Научная статья на тему 'Health as the basis of reproductive behavior'

Health as the basis of reproductive behavior Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kovalchuk T. V.

Article is devoted to problems of preservation of health as a whole and reproductive health in particular. The basic attention is given to interrelation of health and reproductive behavior, formation of a healthy way of life.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Health as the basis of reproductive behavior»


vrk 316:61 T.V. Kovalchuk


Article is devoted to problems of preservation of health as a whole and reproductive health in particular. The basic attention is given to interrelation of health and reproductive behavior, formation of a healthy way of life.

Key words and key word-combinations: health, reproductive health, reproductive behavior, the technologies which are saving up health.

Т.В. Ковальчук


Статья посвящена проблемам сохранения здоровья в целом и репродуктивного здоровья в частности. Основное внимание уделяется влиянию здоровьесберегающих технологий на репродуктивное здоровье и формирование репродуктивного поведения.

Ключевые слова: здоровье, репродуктивное здоровье, репродуктивное поведение, здоровьесберегающие технологии.

The problem of preserving individual's health remains the most important for society. The health of people in Russia seems to be worsening and it looks like a real social concern. Some factors like life standards decline in terms of social vulnerability, concerns upon future have resulted in destructive social diseases, drug abuse, and alcoholism and caused lifespan reduction in Russia [1, p. 136]. The recent surveys' results show that there is an increase of body and nervous system stress. Poor women's reproductive health has an impact on reproductive behavior. Health promotion in general and productive health in particular as well as healthy life-style encouragement appears to be a foreground task for society. To accomplish this task we need to carry out theory and practice research, scientific surveys and to work out methodical and organizational approaches. Health is considered integrative feature of a personality which reflects inner world with its physical, psycho, social, spirit aspects and relationships with surroundings. It shows the balance between personal adaptive capacity and ever changing circumstances [2, p. 29].

Healthy life style means to carry out professional, social and every day doings in healthy terms. It also means

that a person is concerned about their health and is ready to practice healthy way of life.

Healthy life supposes for a person to have high moral principles, to be self-organized, laboring, and hardening in order to resist adverse weather impact and improve one's physical and psycho health at whatever age [3, p. 37]. Life styles as well as personal behavior are formed by individuals to keep and improve health. Besides living on their own it allows people to fulfill all expectations to reach spiritual, social and physical prosperity. A person can't but realize the value of healthy life when making your own system of behavior and life style.

“Healthy life value” includes vital components of healthy way of living which an individual has developed and experienced.

Following the point mentioned above, the most needed conditions to practice healthy life are:

- giving up pernicious habits (tobacco, alcohol, drugs);

- rational nutrition ;

- optimal motion regime;

- rest and work regime;

- hardening;

- personal hygiene;

- emotional balance;

- collective relationship and behavior culture;

- sexual culture;

- instructive leisure for personality.

To our opinion one of the most important points here is optimal motion regime. Physical exercises and sport activities make up the foundation to improve health, physical abilities, and motion skills and to enhance health prevention measures in terms of adverse age changes [4, p. 71].

A number of surveys prove that physical exercises have a health-improving impact on body, so they can be called as “health-keeping techniques”. We believe that other motion forms of activity including restorative measures could also keep and maintain health.

We consider that “health-keeping techniques” consist of light, moderate and intensive forms of motion.

Light motion means morning and industrial gymnastics, and etc.;

Moderate motion means all types of active leisure (skiing, skating, cycling, swimming, playing badminton, tennis, etc.);

Intensive motion means fitness, sport clubs activities as well as health-improving activities.

We should mention that physical training includes various types of activities such as:

1) Walking and jogging (so called “paths of health” -equipped routs for walking and jogging for people of all ages). Walking is a natural way of motion when most muscles, ligaments and joints are enabled. It improves metabolism, respiratory and cardiovascular systems;

2) Eurhythmics is a system of training through physical movement to music. This system includes exercises for all groups of muscles and body;

3) Sport games such as volleyball, basketball, handball, football (soccer), tennis, etc. are characterized by intensive body movement and positive emotions bringing much health benefits. Sport games relieve the stress, increase mental and physical workability;

4) Wushu is a traditional Chinese gymnastics which is getting popular among the Russians. it improves compliance, dexterity strength, coordination and helps to gain ability to manage your body;

5) Yoga is a system of exercises aiming at physical and moral improvement of a personality. Practicing yoga allows to get both physical and moral harmony, so to say the harmony of physical health and moral make-up. [5, p. 29].

