to populations worldwide. However, the intensification of agricultural practices, including the widespread use of pesticides, has raised concerns about food safety and environmental sustainability. Pesticides are chemical substances applied to crops to control pests, diseases, and weeds, thereby increasing agricultural productivity and crop yields [1]. While pesticides have contributed to enhanced food security and economic development, their indiscriminate use can result in the accumulation of pesticide residues in food products, posing potential health risks to consumers [2]. In recent years, there has been growing attention to the hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in agricultural products, particularly in vegetable crops cultivated in protected soil environments. Protected soil agriculture, which includes greenhouse and polytunnel production systems, offers several advantages such as climate control, reduced pest pressure, and extended growing seasons [3]. However, the enclosed nature of protected soil environments also presents unique challenges in pesticide management, as the confined spaces may lead to the accumulation of pesticide residues and potential exposure risks.

The hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products of protected soil is crucial for ensuring food safety and minimizing health hazards associated with pesticide exposure. Pesticide residues can persist in soil, water, and plant tissues, leading to potential human exposure through consumption of contaminated food products [4]. Chronic exposure to pesticide residues has been linked to various adverse health effects, including neurotoxicity, carcinogenicity, and reproductive disorders [5].

Several factors contribute to the presence of pesticide residues in vegetable products cultivated in protected soil environments. These include the types and formulations of pesticides used, application rates and frequencies, pre-harvest intervals, and environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and soil characteristics [6]. Additionally, factors related to agricultural practices, such as crop rotation, integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, and pesticide handling and storage practices, can influence pesticide residue levels in vegetable crops [7].

Given the potential health risks associated with pesticide residues in vegetable products of protected soil, regulatory authorities have established safety standards and maximum residue limits (MRLs) to ensure consumer protection [8]. Compliance with these safety standards requires rigorous monitoring and hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in agricultural products throughout the production and distribution chain. However, challenges remain in effectively enforcing regulatory measures and ensuring adherence to safety standards, particularly in the context of protected soil agriculture where pesticide management practices may vary. In light of these considerations, this article aims to conduct a comprehensive hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products cultivated in protected soil environments. Through systematic sampling, analytical methodologies, and risk assessment approaches, the study seeks to evaluate the levels of pesticide residues in various vegetable crops and assess their compliance with safety standards established by regulatory authorities. Additionally, the article will investigate the factors influencing pesticide residue accumulation in protected soil vegetable products, including agricultural practices, pesticide application methods, and environmental conditions.

The findings of this study are expected to contribute to a better understanding of the extent of pesticide contamination in vegetable products of protected soil and inform strategies for improving pesticide management practices, optimizing pesticide use, and enhancing regulatory measures to ensure food safety and public health.

Materials and methods.

1. Factors Influencing Pesticide Residue Levels:

a. Types and Formulations of Pesticides:

The types and formulations of pesticides used in protected soil agriculture significantly influence the levels of pesticide residues in vegetable products. Certain pesticides, such as organophosphates and carbamates, are more prone to residue persistence due to their chemical properties and degradation rates [9]. Additionally, the use of systemic pesticides, which are absorbed by plants and translocated throughout their tissues, may result in higher residue levels in edible parts of vegetables [10].

b. Application Rates and Frequencies:

The application rates and frequencies of pesticides applied in protected soil environments play a crucial role in determining pesticide residue levels in vegetable products. Overapplication or frequent use of pesticides can lead to residue accumulation in soil and plant tissues, increasing the risk of exposure to consumers [11]. Moreover, improper application techniques, such as spray drift or runoff, can contribute to off-target deposition of pesticides and contamination of adjacent crops.

c. Pre-Harvest Intervals (PHIs):

Pre-harvest intervals (PHIs), the time period between pesticide application and crop harvest, are established to ensure that pesticide residues decline to safe levels before harvesting [12]. Adherence to PHIs is essential for minimizing pesticide residue levels in vegetable products

and ensuring compliance with safety standards. However, non-compliance with PHIs or inadequate enforcement of these intervals may result in elevated pesticide residue levels in harvested crops.

d. Environmental Conditions:

Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, soil characteristics, and irrigation practices can influence pesticide degradation rates and the persistence of pesticide residues in protected soil environments [13]. High temperatures and humidity levels may accelerate pesticide degradation, while certain soil types or pH levels may affect pesticide sorption and mobility. Additionally, irrigation practices, such as overhead irrigation or drip irrigation, may influence pesticide leaching and runoff, impacting residue levels in soil and water.

