HOW TO MOTIVATE THE RUSSIAN RESEARCHER TO HIGH SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS? Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
criteria for evaluating the results of scientific and intellectual activity / enterprises of high-tech industries / science / mechanism for evaluating the results of the work of scientists / premiums for academic degrees / financial incentives for scientists
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Rimskaya O.

Joint-Stock company «Research Institute of railway transport», Russia, Moscow

Kranbikhler V.

legal counsel of the Union «Tomsk chamber of Commerce and industry», Russia, Tomsk



Keywords: criteria for evaluating the results of scientific and intellectual activity, enterprises of high-tech industries, science, mechanism for evaluating the results of the work of scientists, premiums for academic degrees, financial incentives for scientists


In recent years, the attention of Russian authorities is focused on innovation, research and development, and the expected results should carry new knowledge, high benefit in comparison with the previously created products. Today, science is a highly competitive field of activity; four centers of scientific progress have emerged in the world: The United States, the European Union, China, and Japan. Russia is not included in this group, it lags behind the USA in R&D spending by 17 times, by 12 times from the European Union, by 6.4 times from China and Japan and by 1.5 times from India1.

The Russian government, understanding the situation and wanting to bring the country to a new stage of technological development, legally secured the prioritized directions of the development of science and technology by a Decree of the President of Russia2. The Decree also contains a list of critical technologies that determine the country's innovative development in the near future.

In achieving the desired results, human resource capacity plays a key role in the creation of new products or knowledge. At the same time, over the past three decades, there has been a tendency towards a reduction in the number of researchers in Russia, unlike other countries that are actively expanding the research field of activity (China, South Korea and Germany) and trying to maintain the number of research workers3.

The average monthly salary of Russian scientists in 2018

Moscow St.Peters burg Novosibirsk Russia


Executives Deputy Heads Principal Researchers Junior Researchers Researchers

Figure 1.

The average salary of researchers in Russian organizations in 2018

Analysis of the performance assessment of scientific organizations and individual scientists in Europe, the USA and China showed that a change in evaluating the effectiveness of scientific and technical activities is now taking place. It is based on a transition from a quantitative analysis of scientometric indicators to a qualitative assessment of research and development

1 Boycheva A.A. Funding of scientific researches. - https://scienceforum.ru/2015/article/2015011814

2 Presidential Decree N 899 of July 7, 2011. «On approval of the priority directions of development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation and the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation». - https://base.garant.ru/55171684/

3 Sokolova A.A. Analysis of research activities in Russia: problems and prospects. - https://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/40EVN216.pdf; doi: 10.15862/40EVN216

results; evaluation of the social effect of the results obtained; a combination of internal and external audit of scientific performance; transition to a budgeting system based on performance1.

In Russia, the state is the main investor in research and development activities; therefore, Russia finances research and development much less than other countries. Besides budget revenues, venture financing and grant financing for research projects can be considered instruments for additional financing of scientific activities.

The website of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge shows the average monthly salary of researchers (depending on their position) in Russian organizations in 20182.

According to Rosstat of Russia, the average salary in 2018 in Moscow was fixed at 89,318 rubles or 1374 $ per month. The average annual exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble in 2018 was 62.93 rubles3. It should be noted that the highest salaries in Russia for all types of professions are observed in Moscow4.

The histogram in Figure 2. shows the change in the average salary of the Researcher profession in Russia in 20 1 95. The figures show that the research profession in Russia is not highly paid. This situation does not improve from year to year, but on the contrary, there is a decrease.

Figure 2.

Salary of the Researcher in Russia in 2019

Below is the data on the annual salary of scientists specializing in «Data Scientist» in Europe. We collected salary data from Glassdoor from 10 countries in Europe to find out.

Data Scientist

Annual salaries In EUR

E 100





Austria Italy Ireland Spain France Netherlands Belgium United Kingdom Germany Switzerland

Junior level 1 Senior level

Figure 3.