We would like to focus on such “health-keeping technique” as fitness which includes a great number of motion activities, traditional systems of exercises along with high-tech ones [6, p. 83]. Fitness is able to keep and improve health as well as to restore it. There are different types of fitness such as aerobics, dance aerobics (hip-hop, Latin-aerobics, jazz, belly dance), step-aerobics, power aerobics, aqua-aerobics, shaping, Pilates, kalanetics, etc.

Esthetic gymnastics, in our opinion, is also a part of intensive forms. Today it becomes more and more popular among girls and women. The main task of esthetic gymnastics is to teach women to adapt everyday stress, to spread their power rationally, to respond quickly, to allocate attention and to exercise saving moving, and etc. [7, p. 12]. The content and methodology of esthetic gymnastics exercises mostly depend on morphological and functional peculiarities of a woman body. Minding female anatomic characteristics, trainings for pelvis and back muscles are

widely practiced. All exercises are based on a special respiratory system and accompanied with carefully selected musical background in order to comfort women's emotional condition. Special attention is paid to training muscles of prelum abdominal as they need to be well-trained for pregnancy period and childbirth. Now we can see how esthetic gymnastics is necessary for women to keep up reproductive health.

Shmeleva I.N. writes in her work about positive impact of specific physical exercises on women's reproductive health [8, p. 18]. A group of student girls (100 people) from a specific medical group was under examination. The researchers Zaharova T.G, Goncharova G.N. and Filippov

O.S. developed and applied a screening score system of reproductive health evaluation to find out hazards and degree of health impairment. The results of the survey show that 81% of all tested are in need of preventive and medical arrangements. The characteristic feature of Sheveleva's method is a complex of specific exercises to reinforce muscles of pelvic floor, prelum abdominal, back and lower limbs. In addition, respiratory and autogenic trainings are practiced. Sheveleva I.N. says that such exercises are necessary for a woman to pass pregnancy period successfully and to give birth a healthy child as well [8, p.18]. A repeat of the screening test (three years later) detected downtrend of reproductive health impairment by 30-32%. Besides, the experiment discovered positive emotional dynamics among the tested. The method of Sheveleva I.N. proves to be effective for the muscles of back, prelum abdominal, which are primarily important for reproductive health, and for the whole body.

The research results carried out by Sheveleva I.N. proved that physical training (author's methodology) improves reproductive functions as well as general health, bloodstream, and reduces haemostasia in small pelvis [9].

In October 2010 we interviewed 143 girls and women at the age of 15-30 attending fitness clubs in Saratov. The aim of the survey is to learn whether there is a link between fitness practice and reproductive behavior. All the respondents are from the 1st medical group and practiced aerobics, step aerobics, dance aerobics, power aerobics, shaping and Pilates. The tested women have experienced fitness for 6-8 years, twice or three times a week with a length of 1-1.5 hours. The survey figures show that 39.5% of women keep rational nutrition, 37.2% of respondents spend active leisure time (swimming, skiing, cycling, skating, and etc.). Restoration and hardening procedures seem to be components of a healthy life to 44.1% and 4.6% of women respectively. 9.3% of all questioned do morning exercises every day and 14% attend physical classes at school or university. 74.4% believe that health is the most valuable thing in our life. Aesthetic pleasure which fitness activity gives women they consider the second important matter Anyway, all respondents admit that health is a key condition to keep them alive. One more thing to mention is that 74.4% do not smoke. 11.6% do not drink alcohol while 25.6% began to smoke but now they don't. Some 88.4% drink alcohol on rare occasions.

