Ukrainian Journal of Ecology
Ukrainian Journal ofEcology, 2021, 11(2), 417-42x, doi: 10.15421/2021_131
Harmfulness of cruciferous bugs
S.V. Stankevych1 , V.V. Vilna1 ,1.V. Zabrodina1 ,1.P. Lezhenina1 , H.V. Baidyk1 , M.O. Filatov1 , L.Ya. Sirous1 D.D. Yushchuk1 , M.M. Dolya2 , O.H. Afanasieva4 , L.V. Popova3 , L.P. Kava2 ; R.V. Yakovlev2 , V.O. Melenti1
1V.V. Dokuchaiev Kharkov National Agrarian University, v. Dokuchaevske, Kharkiv region, 62483, Ukraine 2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine 3Odessa State Agrarian University, 13 Panteleimonovskaya St, 65000 Odessa, Ukraine 4Institute of plant protection of NAAS, 33, Vasylkivska str., 03022, Kyiv, Ukraine *Corresponding author E-mail: sergejstankevich [email protected] Received: 01.03.2021. Accepted 08.04.2021
The complex of cruciferous bugs includes such species as painted or harlequin (cabbage) bug (Eurydema ventralis Kol), pentatomid rape bug (E. oleraracea L.), and mustard bug (E. ornata L.). They belong to a line Hemiptera, the family Shield bugs (Pentatomidae), and the genus Cruciferous bugs (Eurydema). The dominant species is the cabbage bug. The mustard bug dominated only in 2007, and since 2012 it has not been detected in the records. They are widespread throughout the whole territory of Ukraine. Both adult bugs and larvae cause damage to the crops; they pierce the leaf skin or floriferous shoots with the proboscis and suck out the juice. The light spots appear at the puncture points, the tissue dies, falls out, and the holes of the irregular form are formed. When the seeds are damaged, the flowers and ovary fall off, and the quality of the seeds deteriorates. The harmfulness of the bugs increases dramatically in dry and hot weather.
It is established that the weight of 1000 seeds of spring rape damaged by the cruciferous bugs is 36.27-53.52% less than that of the undamaged ones; for white mustard, these figures are 33.05-33.48%, and the weight of 1000 seeds of white cabbage damaged by the cruciferous bugs is 30.48-30.83 % less than the weight of the undamaged ones. The germination rate of the damaged spring rape seeds is 5.7-9.4% lower than that of the undamaged ones, the germination rate of white mustard is lower by 10.6%, and the germination rate of white cabbage seeds is lower by 37.1-38.1%. The oil content in the damaged seeds of spring rape is reduced by 14.45% on average, and the estimated oil yield at an average yield capacity of 0.495 t/ha is 0.071 t/ha lower.
Key words: spring rape, mustard, pests, harmfulness, cruciferous bugs.
The complex of cruciferous bugs includes such species as painted or harlequin (cabbage) bug (Eurydema ventralis Kol), pentatomid rape bug (E. oleraracea L.), and mustard bug (E. ornata L.). They belong to a line Hemiptera, the family Shield bugs (Pentatomidae), and the genus Cruciferous bugs (Eurydema). The cruciferous bugs are a common species and are spread throughout the Palaearctic. They are widespread throughout the whole territory of Ukraine (Puchkov, 1961; Yevtushenko, Vilna, Stankevych, 2016).
The imago of the cabbage bug is 6-10 mm long; its body is flattened, the prothorax is red with six black spots, on the shield and elytra there are black spots and stripes (Figure 1); the antennae are 5-segmented; a triangle scutellum covers a larger part of the abdomen, the legs are 3-segmented. The imago of the mustard bug is 6-10 mm in size; the body is flattened, the prothorax is yellow with six black spots, on the shield and elytra, there are black spots and stripes (Figure 1). The imago of the rape bug is 6-10 mm in size; the body is flattened, the prothorax is white with six black spots; on the shield and elytra, there are black spots and stripes (Figure 1). The egg is 0.6-0.8 mm in size, cylindrical; the bottom is rounded, the top is covered by a convex lid that opens when the larvae hatch (Figure 1). The larva of the imago is similar (Figure 1). The immature bugs overwinter under the fallen leaves at the edge of forest belts, in gardens and parks, on the beams slopes and roadsides. In April and May, they leave the wintering places. Besides, they feed on the cabbage weeds, and with the emergence of the cultivated cabbage plants, sprouts, and seedlings transplanting, the bugs' mass flies over to them. The female lays 12 eggs in a group, placing them in two rows, more often on the underside of the leaves. The fertility is up to 300 eggs. The embryonic development lasts for 6-12 days. The larvae feed on the plants for 25-40 days turning into an adult insect. After the extra feeding, the bugs give birth to the second generation, which develops in July and August. Both the adult bugs and larvae cause damage to the crops; they pierce the leaf skin or floriferous shoots with the proboscis and suck out the juice. The light spots appear at the puncture points, the
tissue dies, falls out, and the irregular form holes are formed. When the seeds are damaged, the flowers and ovary fall off, and the seeds' quality deteriorates. The economic threshold of harmfulness is 2-3 bugs per plant (Belyaev et al., 2017; Puchkov, 1961; Yevtushenko et al., 2009; Stankevych, Vilna, 2012; Vilna, 2013; Vilna, Stankevych, 2013; Stankevych, Kava, 2013; Yevtushenko, Vilna, 2014; Vilna et al., 2015; Stankevych, 2015; Yevtushenko et al., 2016).
