HOTEL DEVELOPMENT CONTROL IN BANDUNG CITY OF WEST JAVA PROVINCE, INDONESIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
Control / hotel / development / policy

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Rudiana Rana, Sumaryana Asep, Muchtar Entang Adhi, Mirna Rita

Hospitality is one of the mainstay sectors of the Bandung City’s economy, especially the tourism support sector. However, the control of hotel construction in the city has not been effectively characterized by the many irregularities in hotel construction, so this research seeks to examine "Hotel Development Control in Bandung". This study uses a qualitative approach with explorative analysis methods. The unit of analysis is in the form of organizations and actors involved and aware of hotel development in the city of Bandung. Informants are determined purposively. The data collection techniques include observation, interview and documentation study. Data analysis was carried out through triangulation. The results of the study concluded that the control of hotel development in the city of Bandung has been carried out based on stages including measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance standards and taking managerial action, although not yet maximal, as indicated by the comparative performance of standard againt post-action control, and determining corrective actions managerial action taking is not based on good analysis or based on SWOT analysis. On this basis, the suggestions of this study include: 1) The need to properly control hotel development in the city of Bandung based on measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance standards and taking managerial action; 2) comparing the actual performance of standard againt should be done not only through post-action control but also through steering control; 3) the determination of corrective actions should be based on correct analysis including through SWOT analysis in the form of incremental, branching and inventive forms; 4) the need to improve the quality of apparatus human resources both in quantity and quality related to hotel construction control; and 5) the need to improve the quality of administration of licensing services so that quality of licensing services can be realized in the construction of hotels in the city of Bandung.

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DOI 10.18551/rjoas.2020-07.04



Rudiana Rana*, Sumaryana Asep, Muchtar Entang Adhi, Mirna Rita

University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia *E-mail: ransrudiana70@gmail.com


Hospitality is one of the mainstay sectors of the Bandung City's economy, especially the tourism support sector. However, the control of hotel construction in the city has not been effectively characterized by the many irregularities in hotel construction, so this research seeks to examine "Hotel Development Control in Bandung". This study uses a qualitative approach with explorative analysis methods. The unit of analysis is in the form of organizations and actors involved and aware of hotel development in the city of Bandung. Informants are determined purposively. The data collection techniques include observation, interview and documentation study. Data analysis was carried out through triangulation. The results of the study concluded that the control of hotel development in the city of Bandung has been carried out based on stages including measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance standards and taking managerial action, although not yet maximal, as indicated by the comparative performance of standard againt post-action control, and determining corrective actions managerial action taking is not based on good analysis or based on SWOT analysis. On this basis, the suggestions of this study include: 1) The need to properly control hotel development in the city of Bandung based on measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance standards and taking managerial action; 2) comparing the actual performance of standard againt should be done not only through post-action control but also through steering control; 3) the determination of corrective actions should be based on correct analysis including through SWOT analysis in the form of incremental, branching and inventive forms; 4) the need to improve the quality of apparatus human resources both in quantity and quality related to hotel construction control; and 5) the need to improve the quality of administration of licensing services so that quality of licensing services can be realized in the construction of hotels in the city of Bandung.


Control, hotel, development, policy.

The tourism sector plays an important role in the economy in the city of Bandung, both as a source of Local Revenue (PAD) and as a job creation and business opportunity. The Hospitality Business is one of the tourism sectors that significantly has a positive contribution to the acceptance of the Regional Original (PAD).

Based on data from tourist visits to the city of Bandung, the level of tourist visits from 2015-2019 averaged 5,734,045 tourists per year. The development of the tourism industry in the city of Bandung will create business conditions in the hotel sector more conducive. This means that hotel occupancy rates will increase so that it will affect the development of the hotel sector. Increasing the hotel occupancy rate technically will encourage other entrepreneurs to enter the hotel industry, thereby increasing competition between hotel entrepreneurs. All forms of competition will have an impact on a more efficient economic system, thus providing a positive impact for tourists, by having a variety of alternative hotels and competitive rates.

