HEADS OF THE KURSK STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE, MILITARY DOCTORS, HEROES OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR 1941-1945 Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Nikishina Nina A., Lazarenko Viktor A., Ivanov Alexander V., Panwar Keshav K., Pychkov Vyacheslav I.

The article presents brief biographical information about the leaders of the Kursk State Medical Institute who participated in the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. These are participants of the Battle of Stalingrad, military doctors V.I. Deshevoy, G.V. Tupikov, Ya.M. Bune and N.F. Krutko. Heads of evacuation hospitals S.R. Gekhman, G.E. Ostroverkhov and A.V. Savelyev. Home front workers A.V. Rudchenko and M.P. Derevyagin. The article highlights the contribution of each director (rector) of Kursk State Medical Institute to practical medicine and to the development of the system of higher medical education in the Kursk region.

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Коллекция гуманитарных исследований. Электронный научный журнал. The Collection of Humanitarian Researches. Electronic scientific journal

peer-reviewed • open access journal

ISSN 2500-3585

DOI: 10.21626/j-chr/2022-1(30)/9 Памятные даты

УДК: 378.113"1941/1945"


WAR 1941-1945

© Nina A. Nikishina, Viktor A. Lazarenko, Alexander V Ivanov, Keshav K. Panwar, Vyacheslav I. Pychkov


Nina A. Nikishina — Candidate of Pshychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Histology, Embryology, Cytology, Kursk State Medical University E-mail: nan2008@mail.ru

Viktor A. Lazarenko — PhD in Medicine, Full Professor, Rector, Kursk State Medical University

Alexander V. Ivanov — PhD in Medicine, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Histology, Embryology, Cytology, Kursk State Medical University

Keshav K. Panwar — Student, Kursk State Medical University

Vyacheslav I. Pychkov — Student, Kursk State Medical University E-mail: vspuchkov21@gmail.com

Address: 305041, 3, K. Marx street, Kursk, Russian Federation


The article presents brief biographical information about the leaders of the Kursk State Medical Institute who participated in the events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. These are participants of the Battle of Stalingrad, military doctors V.I. Deshevoy, G.V. Tu-pikov, Ya.M. Bune and N.F. Krutko. Heads of evacuation hospitals S.R. Gekhman, G.E. Os-troverkhov and A.V. Savelyev. Home front workers A.V. Rudchenko and M.P. Derevyagin. The article highlights the contribution of each director (rector) of Kursk State Medical Institute to practical medicine and to the development of the system of higher medical education in the Kursk region.

Keywords: director; Kursk State Medical Institute; the Great Patriotic War.


Each director who led the Kursk State Medical Institute (KSMI) from 1935 to 1978 was a participant in the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945. There are V.I. Deshevoy (1935-1937); Ya.M. Bune (1937-1940), G.V Tupikov (1940), S.R. Gehman (1940-1941), A.V. Rudchenko (19441945), P.D. Yaltsev (1945-1950), M.P. Derevyagin (1950), G.E. Ostroverhov (1950-1954), A.V Savelyev (1954-1964) and N.F. Krutko (1964-1978).

All of them had a significant impact on the formation and development of the system of higher medical education in the Kursk region and made a significant contribution to practical medicine during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. S.R. Gekhman, A.V. Saveliev and G.E. Ostroverkhov led the military hospitals. G.V. Tupikov, Ya.M. Bune, P.D. Yaltsev and N.F. Krutko served as military doctors in and treated wounded soldiers and officers hospitals. V.I. Deshewoy worked in the Main Military Sanitary Directorate of the Red Army. A.V. Rudchenko and M.P. Derevyagin provided the educational process with students of the Kursk State Medical Institute, they trained doctors who went to treat wounded soldiers and officers. [1, 3].

