Abstract: the increasing role and influence of so-called "global cities" is a relatively new phenomenon in international relations, becoming its characteristic during the postwar period. Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, possessing a peculiar set of distinctive features, takes a special place in the international arena. Although its status is uncertain and involved in numerous disputes, it is yet the integral part of today's international affairs, with the de-facto direct or indirect support from the international community.
Keywords: Hong Kong, China, HKSAR, PRC, global city, non-sovereign international actor.
Барсукова Дарья Андреевна — студент, факультет международных отношений, Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет, г. Санкт-Петербург
Аннотация: возрастание роли и влияния так называемых «глобальных городов» является относительно новым явлением в международных отношениях, став их характеристикой в послевоенный период. Гонконг, специальный административный район Китайской Народной Республики, обладая своеобразным набором отличительных черт, занимает особое место на международной арене. Хотя его статус остается неопределенным, становясь объектом многочисленных дискуссий, является неотъемлемой частью современной мировой политики, де-факто обладая прямой или косвенной поддержкой со стороны международного сообщества. Ключевые слова: Гонконг, Китай, CAP, КНР, глобальный город, негосударственный международный актор.
In today's globalizing world megacities are bearing increasing geopolitical and geo-economic role over national boundaries, forming a concentration point of financial, organizational and infrastructural power. On the contrary, states do not stop competing for recognition of their principles and values to remain unconditionally dominant players in both global and regional cooperation.
Undeniably, Hong Kong (or Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China) is the indivisible part of the mainland China, due to geographical, historical, cultural and economic ties. However, it has its unique path under the "one country, two system" arrangement, introduced after 156 years of the British presence [1], that now creates an intriguing way of adaptation to both domestic and global framework.
Contemporary world politics prove the thesis of the further ineffectiveness of the nation states to embrace the whole variety of global challenges on their own. Scholars refer to a range of factors to assess the international legal personality: factual 'stately' attributes, extent of international recognition / legitimacy, membership in the 'international civil society'.
To evaluate a global city's influence, it comes crucial to consider the following factors: information and capital flows (businesses and institutions with a particular level of autonomy from the central government); integration in geographically dispersed economic activities, as well as political, cultural and informational cross-border engagement; presence of global institutions headquarters/ offices; increasing detachment with a region [2]. The main advantage of such cities is largely formed by the fact that various structures and resources, that are normally dispersed around the globe, intersect in small areas, so these urban areas act as a sort of a "gate" to PRC itself, as well as to the whole world, facilitating the dialogue via mainly economic means.
The emergence of HK as an international financial center can be measured from the 1970s, with the inflow of foreign banking interests and numerous financial institutions, hoping to experience the miracle colony growth [3]. It remains an extremely attractive venue for any kind of financial operation.
HK's external activities are not bounded just to commercial operations. When it comes to the political activity as an "international legal personality", formally, Hong Kong holds responsibility solely of its domestic affairs [4]. Nevertheless, it enjoys notable advantages, compared to other Chinese cities, that let it develop external relations. Thus, it has the status of a separate customs unit, legislative and administrative power,
individual immigration policy (for both foreigners and mainland residents). The political system is established by the Basic Law of Hong Kong.
The city also can be called as the key venue for diplomacy [5], as its significant tactical position, both geographically and politically, attracts policymakers in order to discuss most unconventional, delicate and complex issues.
Thus, China's recommencement of sovereignty can be called one-of-a-kind and memorable event in global matters. Its reintegration bears beneficial influence on both domestic development and international affairs. The city line has a variety of conceptual roles, such as its own subjectivity, or an opportunity to be an essential starting point, a certain platform, or tool, which allows to expand the scope of cooperation in the whole spectrum of international activities.
There is still space for the further debate, as with the end of the "high-degree of autonomy" in 2047, the Hong Kong-Beijing relations may radically transform the present configuration. Moreover, there is a trend of the growing competition between HK, Shanghai and Beijing. Finally, it is still worth remembering that no matter how "global" cities and regions are, they are still parts of nation-state and domestic systems.
Список литературы / References
1. Ен Ин Чан. Гонконг и реалии возвышением Китая // The New York Times. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/27/opinion/hong-kong-and-the-realities-of-chinas-rise.html?_r=0/ (дата обращения: 04.11.2016).
2. Сассен С. Глобальный Город: Представление концепции. Brown Journal of World Affairs. Том XI. Выпуск 2, 2005. С. 28-33.
3. Шенк С. Гонконг в качестве международного финансового центра - возникновение и развитие. 1945-1965 // Routledge, 2002. С. 3-5.
4. Основной закон Специального административного района Гонконг Китайской Народной Республики.
5. Тэмми Рам. На фоне напряженности, Гонконг остается ключевым местом для дипломатических переговоров // South China Morning Post. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2024426/amid-tensions-hong-kong-remains-key-venue-diplomatic-talks/ (дата обращения: 04.11.2016).
Список литературы на английском языке / References in English
1. Yuen Ying Chan. Hong Kong and the Realities of China's Rise // The New York Times. URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/27/opinion/hong-kong-and-the-realities-of-chinas-rise.html?_r=0/ (date of access: 04.11.2016).
2. Sassen S. The Global City: Introducing a Concept. Brown Journal of World Affairs. Volume XI. Issue 2, 2005. P. 28-33.
3. Schenk C. Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre - Emergence and Development, 1945-1965 // Routledge, 2002. P. 3-5.
4. The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.
5. Tammy Ram. Amid tensions, Hong Kong remains a key venue for diplomatic talks // South China Morning Post. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/2024426/amid-tensions-hong-kong-remains-key-venue-diplomatic-talks/ (date of access: 04.11.2016).