HYDRAULIC RESISTANCE OF DUST COLLECTOR WITH DIRECT-VORTEX CONTACT ELEMENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Электротехника, электронная техника, информационные технологии»

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Ключевые слова
flow rate / contact element / hydraulic resistance / resistance coefficient / quartz sand dust / gas flow / liquid film / reference angle / blade / cleaning efficiency.

Аннотация научной статьи по электротехнике, электронной технике, информационным технологиям, автор научной работы — Nasimbek Ahmadzhonovich Ergashev, Abdurasul Abdumazhidovich Davronbekov, Ismoiljon Latifjon Coals Khalilov, Abduraxmon Maxamadovich Sulaymonov

The article presents the results of an experimental study to determine the hydraulic resistance in a device in which the contact element generates a rotating current and to study its effect on the cleaning efficiency. The equation for determining the resistance coefficient of the contact element of the device is proposed and the correction coefficients are included, on the basis of which the values of the resistance coefficient are determined experimentally. Quartz sand dust was used as samples in the installation to study the influence of working bodies on the flow of dusty gases. Comparative graphs were constructed for different values of variable factors of hydraulic resistance and its effect on cleaning efficiency and based on optimal parameters.

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Nasimbek Abdurasul Ismoiljon Latifjon Abduraxmon

Ahmadzhonovich Abdumazhidovich coals Khalilov Maxamadovich

Ergashev Davronbekov Sulaymonov

Fergana Polytechnic Institute


The article presents the results of an experimental study to determine the hydraulic resistance in a device in which the contact element generates a rotating current and to study its effect on the cleaning efficiency. The equation for determining the resistance coefficient of the contact element of the device is proposed and the correction coefficients are included, on the basis of which the values of the resistance coefficient are determined experimentally. Quartz sand dust was used as samples in the installation to study the influence of working bodies on the flow of dusty gases. Comparative graphs were constructed for different values of variable factors of hydraulic resistance and its effect on cleaning efficiency and based on optimal parameters.

Keywords: flow rate, contact element, hydraulic resistance, resistance coefficient, quartz sand dust, gas flow, liquid film, reference angle, blade, cleaning efficiency.


For the efficient carrying out of technological processes at industrial enterprises, dusty gases and air must be cleaned of dust. Mixers, dispersants and most metabolic devices cannot function properly without effective gas and dust removal schemes [1,2,3].

Currently, the following methods are used to clean dusty gas mixtures: Sedimentation by gravity;

Centrifugal sedimentation; deposition in electric fields and other forces; filtration; wet cleaning.

The most effective of these methods of analysis is wet cleaning, which is currently widely used in industry and in this area there are many studies [4, 5, and others]. For example, when using this type of device, the dust stream will come into contact with a liquid in a droplet form or an aqueous film. Due to its hydrophilic properties, the powder adheres to the surface of the liquid and is removed from the device with it.

It also has the ability to capture very fine particles (down to 0.1 microns) and a high degree of purity (up to 99%). However, the formation of a liquid sludge when

using this type of device and the additional energy required for its re-cleaning, which requires additional research in this area. One of the main technical requirements when creating new devices for cleaning dusty gases in a humid environment is to ensure high cleaning efficiency with minimal liquid consumption and, therefore, reduce energy consumption. Based on the foregoing, numerous studies on the design of devices for cleaning and neutralizing wet dusty gases by the wet method, their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed, on the basis of which a structural diagram of a device generating a swirling flow of a contact element was developed (Figure 1). [6] In order to study the influence of the hydraulic resistance of the developed device on the cleaning efficiency and energy consumption, its hydrodynamic modes were theoretically and experimentally investigated. Figure 2 shows the design diagram of the device.

1 - fan; 2 - electric motor; 3 - metal pipe; 4,10,19 - flanges; 5 - dust loader; 6 - dust feeder; 7.18 - Prandl tubes; 8 - air or dusty gas inlet branch pipe; 9 - gate; 11 - pump; 12 - valve; 13 - water meter; 14 - branch pipe for supplying working fluid (water); 15 - gas flow swirler; 16 - nozzle for supplying working fluid (water); 17 - water jet bump stop;

20 - anemometer; 21 - autotformer (LATR); 22 - tachometer.