Deshevoi Viktor Ivanovich, director of KSMI (1935-1937). Born on December 20, 1890 in the village Gorodnya, Kalinin region. Graduated from the natural science faculty of Saint Petersburg University (1915) and the medical faculty of Yuriev University (1917). He was the first director of the Kursk State Medical Institute (1935-1937). He had extraordinary organizational skills. Deshevoi Viktor Ivanovich ensured admission to the first year of students at KSMI in 1935. He fully staffed the departments of KSMI organized from 1935 to 1937. He did most of the work on the construction of the main building of KSMI and in many ways, thanks to his personal efforts, the KSMI building is now one of the most beautiful buildings in Kursk [2, 3].

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, he was the military doctor. He served as the head of the sanitary and epidemiological department of the 62nd Moscow military district (July-October 1941) and in the Main Military Sanitary Directorate of the Kiev Military District. Member of the Battle for Moscow. Member of the Battle of Stalingrad. Died in 1945.

Picture 1. Viktor Ivanovich Deshevoi (1890 - 1945)

Picture 2. Jan

Martynovich Bune (1891 - ?)

Bune Yan Martynovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of KSMI (1937-1940). Born on 05/09/1891 in the Courland province (Latvia). Graduate of the Military Medical Academy (1914). Doctor of the Russian Imperial Army (1914-1917), doctor of the Red Army (1918-1921). Chief physician and head of the surgical department of the Yartsevo hospital in the Smolensk province (1925-1928). Chief physician and head of the surgical department of the Republican Hospital of Samarkand (1929-1930). From 1931 he worked in Germany at the Kartner Surgical Clinic in Tyubovlen. Head of the surgical department of the hospital «Memory of the V Years» in Leningrad, assistant to the clinic of Professor I.I. Grekov at the 2nd Leningrad State Medical Institute. Surgical clinic assistant prof. M.E. Weisbrod at the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute. Director of KSMI (1937-1940) [3].

During the years of leadership of the KSMI, he introduced competitive commissions for

the selection and approval of candidates for vacant positions of teachers. In 1938 he opened a postgraduate course. Supervised the construction of the KSMI building. In 1937, the left wing was completed - the anatomical building, and in 1938 the right wing of the building - the theoretical building. In 1938, the KSMI vivarium was opened [3, 4].

Since 1939, he organized military training for students and teachers of KSMI. Air defence exercises were held regularly. All stuff of the institute learned how to make blackout on the windows of the KSMI building. Young teachers, both men and women, went to military training camps. Leading specialists of KSMI regularly gave lectures on military medicine for teachers and staff. In the courtyard of KSMI built a stone shooting range [3, 5].

During the Great Patriotic War Ya.M. Bune, lieutenant colonel of the medical service, chief surgeon of the evacuation hospital No. 3261 and the front-line evacuation hospital № 61. Participant in the Battle of Stalingrad. Awards: Order of the Red Star (1942), medal «For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 19411945», Order of the Red Banner of Labour (1946). Since 1944, Ya.M. Bune, worked in the city of Kursk as the head of the surgical department of the regional hospital. He is the organizer and the first head of the medical aviation service in Kursk. Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery, KSMI (1937-1947) [3, 6].

Tupikov Grigory Vasilyevich, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, director of KSMI (1940).

Born on August 29, 1893, in the village of Koleno, Yekaterinovsky district, Saratov region. Head of the Department of Sanitary Defence of KSMI (1937-1941). Director of KSMI in 1940. Signed the order on the first graduation of doctors from KSMI in 1940. He supervised the organization and training of medical officers at KSMI from 1940 to 1941 [3, 7].

Picture 3. Grigory Vasilyevich Tupikov (1893 -?)

Picture 4. Samuil Ruvimovich Gekhman (1891 -1942)


During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, he was a military doctor of the hospital № 5468. Participant in the Battle of Stalingrad. Awards: «For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945» (1946).

After the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 he worked in the Stalingrad (Volgograd) city in the department of health.

Gekhman Samuil Ruvimovich, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, director of KSMI (1940-1941).