Annual salary for researchers specializing in «Data Scientist» in Europe in 2018

1 Gusev A.B. et al. Monitoring and assessment of scientific performance: Foreign experience and Russian practice // Management of science and scientometrics. - http://sie-journal.ru/assets/uploads/issues/2018/1 (27)_04.pdf

2 Martynova S.V., Tarasenko I.I. Average monthly salary of employees of scientific organizations by positions: January - June 2018. -https://issek.hse.ru/news/223448297.html

3 The exchange rate of the US dollar in 2018. - https://ratestats.com/dollar/2018/

4 Salary of researchers in 2018. - https://infinica.ru/zarplata-nauchnyih-sotrudnikov-v-2018-godu.php

5 Average Salary Over the Last 12 Months: Researcher in Russia. - https://russia.trud.com/salary/692/76653.html#chart-avgSalary


The figure plots mean nominal salaries per year by country and seniority. Junior level salaries range from EUR 37,200 per annum in Italy to over EUR 88,400 per year in Switzerland. Together with Switzerland, Germany and the UK, with over EUR 50,000 per year, are part of the leading group. With wages over EUR 100,000 for senior positions, Switzerland stands out strongly from the other countries1.

Monthly salary Data Scientist

8000 -7367

7000 -

6000 -


5000 -4367

4000 3000 2000 1000 0

3800 3783

3100 3267 3492 3283

Mil ill

Figure 4.

Monthly salary for researchers specializing in «Data Scientist» in Europe in 2018

If we compare the maximum monthly salary of an Executive in Moscow to 3372 euros and the average European salary of an ordinary researcher to 3736 euros (Fig. 4), the comparison is not in favor of the Russian head, let alone ordinary researchers.

It is well known, that reporting on targeted financing includes many aspects, one of which is publication of scientific papers on the results of scientific research conducted in the framework of scientific projects at the expense of grantors2.

Therefore, ensuring the quality level of the scientific and intellectual activities of scientists and their research and development work at high-tech enterprises in Russian industry can be viewed in two aspects3:

In connection with an increase in the competitiveness of Russian science as a whole;

To assess the research results achieved by research and production organizations.

It is clear that these aspects are interrelated.

1. Literature review

In a market economy an important factor in the development of an enterprise is the quality-to-price ratio of the goods. Having modern equipment, well-built production process and the necessary raw materials do not mean that a company will operate successfully. Its competitors may possess the same resources. The tiebreaker is the last, most important and unique resource: the human resource. The Maslow pyramid4, well known to each student and manager, describes the different levels of human needs from basic physiological needs to the needs of the highest level, such as self-realization. Abraham Maslow was a psychologist, and from the point of view of an individual personality, he correctly structured and described the needs of a person. Any person works in a team, however, so it is important to find the perfect combination of personal and collective motivation. A systematic approach to staff motivation involves solving the problem of creating conditions for personal and career growth, as well as the professional development of employees. Thus, motivation is a process of internal influence on a person in order to incite them to certain actions by awakening certain motives in them. Motivation is aimed at changing the existing situation, and stimulation with incentives is aimed at consolidation of the results, but they complement each other. The essence of the difference between stimulation and motivation lies in the fact that stimulation is one of the external means by which motivation can be achieved. According to theories of motivation, the process of stimulating labor can be divided into two general levels: internal and external5.

The intrinsic motivation includes independently created factors that influence people, encouraging them to behave in a certain way or move in a given direction. In the case of competent enterprise management, in order to strengthen the self-motivation of employees, the human resource management develops an intangible incentive system, which is a part of the company's overall management. The result, as a rule, is a decrease in staff turnover, loyal and motivated personnel, an increase

1 Data Scientist Salaries in Europe in 2018. - https://www.datacareer.de/blog/data-scientist-salaries-in-europe-in-2018/

2 Simachev Y., Zasimova L., Kurbanov T. Grant Research Support in Russia: What Can We Learn from the Russian Science Foundation First Grant Competition? Foresight and STI Governance. 2017. - Vol. 11, N 4. - P. 74-83.

3 Feoktistova O.A. The results of scientists' work: Government's tools of quality incentives. - https://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/ 110EVN514.pdf

4 Kibanov A. Y. et al. Motivation and stimulation of labor activities. - Moscow, NITS INFRA-M, 2015. - 524 p.

5 Gubarev R. V. Analysis of modern theories of motivation and incentives // Bulletin USUES. Science. Education. Economy. Series: Economy. 2014. - N 1 (7). - P. 239-246. - cyberleninka.ru/article/n/analiz-sovremennyh-teoriy-motivatsii-i-stimulirovaniya-truda

in the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole, the creation of a strong human resource reserve. In this case, both the employees and the company benefit.

