Научная статья на тему 'HOW TO MAKE THE STUDENT’S SPEECH NATURAL? (From the Experience of Teaching Russian in a Foreign Audience)'

HOW TO MAKE THE STUDENT’S SPEECH NATURAL? (From the Experience of Teaching Russian in a Foreign Audience) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
special linguistic contact-adjusting language facilities / the effect of the naturalness of sounding speech / lexica-grammatical means of contact / специальные языковые контактоустанавливающие языковые средства / эффект натуральности звучащей речи / лексико-грамматические средства контактности

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Asanova Svetlana, Novikova Natalia

The article presents the authors' observations on the sounding speech of international students, which, with apparent grammatical literacy, is far from the naturalness inherent in the native speakers of the Russian language. The authors propose the classification of special language tools that allow destroying the monologic "exemplary" verbal speech of foreign students. And based on given classification, conclude that it is necessary to introduce the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at an advanced stage in the teaching of communicative exercises that enhance the effect of the naturalness of the sounding Russian speech.

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КАК СДЕЛАТЬ РЕЧЬ УЧАЩЕГОСЯ ЕСТЕСТВЕННОЙ? (Из опыта преподавания русского языка в иностранной аудитории)

В статье представлены наблюдения авторов над звучащей речью иностранных учащихся, которая, при кажущейся грамматической грамотности, далека от естественности, свойственной носителям русского языка. Авторы предлагают классификацию специальных языковых средств, позволяющих разрушить монологическую "образцовость" устной речи инофонов и на основании представленной классификации делают вывод о необходимости внедрения в практику преподавания русского языка как иностранного на продвинутом этапе обучения коммуникативных упражнений, усиливающих эффект натуральности звучащей русской речи.

Текст научной работы на тему «HOW TO MAKE THE STUDENT’S SPEECH NATURAL? (From the Experience of Teaching Russian in a Foreign Audience)»

Asanova Svetlana, Dankook University, Seule South Korea

Novikova Natalia, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

HOW TO MAKE THE STUDENT'S SPEECH NATURAL? (From the Experience of Teaching Russian in a Foreign Audience)


(Из опыта преподавания русского языка в иностранной аудитории)


В статье представлены наблюдения авторов над звучащей речью иностранных учащихся, которая, при кажущейся грамматической грамотности, далека от естественности, свойственной носителям русского языка. Авторы предлагают классификацию специальных языковых средств, позволяющих разрушить монологическую "образцовость" устной речи инофонов и на основании представленной классификации делают вывод о необходимости внедрения в практику преподавания русского языка как иностранного на продвинутом этапе обучения коммуникативных упражнений, усиливающих эффект натуральности звучащей русской речи.

Ключевые слова: специальные языковые контактоустанавливающие языковые средства, эффект натуральности звучащей речи, лексико-грамматические средства контактности


The article presents the authors' observations on the sounding speech of international students, which, with apparent grammatical literacy, is far from the naturalness inherent in the native speakers of the Russian language. The authors propose the classification of special language tools that allow destroying the monologic "exemplary" verbal speech of foreign students. And based on given classification, conclude that it is necessary to introduce the practice of teaching Russian as a foreign language at an advanced stage in the teaching of communicative exercises that enhance the effect of the naturalness of the sounding Russian speech.

Keywords: special linguistic contact-adjusting language facilities, the effect of the naturalness of sounding speech, lexica-grammatical means of contact

When a monologic statement is generated, as the practice of teaching TORFL shows, a student

who has well-mastered grammar uses the correct lexical-grammatical forms, but native speakers perceive his speech as erroneous, unnatural, and unnatural. In this connection, there is a need to identify the language models that are necessarily present in the expressions of the native speaker of the language, giving natural speech to the sounding speech, and by observations to suggest a system of communicative exercises that allow forming the textually-dialogical competence of international students.

As studies by various authors [1-3] show, in the speech of people for whom the Russian language is the natural language of communication, it is possible to single out a whole complex of linguistic means that make it natural. Classification of these funds according to formal characteristics allows them to be used when working with foreign students of the middle and especially advanced stage of education with the purpose of teaching students some techniques that will enable them to make out their statements so that they sound as close as possible to "natural" speech.