Born in 1891 in the town of Baranovka, Zhytomyr region (Ukraine). Director of the Izhevsk State Medical Institute (1937-1940). Director of KSMI (1940-1941). Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery of KSMI (1940-1941).

In KSMI he organized military training of students and teachers. He supervised the creation of medical teams of KSMI and their enhanced physical training in 1940 and


1941. He signed the order on the second graduation of KSMI doctors in 1941 [1, 3].

In the summer of 1941, he organized the mobilization of teachers and staff to the Red Army. Prepared the KSMI building for air defence. In the basement, KSMI equipped a bomb shelter. He built a flooring on the roof of the right and left wings of the KSMI building. Organized round-the-clock duty of air raid and self-defence groups of the KSMI building. He regularly travelled to the city of Lgov, Kursk Region, for consultations in military hospitals for the wounded. In the autumn of 1941, he signed an order for the early graduation of fifth-year students with the rank of ordinary doctors [2, 3].

On October 8, 1941, he sent a train with teachers and students of KSMI to be evacuated to Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), and himself went to the war. He served as the head of military hospital № 4560. He died on May 25, 1942.

Rudchenko Anna Vasilievna, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of KSMI (1944-1945).

She was born on February 18, 1883 in the village Udit, Petrovsky district, Saratov region. Graduated from the Higher Medical Courses (1916). Paramedic of the hospital of the Moscow Zemstvo Union. Head of the Children's Hospital in Pokrovsk (now Engels town), Saratov Region. During the Civil War (1919 - 1921) she served as a doctor in the Red Army, and then as the head of the health education of the division on the Eastern, Southern and Western fronts. She was a sanitary doctor of the Saratov Provincial Health Department in 1921 - 1926. Since 1926, she was assistant, associate professor, professor of the Department of Occupational Health, than she was a Dean of the Sanitary and Hygienic Faculty of Saratov University. She was a Head of the Department of Occupational Health and the Department of General Hygiene of the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute (currently Samara State Medical University) [3, 4].

Rudchenko Anna Vasilievna was organizer and first head of the Department of General Hygiene of KSMI (1939-1962). She was a Dean of the Medical Faculty of KSMI (19401962). She took an active part in the evacuation of KSMI in Alma-Ata and in the re-evacuation of the institute in 1944. During the Great Patriotic War, Anna Vasilievna provided the educational process with students of the Kazakh and Kursk State Medical Universities. Rudchenko Anna Vasilievna was Director of the Kursk Medical Institute in 1944-1945, then vice-director for scientific and educational work of KSMI in 1954-1962 [3, 5].

She was deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of the 3rd and 4th convocations, the member of the Academic Council of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Audit Commission of the All-Union Society of Hygienists and the Kursk Regional Peace Committee.

Awards: Order of Lenin (1953), Order of the Badge of Honour (1946), Badge of Excellence in Public Health [3, 6].

Yaltsev Pavel Dmitrievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of KSMI (1945 - 1950).

Pavel Dmitrievich was born on 07.23.1901 in the town of Makaryev, Ivanovo region. Graduate of the Medical Faculty of Kazan University. Served in the Navy. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 he was a lieutenant colonel of the medical service at the Vladivostok military medical hospital. In 1943 Pavel Dmitrievich defended his doctor tissue on the topic «The influence of X-rays on the healing of open fractures of tubular bones». Awards: medal «For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945» [3, 5].

After the Great Patriotic War, Yaltsev Pavel Dmitrievich was the Director of KSMI (1945-1950), Professor of the Department of Radiology of KSMI (1945-1950).

Derevyagin Mikhail Petrovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of KSMI (1950).

Picture 5.

Anna Vasilievna Rudchenko (1883 -1970)

Picture 6. Pavel Dmitrievich Yaltsev (1901 -?)

Derevyagin Mikhail Petrovich was born in 1895 in the Kursk region. In 1928 he graduated from the medical faculty of the North Caucasian University (currently it is the North Caucasian State University, Rostov-on-Don). Worked in practical medicine. Since 1938, he worked at the Department of Pathophysiology of the Voroshilov (Stavropol) State Medical Institute. During the occupation of Stavropol by German troops, he was evacuated to Alma-Ata and worked at the Department of Pathophysiology with students of the Kursk State Medical Institute [3, 6].