Equally important is external motivation: remuneration, praise, career advancement and punishment for misconduct (demotivation). And if the most obvious external measures lead to an immediate and powerful impact, but most often they act for a short time, then internal factors act deeper and longer, as they are inherent in the people themselves.

External motivation (stimulation) can act in two forms: administrative (intangible) and economic (tangible: monetary and non-monetary).

Administrative motivation means the execution of work under direct coercion with disciplinary sanctions for violation of the established norms.

Economic motivation is carried out through economic incentives: wages, bonuses, dividends and non-monetary incentives (sanatorium vouchers, housing, a company car, free food, mobile phone coverage, a gym membership, a place in kindergarten, a trip to a children's camp). With this kind of motivation, the manager needs to know which methods may induce a particular employee to do the work qualitatively and on time: these can be either a timely payment for work, bonus, praise or other kind of moral encouragement. Accordingly, the human resource management of the enterprise develops a motivational core for each key employee, having previously processed the results of the employee survey. It is needless to remind that the survey should be developed professionally and include questions on the motivation system as a whole.

In economical science and in practice it is known about the existence of numerous motivational schemes, but in this article we will touch on one of the most explicit components of the system of material monetary incentives, well-known among the employees of many Russian universities, research institutes and innovative enterprises, a premium for a scientific degree1.

Statistics show that since 1989, more than 1.2 million highly qualified scientists and specialists have left Russia for foreign countries. First of all, candidates and doctors of science who had a high citation index and were characterized by their colleagues as leaders of scientific schools and research areas emigrated. For example, according to expert estimates, as early as 1996, 50 of the 100 most famous Russian scientists in the field of natural sciences lived and worked abroad2.

The Russian government is trying to solve this problem, but so far to no avail. But foreign funds are successfully recruiting Russian scientists, offering them long-term contracts and a modern research base. Most of the migrated scientists do not return to their homeland3.

In general, modern trends in remuneration in Russian science are characterized by a number of problems and contradictions, without solving which the effectiveness of state policy in relation to the development of human resources will remain low. In this regard, it is proposed to apply the concept of «effective contract». The research was conducted in the framework of the project «conducting research on the state of science and technology, directions and tools for its state regulation; development of information and analytical materials based on the results of research» at the Higher school of Economics in Russia in 20174.

In the last decade, a trend in research on working conditions has been the study of the content of the work of scientists around the world. This is due to sustainable labour migration between countries. For Russia, this is primarily a «brain drain». Within the framework of the project «Formation of proposals for improving the remuneration of scientific staff», a review was made containing up-to-date information about available vacancies in the labor market in more than 90 countries in a variety of specialties, as well as the proposed salary level for each specialty and position. In addition, detailed analytical information concerning the level of wages is carried out by research on the labor market of scientists and researchers in many countries of the


The mechanism for appointing a science degree premium has undergone significant changes over the past 30 years. The target audience receiving this premium has changed. For example, nowadays, full-time employees of scientific research institutes and scientific organizations financed by the federal budget cannot count on a legal premium for a degree. Since September 1, 2013, Paragraph 4, p.3 of Law No. 127-FZ «On Science and the State Science and Technology Policy»6, lost its legal force. It used to establish monthly payments for a degree to employees who hold full-time positions for which scientific degrees are required in accordance with the qualification requirements.

According to the Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation» dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ7, since September 1, 2013 payments for academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science to university teachers are now included in the salary. In addition, premiums for academic degrees were awarded by the professors who have degrees relevant to the subject being taught.

1 Shmatko N.A., Volkova G.L. Sluzhba ili sluzhenie? Motivatsionnye patterny rossiiskikh uchenykh [Service or Ministry? Motivational patterns of Russian scientists] // Foresight. 2017. - Vol. 11, N 2. - P. 54-66.