In this regard the Bandung City Government is increasingly focused on developing tourist destinations to be world class. The City Government of Bandung allows the construction of hotels to facilitate the demands and needs of tourists. The hotel as one of the main means of tourism that provides service facilities for tourists for all needs during their stay or visit tourist attractions. Hotels are one type of accommodation that implements some

or all of the parts for accommodation facilities, food and beverage facilitators and other services for the general public which are operated commercially. The hotel acts as one of the business accommodation providers that provide lodging services in tourism management.

Based on data obtained in 2015-2019 in the city of Bandung recorded 118 star hotels and 227 non-star hotels. Simply put, with the number of main consumers in the hotel sector, namely increased tourists, this should be directly proportional to the increase in hotel room occupancy rates, such conditions have an impact on the amount of local revenue contribution (PAD) in the tourism sector sourced from hotel taxes in the city of Bandung.

Associated with the decentralization of governance, such conditions have essentially fulfilled the demands of each region to strive to creatively increase Local Revenue (PAD) in order to finance the administration and development (Kaho, 1996: 160). This means, ideally the implementation of regional autonomy must be able to reduce dependence on the central government, so that each region becomes more independent in meeting its financdial needs (Herdiana, dkk, 2018).

In line with the large contribution of PAD in the tourism sector sourced from hotel taxes, the construction of hotels in the city of Bandung needs attention, especially regarding the possible impact on the sustainability of living things and the surrounding enviriaonment. This is very important for local governments and hoteliers and the public to understand the idea of environmentally sustainable development. Sustainable development is defined as a conscious and planned effort that integrates environmental, economic and social aspects into a development strategy to ensure environmental integrity of the present and future generations. One form of contribution of the Bandung city government in supporting sustainable development is by issuing regional regulations on Green Building.

Hotel development must pay attention to aspects of sustainable development, bearing in mind that it is essentially an attempt to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Therefore, an understanding of the idea of sustainable development will result in violations of spatial planning and spatial use must be controlled appropriately. Suitability of use of space / land is beneficial for life in the future.

In connection with this, there is an empirical phenomenon that indicates problems in hotel construction in the city of Bandung, namely the occurrence of violations committed by hoteliers in Bandung, including the construction of hotels not in accordance with Building Permit (IMB). One example of a violation in building permits is permitted fourteen floors and one basement. In reality on the ground, it turns out that the hotel was built fourteen floors and two basements.

The occurrence of this violation was allegedly closely related to the increasing competition of hotels in the city of Bandung. Entrepreneurs are trying to improve services, but on the other hand, the price of room rent is getting down. This resulted in many entrepreneurs deliberately violating building permits by increasing the building area to increase the number of rooms. The addition of the building area is cited as an effort by the businessman to get around the competition with the aim of accelerating the return of investment. This does not need to happen if the city government of Bandung conducts construction supervision since the building began construction.

From the research results, it is known that almost 70% of hotels are in the area of North Bandung, in order to bring tourists closer to the tourist area of Lembang and its surroundings, even though the attractions of the area of Southern Bandung also have tremendous potential. Hotel construction in the city of Bandung is still uneven and focuses on development in the North Bandung area. Of course this is very unfortunate considering the development goal of the city of Bandung should be equitable access to the community. So it is necessary to control the distribution of hotels in the city of Bandung so that they can be a reference for the development policy of the city of Bandung, especially in the hotel sector so that it is more evenly distributed and not focused on just one main point.

Hotel development planning is actually a joint responsibility between the local government and hoteliers, which in this case is the Office of Spatial Planning and Funeral (DISTARU) as the controller of spatial policy, and the Office of Culture and Tourism

(DISBUDPAR) as the controller of operational policies supporting tourism hotels in tourism The city of Bandung, and on the other hand, the building permit is under the Integrated Investment Services Office of the One-Stop Integrated Service (DPMPTSP) which was formed based on the Bandung City Regulation Number 08 of 2016 concerning the Establishment and Composition of the Regional Apparatus of the City of Bandung.

The problem of hotel development is of course related to various key success factors, one of which is controlling hotel development. However, even though the local government has made a breakthrough by issuing regional regulations relating to buildings which include discussing hotel construction, but the phenomenon shows that there are still violations that occur in the implementation of hotel construction.