Derevyagin Mikhail Petrovich was a Head of the Department of Pathophysiology of KSMI (1944-1959), Director of KSMI (1950), vice-director of KSMI for educational and scientific work (1944 - 1950) [3, 7].

Picture 7.

Mikhail Petrovich Derevyagin (1895 - ?)

Picture 8. Georgy Efimovich Ostroverkhov (1904 - 1990)

Ostroverhov Georgy Efimovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1967), Honoured Scientist of the RSFSR (1965), Director of KSMI (1950 - 1954) [1, 3].

Born on 17.08.1904 in the Dergachi, Kharkiv region (Ukrainian). He was a graduate of the Kharkov State Medical Institute (1928). Ostroverhov Georgy Efimovich served in the Black Sea Navy. He was a Chief doctor of the hospital and head of the surgical department of the city of Okha in Northern Sakhalin (1930—1934). Ostroverhov Georgy Efimovich was a postgraduate student of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the 1st Moscow State Medical Institute and a student of the outstanding Russian surgeon P.A. Herzen. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 Ostroverhov Georgy Efimovich worked as a surgeon of military hospital № 2467 [2, 3].

He was a doctoral student of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (1945 -1948) and associate professor of the Department of Operative Surgery of the 2nd Moscow



State Medical Institute in 1948 - 1950. Ostroverhov Georgy Efimovich led of KSMI in 1950-1954. He was a Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of KSMI (1950-1954). In Kursk he opened the first Academic Council for the defence of dissertations [3].

Ostroverhov Georgy Efimovich was a head of the Main Directorate of Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Health of the USSR, member of the board of the Ministry of Health of the USSR (1954 - 1956), head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy of the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute (1957 - 1976), editorin-chief of the publishing house «Medicine» (1959 - 1971), Member of the Board of the All-Union Society of Surgeons and the Moscow Surgical Society, took an active part in the work of the editorial board of the journal «Surgery» [3,4].

Awards: Order of the Red Star, Order of the Red Banner of Labour, medal «For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945».

For his contribution to the development of the healthcare system of the Kursk region, at present, the Kursk Oncological Research and Clinical Center bears the name of G.E. Ostroverhova.

Savelyev Alexander Vasilievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Rector of KSMI (1954 - 1964).

Born on March 4, 1898 in the vilage Elshanka, Saratov region. In 1919 he joined the Red Army as a volunteer and was a member of the Civil War. Savelyev Alexander Vasilievich was a graduate of the Medical Faculty of Saratov University (1925). Then he was an assistant at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic and junior researcher at the Saratov Research Institute of Physiology of the Upper Respiratory Tract. In 1930 Saveliev Alexander Vasilievich was sent to the city of Samarkand in Uzbekistan. He was an organizer and first head of the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of the Samarkand State Medical Institute (1933) [3, 5].

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, he led military hospitals for the treatment of wounded soldiers and officers.

In Kursk, he was a Head of the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of KSMI in 1950-1972. Saveliev Alexander Vasilievich led of KSMI in 1954-1964. He was a member of the regional committee and city committee of the CPSU for the Kursk region, deputy of the regional and city councils, chairman of the scientific society of otolaryngologists, member of the regional committee of the trade union of medical workers [3, 6].

Ranks: Honoured Doctor of the Uzbek SSR, Honorary Citizen of the cities of Samarkand (1966) and Kursk (1967).

Awards: medal «For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 19411945», two orders of the Red Banner of Labour, the Order of the Badge of Honour, the badge «Excellent Health Worker».

Krutko Nikolai Fedorovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Rector of KSMI (1964 - 1978).

