Научная статья на тему 'Холистический подход как тенденция развития высшего образования'

Холистический подход как тенденция развития высшего образования Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Лапин А.В., Кирнесенко К.А., Ванник К.О.

В статье предложен холистический маркетинговый подход для развития и вывода на новый уровень деятельности высших учебных заведений (ВУЗ). Рассмотрены уровни маркетингового воздействия и разновидности стратегий развития образовательных учреждений, проанализированы различия между реальными результатами ВУЗов и теми, которые необходимы современному социуму. Применен латеральный маркетинг и приведены полученные результаты.

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Holistic approach as a trend of high education

The article suggests holistic marketing approach for the development and output to a new level of higher education institutions (HEI). Examined the levels of marketing influence and variety of development strategies of educational institutions, analyzed the differences between actual results and those universities that are essential to modern society. Applied lateral marketing and shows the obtained results.

Текст научной работы на тему «Холистический подход как тенденция развития высшего образования»

До обговорення

To discussion

UDC 331.544 : 339.138


O.V. Lapin, PhD in economics, Associate Professor K.O. Kirnesenko K.O. Vannik

Odessa National Polytechnic University, Odessa, Ukraine

JJanin O.B., Юрнесенко КО., ВаншкК.О. Холлстыч-ний nidxid як тенденщя розвитку вищог oceimu.

В статп запропоновано холютичний маркетинговый шдхщ для розвитку та виведення на новий р1вень д1яльносуп закладíb вищо'1 ocbíth (ВНЗ). Розглянуто PÍbhí маркетингового впливу та р1зновиди стратегш розвитку ocbíthíx заклад1в, проаншпзовано b^míhhoctí м1ж реальними результатами ВНЗ та тими, що потребуе сучасний сощум. Застосовано латеральний маркетингу та наведено отримаш результати.

Ключовг слова: латеральний маркетинг, холютичнш маркетинг, розриви,система ocbíth

Лапин А.В., Кирнесенко К.А., Ванник КО. Холистический подход как тенденция развития высшего образования.

В статье предложен холистический маркетинговый подход для развития и вывода на новый уровень деятельности высших учебных заведений (ВУЗ). Рассмотрены уровни маркетингового воздействия и разновидности стратегий развития образовательных учреждений, проанализированы различия между реальными результатами ВУЗов и теми, которые необходимы современному социуму. Применен латеральный маркетинг и приведены полученные результаты.

Ключевые слова: бизнес-процессы, задача коммивояжера, CRM-система

Lap in О. V., Kirnesenko К. О., Vannik К. О. Hoi is tic approach as a trend of high education.

The article suggests holistic marketing approach for the development and output to a new level of higher education institutions (HEI). Examined the levels of marketing influence and variety of development strategies of educational institutions, analyzed the differences between actual results and those universities that are essential to modern society. Applied lateral marketing and shows the obtained results.

Keywords: lateral marketing, holistic marketing, breaks the education system

Education is the concept directly connected with the society, so the quality of this process should reflect what it should be, what goals should serve another other words this is integral feature of the educational process and its results.

Despite the fact that Ukraine has become the "norm" that many of the graduates of higher educational institutions (HEI) are not working accordance with their qualifications, employers complain that even in crisis conditions, specific vacancies they can't find people. But the problem is not the job applicants and employers can't find each other and the proposal labour market does not meet the demands and requirements of modern enterprises.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

Mainly the development strategy formation of higher education may be the rapid online technologies' development. One such innovation is Massive Open Online Courses within just a few years have gone from concept of implementation to world learning mechanisms at the level of the leading universities [1]. Based MOOC is distribution of educational materials (usually video lections) using the Internet for everyone. As usual we "read" the training course; the teacher gradually publishes online their lectures and adds necessity material (however, the course can be published immediately). Students watch and learn training materials, writing progress tests and then pass e-test. Following the course the rating of participating students' success is developed. An important element MOOC is communication between students which is implemented using systems forums, tied to each specific course.