From the observations obtained the fundamental phenomena in responding to violations in hotel construction as explained earlier, the indications are as follows:

First, hotel investment is a large and risky investment. The return on hotel investment ranges from 5-7 years, so it is classified as a long-term investment constraint. Second, the uneven distribution pattern of hotels (70%) in the North Bandung area has pushed competition between entrepreneurs tougher. This competition among hotel entrepreneurs occurs because up to now there is no standard rule in the distribution of hotels in the city of Bandung.

Third, controlling the distribution of hotels can run well and directed as above must be supported by structuring the hotel classification in accordance with SK MENBUDPAR 2002. Adjustment of the hotel classification is also one of the means of controlling the city of Bandung in ensuring the quality of services offered by hotel managers.

So it is expected that the data can be used as a reference about how much the ideal needs of hotels and hotel distribution in the city of Bandung so that it can be determined by a regulation to determine the control of hotel construction in the city of Bandung. Of course this is in accordance with the role of the government as a tourism stakeholder to create a conducive climate for investors and consumers, especially in the hotel sector.

From the phenomena described above, it is clear that the importance of hotel construction control includes, control of hotel construction permits and control of hotel construction distribution and control of class and hotel service quality in the framework of achieving hotel development in Bandung. On this basis, the conceptual issue of controlling hotel construction is interesting to analyze in relation to development in the city of Bandung, whose condition as illustrated by the empirical phenomenon above.


Control is the last part of the management function. Control is important in determining the successful implementation of the public management process, because it must be implemented properly. Robert J. Mockler defines control as a systematic effort to set work performance standards with the aim of planning to design an information feedback system, to compare actual performance with standards set in advance, to determine whether there is a deviation and to measure its significance, and to take action is needed to ensure that all company resources are used in the most effective and efficient way possible in achieving company goals. The process and stages of the organization according to Mockler (1996) divide control into 4 steps, namely:

First, Establish Standards and Methods to Measure Work Performance. The first step in controlling is setting implementation standards. Standard implies as a unit of measurement that can be used as a "benchmark" for evaluating results. Standards are criteria for measuring work performance.

Second, Measuring Work Performance. Performance measurement should ideally be carried out on the basis of foresight, so that deviations that might occur from the standard can be known in advance. Third, determine whether work performance is in accordance with the standards.

George R. Terry (1994: 160), Control can be defined as the process of determining, what must be achieved is the standard, what is being done is the implementation, assessing

the implementation and if necessary make improvements, so that the implementation is in accordance with the plan that is in line with the standard.

Definition of control according to Stephen P. Robbin and Mary Coulter (2012: 486) is: "the process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting work". According to Robbin Control it is a process of monitoring, comparing, and improving job performance. All managers must control even if their units perform according to plan because they cannot really know unless they have evaluated what activities have been carried out and compared actual performance against desired standards.

The control process according to Robbin (2012: 488) is "The control process is a three-step process of measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance against a standard, and taking managerial action to correct deviations or to address inadequate standards." a three-step process for measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance against standards, and taking managerial actions to correct deviations or to overcome inadequate standards.

Step 1. Measuring Actual Performance, to determine what performance really is, a manager must first get information about it. What is the measure, what is measured may be more important for the control process than how it is measured. Why? Because choosing the wrong criteria can create serious problems. In addition, what is measured often determines what employees will do. What control criteria might managers use? Several control criteria can be used for any management situation. Step 2. Comparing Actual Performance with Standards, The comparison step determines the variation between actual and standard performance. Step 3. Take Managerial Actions to correct deviations, the manager can choose between three possible actions: do nothing, correct actual performance, or revise standards. Because "doing nothing" is a managerial action taken if the performance is in accordance with the standard.

Corrections to actual performance, if unsatisfactory work is the reason for variations in performance, managers can improve it with things such as training programs, disciplinary action, changes in compensation, practices, and so on. One decision a manager must make is whether to take direct corrective action, which corrects the problem at once to get performance back on track, or uses basic corrective action, which looks at how and why performance is distorted before correcting sources of irregularities. It is not uncommon for managers to rationalize that they do not have time to find the source of the problem (basic corrective action) and to continue with immediate corrective action.