Pic. 1. Dust collector with direct-flow vortex contact elements.

Pic. 2. Design scheme of the working element Theory and research method

In theoretical studies, the total hydraulic resistance affecting the flow of dusty gas moving in a device in which a contact element generates a rotating flow can be written using the design equations given in the literature [7, 8] and according to the design scheme of the device for section A - A , Pa;

AP = p + P2 (1)

where is the total hydraulic resistance of the installation, Pa; P1 - hydraulic resistance at the entrance of dusty gases into the apparatus and up to

the swirling contact element. P1 - can be determined by the following formula, Pa;


P = £ PcMec (2)

where: u1 is the gas velocity at the entrance to the apparatus before the swirling contact element. ^ - local hydraulic resistance of the gas at the entrance to the apparatus and the sub-vortex contact element.


where l is the length of the pipe, m; de - equivalent pipe diameter, m; X is the Darcy coefficient, which is determined by the following equation:

i-0,3164 (4) in this case, equation (3) looks like;

a,vse (5)

Substituting equation (5) into equation (2), we get the following equation, Pa;

p = 0,3164/UiVcMec (6)

1 2d3 vRe ()

P2 - hydraulic resistance on the contact swirling element of the apparatus, is determined by the following formula, Pa;


p2 = £2 (7)

where u2 is the loss of gas velocity due to the resistance of the contact swirling element, m / s; ^ - coefficient of hydraulic resistance of the contact swirling element is determined empirically.

PCMec - the density of the mixture of dust and gas, which is determined by the


following equation. kg /m3

PcMec =PZ + (Pu * /) (8)


"5 -5

where pmix - dust density, kg / m ; pg - air density, kg / m ; - the amount of dust contained in the air,%.

Substituting equations (6) and (7) into equation (1), the equation for determining the total hydraulic resistance of the device is determined as, Pa;

2d3 VRe *2 2 (9)

Using the obtained equation (9), we can determine the total hydraulic resistance in the device.

Determination of the drag coefficient in equation (9) is difficult and requires simplification.

In this case, the following equation was obtained to determine the coefficient of resistance in relation to the total area of the blades of the contact element to the conductive surface, and a correction factor was introduced.

a 7 4nR2


nabsin 0

where n is the number of blades; a, b - the length of the side of the blades; p is the angle of inclination of the open surface through which the gas flow passes to the contact element; Ak is a correction factor determined experimentally.

It can be seen from this equation that an increase in the angle of inclination of the open surface between the blades of the contact element leads to a decrease in the drag coefficient.

Based on the above factors, changing the equation (9), it will be possible to determine the total hydraulic resistance of the device as follows: Pa;

AP = 0,3164^ec +Ak 2R 2»pc

2d vRe nabsin 0 ( )

The total hydraulic resistance affecting the fluid in the B-B section of the apparatus can be written in the following form.

Pa AP^ = PT + Pm (12)

where, PT is the geometric pressure in the pipe where the fluid is moving is determined by the following equation, Pa

Pt =pgH (13)

where: p is the density of the liquid, kg / m ; g - acceleration of gravity, m / s ; -height of liquid levels, m;

Psh - is the density of the fluid lost through the hole, which is determined by the Darcy-Weisbach equation, Pa

32 ■p

Pju = C , na (14)

where: uc is the speed of fluid flow through the holes; m / s; £sh is the resistance coefficient for fluid flow through the holes, depends on the thickness of the nozzle hole and the diameter dsh of the nozzle.