2 Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Emigration of Scientists and Highly Qualified Specialists from Russia: Trends, Consequences and Governmental Policy // Sociology: Scientific and Theoretical Journal / Belarusian State University. 2016. - N 4. - P. 18-27.

3 Naumova T. V. Emigration of scientists from Russia: integration into the global scientific community or maladaptation? -https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/emigratsiya-uchenyh-kak-indikator-sostoyaniya-sovremennoy-rossiyskoy-nauki

4 The dynamics of remuneration in Russian science and the problems of regulation. Information and analytical material. November 2017. - https://issek.hse.ru/data/2018/01/11/1160579101/flHHaMHKa%20onnaT^i%20Tpyga%20B%20poccHHCKoft%20HayKe.pdf

5 Ushakova S.E., Boychenko T.A. International monitoring of the level of remuneration of scientific personnel on the example of the information resource Payscale // Science. Innovations. Education. 2018. - N 3 (29).

6 Federal Law of August 23, 1996 N 127-FZ «On Science and the State Scientific and Technical Policy». - https://legalacts.ru/ doc/federalnyi-zakon-ot-23081996-n-127-fz-o/

7 Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ «On Education in the Russian Federation». - http://xn--273--84d1f.xn--p1ai/zakono datelstvo/federalnyy-zakon-ot-29-dekabrya-2012-g-no-273-fz-ob-obrazovanii-v-rf

It would be unfair not to mention the role of the Russian government in supporting scientists. At the beginning of 2016, the average salary of researchers ranged from 37 to 50 thousand rubles per month (500-675 euros). This amount was similar to the national average for the specified time. In 2018, a program to increase the salary of researchers was announced and two decrees were published that said that the average salary would increase to 200% of the average for the region1. However, as we can see in Fig. 1, the average value of the trend line of the salary of ordinary researchers in Russia is 671 euros.

The most intensive growth in the average monthly salary of researchers was recorded in some regions of Russia, where it increased by 5.3% compared with the beginning of 2015. The changes affected all scientists. As for the senior, junior and leading scientists, their salary increased by 4.5%. The salary of the management increased by 18.6%2.

Regarding employees with academic degrees working at the enterprises with non-state capital (or with partial state participation), the payment of premiums for the degree was not regulated by law; it remained at the discretion of the management of these enterprises and was determined by the terms of the collective agreement, employment contract and local acts of the employer. This situation has persisted to the present and at a disadvantageous position shows the wealth of Russian scientists in front of foreign colleagues.

2. Materials and research methods

For the purpose of the study, the results of which are set forth in this article, criteria and a mechanism for evaluating the results of scientific and intellectual activity of employees of high-tech enterprises have been proposed with the aim of setting a premium for a degree. Essentially, a premium is a stimulating payment, which is awarded for the specific merits of an employee in a specific period (usually a calendar year). There are quite a few types of bonuses and they are aimed at solving various incentive tasks. In this article, we consider the evaluation criteria we developed and the mechanism for calculating the size of the premium for a degree in enterprises of any high-tech industry in Russia.

It is worth noting that Russian universities for a long time have had criteria for evaluating the results of the scientific work of professors. In many large organizations (both with private and state capital), criteria and mechanisms for encouraging scientists have also been developed and applied.

It is especially important in the process of developing criteria for evaluating the results of scientific and intellectual activities of employees to observe the following principles:

Objectivity - the size of remuneration of an employee should be determined based on an objective assessment of the results of their work, as well as on their achieving collective results of work;

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Predictability - the employee must know what remuneration they will receive depending on the results of their work, as well as for achieving collective results of work;

Adequacy - the remuneration must correspond to the labor contribution of each employee to the result of collective labor;

Timeliness - the reward should follow the achievement of results;

Transparency - the criteria for awarding the remuneration should be accessible and understandable to everyone.

The incentive premium for a degree, the size of which is arbitrary is not regulated by law and depends on the capabilities of the enterprise, is differentiating in its nature.

The first prerequisite for receiving the premium is having a scientific degree in the appropriate field. For high-tech enterprises, it is obvious and expedient to award bonuses for academic degrees in the fields that coincide with the main areas of the enterprise's activities: technical, physical and mathematical, military, economic and legal.