Standard revision, the variance may be an unrealistic result, the standard goal is too low or too high. In that situation, standards require corrective action, not performance. If performance consistently exceeds goals, a manager must see whether the goals are too easy and need to be raised. In addition, managers must be careful in revising downward standards.

The point is that when performance does not meet standards, do not immediately blame goals or standards. If the standards are realistic, fair and achievable, let employees know that management expects future work to improve, and then corrective action is needed to help make it happen.


In accordance with the phenomenon that is reflected in the research objectives, the research used is a qualitative approach with an explorative analysis method where the data collected is not in the form of numerical data, but data derived from interview scripts, field notes, personal documents, notes or memos of researchers and official documents others are supportive. Explorative analysis methods are used to photograph conditions in the field and find facts by interpreting and accurately describing the nature of various group or individual phenomena that originate from research findings.

The purpose of using a qualitative approach is so that researchers can describe the empirical reality behind the phenomena that occur associated with the Control of Hotel Development in the City of Bandung. According to Kirk and Miller in Moleong (2014: 4) what

is meant by qualitative research is "certain traditions in social science that fundamentally depend on observation, people, their own region, and dealing with these people in their language and terminology". In line with the opinion above, according to Creswell (2013: 4), qualitative research is methods to explore and understand the meaning that by a number of individuals or groups of people ascribed to social or humanitarian problems.

Through a qualitative approach, research on Hotel Development Control in the City of Bandung, is expected to provide accurate and in-depth information. Activities in this research include collecting, describing, and interpreting data and situations experienced in the form of certain relationships and activities, views, attitudes expressed or about trends that appear in the ongoing process. Thus, in accordance with the phenomenon and purpose of research on Hotel Development Control in the City of Bandung, the authors use an exploratory approach. Because in this study, trying to understand and interpret how to express phenomena in research by digging further relevant data / information, then interpreted and explored in depth and comprehensively.

The data needed in this research is in the form of facts and information on Hotel Development Control in the City of Bandung. The data needed is primary data and secondary data relating to the formulation of the problem while also answering the research hypothesis. Data needed include: First, documents related to various policies with hotel construction and Hotel Development Control Data in Bandung. Second, observation of empirical facts about Hotel Development Control in Bandung. Ketga, extracting in-depth information on responses, perceptions and views of informants on the Control of Hotel Development in Bandung in accordance with their respective roles.

In collecting and recording data, it is done in three ways, namely, observation, interview, study of literature / documentation. According to Patton in Moleong (2014: 280), data analysis techniques are the process of categorizing data sequences, organizing them into patterns, categories and basic units of description, he distinguishes them from interpretation which gives a significant meaning to the analysis, explains the description patterns and seeks relationships between description dimensions. The techniques used in data processing and analysis are Data Reduction and Categorization.

After going through the stages of data analysis above, the next step is to analyze the Hotel Development Control Process in Bandung based on the control process according to Stephen P. Robbin (2012: 488) including the Measuring Actual Performance, Comparing Actual Performance, and Against Standard Taking Managerial Action as a guide in this study.


According to government regulations no. 39 of 2006 concerning Procedures for Control and Evaluation of Development Implementation, control is a series of activities intended to ensure that a program or activity is carried out in accordance with the stipulated plan. Control of hotel construction in the city of Bandung has not been effective, meaning that there are still many violations and deviations that occur including: the unavailability of local regulations and other rules according to the RTRW, licensing is not in accordance with the provisions, incentives and disincentives have not been regulated and applied, sanctions have not been applied strictly and consistent.

To control development effectively, procedures and instruments for controlling spatial use must be provided that are clear, complete, effective and consistently implemented in order to achieve the planned quality, performance and appearance of the city.

Supervision (monitoring) is a series of activities supervising the development of the implementation of development plans, identifying and anticipating problems that arise and / or will arise to be taken as early as possible. Control of the implementation of development aims to ensure the achievement of development goals and objectives as outlined in the plan, carried out through supervisory activities and take managerial actions to correct deviations, or non-compliance with established standards. Development is related to spatial use, so development control is related to spatial use control.