The advantages of this model are the following. First, lectures by highly qualified teachers are available to every student on Earth (you only need to know English and to have an Internet connection). Secondly, as a rule, it's free what a pleasant contrast with the cost of education. Thirdly, students can be free selecting the time to view video lectures and having the opportunity several times to see strange place in the lecture. It is quite possible that on nearest future training with the help of this model will apply to all universities of Ukraine.


№5(15), 2014

ECONOMICS: time realities

The aim of this article is to review the use of online technologies in the process of high education development and to change ideas about learning in the HEI.

The main part

At this stage of development the most dynamic sectors of the economy are sectors which associated with intense activity according to knowledge and intellectual capital.

Intellectual capital can be defined as "previously accumulated knowledge and skills". However in connection with the distribution of intellectual labour, the development of information technologies the intellectual capital can be separated into two components. One of them is a person. His knowledge, level of education and professionalism are creating a new category of capital - human capital. The second component is the intellectual product. Both components are the factors of wealth creation in modern society and take more and more place in the modern market [2].

In the formation of the intellectual resources of society is science and education have leading roles. The main task of these two approaches is the production, accumulation, preservation of knowledge, above all the formation of the society's educational potential and personal potential.

Governments of many countries increasingly appreciate the high education as a factor that plays an important role in achieving both economic and political goals.

The effectiveness of training largely depends on research and adapts to the changing needs of society.

Based on the role of education in society traditionally allocate the following functions: cultural and historical, social and socio-economical.

The content of these functions is located on stabilize and control the main parameters of the cultural and social environment through targeted development of knowledge and skills.

By the system of education the transmission and accumulation of knowledge are existed, serious national culture is to prepare a person for active inclusion in the production and social relations.

In a more narrow approach to defining the role of education in shaping the intellectual resources reproductive and developmental functions are noted.

In post-industrial society educational functions are several qualitatively other. In industrial society is characterized by the reproductive form of education, which ensures the reproduction of the intellectual resources at the level of standards set by the state. The post-industrial society is characterized by a greater degree of creative form of education aimed at developing the creative abilities of person [2].

The trends of globalization, which have become almost a dominant role, not least related to educational institutions. Modern HEI is reducing monopoles, need to carry out its activities with regard to competitive advantage, focus on the directed users. |It is lead to the necessity of applying marketing as

one of the key elements in the implementation of its activities.

Educational institutions as subjects of marketing activities create proposals, promote the educational related services on the market and provide educational services to clients; they are the most active subjects.

Unlike other marketing activities, the term "marketing education" is non-commercial and determines the main aim of this institution is not profit but the attainment of social effect.

Marketing education is an important function of management. It provides regulation of the market of educational services. Forming and releasing increment the value of a person strategy, the educational marketing is closely linked to the development of the organization's personnel. The lateral and holistic approaches in the process of high education are considered in this article. Lateral thinking (lat. "lateralis" - side) is algorithm of finding solutions and achieve the goals, alternative conventional vertical or logical marketing [3].

Ideas of de Bono were developed by Philip Kotler and Fernando Trias de Bez they brought category lateral marketing to well-known marketing system. Developing this direction, Kotler has formulated a definition of lateral marketing as system of views and approaches based on associative logic that changes the idea of the traditional direct methods into business promotion [4]. The main task of the lateral marketing is to move away from traditional methods of competition. The lateral process of marketing is based on creativity, which result is innovation. Kotler and de Bez define innovation as the result of an interaction of the two ideas, which does not have a clear and direct connection in principle [5].

The ultimate goal of the HEI should be not reaching a certain number of hours worked but training professionals of specific industry experience who will be competitive on the labour market and raising the general level of culture and education of citizens.

