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experiences / USA / Germany / Australia / successful strategies / recommendations / job creation / diverse sectors / foreign investment / female entrepreneurs. / опыт / США / Германия / Австралия / успешные стратегии / рекомендации / создание рабочих мест / разнообразные отрасли / иностранные инвестиции / женщины-предприниматели.

Аннотация научной статьи по социальным наукам, автор научной работы — Kh. D. Zoyirova

The article extensively examined the experiences of several European countries, specifically the USA, Germany, and Australia. It delved into the study of successful strategies such as providing preferential loans to unemployed women in the USA and put forth recommendations for a fresh approach in our country. Addition ally, the article proposed the introduction of significant foreign investments to create employment opportunities in different sectors and remote regions of our nation.

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В статье подробно рассмотрен опыт ряда европейских стран, в частности США, Германии и Австралии. Он углубился в изучение успешных стратегий, таких как предоставление льготных кредитов без работным женщинам в США, и предложил рекомендации по новому подходу в нашей стране. Кроме того, в статье предлагалось ввести значительные иностранные инвестиции для создания возможностей трудоустройства в различных отраслях и отдаленных регионах.


DOI: https://doi.org/10.24412/cl-36892-2024-45-348-356

Pages: 348-356




X. D. Zoyirova

O'qituvchi Navoiy davlat pedagogika instituti Navoiy, O'zbekiston e-mail: dilfuza83zoyirova@yahoo. com


Kalit so'zlar: tajribalar, Annotatsiya: Maqolada Yevropaning bir qancha

AQSh, Germaniya, Avstraliya, mamlakatlari, xususan, AQSh, Germaniyava Avstraliyaning muvaffaqiyatli strategiyalar, tajribalari keng ko'lamda o'rganilgan. Unda AQShda tavsiyalar, ish o'rinlari yaratish, ishsizayollarga imtiyozli kreditlar berish kabi muvaffaqiyatl turli tarmoqlar, xorijiy istrategiyalar o'rganildi va mamlakatimizda yangicha investitsiyalar, tadbirkor ayollar. yondashuv bo'yicha tavsiyalar berildi. Shuningdek, maqolada

mamlakatimizning turli tarmoqlari va chekka hududlarida bandlik imkoniyatlarini yaratish uchun katta miqdorda xorijiy _investitsiyalarni jalb etish taklif qilingan._



Kh. D. Zoyirova


Navoi State Pedagogical Institute Navoi, Uzbekistan e-mail: dilfuza83zoyirova@yahoo. com


Abstract: The article extensively examined the experiences of several European countries, specifically the USA, Germany, and Australia. It delved into the study of successful strategies such as providing preferential loans to unemployed women in the USA and put forth recommendations for a fresh approach in our country. Addition ally, the article proposed the introduction of significant foreign investments to create employment opportunities in different sectors and remote regions of our nation.

Key words: experiences, USA, Germany, Australia, successful strategies,

recommendations, job creation, diverse sectors, foreign investment, female



Х. Д. Зойирова

преподавател ь Навоийский государственный педагогический институт Навои, Узбекистан электронная почта: с11Нн2а832о\чго\'аа\>аИоо.сот


Ключевые слова: опыт, Аннотация: В статье подробно рассмотрен опыт

США, Германия, Австралия, ряда европейских стран, в частности США, Германии и успешные стратегии, Австралии. Он углубился в изучение успешных

рекомендации, создание стратегий, таких как предоставление льготных кредитов

рабочих мест, разнообразные без работным женщинам в США, и предложил отрасли, иностранные рекомендации по новому подходу в нашей стране. Кроме

инвестиции, женщины- того, в статье предлагалось ввести значительные

предприниматели. иностранные инвестиции для создания возможностей

трудоустройства в различных отраслях и отдаленных _регионах._


One effective approach to combat ladies unemployment is to foster entrepreneurship and dissuade them from seeking employment opportunities in foreign countries. Many unemployed ladies, middle-aged women, often look for jobs that offer higher salaries, but these may not align with their preferences. Consequently, they opt to search for better job prospects abroad, assuming that there are numerous attractive and stable opportunities available. Before embarking on such a path, individuals should first identify their preferred fields and pursue education and training in those areas. In today's progressive societies, where accurate statistics highlight the extent of unemployment, a popular notion emerges: "Do what you love, and the money will follow." This approach proves useful as it emphasizes the significance of personal interests, experiences, and skills in achieving employment success. It is crucial for governments and female entrepreneurs to establish a diverse range of industries that cater to societal needs. Examples include business services, the largest sector of the economy, healthcare, which offers growing opportunities with acquired knowledge and experiences from other countries and large-scale private sewing factories that can provide employment for at least 20 to 30 individuals.