Control of spatial use especially in relation to hotel development in the city of Bandung is carried out using various instruments available in the legislation, namely:

First, regulatory system: the use of space based on legal certainty in the form of applicable laws and regulations. This regulatory system has been implemented in Indonesia and the City of Bandung, but the implementation has not been going well, including because of the government's bureaucratic mentality which still has issues, corruption, collusion and nepotism. The sanctions listed in the legislation for government apparatuses that grant licenses that are not in accordance with the RTRW and RDTR are criminal sanctions, so as to be able to encourage the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to comply with RTRW and RDTR provisions.

Second, discretionary system: Utilization of space whose decision-making process is based on the consideration of the competent authority to assess the proposed development proposal.

Third, this team consisting of academics and other stakeholders can provide input to the mayor to provide discretion with certain compensation calculations, in certain areas calculated based on the Mayor Regulation mentioned above. Compensation calculations include exceeding KB, KB and KDH on the requested building, and then compensated in Rupiahs deposited to the Regional Treasury.

Fourth, zoning regulation / zoning regulation: The division of the city environment in the form of zones and establishing different spatial use controls (Barnett, 1982). This zoning system is applied with the principle of balance and sustainability for each smaller area. The zones of each region are detailed in the RDTR regulations, so that the development of each region has special characteristics in accordance with the broader field of control of the RTRW.

Fifth, development control / permit system: Manage development activities in the construction of buildings, engineering, mining and other activities and / or make changes to the use of certain buildings or land (Khulball & Yuen, 1991). This allows the development to continue to be carried out before being recorded in the plan document. The government as regulator has authority over development control.

In implementing these provisions, the Bandung City Government has a basis for authority in spatial control. Following are the cornerstones of the Government's authority in Development Control:

First, Bundles of rights. Authority to regulate land rights, legal relations between persons / entities and land, and legal actions regarding land. The form of authority to regulate land rights includes, among others, the granting of SHM, SHGB, SHPL, which in subsequent developments is used as a basis for issuing permits through land measurement and designation of land boundaries in accordance with ownership certificates.

Second, Police power (regulation): The authority to apply legal regulations (regulation, supervision, control and occupation activities) to ensure public safety and health. Often considered a 'limitation of private property / individual rights'. Implementation of this Regulation is very much outlined in the licensing requirements. Some of the main requirements which are very strict include the certificate of Environmental Impact Assessment (AMDAL), waste disposal permit, extinguishing recommendation.

First step, measuring Actual Performance. The first step, measuring Actual Performance. As explained earlier, the process of measuring the performance of hotel development in Bandung includes the following: First, determining targets in hotel construction must be measurable and specific. The construction of hotels in the city of Bandung must be preceded by the determination of targets that are measurable and specific. The intended target is in accordance with the provisions contained in the Spatial Details Plan, which includes its designation on each road section followed by the provision of public facilities, trade and services, settlements, offices and urban greening. hotel development targets in the city of Bandung have not been measurable and specific overall as stated in the RDTR. hotel construction in the city of Bandung in addition to administrative deviations still occur there are also technical deviations. This condition must not be tolerated, meaning that the City Government of Bandung must give good attention to, among others, the continuous

socialization of the provisions of hotel development so that its implementation reaches measurable and specific targets as stated in the Bandung City RDTR.

Second, the determination of performance standards, namely in hotel construction must have a measure that is easy to run. Performance standards related to hotel construction in the city of Bandung is intended that the construction of the hotel has a size that is easy to implement. This provision not only serves to guide entrepreneurs when conducting hotel construction, but also makes it easier for the Bandung City Government, especially related agencies when monitoring hotel construction implementation. Not yet the overall size of the hotel built in the city of Bandung in accordance with the provisions contained in the permit. This condition will reflect on other aspects relating to development in the city of Bandung, such as in terms of providing public facilities, roads, support for trade and service interests, residential settlements and offices. All of these things if related to the previous description based on the results of interviews with the informants are still a problem for the City Government of Bandung, meaning that the provision of these various aspects has not been entirely in accordance with their designation.