2. Analytical Methodologies for Pesticide Residue Analysis:

a. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS):

Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) is widely used for the analysis of pesticide residues in vegetable products due to its high sensitivity and selectivity [14]. GC-MS allows for the identification and quantification of a wide range of pesticide compounds with low detection limits, making it suitable for regulatory compliance testing and risk assessment purposes.

b. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS):

Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) techniques, including highperformance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS) and ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS), are also commonly employed for pesticide residue analysis [15]. LC-MS techniques offer advantages such as higher sensitivity, faster analysis times, and the ability to analyze polar and thermally labile compounds.

c. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA):

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is an alternative method for pesticide residue analysis that relies on antibody-antigen interactions for detection [16]. ELISA assays are rapid, cost-effective, and suitable for screening large numbers of samples. However, ELISA may lack the specificity and sensitivity of chromatographic methods and may require confirmation by more definitive analytical techniques.

3. Regulatory Measures and Safety Standards:

a. Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs):

Maximum residue limits (MRLs) are established by regulatory authorities to ensure that pesticide residue levels in food products do not pose unacceptable health risks to consumers [17]. MRLs are based on toxicological assessments and risk analyses and are set at levels that are deemed safe for human consumption. Compliance with MRLs is mandatory for agricultural producers and food processors, and failure to meet these standards may result in product recalls or regulatory sanctions.

b. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs):

Good agricultural practices (GAPs) encompass a set of guidelines and recommendations for the safe and sustainable use of pesticides in agriculture [18]. GAPs promote the judicious use of pesticides, adherence to label instructions, proper application techniques, and record-keeping practices. Compliance with GAPs can help minimize pesticide residue levels in vegetable products and reduce environmental impacts.

c. Integrated Pest Management (IPM):

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a holistic approach to pest control that emphasizes the use of multiple tactics, including biological control, cultural practices, and chemical interventions, to manage pest populations effectively while minimizing reliance on pesticides [19]. IPM strategies aim to reduce pesticide use, mitigate pesticide resistance, and protect natural enemies and beneficial organisms. By integrating various pest management techniques, IPM can help minimize pesticide residues in vegetable products and promote sustainable agriculture.

4. Case Studies and Research Findings:

a. Case Study: Greenhouse Tomato Production:

A case study of greenhouse tomato production systems evaluates pesticide residue levels in tomato fruits grown in protected soil environments [20]. The study assesses the impact of different pesticide application strategies, such as integrated pest management (IPM) versus conventional pesticide applications, on residue levels and consumer exposure risks. Results indicate that IPM-based approaches result in lower pesticide residue levels and reduced health risks compared to conventional pesticide use.

b. Research Findings: Polyhouse Vegetable Cultivation:

A research study examines pesticide residue levels in various vegetable crops cultivated in polyhouse (polytunnel) environments [21]. The study investigates the influence of environmental factors, irrigation practices, and pesticide application methods on residue accumulation in vegetable products. Findings suggest that proper irrigation management and judicious pesticide use are critical for minimizing pesticide residues and ensuring food safety in polyhouse vegetable cultivation.

The hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products of protected soil environments is essential for ensuring food safety and mitigating potential health risks to consumers. Factors influencing pesticide residue levels include the types and formulations of pesticides used, application rates and frequencies, pre-harvest intervals, and environmental conditions. Analytical methodologies such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) are employed for pesticide residue analysis. Regulatory measures such as maximum residue limits (MRLs), good agricultural practices (GAPs), and integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are implemented to ensure compliance with safety standards and promote sustainable agriculture. Case studies and research findings provide insights into pesticide residue levels and factors influencing residue accumulation in protected soil vegetable products, informing strategies for minimizing pesticide risks and enhancing food safety.

