HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF GENDER APPROACH IN PROFESSIONAL CAREER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
gender equality / «gender» notion / feminism / gender principles / labour gender dis-tribution / гендерное равенство / понятие «гендер» / феминизм / гендерные признаки / распределение трудовых обязанностей по половому признаку

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Prihodchenko Katherine, Kaverina Olga

The article deals with the problem of gender approach among the graduates of the higher establishments in their professional growth, and the career promotion.

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В статье рассматривается проблема гендернего подхода выпускников высших учебных заведений в их профессиональном росте и продвижении по службе.



UDC 378

DOI: 10.24412/2079-9152-2021-53-7-10


Prihodchenko Katherine,

Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor,

Kaverina Olga,

Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, e-mail: kaf_engl-2017@mail.ru Donetsk National Technical University, Donetsk

Abstract. The article deals with the problem of gender approach among the graduates of the higher establishments in their professional growth, and the career promotion.

Keywords: gender equality, «gender» notion, feminism, gender principles, labor gender distribution.

For citation: Prihodchenko K., Kaverina O. (2021). Historical background of gender approach in professional career. Didactics of Mathematics: Problems and Investigations. No. 53, pp. 7-10.

DOI: 10.24412/2079-9152-2021-53-7-10



The problem setting. The question of gender equality between a man and a woman is in the focus of attention of politologists, sociologists and, of course, teachers and psychologists.

In 1997-2000 the plan of actions for 1997-2000 was accepted, improving the women position and their role increase in society.

In 1976 it was adopted the conference «The liquidation of all forms of woman discrimination».

The gender investigation is the new cultural trend of the XX - and the beginning of the XXI centuries. Gender is the dynamic balance, which is used in the relation to a man or a woman. Let's pay our attention to history. In 1946 the special UNO commission concerning the observation of women position was set up. That commission helped in women rights realization.

It is very important to awake that fact for students as future specialists, who are eager to build professional career.

In order to solve that problem we are facing the following tasks:

In 2001the law 'about the state guarantee of equal rights and possibilities of a man and a woman' was also adopted [1, p.12].


1. To study the scientific literature concerning that question.

2. To investigate the ways of achievement of a positive result while establishing the gender equality.

The scientific investigations of a problem. The gender aspects in the choice and built-up of a professional career were interesting for many scientists. The researchers make an accent upon the fact that the successful building up of a professional career for a woman is an indicator of a social well-being of a society. L. Shalaeva took an analysis of gender aspects of students value orientation [2, p.145].

C. Hageman-White and Faulstich-Wieland discovered the question of gender socialization of young people. B.Liebig, E.Rosenkrenz-Fallegger and U. Megerhofer wrote about the problem of gender competence in the higher school. S. Grenz, B. Kor-tendich, M. Kriszio and A. Lother raised the question of gender equality in the educational space of higher educational establishments [3, p. 112]. E. Bloms, A. Erfmeier, N. Gulcher, K. Smasal investigated the question of gender management realization in the higher professional educational system. L. Kudrinskaya, L. Ozhygov, G. Gadzhyeva, V. Orlova studied the questions of students' employment, career and professional qualities of the higher educational graduates. The woman career problems, being engaged in the production sphere, were interested for A. Chirkova, N. Goncharova.

The main contents of the article. Firstly, the term «gender» was suggested by the American psychoanalyst Robert Stoller in the 70 years of the XX century. It was a paper called «Sex and gender: about the male and female development» [4, p.257].

The «Big Sociology Dictionary» determines the term «gender» as the social separation of sex»; «Sociology: the short encyclopedia dictionary» interprets the notion «gen-der» as the role sociology expectations of the different sex representatives.

A. Ivanenko defines gender as the principle of the social behavior organization.

S. Rukov determines gender as the socio-cultural mask of a sex. Antony Gidens clarifies the gender as the psychological, social, cultural relations between a man and a woman [5, p. 188].

From the given interpretations of the gender aspects it is vividly clear that there are no reasons for women not to be able to build up professional career. So, it is very important to speak about that problem during the years of professional training, to be sure in the successful career of female students, in the career development.

Up to the middle years of the 90-th years of the XX century notions «a career» and «a woman» are very rarely used together. And only in the beginning of the XXI century the view-point upon that problem has considerably changed [5, p.174].

Except family, upbringing of children, the women have other demands - in expression of herself as a professional, in the field of politics in social transformations. So, we can look up at different sides of the problem under investigation.

The term «career» - is determined as the professional growth, life way, accumulation of skills, success and personal role in society, professional I-conception and competitiveness of a specialist [5, p.176].

There are some kinds of career as individual (the steps of person labor activity and business activity) and professional (consciously chosen way of self-promotion without changing the profession, professional self-sufficiency and determination in society [1, 2].

Gender as a social phenomena (according to M. Gasyk classification) has two main components: as social institute and individual status.