Third, determining the valuation method. The method referred to is the method used to conduct an assessment of hotel construction in the city of Bandung. In practice this is in the form of providing forms based on various approaches, such as a comparative method. The Department of Spatial Planning (DISTARU) of Bandung City has determined the valuation method for conducting an evaluation of the hotel construction by entrepreneurs. The results have been utilized by related agencies to determine the suitability between the implementation of hotel construction and permits issued by the Bandung City Government.

Fourth, evaluation evaluation. Evaluation evaluation is providing feedback on performance that must be taken in an effort to improve performance in the future. The results of the performance evaluation relate to the implementation of the policy including the evaluation of the implementation of hotel construction in the city of Bandung basically in addition to knowing whether the implementation of the hotel construction is in accordance with the provisions / permits that have been issued or not, also as a basis for providing feedback for improvement activities or corrections to the implementation of hotel development, so that it becomes a guideline for the implementation of hotel construction in the future. an evaluation of the implementation of hotel construction in the city of Bandung has been carried out by the relevant agencies, the results of which are used not only to find out how well the hotel construction is when compared to the conditions / permits, but also as a basis for improving guidelines on assessments regarding hotel development in the City of Ban - dung in the future.

Second step, comparing Actual Performance against Standard. To find out and ensure that the actual activity in hotel construction in the city of Bandung is in accordance with established standards, it is necessary to compare between the hotel construction standards referred to the results obtained in the form of hotels that have been built. On this basis, controls in hotel construction in the city of Bandung are categorized into post-action controls in the sense of assessing the results achieved after a job is completed. Therefore, if there is a deviation from the established standard, the causes of the deviation are referred to and the findings are applied to similar activities in the future.

The relationship with the description above, the process of comparing actual performance with standards in hotel construction in the city of Bandung is as follows:

First, do monitoring to see whether the hotel construction is in accordance with the standards set or not. In its implementation in the form of activities to record all activities related to hotel construction, which ideally should be carried out continuously, repetitive (repetitive) in which the frequency depends on the type of activity measured. Process demands like this can be understood considering the hotel construction is carried out in stages, so that continuity in the implementation of hotel development monitoring is a necessity and the results are the basis of assessment in the sense of whether the hotel construction is in accordance with standards or not. Monitoring of the implementation of hotel construction in the city of Bandung has been carried out by the Department of Spatial Planning of the City of Bandung, although it still has weaknesses, namely the implementation

is not sustainable and repetitive. This means that monitoring of hotel construction in Bandung is not always carried out in accordance with the stages of hotel construction until the hotel is completed.

Second, comparing the results of monitoring with established standards. As the authors explained above, the results of monitoring are compared with hotel construction standards so that the results can be used as a basis for an assessment of the suitability of the implementation of hotel construction with the standards set. There are still technical deviations in the implementation of hotel construction in the city of Bandung. This means that there is a hotel construction where the number of floors is not in accordance with the permits that have been issued, for example in the permit, 4 (four) floors must be built but in reality it is built into 6 (six) floors. Such conditions as the authors have peeled in advance have an impact on the fulfillment of other aspects of development in the city of Bandung.

Third, Establish conditions of monitoring results as the basis for corrective actions. This step is the final step in comparing the standard of hotel construction with the implementation in Bandung. Before DISTARU Bandung took corrective action against the deficiencies related to the control regarding the implementation of the hotel construction, then first determine the monitoring results as the basis for taking corrective actions. This corrective action is in the form of changes to activities related to hotel construction control.

Third steps, taking Managerial Action. The process of taking managerial actions to correct deviations or non-compliance with established standards in hotel construction in the city of Bandung is as follows:

First, understand the conditions of monitoring results with standards. This activity is an effort of the Bandung City Spatial Agency to explore the results of monitoring that have been determined to be further articulated into corrective actions for various activities deemed inappropriate in controlling hotel construction in the city of Bandung. In general, this activity must be done through a SWOT analysis, so that it can be understood about various factors that influence the occurrence of irregularities in controlling hotel construction. Efforts to understand the results of monitoring that have been determined have been carried out by the City of Bandung Spatial Planning but have not been maximized especially through SWOT analysis. In a management perspective, analysis like this becomes a necessity in understanding a phenomenon so that on the basis of actions taken to solve problems that occur as well as weaknesses in controlling hotels in the city of Bandung will be more effective. In other words, SWOT analysis in understanding the results of monitoring is a sine qua-non, meaning that it should not be ignored. Various factors as the cause of the activity being not optimal are inadequate quantity and quality of employees at the agency.