Born on February 2, 1923 in the village. Vertievka, Nezhinsky district, Chernihiv region in Ukraine. He graduated from the Nezhin medical and obstetric school.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 he was a senior lieutenant of the medical service of the military hospital. He took part in the Battle of Stalingrad.

Krutko Nikolai Fedorovich was a graduate of KSMI (1951). He was a Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology of KSMI (1959 -1978) and Rector of KSMI (1964 - 1978) [3, 7].

Awards: medals «For the Defense of Stalingrad», «For Military Merit», «For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945».


This article is dedicated to the memory of the leaders of the Kursk State Medical

University, who laid the traditions of domestic medicine and formed the moral standard of the medical profession by personal example.

Their military and civil feat lies in the fact that during the Great Patriotic War, each of them spared no effort to treat the wounded to ensure their rapid recovery and return to the front. The doctors of the hospitals themselves provided transportation of the wounded during the relocation of hospitals, which was especially difficult when the Red Army units retreated. During the days of fierce battles of the Red Army units, military doctors prepared hospitals for mass admission of the wounded, trained young surgeons and surgical nurses, created new methods of treatment in military field surgery. They risked 65

their lives all through the war. After large-scale combat battles, surgeons had to operate 22 hours a day; operate under shelling; and in the first years of the war, when there was a shortage of blood, they themselves donated blood for the wounded; provide evacuation of the wounded from the environment, at night and under enemy shelling. At our university, a generation of front-line doctors worked until the end of the 80s. It was a very unusual generation of front-line teachers. They taught strict discipline, self-demanding, courage and patriotism even in peacetime!


1. Ivanov A. V, Korot'ko T. G., Nikishina N. A. Iz istorii kafedry gistologii Kurskogo gosu-darstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta // FGBOU VO KGMU Minzdrava Rossii. 2018. - S. 152.

2. Ivanov A.V, Korot'ko T.G., Nikishina N.A. Istoriya prodolzhaetsya u nas // Kollekciya gu-manitarnyh issledovanij. - 2017. № 1 (4). - S. 31-36.

3. Ivanov A.V, Lazarenko V.A., Nikishina N.A., Kolomejchuk D.K., CHernuhin D.S. Rukovod-iteli Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo instituta - uchastniki Velikoj Otechestvennoj vo-jny // Materialy IV nauchno-teoreticheskoj onlajn-konferencii (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) «Medicina v gody Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny». - Kursk, 2021. - S. 297-310.

4. Ivanov A.V, Nikishina N.A. Sotrudniki kafedry gistologii, embriologii, citologii KGMU -uchastniki Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojny // Kollekciya gumanitarnyh issledovanij. — 2020, № 2 (23). - S. 46-55.

5. Ivanov A.V, Nikishina N.A., Korot'ko T.G. Osnovnye etapy razvitiya kafedry gistologii, em-briologii, citologii v KGMU // Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, posvyashchennoj 250-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya E.O. Muhina «Uchitelya i ucheniki: preemstvennost' pokolenij». M.: 2016. - S. 105-107.

6. Ivanov A.V, Harchenko VV, Nikishina N.A., Ryazaeva L.M. Stanovlenie i razvitie kafedr anatomii i gistologii Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta // Sbornik nauchnyh

statej po materialam Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchast-iem, posvyashchennoj 85-letiyu Kurskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta, 120-le-tiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora K.S. Bogoyavlenskogo, 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora D.A. Sigalevicha, 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora Z.N. Gorbacevich «Dostizheniya sovremennoj morfologii - prakticheskoj medicine i obrazovaniyu» // Pod redakciej VA. Lazaren-ko. - 2020. - S. 10-25.

7. Nikishina N.A., Korot'ko T.G. Rol' muzeya kafedry gistologii v sohranenii universitetskih tradicij // Sbornik trudov Vserossijskoj nauchno-uchebnoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, posvyashchennoj 82-j godovshchine KGMU «Obrazovatel'nyj process: poisk effek-tivnyh form i mekhanizmov» // Pod redakciej V.A. Lazarenko, P.V. Kaluckogo, P.V. Tkachenko, A.I. Ovod, N.B. Dryomovoj, N.S. Stepashova. - Kursk, 2017. - S. 425-426.