For those interested in the light industry, the Department of Labour offers guidance through resources like The Occupational Outlook Handbook, which provides information on preparing for specific jobs within different industries. It is essential to approach work with enthusiasm and a spirit of voluntarism.

If you are dissatisfied or lack motivation in your job, you will not experience luck, joy, or satisfaction, which can hinder your opportunities for progress. The responsibility of reducing

unemployment lies with the government. By providing job opportunities to a large number of people, the workload of appointed officials can be reduced. Consequently, the younger generation should strive to showcase their knowledge and abilities in various aspects of life.

Main part

Regarding the main point, what actions should the government take to address unemployment? Firstly, a change in credit policy can be effective. This approach has been successfully employed in other developed countries. For instance, in the United States, modifying the credit policy has led to a decrease in unemployment. Business owners, mainly women, can access credit at low-interest rates to purchase essential equipment, hire employees, or invest in capital, thus promoting employment. Enhancing Women's Role in the State and Social Development of Uzbekistan. This decree set in place a Formal political structure designed to encourage women's participation in public life. This Political structure established the position of Deputy Prime Minister for Women's Affairs, Responsible for monitoring and enhancing women's participation in society (currently held by Ms. Dilbar Gulyamova who is also Chairperson of the Women's Committee).1

Secondly, financial policies can play a role. In this scenario, the government and business owners can reduce unemployment by promptly creating new job opportunities. They can increase government spending, participate in economic stimulus programs, and establish business protocols. Such measures open up a multitude of job options for unemployed individuals, particularly the youth, when the government engages in new agreements.

The following statements outline ways to keep the youth occupied: promoting entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs consistently strive to increase innovative employment, generate wealth, and foster economic growth. However, despite the government allocating funds to assist entrepreneurs, they may not experience any financial benefits. In countries like Australia, children are encouraged to believe in their own businesses, taking the initial step towards independence.

It is worth noting that in Germany, the ladies employment rate surpasses that of the United States. The country employs a hidden approach to achieve favourable outcomes: rather than resorting to layoffs or downsizing, working hours are reduced. Dismissed employees are provided with half of their wages for a specific period by the state. The government also takes measures to prevent individuals from remaining unemployed.

1 The structure of the Women's Committee is closely tied to the Republic's formal political structure in that he Deputy Prime Minister on Women's Issues is also the Chairperson of the Women's Committee. The same arrangement applies at each administrative level, where for example deputy Hokim's on Women's Issues 20 the regional level also act as regional chairpersons of women's Committees.

According to reports, in countries with low unemployment rates, when employers reduce working hours by 20 per cent, employees are generally willing to work 20 per cent fewer hours while experiencing a pay decrease of less than 10 per cent. However, in my country, based on typical numerical calculations, if everyone works around 15 to 20 per cent fewer hours, we would require approximately 20 to 25 per cent more workers to maintain a similar level of productivity. Implementing these strategies in Uzbekistan could potentially lead to a reduction in unemployment and provide an opportunity to unite and employ the unorganized youth.

The methods used to calculate unemployment rates vary from country to country. Some countries consider only the insured unemployed, while others include individuals receiving welfare benefits. Additionally, there may be variations in terms of including disabled individuals, those caring for a family, students, and other factors. Different countries may have different age limits for calculating unemployment rates. For instance, Eurostat considers individuals aged 15 to 74, while the Bureau of Labour Statistics includes anyone 16 years of age or older. Moreover, individuals who are under education, retired, on parental leave, unable to work due to health reasons, or have been inactive in seeking employment in the past four weeks are excluded from the workforce and not counted as unemployed. To account for seasonal variations, unemployment rates are often seasonally adjusted. In some cases, the employment rate as a percentage of the total population in the working age group is used as an alternative to the unemployment rate.

Many countries are now implementing quotas to address gender pay inequality in the financial sector. Women's NGOs in Uzbekistan tend to be responsive to the needs of women, and a good example here is the shift within some women's NGOs to provide greater training and support in the area of small business.1 These statistics contribute to the significant gender pay gap in the finance industry, ranking it among the highest in the UK and Uzbekistan2.

Results and Discussions

There are several suggestions to support the financial role of women in society and encourage them to aspire to senior positions:

1. Promote women's successes: Women should be more vocal about their achievements and highlight the successes of their female colleagues. By doing so, they not only bring their own competence to the attention of their superiors but also inspire other women to do the same. Recognizing and celebrating women's successes reinforces their value within the company, increasing the likelihood of being considered for promotions.

1 For example, the Sabr Crisis Center in Samarkand plans to introduce microcredit scheme with funding from a Netherlands NGO to facilitate small business loans for women. Such loans are already available from existing microcredit projects in Nukus and Karshi.