The following criterion of a personal gender culture confines them: the formation of adequate gender identity; the construction of sexual relations, the understanding of the essence of world gender culture; understanding of the equality of a man and a woman; readiness for effective performance of family,


professional, social functions without features of gender inequality [3, 6].

In the professional training of a specialist it is necessary to follow the rule, that humani-zation of relations is the logical center of the solving a problem of a personal formation, personal inner world with the components of gender culture (awareness of gender), critical rethinking of the existing stereotypes in a society; gender determination; the improvement of knowledge, skills, concerning the question of the opposite sex mutual relations; the gender knowledge reflection, the simulation of the own gender position in the world; the projection of the conscience and interaction with the world; the transmission of the example gender experience for future generations.

A lot of scientists studied the gender differences in a group of people, among the students, in an academic group and came to the following conclusions:

- the high level for success orientation, career growth, is the characteristic feature of both sexes;

- desire for competition - it is more characteristic of the strong sex, but for women it is necessary to mention the interest for self-perfection (A.Buday);

- orientation for result, not for emotions, words-for a man, as for a woman we can observe the reaction for the smallest detail (M.Nanov);

- men don't like the leader qualities of women and v.v. (E.Plysovskaya, M.Linovitskaya) [6].

In 2001 the world conference «Gender education and gender pedagogic» took place, where there were questions of gender equality, gender culture in the system of higher education. Also, the IV European conference of ministers was organized, discussing the questions of a man and a woman equality, the regional council of European, Economical Commission UNO «Peking +5» in Geneva was held, where they investigated the questions of overcoming obstacles with the help of giving equal rights, and creating the conditions of constructive dialogue between a man

and a woman, implementation of gender quality principles in all spheres of state policy.

By the way, the term «gender» came into being after Peking World Conference after depiction of social equality between a man and a woman. After UNO determination, definition «gender» determines the men and women relations based on social roles, which are ascribed to every sex.

The modern science understands the notion «gender» as the conception of sexual quality, a new culture of their relations on the basis of creative interaction. It is a dynamic balance, which can be transmitted into the direction of both (a man and a woman).

The documents under observation show that the gender aspects are in the focus of attention of politicians and public organizations. These documents dictate the necessity for process reforms in the field of education, its modernization, humanization, democratization as the preparation for professional activity without belonging to any sex. As the result of that these appeared the new field of scientific knowledge - the gender studies. The prerequisite of the gender studies appearance was feminism. There were a range of female organizations, the union of mothers, having a lot of children; the world federation of business ladies and so on [2, 3].

The researcher Milena Rudnitskay determines feminism as the movement for sex equality in all spheres of life; the awareness of man and woman differences, desire for self-determination, self-sufficiency for women.

So, the main task of gender upbringing is the overcoming opposition of a boy and a girl, the development and fixing the demand for mutual activity, the awareness of possibility of self-realization, the equal and friendly relations.

The subjects of liberal cycle are aimed at the solution of upbringing tasks, particularly connected with gender trend. The following discussions are organized: «the personal peculiarities are the result o the mutual relations with other people» (V.M. Maysysher), "the transfer of relations into the feature character - one of the main regularities of character formation" (B.G. Ananyev). So, "a person is


the most important, and a private fate of a person, his\her realization as a personality, world future depend upon the desire of a person to be a real person, and a system of his\her moral values.

Conclusion. So, the main components of a pedagogical process in the question of gender equality of the higher establishment graduates are the block of «a teacher and a student», «a man student - a female student»; "a student - surrounding world, forming a definite system of relation humanization, developing humanistic feelings. There we can observe the emphatic process, real complicity in the fate of other people. Morality appears to be the so-called aspiration of a person, defines its trend of development and complexity. There is a deep content of upbringing, the education of a student as a future specialist.

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2. Drozd K. V. Actual problems of pedagogy and education / K.V. Drozd // Textbook and workshop for academic undergraduate studies. - Moscow : Yurayt, 2019. - 266p.

3. Ivanovskaya O. G. Text pedagogy and psycholinguist: Textbook / O.G. Ivanovskaya. -Moscow: Forum, 2018. - 256p.

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Приходченко Екатерина Ильинична,

доктор педагогических наук, профессор, Каверина Ольга Геннадиевна,

доктор педагогических наук, профессор, ГОУ ВПО «Донецкий национальный технический университет», г. Донецк, ДНР

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается проблема гендерного подхода выпускников высших учебных заведений в их профессиональном росте и продвижении по службе.

Ключевые слова: гендерное равенство, понятие «гендер», феминизм, гендерные признаки, распределение трудовых обязанностей по половому признаку.

Для цитирования: Приходченко Е.И. Исторические предпосылки гендерного подхода в профессиональной карьере / Е.И. Приходченко, О.Г. Каверина // Дидактика математики: проблемы и исследования. - 2021. - № 53. - С. 7-10. (на англ., аннотация на русском).

БОТ: 10.24412/2079-9152-2021-53-7-10.

Статья поступила в редакцию 14.12.2020 г.

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