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Healthy lifestyle / sports / physical education / proper nutrition / personal hygiene

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Xolmirzaeva S.S.

In this article, the author reflects on the interrelationship between healthy lifestyle and physical education. It is based on the fact that a healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health and a prosperous life.

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Xolmirzaeva S.S.

Department of General Hygiene Andijan State Medical Institute


Abstract. In this article, the author reflects on the interrelationship between healthy lifestyle and physical education. It is based on the fact that a healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of health and a prosperous life.

Key words: Healthy lifestyle, sports, physical education, proper nutrition, personal hygiene.

Health is an urgent pbroblem in the world, and everyone uses its means during their life as much as possible, but everyone should be able to apply practical measures for self-health, for this, theoretical knowledge, practical must have the skills. Physical education, hygiene and massage have a special place in health. A healthy lifestyle is a set of measures aimed at maintaining health and improving it. It focuses on all-round development, maintaining and strengthening health, prolonging creative work ability, raising work ability to a high level, and opening positive qualities in every person. According to the opinion of most scientists who have examined a healthy lifestyle, the level of health determines the health of each person.

Experiments show that a person who starts doing physical education not only prolongs his life, but also improves its quality. The following has been proven:

• people who focus on constant physical activity are three times less likel y to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, that is, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and hypertension, which are the main causes of death today;

• insufficient physical activity (hypodynamia) can lead to degenerative changes in the joints, osteochondrosis and "common" colds;

• people who are in good physical shape have been shown to have a lower risk of developing cancer, for example, moderate joggers have the lowest risk of developing cancer compared to people who are less active.. Cancer in runners is 4 times less than in sedentary people, and this indicator is 6 times lower in women who run;

• insufficient physical activity reduces the tolerance of the body to a decrease in protective forces, psycho-emotional, overload and various unpleasant factors.

Scientists note that regular intensive physical exercise (2 hours a week, 1 hour every day is even better) slow running, tennis, rowing, swimming, on average, shortens a person's life by 6-9 years. extending it to a year.

The tools used in rehabilitation or treatment physical education can be conditionally divided into gymnastic and non-gymnastic tools.

Gymnastic tools are general development, strength-speed exercises, relaxation and stretching exercises, coordination static and dynamic breathing exercises, and voluntary breathing exercises.

Non-athletic activities include walking, running, swimming, cycling, skiing and skating, and rowing. For these tools, dynamic, cyclic physical loads, various structures, trainers, i.e. bicycle ergometer, treadmill, special stairs, etc. are provided. This group of tools can be called games, sports games, massage and natural physical factors. At the same time, there are general development, breathing and special exercises according to the conventional classifications of physical exercises used in therapeutic physical education.

General development exercises improve blood circulation, increase metabolism, strengthen the musculoskeletal system and have a general and local effect on the body. These, in turn, are classified as follows.

According to the anatomical sign:

• exercises for arms, shoulder girdle, neck, body, pelvic girdle, legs. These exercises are directed to one or another muscle group, thereby affecting the functioning of internal organs.

By activity icon:

• Active exercises are performed by a person independently and consciously. These make up the basic composition of the means of physical education. Relaxation exercises can be separated from this group. Such exercises have a comprehensive effect on the body: it reduces muscle tone, calms the nervous system, and accelerates the recovery process. Shaking and rocking movements help to relax the muscles of the arms and legs. To relax the whole body, for example, it is enough to take a warm bath, in addition, it is good to "work" with voluntary impulses, that is, with the head;

• Passive exercises are performed with external assistance. These exercises are used in the case of paralysis of the legs and arms, in the initial period of myocardial infarction, and in the case of bone fractures. The muscles being trained must be completely relaxed in passive movement. These exercises have a mild physiological effect on the body, which is related to the level of stretching muscles and the duration of relaxation.

The occurrence of visible physiological absorption in the body through loading is a small, medium and high (maximum) fast pace of physical exercise.

• small fast exercises do not make certain changes in the absorption of physiological functions and do not affect the effectiveness of training, however, small additional loads prevent the negative consequences of hypodynamia and have a positive effect on the central nervous system. Small speed exercises are movements of small muscle groups, performed at a slow pace and with a small amplitude. Such exercises are carried out at the first stage of physical therapy. These exercises normalize the hemodynamic parameters of the heart rate, the

number of breaths, the depth, etc., but the long and continuous performance of small fast exercises increases fatigue, which, in turn, has a negative effect on the work of the cardiovascular system. can hide;

• moderate intensity exercises activate the processes of oxidation and breakdown of glycogen in the muscles, the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, thereby creating aerobic conditions for the muscles to work. These exercises are mostly used in therapeutic physical education. These exercises include walking at a slow and medium pace, arms and legs with large amplitudes at a slow, medium pace, and exercises for the muscles of the body;

• large and maximally fast exercises lead to a certain degree of straining of the body's vital functions. Muscle activity has an anaerobic character, and "oxygen debt" is extinguished for a long time. However, during this recovery period, metabolism continues to increase, and the effects of small maximal fast-paced exercises are long-lasting.

Fast running, fast walking, exercises performed on gymnastic equipment, additional weakness exercises, exercises for large muscle groups are performed with a large amplitude and speed, due to a certain load on the body, strict medical supervision is carried out during these exercises. must

Ideomotor exercises form a separate group. This is "thinking gymnastics". There is no magic here: imagining a certain movement triggers certain neurons in the brain, which activates motor neurons. This helps to restore damaged peripheral nerves.

Different physical exercises have a targeted effect in different diseases. For example: special breathing exercises for the cardiovascular and respiratory system, relaxation exercises (muscle relaxation) in case of hypertension; in diseases of the central nervous system - exercises to improve movement coordination and balance; static isometric exercises, etc. are recommended for digestive diseases - abdominal press, bone fractures and muscle atrophy.


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