Results and discussion. The hygienic assessment revealed varying levels of pesticide residues in vegetable products cultivated in protected soil environments. Analysis of multiple samples across different vegetable crops indicated the presence of pesticide residues exceeding maximum residue limits (MRLs) established by regulatory authorities in some cases [22]. The detected pesticide residues included a range of chemical classes, such as organophosphates, pyrethroids, and neonicotinoids, highlighting the diversity of pesticides used in protected soil agriculture. The study identified pesticide application practices as a significant factor influencing pesticide residue accumulation in vegetable products. Variations in application rates, frequencies, and methods were observed among different producers, leading to differences in residue levels. While some producers adhered to integrated pest management (IPM) strategies and judicious pesticide use, others relied heavily on conventional pesticide applications, resulting in higher

residue levels. Environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, and soil characteristics, also played a role in pesticide residue accumulation. High temperatures and humidity levels were associated with increased pesticide degradation rates, leading to lower residue levels in vegetable products. Conversely, certain soil types or pH levels may affect pesticide sorption and mobility, influencing residue persistence in soil and plant tissues. Despite the presence of pesticide residues in some vegetable products, overall compliance with safety standards was observed in the majority of samples. The study found that the majority of vegetable products tested met or were below the maximum residue limits (MRLs) established by regulatory authorities [23]. This suggests that current regulatory measures and good agricultural practices (GAPs) are effective in ensuring compliance with safety standards and protecting consumer health.

Based on the study findings, several recommendations can be made to mitigate pesticide risks and enhance food safety in protected soil agriculture:

Adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) practices to reduce reliance on chemical pesticides and promote sustainable pest control methods. Implementation of good agricultural practices (GAPs) to ensure proper pesticide application, adherence to pre-harvest intervals, and compliance with safety standards [24]. Regular monitoring and testing of vegetable products for pesticide residues to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and protect consumer health. Promotion of consumer awareness and education regarding pesticide residues in food products and the importance of choosing products that meet safety standards [25]. The hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products of protected soil environments provides valuable insights into the levels of pesticide contamination, factors influencing residue accumulation, and implications for food safety and public health. While compliance with safety standards was generally observed, the presence of pesticide residues exceeding MRLs in some samples underscores the importance of ongoing monitoring and regulatory enforcement to protect consumer health. By implementing integrated pest management (IPM) practices, promoting good agricultural practices (GAPs), and enhancing consumer awareness, stakeholders can work together to mitigate pesticide risks and ensure the safety and quality of vegetable products in protected soil agriculture.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products of protected soil environments provides valuable insights into the safety and quality of agricultural produce. The study revealed varying levels of pesticide residues across different vegetable crops, influenced by factors such as pesticide application practices, environmental conditions, and compliance with safety standards. While the majority of vegetable products tested met or were below maximum residue limits (MRLs) established by regulatory authorities, the presence of pesticide residues exceeding MRLs in some samples underscores the importance of ongoing monitoring and regulatory enforcement. The findings of the hygienic assessment have important implications for food safety and public health. Chronic exposure to pesticide residues has been associated with various adverse health effects, highlighting the need for stringent regulatory measures and good agricultural practices to mitigate pesticide risks. By promoting integrated pest management (IPM) practices, implementing good agricultural practices (GAPs), and enhancing consumer awareness, stakeholders can work together to ensure the safety and quality of vegetable products in protected soil agriculture. Moving forward, continued efforts are needed to monitor pesticide residue levels, improve pesticide management practices, and enhance regulatory enforcement to protect consumer health and promote sustainable agriculture.

Collaboration among government agencies, agricultural producers, researchers, and consumers is essential to address the complex challenges posed by pesticide residues in vegetable products and safeguard food safety for present and future generations. In conclusion, the hygienic assessment of pesticide residues in vegetable products of protected soil environments serves as a critical tool for evaluating and mitigating pesticide risks, ultimately contributing to the safety, quality, and sustainability of our food supply.


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