In this case, to determine the velocity of the liquid flowing through the opening of the apparatus, we use the Bernoulli equation and assume that the pressure in the pipe Pk and the pressure in the opening of the plug are equal. Without it, equation (12) can be written as follows, Pa;

•v2 • P

p =£ Vc Pc (15)

w 2 V /

From the obtained equation (15), we determine the speed of fluid movement, m / s;

V £

V ^ w

From (16) the equation can be used to determine the flow rate of the liquid flowing


through the shunt opening of the device, m / h;

Vc =

2gH (16)

Q = 3600&K2

2 gH



Experimental results

Values of variable factors for determining the hydraulic resistance of the device: liquid flow rate Qzh = 0.07 - 0.253; 0.071 - 0.295; 0.072 - 0.327 m3 / h, nozzle diameter dsh = 2; 2.5 and 3 mm, gas velocity ug = 7.07 m / s up to 28.37 m / s, intermediate step 4 m / s, inclination of the working body of the contact element, giving mobility to movement, gas flow rate a = 30o; 45 ° and 60 ° [9.10].

Quartz sand dust was used in the experiments. Laboratory studies have been carried out to determine the dispersed composition of dust [11,15].

According to its results, the density of quartz sand dust and gas was calculated

-5 -5

pmix = 1.89 kg / m , per 1 m of air according to GOST-22551-77, the amount of quartz dust is 345.4 mg / m3 [12].

In the device, the coefficient of local resistance at a distance from the dusty gas inlet to the device and the contact element forming the coil is taken equal to 0.7 [7]. The resistance coefficient in the contact element was determined experimentally for various values of the variable factors. Accordingly, the angle of inclination of the surface through which the gas flow passes sinp = 60o, the resistance coefficient of the contact element at £ = 1.1 and the correction factor Ak = 0.91; the angle of inclination of the surface through which the gas flow passes sinp = 45o, the resistance coefficient of the contact element at £ = 1.3 and the correction factor Ak = 0.81, as well as the angle of inclination of the surface through which the gas flows sinp = 30o, the resistance coefficient of the contact element at £ = 1.5 and the correction factor Ak = 0.68. In this

case sinp = 60o, the overall resistance coefficient of the device - the angle of inclination of the surface through which the gas flow passes, is equal to 1.8; sinp = 45o is 2 and sinp = 30o is 2.2.

Experiments were carried out to determine the hydraulic resistance of the device. Experimental studies have shown the effect of a mixture of silica sand dust and air on the hydraulic resistance of the device. The experimental results are shown in Figures 3, 4 and 5.

ap,rn. Ha



6 Â

5 / M

\2 M



a=60°H pT= 1,89 Kr/m3-const

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a=45° h pr=1,89 Kr/M3-const


at dm =2 mm Q^=0,07 m /nac;


at dm =2,5 mm =0,071 m /nac;


at dm =3 mm =0,072 m /nac;


at dm =2 mm =0,253 m /nac;


at dm =2,5 mm Q^=0,295 m /nac;


at dm =3 mm =0,327 m /nac.

Fig. 3-5. Dependence of the hydraulic resistance of the fluid supply device APp.zh. on the gas velocity ug - const)

Figures 3 - 5 show the effect of a mixture of gas and quartz sand on hydraulic resistance. The data show that the gas velocity in ug = 7.07 ^ 28.37 m/s, an intermediate step of 4 m / s and the inclination of the working body of the contact element, providing a reciprocating movement of the gas flow a = 30o; for 45o and 60o at the smallest and largest load, the hydraulic resistance is as follows: the minimum values of the fluid flow


dw = 2mm, Ql = 0.07 m / h - const for Ppw = 668 Pa are increased to 910 Pa. The intermediate step a = 30o and 45o on the working surface is equal to APsb = 106 Pa, at a = 45o and 60o it is equal to APp.zh = 136 Pa. The intermediate step - a = 30o and a = 45o between the working surfaces APp.zh = 127 Pa, a = between 45o and a = 60o

a=30° h pr=1,89 Kr/M -const


corresponds to APp.zh = 141 Pa. At dsh = 3 mm, Qzh = 0.072 m / h - there is a constant increase in resistance from APp.zh = 737 Pa to 1036 Pa. The intermediate stages are a = 30o and a = 45o, among the working surfaces the hydraulic resistance is APp.zh = 153 Pa, at a = 45o and 60o it is equal to APp.zh = 146 Pa.