The analysis was carried out on the material of the Russian language, but some observations made when comparing similar situations in English and German allow (until now) to reveal both universal and nationally specific means of ensuring the naturalness of sounding speech. The whole complex of linguistic tools that make speech natural can be divided into three broad groups: a) lexical; b) syntactic; c) intonation.

Let us dwell briefly on the characteristics of each of these groups. Lexical tools used for more natural oral speech include the following:

1) Use at the beginning of the narrative the words one (-a, -o, -h) (by analogy with an indefinite article in English) and the use of a demonstrative pronoun in the future (-a, -o, -h) (by similarity with a specific section in English). Compare the two versions of the beginning of the story - option 1 (this is an option for the student) and option 2 (this is already partially corrected with the teacher's help):

Option 1 Option 2

Человек пришёл на рынок купить Один человек пришёл на рынок купить

попугая. Там человек увидел красивого попугая. Там этот человек увидел красивого

попугая. попугая.

Undoubtedly, option 2 sounds more coherent and a little more natural (although, of course, to the naturalness of the speech of the narrator - the native speaker is still far away).

2) Use in the initial phrase of words once, somehow, somehow or once (at the same time the last form is slightly more "book" than the first two - therefore, in colloquial speech, it is preferable to use somehow, somehow, time).

Compare the three versions of the first sentence of the story:

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Человек пришёл на Один человек пришёл Как-то раз один человек

рынок купить попугая. на рынок купить попугая. пришёл на рынок купить попугая.

The example clearly illustrates that the introduction of additional lexical units "enhances" the effect of the naturalness of oral speech. So, in the first variant, there are generally no elements that would ensure the gradual introduction to the described situation.

In option 3 of these elements, two is the phrase "once" (Как-то раз) and a word "one" (один). It is the absence of such "introductory" elements that cut the hearing of the native speaker - some language redundancy ensures the "tuning" of the listener to the following narrative, representing a kind of theme, followed by a smooth rheme14

These elements act as linguistic contacts, including the listener, in the implicit dialogue. A natural monologue is always, in fact, an implicit conversation [4] (compare speeches read from the stage by satirical artists, as well as lectures or reports of good speakers - it is the implicit inclusion of the listener in the monologue that creates the effect of contact with the audience, increases the effectiveness of speech) .

3) To maintain the established contact with the listener (so that he does not "come out" from the implicit dialogue field) throughout the entire monologue, the narrator uses contact-supporting lexical means. In this role, various introductory words and expressions show the attitude of the speaker himself to the content of the monologue he is giving (the indication of the source of information, confidence/uncertainty in the veracity of the statement, demonstration of emotions caused by remarks, etc.).

As studies [1-3, 6] show, the speech of natural carriers is exceptionally saturated with similar elements, and the abundance of introductory constructions is characteristic not only of the original oral statement but also of its other forms and technics, including scientific style. The difference is just in the choice of specific words and expressions: in oral speech, there are often such lexical means as words: понимаешь, представляешь, знаешь, конструкции с частицами ли и -ка (видишь ли, открой-ка, etc.), parasitic words: ну, в общем, etc., which, of course, are inappropriate to use in the scientific article.

4) At the end of the monologue, the narrator gives the listener a signal that the narrative is finished using contact-closing tools: such words and phrases: как вот, вот и всё, вот так вот and so forth.

Thus, the use of redundant elements is a universal means of "natural" speech, while the excess parts are divided into contact-setting, contact-maintaining, and contact-closing.

As the syntactic means used to ensure the naturalness of speech, the Russian language uses the inverse order of words, in particular, the permutation of the verb into the initial position. Remember how we usually start jokes: Вернулся муж домой из командировки и...; Пришёл Василий Иванович к Петьке и...; Купил один мужик собаку и....

When trying to rearrange the verb into a "normal" job, we see that the anecdote immediately loses (in whole or part) a comic influence on the listener (note that this is the case, with the usual

14 Rema- linguistics: comment, psychological predicate, rheme

order of words, Russian jokes are taught by foreign students).