The second obligatory and necessary prerequisite is registration in the Russian Science Citation Index on behalf of the enterprise and acquisition of a SPIN-code. This condition serves as an important link between the enterprise and the employee, showing the affiliation of the employee to the enterprise, and ensures the quality level of the scientific activities as a whole. It is widely known in the scientific community that registration of patents and scientific publications of both the organization and individual scientists forms a scientific information pool that facilitates attracting orders for scientific and experimental development, receiving grants, and provides official data (as required by law) for statistical reporting.

The third prerequisite is the inclusion of scientific articles released over the past calendar year in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI), Scopus, Web of Science, with the obligatory indication of the author's affiliation with the current place of employment (the name of the enterprise). Thus, official statistics on the scientific activities will be accounted for and accumulated.

It should be noted that among the Russian scientific community there is a certain and largely justified skepticism regarding publications in foreign scientometric databases. It is justified by the lack of clear criteria for assessing the quality of publications, the inconsistency of the Russian scientometric assessment of the quality of scientific work with international standards. The pursuit of high performance in the RSCI was due to the need to specify the Hirsch index when applying for grants of Russian scientific foundations, which, among other things, requested data on the Hirsch index in the Scopus and Web of Science3 databases, which is completely absurd. The Russian scientometric system for assessing the quality of research work can only be applied to Russian organizations and scientists and is in no way correlated with foreign databases.

This issue is being discussed at various levels of the scientific community and a reasonable decision is expected.

1 Presidential Decree No 59 of May 7, 2012. «On measures to implement the state social policy». - https://base.garant.ru/70170950/

2 Salary of researchers in 2018. - https://infinica.ru/zarplata-nauchnyih-sotrudnikov-v-2018-godu.php

3 Funk D.A. Scientometrics and evaluation of publications in social sciences and humanities // Siberian historical studies. 2016. -N 1. - P. 8-26. - https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/naukometriya-v-otsenke-kachestva-publikatsiy-v-sotsialnyh-i-gumanitarnyh-naukah

3. Research results

Let us proceed to the consideration of the criteria for evaluating the scientific work of doctors and candidates of science, according to the input list of specialties, for appointing a premium for a scientific degree.

For doctors of science:

Scientific publications: at least 3 publications, one of which is in a journal included in the list of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles or 1 monograph (allowed in collaboration), or 2 publications (in English) in journals included in foreign scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science (allowed in collaboration).

The Hirsch index of 5 and above.

Participation as an opponent in theses defenses.

Reviewing of scientific articles, writing reviews for abstracts of dissertations, theses (at least 2).

Acting as a research adviser for a candidate of science (a requirement for doctors of science. The validity period of points for this criterion is 2 years).

For candidates of science:

Scientific publications: at least 2 publications in a peer-reviewed journal; or 1 publication and 1 research report registered in the established manner; or 1 publication in English, in a journal indexed in the foreign scientometric databases Scopus or Web of Science (allowed in collaboration).

The Hirsch index of 3 and above.

Reviewing scientific articles or writing reviews for abstracts, theses (at least 1 review).

Anticipating the question of a competent reader about "closed publications," we propose that publication activity on closed developments be taken into account according to a certificate from a responsible person of the organization, for example, a scientific secretary.

To obtain the integrity of the assessment of the results of scientific work, it is advisable to take into account participation in Russian and foreign conferences, forums, congresses, workshops (as a speaker for doctors of science or as a listener or a speaker for candidates), advanced training courses, and seminars on the relevant fields of study. Of course, the presentation of the results of scientific work at these events is very important, but there is often a question of secondment and paying an employee's participation, which is not always possible in the organization for several reasons (lack of funds in the organization, impossibility of the business trip for work or family reasons, etc.). Due to these circumstances, as well as taking into account the opinion of employees of innovative enterprises, this criterion was excluded from the formula for calculating the premium.

It is also necessary to clarify that patents for inventions are also products of scientific activities; however, to calculate a differential premium for an academic degree, we suggest equating a patent to a scientific publication indexed in international scientometric databases (for example, Scopus or Web of Science), following the economic meaning of the premium itself and the principle that one and the same work cannot be paid twice.