We asked our respondents, “Who is supposed to train to practice healthy life style?” 100% called parents; 53.5% mentioned media; 41.8% replied a coach in fitness club; 37.2% said physical training teachers; 33% - friends; 25.5%

- all university or school teachers. We also asked them to evaluate their health in general and reproductive conditions. 60.4% respondents qualify their health as good; 21%

announce they are absolutely healthy; 16.3% think it's satisfied; 4.6% say that health leaves much to be desired but still hope to improve it. Reproductive health looks a bit different: 69.8% believe they are sound, while 30.2% confess that they have some concerns but anyway it's satisfactory. To the question if they feel health progress after starting fitness activity, 83.8% confirm the progress, 7% - no progress and 9.2% - find difficulty in replying. Absolutely all respondents are sure that risk of giving birth to an unhealthy baby increases if the parents fail to keep healthy life style. The research of reproductive intentions such as “wished” and “planned” number of children proves that only 7% consider one child as an ideal number in family, while for 83.8% this ideal number is two children, and for 9.2% is three children. As for “planned” number of children, the picture is different. 25.6% plan to have one child, 69.8% - two children, and 4.6% - three children.

Survey results analysis give the picture that those women who practice fitness and healthy life style are healthy in general and have no reproductive problems in particular. When women are physically fit they form positive reproductive intentions which are proved by figures of “wished” and “planned” number of children.

We should say that reproductive behavior is based on demands and decisions to act in a certain way. We should also mind that health-keeping behavior is not inherited but intentionally formed by socializing agents. And health selfassessment as well as behavior of young people often doesn't correspond to real life. That's why, change of intentions to behave this or that way is primarily important. Following the point above, we make a conclusion that “health-keeping techniques”, whatever forms they are, have a positive influence on reproductive behavior and restoration of reproductive problems.

Taking all above-mentioned into consideration, we believe that “health-keeping techniques” influence reproductive behavior forming and the need to give birth two and

three children. Social interest to reproductive behavior has risen sharply through the national project “Zdorovie”. All TV programs still focus on families, pregnant women but not those who are about to marry. We consider “health-keeping techniques” must be broadcasted in frames of prevention and keeping reproductive health programs. The rising generation is supposed to be the target audience of such programs. This policy will probably smooth the depopulation processes in Russia and improve demographic situation as well.

1. Лебедев Д.В. Влияние масс-медиа на формирование ценностного отношения к здоровью в молодежной среде // Вестник ПАГС. 2010. № 22.

2. Гарина О.Г. Здоровый образ жизни моподежи // Здоровье и демографическое поведение населения: материалы межвуз. науч.-практич. конф. Вып. 2. Саратов: СГСЭУ, 2008.

3. Коновалова М.П. Спорт; физическая культура и здоровый образ жизни в вузе // Физическая культура и здоровый образ жизни студенческой молодежи: материалы межвуз. науч.-практич. конф. Саратов: СГСЭУ, 2009.

4. Черевишник Н.Н. Основополагающие факторы здорового образа жизни // Физическая культура и здоровый образ жизни студенческой молодежи: материалы межвуз. науч.-практич. конф. Саратов: СГСЭУ, 2009.

5. Ерохина Н.А., Ягупа Ю.С. Средства для организованных и самостоятельных занятий // Физическая культура и здоровый образ жизни студенческой молодежи: материалы межвуз. науч.-практич. конф. Саратов: СГСЭУ, 2009.

6. Моченов В.П. Фитнес - движение и культура здоровья // Социология. 2006. № 2.

7. Морозова Л.П., Ночевнова П.В. Методика проведения занятий по эстетической гимнастике: учеб.-метод. пособие. М., 2006.

8. Шевелёва И.Н. Профилактика нарушений репродуктивного здоровья студенток средствами физической культуры // Теория и практика физической культуры. 2007. № 1.

9. Шушунова М.С. Нетрадиционные методы лечения гинекологических заболеваний у девочек и девочек-подростков. М.: «Триада-Х», 2000.

удк 316.74:37 E. V. Pesegova


The article gives a part of upcoming monograph “Higher education modernization in socio-cultural frames in Russia”, which is about to be in print. The author is on the way to find new approaches to research modern Russian education priorities.

Key words: information space, educational policy, democracy, legal awareness, intellectual resource, creativity.

E.B. Песегова


В статье представлен фрагмент из готовящейся к изданию монографии «Модернизация института высшего образования в российской социокультурной динамике». Обосновывается новый подход к исследованию приоритетов российского образования в современных российских условиях

Ключевые слова: информационное пространство, образовательная политика, демократия, правосознание, интеллектуальный ресурс, креативность.

Information space formation is a part of modern society with information usage acceleration both in Russia and in

evolution so far as socio-cultural processes are pacing western developed countries [5, p. 19 - 28]. It is necessary

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