Let's define the difference between the baseline result of HEI's work and transformable result. The base result will take the "ideal" graduate of the existing system of education. "Perfect" is meant a large part of the declared principles of the education is performed, following:

— the student during learning independently performs tasks, clearly knowing what he was doing;

— the student understands why he needs the high education, clearly sets specific goals and trying to learn a profession;

— teachers honestly trying to teach the student;

— objectives of HEI and student are compatible;

— curriculum contains except specialized subjects and basic set of subjects because high education is specific intellectual and cultural level;

— emphasis is done on special and academic disciplines, what educational programs are

flo oSroBopeHHA

To discussion

developed efficiently and professionally, while clearly traced interdisciplinary relationships;

— at the practical lessons cases and other business games are used which data are relevant and tasks are real;

— producing and diploma practices are done at the enterprises which are ready to show own inside activity and to talk about specific features. Actually we have a significant deviation from the

declared course, but even improvises we get rather quantitative, than qualitative changes. After graduating HEI the former student, current specialist has a certain stock of theoretical knowledge and he knows what this knowledge can be applied, but starting to work more often on the forefront skills and experience are acquired in the process of activity. As a result, from the perspective of the employer, graduates of various HEIs slightly differ from each other and they have no experience what labour market needs. By replacing the concept, we obtain a new product - social effect (that will be changing attitudes towards HEI and graduates, redistribution of roles in the labour market and others). Transformed product

requires the development of a fundamentally new strategies and methods of work of educational institutions. For building a logical chain from institution to set the lateral method results, it is necessary to develop a new approach which will be based on the fact that vision of HEI is not providing education services but it is "production" competitive specialist and creating social impact in terms of increasing educational and cultural level of society as a whole.

First, holistic marketing is special, whole way of thinking. The main step to rethinking is consisted the activity is not be focused on continuous comprehension and control. Even the transition from the classic 4P marketing in branding requires serious reconsideration: it is impossible to understand branding, if you do not move the focus from own office to the head of the consumer.

Holistic marketing just makes it one step further, offering to take into account both. Define what and who informs marketing, directing from the point of view of the communication spectrum (fig. 1):

Languages, world

Content of Concepts, legend communication

Details, features

Fig. 1. Matrix of communication spectrum [6]

Holistic marketing

Creative marketing Branding

/ 4P marketing HR marketing

Needs Values Person

Matrix is consisted of nine cells: at vertical axis content of marketing communications are located, at horizontal axis there is its destination, the recipient. Five basic types of modern marketing are arranged at matrix, occupying five of the nine cells. Defining the message which is needed to convey to consumers and recipients of marketing communications, it is possible to determine in which of the nine cells of the matrix is the enterprise. On the spectrum by the blue arrows indicate the directions of development. These trends reflect the fact that over time the level of marketing communications is growing: in terms of content, and with respect to the destination. Over time, in the process of development shifts the focus away from the technical characteristics of the goods to the emotional component, a new concept of consumption. We can observe the natural process of development in the individual markets, as well as the services marketing as a whole.

Product-brand symbolizes certain human values and not intended to satisfy certain requirements. In most cases, it embodies certain human values, has a

new emotional culture of consumption of already existing products.

If we consider branding as one of the stages of the strategy educational institutions' development, it is necessary to realize that the HEI is not just a place where you can listen to a certain number of lectures on certain subjects in certain teachers. HEIs should focus on certain human values, new level, which should create an atmosphere that will encourage the development and progress, gathering around intellectuals with common interests and promoting a certain pattern of behavior, social status and lifestyle.

However please note that the process should not be as research of competitive advantage and the creation of a legend around it, it must be fundamentally a new culture of consumption. Legends based on a new concept of consumption and the private parts of the product may not cause the consumer the so-called emotional empathy of the brand, such that it is not involved to the new process of consumption and therefore they remain normal advertising "legend".

ЕКОНОМ1КА: реали часу

№5(15), 2014

ECONOMICS: time realities

The legend that surrounds the brand directs to address certain human values, not stuck on any specific needs. So the consumer is more personal involvement and the establishment of the brand in their minds. Branding is a further steps 4P marketing in directs such as new concept of consumption and circulation to a specific person, with its personal needs, desires and perceptions.

But the formation of the brand of the HEI is only the first step on the way to the future HEI. On the communication range of holistic marketing is a region of higher levels. Consider how an integrated approach to development can be applied in higher education institutions.