2 https://karinaculinaryworld.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/blog-pic-cafe-po...


2. Boost confidence: Research has shown that women often underestimate their abilities and hesitate to apply for promotions unless they meet all the listed qualifications. Employers should actively engage with female staff to help boost their self-belief. By providing support and encouragement, employers can help women recognize their qualifications and in still confidence to apply for senior roles, even if they don't meet every single requirement. It is important to emphasize that there is always room for learning and growth in a role.

3. Encourage risk-taking: Studies indicate that women tend to be more risk-averse compared to men. Women should be encouraged to take calculated risks, both in work-related situations and in their personal development. This includes applying for promotions even if they feel they are not fully qualified. Taking risks can lead to valuable learning experiences and potential successes. Even if risks do not pay off, the lessons learned from failures can be applied to future situations.

4. The fourth point emphasizes the need for more female role models in the finance and technology industries. Currently, there is a lack of representation, with most recognizable names being men. It is crucial to highlight successful women in these fields to inspire and reassure other women that senior roles are not reserved only for men. Creating opportunities for female staff to meet and learn from female role models can also foster a positive support network. Additionally, businesses should promote female industry networks where women in finance can connect, engage, and inspire each other, such as the Durham University Business School alumni network.

5. The fifth point suggests the importance of introducing finance and technology education at a younger age, particularly to girls. By exposing them to these subjects early on, we can spark their interest and make them aware of the opportunities in these industries. Financial technology, in particular, offers endless possibilities, and equipping girls with relevant skills and knowledge at an earlier age can boost their confidence and encourage them to pursue finance careers later in life.

6. The sixth point emphasizes the significance of effective financial planning for retirement. It is crucial to organize and maximize savings to ensure a comfortable retirement. While there is on-going debate about the ideal amount of money needed for retirement, there are various strategies to optimize savings for this purpose.

7. The seventh point discusses the growing popularity of book café culture across the country. Books play a vital role in personal development, especially in the expansion of women's world views contributing to mental and spiritual growth. They provide a deeper understanding of history, enrich the mind, and help individuals navigate life's choices. Books are

a powerful tool that connects the past, present, and future, serving as a constant companion and source of knowledge1.

By implementing these suggestions, managers can help women see senior roles as achievable and create an environment that supports their professional growth and advancement in the financial industry. The concept of Book Cafés is indeed gaining popularity around the world. These cafés combine the love for books with a relaxed and cosy atmosphere, providing an ideal place for reading, conversation, and enjoying a cup of coffee or a meal. Book Cafés often have a wide selection of books available for customers to read and purchase, creating a unique ambiance that appeals to book lovers. The combination of books and coffee is a natural fit, as many people enjoy the experience of reading while sipping a hot beverage. Book Cafés provide a space where individuals can immerse themselves in literature while also enjoying the company of like-minded individuals. These cafés often have comfortable seating areas, quiet corners, and sometimes even reading nooks or libraries.

In addition to the literary aspect, Book Cafés also offer a culinary experience. Many of these cafés have menus that go beyond typical café fare, offering a variety of food options to cater to different tastes and dietary preferences. This allows visitors to not only indulge in their love for books but also enjoy a satisfying meal or snack during their visit. Moreover, Book Cafés often foster a sense of community. They serve as gathering places for book clubs, author readings, and other literary events. These venues create opportunities for book enthusiasts to connect with one another, share their reading experiences, and engage in stimulating conversations. The rise of Book Cafés highlights the enduring appeal of physical books and the desire for spaces dedicated to reading and literary culture. Despite advancements in technology, many people still cherish the experience of holding a physical book in their hands and browsing through the pages. Book Cafés provide a haven for book lovers, where they can explore new titles, discover hidden gems, and enjoy the pleasure of reading in a warm and inviting environment.

Whether you consider yourself a literary enthusiast or simply enjoy the cosy atmosphere of a café, visiting a Book Café can be a rewarding experience. It allows you to combine your love for books with the enjoyment of good food and the opportunity to connect with fellow bookworms.

So, if you come across a Book Café during your travels, it might be worth stopping by to immerse yourself in the world of literature and indulge in a delightful culinary experience. Singapore's Book Cafe is not renowned for its culinary offerings or exceptional coffee. What sets

1 https://karinaculinaryworld.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/blog-pic-cafe-po...


it apart, however, is its cosy and relaxing ambiance. It's a fantastic place to unwind, enjoy a cup of coffee, delve into a book, and observe the world around you. Alongside a wide selection of magazines and newspapers, the café boasts ample power outlets for those working on their laptops. Additionally, the menu offers reasonably priced simple dishes like pasta, sandwiches, soup, and all-day breakfast options.