A high load of hydraulic resistance was observed from APp.zh = 1106 Pa to 1425


Pa at the maximum values of the liquid flow rate dsh = 2 mm, Ql = 0.253 m / h - const. The intermediate step was APp.zh = 153 Pa between the values a = 30o and a = 45o of the working surface, and APp.zh = 166 Pa between the values a = 45o and a = 60o. dsh =


2.5 mm, Qzh = 0.295 m / h - const for APp.zh = 1136 Pa to 1502 Pa. The intermediate step was APp.zh = 197 Pa between the values of the working surface a = 30o and a = 45o, between the values of a = 45o and a = 60o, APp.l = 169 Pa, dsh = 3 mm, Ql = 0.327 m3 / h. An increase in APp.zh = 1170 Pa to 1574 Pa was observed at - const. The intermediate step was APp.zh = 220 Pa between the values a = 30o and a = 45o of the working surface, and APp.zh = 184 Pa between the values a = 45o and a = 60o. The intermediate step was APp.zh = 197 Pa between the values of the working surface a = 30o and a = 45o, and the values between a = 45o and a = 60o were APp.zh = 169 Pa, and


dsh = 3 mm, Ql = 0.327 m / h with an increase in APp.zh = 1170 Pa to 1574 Pa was observed at - const. The intermediate step was APp.zh = 220 Pa between the values of a = 30o and a = 45o of the working surface, and APp.zh = 184 Pa between the values of a = 45o and a = 60o.

The following empirical formulas were obtained using the least squares method for the graphical relationships shown in Figures 3; 4 and 5 [13].

Results in coal a=60 - const


y = 0,8468x2 - 0,4903x + 0,436 R2 : = 0,9996 (18)

y = 0,8691x2 + 0,302x - 3,0465 R2 = 0,9998

y = 0,8859x2 + 1,3697x - 9,0306 R2 = = 0,9993 (20)

y = 1,1181x2 + 9,4488x - 57,21 R2 = 0,9998 (21)

y = 1,0916x2 + 11,641x - 68,262 R2 = 0,9998 (22)

y = 1,0756x2 + 13,601x - 77,946 R2 = 0,9998 (23)

Results in coal a = 45o - const

y = 0,9056x2 + 3,9202x - 25,503 R2 = 0,9983 (24)

y = 0,9235x2 + 4,802x - 28,392 R2 = 0,9992 (25)

y = 0,9302x2 + 6,0296x - 33,118 R2 = 0,9997 (26)

y = 1,2453x2 + 12,519x - 77,957 R2 = 0,9997 (27)

y = 1,2643x2 + 13,017x - 74,367 R2 = 0,9997 (28)

y = 1,2542x2 + 15,044x - 78,952 R2 = 0,9999 (29)

Results in coal a = 300 - const

y = 1,0743x2 + 2,9391x - 22,428 R2 = 0,9972 (30)

y = 0,9876x2 + 8,4388x - 49,312 y = 0,9808x2 + 10,967x - 55,717 y = 1,197x2 + 21,567x - 129,93

y = 1,1793x2 + 24,901x - 141,53 y = 1,1289x2 + 28,985x - 152,25

R2 = 0,9975 R2 = 0,9986 R2 = 0,9981 R2 = 0,9994 R2 = 0,9998






The results of experiments to determine the hydraulic resistance and research work by K.T.Semrau [1] were used to study the efficiency of cleaning the device. It is known from K.T.Semrau's research that the cleaning efficiency depends on the hydraulic resistance of the device. In this case, all energy costs must be spent on cleaning dusty gases using liquids [12,13]. Based on the above, the influence of the hydraulic resistance of the equipment on the cleaning efficiency was investigated.

In the experiments, the following variable limits, the diameter of the liquid nozzle dw = 2, 2.5, and 3 mm [11, 16], the liquid flow rate Qzh = 0.070 - 0.295 m3 / h,


increased the interval to 0.060 m / h, the blades of the contact element are installed on the working pipe with an angle of inclination a = 30o; The number of blades installed on the 45o and 60o contact element is increased to 12, the gas velocity ug = 5 - 25 m / s, the


intermediate step is increased to 5 m / s. Gas density pmix = 1.89 kg / m , per 1 m3 of air according to GOST-22551-77, the amount of quartz dust is 345.4 mg / m3. The temperature of the water-gas system was set at 20 ° C ± 2, taking into account the

influence of the external environment during the experiments.