Although holistic approaches in the field of management and marketing talking even fifteen years ago, only now they begin to be taken seriously. Not so long ago even Philip Kotler remembered holistic marketing that goes in place of traditional. According to him, holistic marketing will be more wholly, "holistically" consider the social space, which includes consumers, owners and employees of companies. Marketing should cover not only the channel but also the delivery, not be a separate function, and the driving force behind the company. In fact, Kotler suggests that marketing should not divide the market and the enterprise on the side, and take them holistically [7].

The complexity of the system using holistic marketing is consists of some links will serve several roles. If the manufacturer - HEI, product - specialist with particular characteristics and specific social effect, so we can define "user" - the labour market or even society as a whole, but at the same time the same society is the supplier, and also there are the contact audience inside. But such complexity only confirms the necessity of application of holistic marketing and the inseparability of market segments, elements of the communication chain and others. Conclusions

HEIs today are not effective, as evidenced by the situation on the labour market and the absence of representatives of the national universities in the world rankings prestigious educational institutions. First of all this is the discrepancy between the existing education system and the necessary modern labour market.

Diploma for becoming a tool in the competition among job applicants should reflect the level of education and training specialist.

If a young professional who has received documentary evidence of specific University has perfectly mastered all of the items in his profession, however, remains uncompetitive in the labor market, there are several reasons.

First, low-quality education program that does not match the realities of our time and study which is not able to affect the professionalism, only the general level of education of the person.

Secondly, the service quality of HEI. It's not just about the learning process, but also on the assessment, the ability to form professional skills and interest in professional activities. HEI issuing the diploma to graduate must be responsibility for certified document level of education.

Only by fulfilling these conditions, the HEI may earn a good reputation, to take its rightful place in the ratings, which in turn will affect the level of preparation of students who will come next year.

From this we can conclude that the institution of high education today must be more than an institution, in which are taught the theory and try to give some practical skills. As an indicator of the success of high education institutions should not be the number of work hours lectures or printed textbooks or gross number of received and issued to students. This indicator should be professionals who are not only in demand in the labour market, but also bring specific benefits or advantages to the employer.

Therefore it is necessary to find new ways to meet the needs of society.

Holistic marketing gives the contents of the communications as the surrounding environment, where the functioning of the enterprise, down to the personalities of managers and employees. In this environment firmly intertwined micro, meso and macro level with its purpose and objectives. The concept of holistic marketing brings to the fore the client not as a statistical unit, and as a particular person, his personality, needs and challenges.

HEI is a very complex system, therefore one needs a systematic and holistic approach. Given all these problems, we can conclude that the use of a holistic marketing approach is the best path for development.


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2. Лашн О. В. Роль освгги у формуванш штелектуальних ресурав сустльства [Електронний ресурс] / О. В. Латн, М. С. Яценко. - Режим доступу: http://economics.opu.ua/files/ science/2012/16.05/section_3.pdf.

3. Бено Э. Латеральное мышление / Э. де Бено. - М.: Слово, 2009. - С. 121.

4. Котлер Ф. Новые маркетинговые технологии / Ф. Котлер, Т. Де Без. - СПб.: Нева, 2004. -235 с.

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5. Коммуканиционный спектр маркетинга [Електронний ресурс] // Сайт Ателье ER. - Режим доступа: http://www.metaphor.ru/er/misc/spectr_0.xml.

6. Котлер Ф. В2В Бренд менеджмент / Ф. Котлер, В. Пферч. - М.: Вершина, 2006. - 315 с.

Надано до редакцп 12.09.2014

Лашн Олексш Володимирович / Oleksiy V. Lapin


Юрнесенко Катерина Олександавна / Kathrine O. Kirnesenko

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e. a. kirnesenko@esmid. in

Ваншк Катерина Олепвна / Katerina O. Vannik


Посилання на статтю / Reference a Journal Article:

Holistic approach as a trend of high education [Електронний ресурс] / O.V. Lapin, K.O. Kirnesenko, K.O. Vannik // ЕкономКа: реали часу. Науковий журнал. — 2014. — №5 (15). — С. 208-212. — Режим доступу до журн.: http://economics. opu.ua/files/archive/2014/n5. html

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