The first Book and Bed store opened in Tokyo in 2015 and swiftly became a favourite among both tourists and local book enthusiasts. There's something special about reading a book in bed, isn't there? Many book lovers find themselves engrossed in a captivating novel, reluctant to put it down and postpone bedtime. However, when visiting a bookstore or library, it's not always feasible to purchase every book of interest. While some bookstores may provide comfortable chairs or couches where you can read undisturbed, they ultimately have closing hours. Have you ever pondered what it would be like if they had bunks or beds and allowed you to stay the night, so you could reach the climax and finish the book? Undoubtedly, this is a thought that has crossed the minds of all book lovers.

A recently opened bookstore in Japan has recognized the challenges faced by bookworms and has taken a unique approach by offering accommodation. This bookstore, called Book and Bed, allows visitors to experience the joy of falling asleep next to their beloved books. It is aptly described as an "accommodation bookshop" and aims to provide the perfect moment of sleep while indulging in one's favourite pastime. Book and Bed has two locations in Tokyo and Kyoto, each featuring beds in two sizes: standard and compact. The stores offer different types of beds, including cosy cabins called "bookshelves" positioned behind the shelves, and the more affordable and snug "bunk" beds. The Kyoto store even provides beds with a view, overlooking the Kakogawa River. During the day, access to the beds is restricted, but visitors can enjoy a comfortable lobby and couches. The Tokyo store boasts a collection of over 2,500 books in both Japanese and English, while the Kyoto store offers an impressive selection of over 5,000 books. The books are neatly stacked on shelves and hang from the ceiling, creating a true paradise for readers. Both Book and Bed locations are conveniently situated near popular tourist attractions, allowing visitors to spend their days exploring and return to the hostel in the evening to cosy up with books and eventually drift off to sleep. It's an enticing concept that combines the joy of reading with the comfort of accommodation, offering book lovers a truly immersive experience.

When you step into a book café, you'll find a modern and comfortable setting that offers excellent value for your time. As a customer, you'll have the opportunity to explore a wide selection of local and foreign books, magazines, and newspapers. It's a place where you can refuel yourself with freshly made organic tea and in-house roasted coffee while immersing

yourself in the world of books that line the shelves. The café also offers a variety of freshly prepared food options to delight your taste buds. For those who prefer reading online, there's free Wi-Fi available, along with free Internet access, electrical power points, convenient street-side parking, and an all-day breakfast option.

Different people have different preferences when it comes to studying environments. Some thrive in absolute silence and work best late at night, while others prefer the bustling atmosphere of a crowded café in the middle of the day. Many students feel that they can concentrate best in libraries, as evident from the difficulty in finding a spot in popular library locations like McLennan. However, for those feeling discouraged by the study vibe at McGill libraries, there are compelling reasons to consider studying at a café. Who knows, you might become a lifelong café studier!

Sure, you could bring your own drinks and snacks from home, but it's often a pleasant treat to purchase them at a café, and it can serve as a motivational reward. Additionally, most cafés tend to be more affordable than the options available at the library. Another advantage is the convenience of being able to order and pay for your refreshments without having to leave your belongings unattended, unlike the situation of navigating multiple flights of stairs to reach the distant Red path cafeteria in the basement.


There are more sustainable approaches to increasing female representation in the industry. Research indicates that women comprise 58 per cent of the junior-level workforce in finance companies. However, this representation does not translate to senior positions, as only a quarter of senior financial roles are held by women. Unfortunately, these figures are slowly improving.

While it is true that studying sometimes requires complete silence and isolation, I believe that taking occasional study breaks to catch up with friends and engage in conversations is essential for maintaining sanity, especially during exam periods. If distractions are kept to a minimum, sitting at a café table with a friend and having intermittent discussions can be more enjoyable than whispering in hushed tones at the library or having to plan special breaks just to have a conversation.

Personally, I prefer studying at a café located just a block away from my apartment, which tends to attract other students and resembles a library in terms of occupants. However, one of the advantages of studying at a café is the ability to choose one that is far removed from campus, away from the student-dominated areas. Montreal has numerous excellent cafés, particularly further uptown, that you can explore if you wish to distance yourself from the palpable stress emanating from students during finals.

In conclusion, books serve as repositories of knowledge and wisdom, imparting important information to readers while offering a sense of happiness and satisfaction. It is never too late to cultivate the habit of reading good books, regardless of one's age. So, start reading and stay updated. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that there are significant barriers for women in the finance industry, and it is now crucial to overcome them. I believe that family members should provide strong support to women in this industry, enabling them to achieve their goals. The family plays a vital role in the lives of all women in the finance industry.


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12. https://karinaculinaryworld.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/blog-pic-cafe-po...

13. https://cityvillager.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/ost2.jpg

14. http://www.eurocoalition.com/beautifulquebec/montreal_cafe.jpg

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