Научная статья на тему 'How to improve customer service in the banking industry'

How to improve customer service in the banking industry Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Umarov Zafar, Toshpulatova Shakhrizoda

This article analyzes that the challenges of banking sector faced now, how to develop a customer service, achieving clients trust, creating convince services and given more suggestions to address these issues. Moreover, it indicates exact information about the integration of most banks to creating new innovations as digital banking.

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Текст научной работы на тему «How to improve customer service in the banking industry»


INDUSTRY Umarov Z.1, Toshpulatova Sh.2

1Umarov Zafar - Teacher;


Abstract: this article analyzes that the challenges of banking sector faced now, how to develop a customer service, achieving clients trust, creating convince services and given more suggestions to address these issues. Moreover, it indicates exact information about the integration of most banks to creating new innovations as digital banking.

Keywords: omni-channel, digital dominant, digital banking, digital channels, implement advanced financial technology, financial literacy, customized solutions, personalization, empowering staff.

A bank is a budgetary establishment which is engaged with getting and loaning cash. Banks take clients stores as a byproduct of paying clients a yearly premium installment. Banks assume a critical job in the economy for offering an administration for individuals wishing to spare and back to organizations who wish to contribute and extend.

A positive customer experience is essential to the success and growth of any bank or credit union. Today, as innovation and advancement make expanded rivalry in the money related administrations space. However, as banks and credit associations attempt to keep up, extending their channels and contributions, client encounter is falling by the wayside. There are three primary challenges for small and medium sized banks trying to compete today [1]:

Banking is increasingly complex

Banking is increasingly competitive

Banking is increasingly constrained

Fig. 1. Challenges facing banking industry

1. Customer desires are more noteworthy than at any other time, directions are fixing and misrepresentation chance is expanding. Couple these difficulties with the need to convey a more prominent number of items and administrations, by means of a greater number of channels, quicker than at any other time.

2. In a digital era, money related innovation and super banks have the high ground, as they can develop and emphasize with greater speed than more monetarily and actually considered banks and credit unions.

3. Thin edges, constrained assets and solid heritage frameworks are crippling banks and credit unions, making it almost incomprehensible for them to accomplish the deft operational methodology they have to make due in the digital world.

In spite of, the aforementioned challenges, banks have invested in many innovations in the age of technology to create conveniences for its customers. Especially, digital banking is one of the highest levels of investment. The digital-only banking customers segment has grown dramatically in the last five years. In 2012, 27% of clients were associating with banks by means of computerized gadgets as it were. Since number has developed to 46%. Then, the levels of clients that interface with banks in both physical and computerized channels (omichannel customers) have contracted from 57% to 45%. [2] While the development in digital channels does not imply that physical channels, for example, branches or call focuses are not vital, it means that as a monetary administrations adviser, your digital experience more basic than any other time in recent memory. As increasingly more customer opportunities to collaborate with exclusively in the digital world, they will not have the advantage of talking with a genuine individual to give a decent customer encounter.

Fig. 2. The percentage of customers that interact with their banks solely in digital channels has grown from

27% in 2012 to 46% in 2017

According to The Financial Brand, one of the most significant changes coming to the banking industry in 2018 and beyond consists of ''removing friction from the customer journey''. With an increase in importance rising from 57% in 2017 to 61% in 2018, this change ranks among the top three trends [3]. Not exclusively will the keeping banking industry encounter increasingly administrative, innovation and troublesome model, inheritance framework, contender, and fretful customer base difficulties, yet additionally keep on pushing to execute new techniques to improve development. Specialists foresee customer desires will expand, making it more basic than any other time in recent memory to give amazing administration and support. The following illustration shows the proven methods of improving customer service in the banking industry [4];

Fig. 3. Proven methods of improving customer service in the banking industry

Actualizing the correct methods will have an emotional effect when it comes to improving customer benefit, which thusly, will pull in and hold esteemed customers in a furiously focused market.

1. Empowering staff. Since workers are on the forefront in managing customers, regardless of whether via telephone, by means of email, or face to face, it is basic to enable them. This means giving them the assets and instruments important to work successfully and productively. Those progressions influence how staff handles customers, even those all the more difficult.

