HIERARCHY OF VALUES AND PERSONAL VALUES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Azimov U., Umurzakov A.

This article explains that our values have a long history, that personal values, and values can be studied in other fields, including psychology, sociology, management, and political science.

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Текст научной работы на тему «HIERARCHY OF VALUES AND PERSONAL VALUES»


Azimov U.

teacher of the department of history and social sciences

Umurzakov A.

teacher of the department of history and social sciences

Fergana Polytechnic Institute Uzbekistan, Fergana


Annotation: This article explains that our values have a long history, that personal values, and values can be studied in other fields, including psychology, sociology, management, and political science.

Key words: Value, personal values, value hierarchy, hedonism, culture, change of values.

Our values are usually the things we value. Each of us has our own hierarchy of values. It means we understand what is most important and significant. The hierarchy of our values has a long history. These include things like health, family, security, wealth, cooperation, competitiveness, meaningful work, peace, changing the world, friendship, happiness, freedom, spirituality, love.

The hierarchy of our values, which has been formed since ancient times and exists today, explains our priorities. It determines where we spend our time. For example, do we prefer to watch TV or do we want to invest in personal development this time around? Do we sleep more or run more? Are we spending time with our family or are we doing an extra project with difficult trips out of town? Can we gain personal glory or be known by our team? These are important questions because we spend our time in the most valuable areas.

Our values can be contradictory. They create many paradoxes that need to be balanced and solved.

What are the values? Values refer to things that are good and worthwhile. They are communities such as nations, business organizations, and religious groups that have both individual and social character. Social values communities (often referred to as cultural values) represent the goals of social members, encourage collective disturbance, and serve to justify actions taken by the collective. People's values (often called personal values) are common aspirational goals that motivate people to act and serve as a guiding principle. They become situations that, over time, affect people's preferences and behaviors.

Personal values are studied primarily in other areas, including psychology. It is also studied in sociology, management and political science. Psychological research on personal values was introduced by Gordon Allport. Over the next 40 years, less attention was paid to the study of psychology values. Milton Rokich gave a new impetus to the appreciation of research by proposing that values serve as a guide. Thus, long lists of values can be generated.

Экономика и социум" №1(80) ч.1 2021



At this point, Schwartz proposed a theory of universality in personal content and structure. After a presentation in 1992, the theory quickly gained recognition in the field. Schwartz argued that values could be organized according to their motivational goals. By analyzing people's needs and requirements for community life, Schwartz identified ten values of different types of motivation: power, achievement, hedonism, motivation, self-governance, universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformism, and security.

Some of these values are mutually compatible, reflecting the goals they can achieve through the same actions or relationships at the same time. Values are structured, arranged in a circular constant according to the motives they express. Relevant values represent corresponding motives and opposite values represent opposite motives.

A change in values encourages autonomy of thought and action (self-management).

Thus, the intercultural study of personal values reveals similarities in this regard. The meaning of values and similarities in the hierarchies of personal values in different cultures, however, this growing group of studies shows significant differences in values within and outside culture. Growing research suggests that preferences and clear behaviors affect the impact of self-esteem on relationships.


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Экономика и социум" №1(80) ч.1 2021



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