Received: 31.01.2022 Accepted: 18.03.2022



© Никишина Н.А., Лазаренко В.А., Иванов А.В., Панвар К.К., Пучков В.И.

Никишина Н.А. — кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры гистологии, эмбриологии, цитологии, ФГБОУ ВО КГМУ Минздрава России E-mail: nan2008@mail.ru

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Лазаренко В.А. — доктор медицинских наук, профессор, ректор, ФГБОУ ВО КГМУ Минздрава России

Иванов А.В. — доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой гистологии, эмбриологии, цитологии, ФГБОУ ВО КГМУ Минздрава России

Панвар К.К. — студент Международного медицинского института, ФГБОУ ВО КГМУ Минздрава России

Пучков В.И. — студент, ФГБОУ ВО КГМУ Минздрава России E-mail: vspuchkov21@gmail.com

Адрес: 305041, Курск, ул. К. Маркса, 3, Российская Федерация



Статья посвящена кратким биографиям руководителей Курского государственного медицинского института с 1935 г. по 1977 г. Все они были участниками Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. Это участники Сталинградской битвы, военные врачи В.И. Дешевой, Г.В. Тупиков, Я.М. Буне и Н.Ф. Крутько. Начальники эвакуационных госпиталей С. Р. Гехман, Г.Е. Островерхов и А.В. Савельев. Труженики тыла А.В. Ру-дченко и М.П. Деревягин. В статье подчеркивается вклад каждого директора (ректора) КГМИ в становление и развитие Курского государственного медицинского института.

Ключевые слова: директор; Курский государственный медицинский институт; Великая Отечественная война.


1. Иванов А. В., Коротько Т. Г., Никишина Н. А. Из истории кафедры гистологии Курского государственного медицинского университета // ФГБОУ ВО КГМУ Минздрава России. 2018. - С. 152.

2. Иванов А.В., Коротько Т.Г., Никишина Н.А. История продолжается у нас // Коллекция гуманитарных исследований. - 2017. № 1 (4). - С. 31-36.

3. Иванов А.В., Лазаренко В.А., Никишина Н.А., Коломейчук Д.К., Чернухин

№1 (30) 2022

л г т-1 ту www.i-chr.com

Д.С. Руководители Курского государственного медицинского института - участники

Великой Отечественной войны // Материалы IV научно-теоретической онлайн-


конференции (с международным участием) «Медицина в годы Великой Отечественной войны». - Курск, 2021. - С. 297-310.

4. Иванов А.В., Никишина Н.А. Сотрудники кафедры гистологии, эмбриологии, цитологии КГМУ - участники Великой Отечественной войны // Коллекция гуманитарных исследований. — 2020, № 2 (23). - С. 46-55.

5. Иванов А.В., Никишина Н.А., Коротько Т.Г. Основные этапы развития кафедры гистологии, эмбриологии, цитологии в КГМУ // Материалы научно-практической конференции с международным участием, посвященной 250-летию со дня рождения Е.О. Мухина «Учителя и ученики: преемственность поколений». М.: 2016. - С. 105-107.

6. Иванов А.В., Харченко В.В., Никишина Н.А., Рязаева Л.М. Становление и развитие кафедр анатомии и гистологии Курского государственного медицинского университета // Сборник научных статей по материалам Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, посвященной 85-летию Курского государственного медицинского университета, 120-летию со дня рождения профессора К.С. Богоявленского, 100-летию со дня рождения профессора Д.А. Сигалевича, 100-летию со дня рождения профессора З.Н. Горбацевич «Достижения современной морфологии - практической медицине и образованию» // Под редакцией В.А. Лазаренко. - 2020. - С. 10-25.

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Получена: 31.01.2022 г. Принята к пцбликации: 18.03.2022 г.

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