The law establishes the payment for obtaining a patent in the form of royalties from the employer's funds1. However, patents are included in general official statistics and it is a significant contribution to the cumulative results of scientific work.

For the purity of the experiment, it is useful to clarify the requirements for scientific publications.

A publication is a published work, prepared in compliance with academic standards for the composition and design of the text, published in print or placed in electronic scientific journals with ISBN or ISSN.

Publications include:

- scientific monographs in Russian and foreign languages;

- articles in peer-reviewed Russian scientific journals,

- articles in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals.

The attestation commission existing at the enterprise is also entitled to include as publications:

- chapters in scientific monographs in Russian or foreign languages;

- textbooks, teaching aids;

- articles in collections of articles;

- articles in collections of materials of international conferences, provided that these collections are indexed in the Scopus and/or Web of Science databases;

- articles in peer-reviewed collections of materials of international conferences, if the reviews are available;

- scientific reports on research and development projects with state registration, in which the company is a contractor or co-contractor;

- unpublished articles, but accepted for publication (if there is a certificate from the publisher).

As part of the procedure for evaluating publication activity, publications do not include:

- preprints;

- translations of scientific text from a foreign language;

- electronic textbooks and teaching aids;

- educational and methodical complexes;

- editing of textbooks, teaching aids, collections and journals.

1 Decree N 512 of June 4, 2014 «On the approval of rules, payments of remuneration for service inventions, service utility models, service industrial designs». - https://base.garant.ru/70670918/

The authoring team in scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals should not exceed 4 people - a requirement solely to avoid false write-ins. It is not a secret that in practice there are mediocre articles with a team of 8 or more authors. This requirement does not apply to published research reports.

As an exception, the Commission has the right to give a positive recommendation on the compliance with the criteria for evaluating publication activity based on the outstanding work of the researcher. The criteria for recognizing the work as outstanding are determined by the commission and may include the number of citation of the work, the quality of the journal in which the work is published, awards received by the researcher for publishing the work.

Having ensured the fulfillment of the entry conditions and the observance of the criteria, we proceed to discuss the mechanism for calculating the incentive premium for a scientific degree (Table 1).

Table 1

The mechanism for calculating the allowance for a scientific degree

Criterion Criterion weight in points Note

Candidate of science Doctor of science

1. At least 1 publication in a peer-reviewed journal (or 1 monograph (can be co-authored), 1 scientific report registered in the established manner) 50 50 -

2. At least 2 publications, one of which in a journal included in the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (1 monograph (can be co-authored), 1 scientific report registered in the established manner) 40 - 40

3. 1 publication in English, indexed in the foreign scientometric databases Scopus and/or Web of Science (can be co-authored) 50/35 50 35

4. Successful experience of being a scientific advisor to a doctor or candidate of science The scores of this criterion are valid for 2 years. - 25

Total: 100* 100*

* 100 points = Established amount 1 (in rubles) for doctors of science / Fixed amount 2 (in rubles) for candidates of sciences. Source: own development of authors/

The formula for calculating the premium:

Premium = (Number of points * Size of premium) / 100 (1)

Thus, an employee can independently calculate the size of the premium and transmit the document-backed information to the responsible person for the purpose of receiving the premium. In the period established by the order of the enterprise, the applicant shall submit information with supporting documents and scoring.

The size of the monthly premium in the new calendar year depends on the number of points gained by the applicant during the previous year.

The points for the incentive premium are calculated once a year (based on the results of the previous year) and the premium is paid out in the current year on a monthly basis, in equal shares in a fixed amount.

It should be noted that the premium for an academic degree is paid only for the actual hours worked.

To increase the effectiveness of scientific work and the involvement of the employees without scientific degrees (usually research engineers) and graduate students, it is advisable to introduce an incentive system for this category of employees.

Criteria for assessing scientific activity:

1. The registration of the author of the publication in the RSCI on behalf of the Enterprise.

2. Availability of scientific publications*, per year:

1 publication in a peer-reviewed journal (or 1 scientific report registered in the established manner).

The mechanism for calculating the incentive premium is presented in Table 2.