Second, use monitoring results as a basis for taking corrective action. At this stage, the results of monitoring that have been determined ideally are done through a SWOT analysis are used as a basis for identifying, understanding and determining the right actions for the improvement of various activities related to hotel development which have so far been considered unfavorable. DISTARU City of Bandung has used the results of monitoring the implementation of hotel construction as a basis for taking corrective actions for various activities deemed to deviate from established standards. However, if observed, these activities still have weaknesses in the sense that the corrective action referred to is not carried out through correct analysis for example through SWOT analysis due to inadequate capacity of employees to carry out these activities. On this basis it can be understood if the corrective actions taken by DISTARU in Bandung are not considered appropriate to improve the hotel construction control activities which are considered weak, or ineffective.

Second, determine corrective actions. This activity as has been the author of the above peel must be done through efforts to identify, understand and determine the activities that are considered appropriate to make corrections to activities related to controlling hotel construction in the city of Bandung. The activity of identifying corrective actions is intended that the Bandung City DISTARU is required to detail corrective actions, the source of which can be incremental (by improving activities that have been carried out before), branching (by adopting from other places or other fields to later be used in the fields encountered) and inventive (by formulating through causality analysis such as through SWOT analysis).

Basically DISTARU Bandung City has taken corrective actions to overcome food disturbances in hotel construction, although it has not been maximized in the sense of being in accordance with the irregularities. This condition if considered, the cause is that the corrective action is not based on an appropriate analysis, the source of which can be incremental, branching or inventively. On this basis, the determination of corrective actions by DISTARU in Bandung is still not effective.

Third, implement corrective actions that have been set. This activity is a reflection of the previous activity in the sense that after DISTARU Bandung established corrective actions, the subsequent corrective actions were carried out. DISTARU City of Bandung has carried out the corrective actions determined previously. However, when examined in terms of the implementation of public policies, the implementation of the said corrective actions has not been effective. That is, ideally the implementation of these corrective actions when examining the opinion of Edward III (1980) must be done in stages, starting from the existence of communication (communication) in the sense of socialization regarding corrective actions to stakeholders, building motivation / attitude among them (stakeholders) so that they have motivation / desire to carry out the corrective action properly, complete the resources needed in carrying out corrective action both in quantity and quality, so that employees when carrying out corrective actions are not constrained by the lack of said resources, and then determine the standard operating procedures (SOP) in the form of implementation guidelines (operational guidelines) and technical instructions (technical guidelines) whose function is to guide employees in carrying out corrective actions related to irregularities in hotel construction.


Based on the results and discussion of the research in the previous chapter, the conclusions of this study are, Control of hotel development in the city of Bandung has been carried out through measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance against standards and taking managerial action, although not as a whole is maximal. For actual performance measuring activities which include setting specific measurable targets, determining performance standards, determining evaluation methods and evaluating the implementation of the assessment is considered good. Then, comparing actual performance against standards has not been implemented well considering that it is still post-action controls, meaning that it is done after the construction of the hotel has been completed so that it cannot detect deficiencies / deviations that occur at each stage in the hotel construction. Then, for taking managerial action whose activities include understanding the condition of the results of monitoring with standards, using the results of monitoring to take corrective actions, determining corrective actions and carrying out corrective actions, on the basis of having been carried out based on the results of comparing actual performance, although not yet maximal, including corrective actions not based on good analysis it seems that through SWOT analysis even on its implementation such as granting sanctions to entrepreneurs who make irregularities in hotel construction is not effective.

Hotel construction control in the city of Bandung should be carried out correctly based on the stages which include measuring actual performance standards, comparing actual performance standards, and taking managerial action. For the comparison of actual performance standard againt should not only be done after work (post-action control) but also in steering control in the sense that control is carried out simultaneously with each stage of hotel construction. In addition, the determination of corrective actions that are included in the managerial taking stage of action should be based on good analysis such as through SWOT analysis, which can be incremental, branching or inventive.


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