Let's compare the version of the beginning of the history given earlier:

Option 1 Option 2

Как-то один человек пришёл на рынок купить попугая. Там он увидел красивого попугая... Пришёл как-то один человек на рынок купить попугая. Увидел он там красивого попугая...

Option 2 seems more natural, a more appropriate starting point for a story that is confidentially told in an informal setting.

This structure of the beginning of the narrative is easily explained for modern stylistics. As G. Ya. Solganik points out, "... the beginning is a key proposition, a kind of subject, a theme. <...> the causes of the fragments from the semantic and syntactic framework of the text, serve as the main means of its organization, act as original engines of the plot, the development of thought ... "[6].

It is interesting that in the literary texts in which the authors seek to bring the narrative closer to the natural one existing in real speech, the beginnings of the initial phase of the work and the origin of the fragments also begin with a predicate (see [5,6]).

Another means of making the monologue natural is the use of the present time instead of the past (although this is not mandatory). Moreover, if in the norm of literary (book) speech when using verbs in one phrase as homogeneous members we teach students that these verbs should be in the same form, then with a natural monologue for greater expression, it is possible, and even preferably, the mixed use of types. Compare:

Neutral style Expressive narration

Он увидел попугая и спросил... Он пришёл домой и сказал... Увидел он попугая и спрашивает... Пришёл он домой и говорит...

Let us note that we are talking, first of all, about the use in the present time of the verbs of speaking: to ask, to answer, to speak, to explain, etc. This technique enhances the expressiveness and naturalness of the monologic utterance.

As another syntactic means, we shall call the partial replacement of the possessive pronoun by the membership design (y + genitive case). Compare the following examples:

Её муж - художник. У неё муж - художник.

Моя сестра работает в банке. У меня сестра работает в банке.

У моего брата есть такая же машина. У меня у брата есть такая же машина.

The phrases on the right seem more suitable for a natural monologue. If replacing possessive pronouns with "non-normative" from the literary language with affiliation constructs, gives, due to a certain redundancy, an introduction to the situation (У нее муж депутат = У нее есть муж, и он депутат), providing more significant contact with the listener.

Thus, the partial destruction of the norm and the presence of redundant elements is a general rule used to render the monological text natural. The teaching of foreign students to the methods 228

of destroying the "exemplary" monologue of speech seems to us one of the essential tasks of communicative lingua-didactics.

It is known that any native speaker, telling, for example, an anecdote, when retelling the replicas of characters uses a direct speech - the story then turns out to be more ridiculous and emotional. The international student uses indirect speech, taking away from the tale the more significant part of his comic effect. The reasons for this form of narration are quite understandable: developing grammatical skills, we, teachers, teach it, retelling the text, operate mainly indirect speech, i.e., in fact, we inspire him that when paraphrasing the use of indirect speech to convey the words of characters - this is the norm. And now, to develop techniques that allow the student to formalize his speech utterances as naturally as possible, we must partially "break" this norm, which our standards have laid down. And it is in this - the paradox of working with students in advanced stages of training.

So, we can conclude: the partial destruction of the norm (changing the order of words, mixed, non-normative use of verb tenses, and preferential use of direct speech) is a universal means inherent in the living statement of the native speaker.

The intonational means also allow the speaker to emphasize the components of the monologue important for the introduction into the situation. So, for example, when the predicate is transferred to the initial position, the first semantic stress falls on the verb.

The naturalness of oral speech depends on the correct phonetic design, primarily on the rate of speech, the proper alternation of syllables of different lengths and, of course, the accuracy of intonation.

All of the above allowed the authors to develop a particular system of exercises that bring students' speech closer to the naturalness and expressiveness inherent in the standard speech of native speakers (examples of practices - see [5]).

Summarizing, we note that the violation of the usual norms of constructing an utterance in oral speech is a manifestation of such a linguistic universal as the law of transitivity. Abnormality from the book style is transformed into normativity from oral narration, that is, the anomaly of literary presentation is the norm of original oral storytelling.


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