Table 2

The mechanism for calculating the incentive premium for employees without a degree

Criterion Criterion weight in points

1. Registration of the author in the RSCI and other scientometric databases on behalf of the enterprise 20

2. A publication in a peer-reviewed journal included in the RSCI (or 1 scientific report registered in the established manner). 50

3. Participation in Russian and foreign conferences, forums, congresses, workshops as a speaker, refresher courses, seminars in the relevant field. 10

Total: 100*

* 100 points = Established amount 3 (in rubles). Source: own development of authors/

The calculation formula, requirements for publications and the payment mechanism are the same as for the employees with scientific degrees.

The established amounts of 1, 2 and 3 are specific differentiated sums of money determined by the enterprise, based on financial capacity and internal policy and enshrined in the collective agreement.

4. Discussion

Changing the objective position of people affects their interests, hence such an important reason as resistance to innovation. In an organization, resistance can manifest itself openly or be latent. Any leader would prefer open resistance, when it is clear that people are dissatisfied, and what measures need to be taken to achieve a result. Much worse is the latent form of resistance, when everyone seems to agree, but innovations are not implemented and the results are not achieved.

As practice shows, employees of pre-retirement and post-retirement age are particularly sensitive to innovations, as they hope to continue their work in the same, understandable and comfortable conditions. However, the 21st century is the era of information technologies and the transition to new tools and means of labor is necessary and inevitable.

Many people find it problematic to accept the changes in the usual course of events, and in the process of change there is an inevitable threat of demotion, strengthening the personal power of a superior, fear of losing status, position in the organization, respect in the eyes of management and colleagues. Of course, it is convenient to ask colleagues to ascribe themselves to co-authoring an article or a monograph. In this case, the principle of objectivity of the premium is violated, the quality of scientific work in the organization suffers, the statistical reporting is distorted, and material resources are inefficiently spent.

The management of scientific enterprises is ready to pay a premium for an academic degree, but in exchange for real results according to clearly established criteria. It is expected that this will be a well-deserved bonus for the scientist and increase the image of publication activity for the enterprise. At the macro level, an increase in the number of publications by Russian scientists in foreign scientometric databases (Scopus, Web of Science) is expected, which will be replenished by scientists from universities and industrial enterprises.

In this connection, it is necessary to recall that most of research in Russia is carried out at the expense of the state budget; the private sector is reluctant to invest in R&D. At the same time, the leading countries of innovation actively attract private capital. Taking into account the fact that 32.5% of all researchers work in state-funded institutions, it turns out that the state acts as both a contractor and the main customer and initiator of research activities in the country1. This results in such a low efficiency of financing. If the main source of financing were the funds of private entrepreneurs, such as in America and China, the commercial sector would set itself the main goal of achieving maximum profit from invested funds.


The authors of the proposed model of assessment of the results of scientific activities do not claim to have an exhaustive coverage of criteria for evaluating its effectiveness. The article discusses the most common quantitative criteria that are listed in official sources and should not cause fundamental differences among the interested parties.

The criteria weights, as well as the types of criteria, can be added and modified according to the requirements of a particular enterprise.

The official salaries of Russian scientists are exceptionally low, not only by world standards, but also by Russian ones. However, for many of scientists, the official salaries at the main place of work are not the main source of income, since it is impossible to live on such a salary even for alone, not to mention the maintenance of the family. Therefore, all sorts of allowances, bonuses and premiums continue to play an important role as financial incentives for scientists and researchers.

It would be strategically correct to introduce allowances for scientists and researchers of enterprises (in universities they are built into the salary of a teacher) at the legislative level. Support and promotion of science should be one of the priority positions of any government in the name of prosperity and power of the country. In Russia, this issue is not legally resolved and is not even considered in the government's plans. Meanwhile, promising scientists are leaving Russia and going to work abroad.

In conclusion, the authors are confident that the premium for an academic degree is only a small but important addition that is will built into the system of motivation of employees of high-tech enterprises in Russia.

1 Sokolova A.A. Analysis of research activities in Russia: problems and prospects // Internet Journal of Science of Science. 2016. -Vol. 8, N 2. - P. 1-11. - https://naukovedenie.ru/PDF/40EVN216.pdf. doi: 10.15862/40EVN216

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