■tj, %

.1Ш 57 94 91 S® 85


0.07 0.09 0.1.1 0.1.3



Fig. 9.

1-пыль кварцевого песка;

Fig. 10.

1-пыль кварцевого песка;


0,07 0;09 0,11 0,J3 0,15 D_17

fiji: M'/cost

Fig. 11.

1 -quartz sand dust;

at dm=2 mm Q^=0,07 M3/nac; at dm =2,5 mm =0,071 M3/nac; at dm =3 mm =0,072 M3/nac; at dm =2 mm =0,253 M3/nac; at dm =2,5 mm =0,295 M3/nac; at dm =3 mm =0,327 M3/nac.

Fig. 9-11. Dependence of the cleaning efficiency n on the liquid flow rate Ql

Based on the results of the experiments, comparative graphs of the influence of hydraulic resistance on the cleaning efficiency were constructed. (Figures 9-11). Taking into account the multivariate nature of the experiments, the graphs were built for various values of the liquid flow rate and for loads with low and high gas velocities.

From the data shown in Figures 9-11, it can be seen that the angle of inclination of the blade of the contact element installed on the working pipe is a = 60o, the liquid flow


rate Qzh = 0.070 ^ 0.295 m / h for the lower limit of the gas velocity. The efficiency of quartz sand dust removal is 86.17 ^ 96.81%, and the efficiency of quartz sand dust removal for the upper limit of the gas velocity was 94.81 ^ 98.62%.

The angle of inclination of the blade of the contact element a = 45o, the liquid flow


rate Qzh = 0.070 ^ 0.295 m / h for the lower limit of the gas velocity, the efficiency of cleaning silica sand dust from 90.28 ^ 97.65% and the efficiency of collecting silica sand dust for the upper limit of the gas velocity was 95.6 ^ 98.9%.

The angle of inclination of the blade of the contact element is a = 30o, the liquid


flow rate is Ql = 0.070 ^ 0.295 m / h for the lower limit of the gas velocity, the efficiency of quartz sand dust removal is 92.65 ^ 98.9%, and the efficiency of dust removal of quartz sand for the upper limit of the gas velocity was 96.7 ^ 99.9%.

The following empirical formulas were obtained using the least squares method for the graphical dependencies shown in Figures 3.9-3.11 [13,17].

At the angle of inclination of the blade of the contact elements installed on the working tube, a=60o,

1)y = 79,208e1,205x R2 = 0,9991 (36)

2)y = 90,766e0,4993x R2 = 0,9857 (37)

At the angle of inclination of the blade of the contact elements installed on the working tube, a=450;

1)y = 81,695e1,0239x R2 = 0,9964 (38)

2)y = 92,114e0,423x R2 = 0,993 (39) At the angle of inclination of the blade of the contact elements installed on the

working tube е, «=30°;

1)y = 86,537e1

2)y = 94,141e1


R2 = 0,9877 R2 = 0,9915


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From the experiments carried out to determine the hydraulic resistance and study its effect on the cleaning efficiency, it can be concluded that an increase in the reference angle of the contact element moving in the gas flow in the device provides for a thickening of the liquid layer of the film. But this led to a decrease in the working surface. Conversely, a decrease in the reference angle leads to a thinning of the liquid film layer and an increase in the working surface. This, in turn, led to an increase in hydraulic resistance. In addition, a change in the speed and density of the gas supplied to the device also significantly affects the hydraulic resistance. As a result of the increase in hydraulic resistance, the cleaning efficiency increased, but the energy consumption used to clean the dusty gas increased. Therefore, it is important to achieve maximum cleaning efficiency with minimum values of hydraulic resistance [14, 18]. When designing an industrial version of the device, it is recommended to take into account the average size of dust emitted by industrial plants.


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