2. Implement advanced financial technology. Remaining agreeable with current laws and directions while taking care of regularly changing customer demand is may be one of the hardest difficulties for the banking industry. By executing the most recent and most progressive financial technology, banking industry can achieve both. While innovative technology helps the productivity of staff, it additionally offers clients streamlined approaches to perform different assignments.

3. Financial Literacy. Other than composing checks, utilizing an ATM card, and making stores and withdrawals, many individuals are not educated about managing an account, particularly the more youthful age and low-pay customers. Be that as it may, this likewise applies to many middle-class bankers. As customer turn out to be progressively proficient about the managing an account industry and its different administrations, their fulfillment makes strides. They fell more engaged to make good decisions regarding their finances.

4. Customized solutions. An extra method to enhance customer benefits is to create alerted arrangements. Banks and credit unions are not by means the only ones seeing an inexorably focused keeping banking industry. Customers see this also, influencing them to understand the budgetary foundation they pick should offer something special. Modifying an answer gives customers what they need. T additionally demonstrates to them the bank or credit union thinks about them and will do everything conceivable.

5. Personalization. Past altering arrangements, amazing preparing can show staff how to make customer's experience progressively close to home. A great deal of this boils down to giving careful consideration to detail as taking in customer's name and businesses.

To conclude, in order to survive in an increasingly competitive, complex and constrained industry, banks and credit unions must think differently. They should locate an option in contrast to complex frameworks and procedures that are keeping them down. They must recapture costumer and employee trust, confidence and loyalty.


1. Prepared by the author on the information of website. [Electronic resource]. URL:

https://silvercloudnic.com/blog/8-ways-to-improve-bank-credit-union-customer-service/ (date

of access: 10.01.2019).

2. Created by the author on the information of «The personalization imperative: insights and

examples for financial services and insurance», 2018. EVERGAGE. INC.

3. [Electronic resource]. URL: https://www.go1.com/post/how-to-improve-customer-service-in-the-banking-industry/ (date of access: 10.01.2019).

4. Business and Management «How to improve customer service in the banking industry» article by John Sherman. October, 2018.



'Хакимов Саъдулло Назриевич - ассистент, кафедра экономического анализа;

2Фасихов Махсумджон Саймирзоевич - аспирант, кафедра менеджмента, Таджикский государственный финансово-экономический университет, г. Душанбе, Республика Таджикистан

Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются сущность инвестиции, пути уменьшения инвестиционных рисков в коммерческих и некоммерческих организациях, пути повышения эффективности получения прибыли от инвестиционных вложений, активизации инвестиционных процессов в определенных регионов и страны, меры преодоления инвестиционного кризиса в некоторых регионах Республики Таджикистан и в ряде ключевых отраслей народного хозяйства.

А также в статье показаны определяющие параметры, инвестиционной привлекательности региона: уровень и качество жизни населения региона, человеческий потенциал, инфраструктура, высокие технологии, капитал, органы местной (региональной) власти, бизнес среда (инфраструктуры) и власть. Дано оценка увеличения объёма привлечения инвестиций определенного региона, инвестиция и инвестиционная привлекательность как одна из наиболее часто используемый в макроэкономической системе так и на региональном уровне, интенсивности использования природно-ресурсного потенциала. Обобщение различных теоретических и методологических источников в статье позволило установить, что для уточнения сущности инвестиционной привлекательности важным считается выявление особенности и специфику и условий определенного региона, что, даст полную и содержательную определению инвестиционную привлекательность региона и рассматриваются основные факторы, влияющие на продовольственную безопасность Республики Таджикистан, а также проводиться детальный анализ использования земельных ресурсов в сельском хозяйстве. Более того, кроме экономического и социального эффекта предлагается достижения положительных результатов в процессе реализации инвестиционных проектов регионов страны возможно получение технологического и экологического эффекта. В статье определенно особенности регионов способствующий активизировать инвестиционную деятельность, что является движущей силой социально-экономического развития региона и государства в целом и находится в центре внимания региональных и государственных властей.

Также показаны влияние социально-экономические, природные, географические факторы на рост уровня инвестиционных рисков. Учитывая эту обстоятельству указывается на то, что каждый регион отличается своими социально-экономическими, природными и демографическими условиями, поэтому инвестиции в первую очередь необходимо направлять в регионы с богатыми природными ресурсами, высокотехнологичными производственными мощностями и квалифицированными кадрами, в которых остро стоит вопрос решения занятости и другие социальные проблемы.

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