Fig. 1. Cruciferous bugs: 1) oviposition; 2) reappearance of larvae; 3) larva and signs of damage; 4) rape bug; 5) mating of cabbage bugs; 6) mustard bugs (photo by the author, Educational, Research and Production Centre "Research Field" of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaiev, 2018)
Materials and methods
The development of the cruciferous bugs was observed in the entomological insulators (sweep nets) made from agricultural fiber. The pests were counted according to the generally accepted method (Omeliuta, 1986; Stankevych, Zabrodina, 2016). The correlation analysis and the analysis of variance (Dospiekhov, 1985) were performed.
The influence of the cabbage crops seeds damaged by the cruciferous bugs on the sowing quality of the seeds was determined following the State Standard of Ukraine 4138-2002 (National Standard, 2003) at the laboratory of the Zoology and Entomology Department of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaiev and at the Educational and Scientific Centre of the Soil Science and Agro-Chemistry Institute named after O.N. Sokolovskyi of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. For this purpose, under the laboratory conditions, the seed material was placed in Petri dishes (100 seeds of each variant) at a temperature of 20 °C, the seeds were moistened daily to maintain a constant humidity level. The seed germination indices were recorded on the 3rd, 5th, 7th' and 9th days.
The biochemical analysis of the purified seeds as for the fat and protein content was carried out according to Kjeldahl and Rushkovskyi (Kostromitin, 1975) laboratory at the laboratory of the Seed Quality of the Plant Growing Institute named after V.Ya. Yuriev.
Results and discussion
In 2012 after harvesting the crops of spring rape of Ataman variety, we cleaned the crops and thoroughly analyzed them. With the help of the binocular, the seeds of spring rape damaged by the bugs, and the healthy seeds without any signs of damage were selected. Under the laboratory conditions, the weight of 1000 undamaged and damaged seeds was determined. From the data given in Table 1, the weight of 1000 healthy seeds is 2.6996 g., and that of the damaged ones is 1.4454 g. Thus the mass of 1000 seeds damaged by a sucking mouthpart of the bugs is reduced by 46.5% compared to the undamaged seeds; that is, it is reduced almost two times.
Table 1. Influence of damage to seeds of spring rape of Ataman variety caused by cruciferous bugs on quantitative and qualitative indices in 2012 (Educational, Research and Production Centre "Research Field")
Variants of research (seed fractions)
Weight of 1000 seeds
percentage to g. undamaged
Fat content
at a ratio to undamaged
Protein content
at a ratio to undamaged
2.6996 1.4454 0.39
100.0 53.5
35.92 27.98 2.57
30.97 30.44 0.77
From the data given in Table 2, the undamaged seeds of spring rape contain 35.92% of fat, and the damaged ones contain 27.98% of fat, which is 1.3 times less. The protein content in the undamaged seeds was 30.97%, and in the damaged ones, it was 30.44%, which is only 0.53% less. The biochemical analysis data indicate that the damage caused by the cruciferous bugs significantly reduces the fat content in the seeds.
As a result of the germination of spring rape seeds under laboratory conditions, the damage caused by the cruciferous bugs on the laboratory germination rate of seeds has been established. From Table 2, it is seen that on the first day after sowing, no germination was observed in either of the variants. On the second day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 6.3%, and that of the damaged seeds was 4.0%. On the third day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of spring rape was 74.2%, and that of the damaged seeds was 57.6%.
On the fourth day after sowing, the seed germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 86.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 75.5%. On the fifth day after sowing, the seed germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 87.3%, and that of the damaged seeds was 77.3%. On the sixth day after sowing, the seed germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 89.3% vs. 79.5% as for the damaged ones. On the seventh day after sowing the laboratory, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of spring rape was 90.0%, and that of the damaged ones was 81.0%. The final germination rate of spring rape seeds under the laboratory conditions was recorded on the eighth day, as no further germinated seeds were observed. The final germination rate of the undamaged spring rape seeds was 90.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 84.3% (Fig. 2).
Table 2. Influence of damage to seeds of spring rape of Ataman variety caused by cruciferous bugs on laboratory germination rate in 2012 (Educational, Research and Production Centre "Research Field")
Variants of research (day)
first 0
second 6.3
third 74.2
fourth 86.0
fifth 87.3
sixth 89.3
seventh 90.0
eighth 90.0
HIP 05
Seed germination rate, %
damaged at a ratio to undamaged
0 -
4,0 - 2,3
57,6 - 16,6
75,5 - 10,5
77,3 -10,0
79,5 - 9,8
81,0 - 9,0
84,3 - 5,7
In 2013 after harvesting the oilseeds cabbage crops and the cabbage seeds and after cleaning and analyzing the crops with the help of the binocular, the seeds of spring rape, white mustard, and white cabbage damaged by the bugs as well as the healthy seeds without any signs of damage were selected (Table 3).
Fig. 2. Sprouts obtained under laboratory conditions from undamaged (black) (1), undamaged (brown) (2), and damaged (3) spring rape seeds, 2013
Table 3. Influence of damage to cabbage crops caused by cruciferous bugs on quantitative and qualitative indices in 2013 (Educational, Research and Production Centre "Research Field")
Crop, variety Variants of Weight of 1000 seeds Oil content Protein content
research (seed fractions) g. percentage to undamaged % at a ratio to undamaged % at a ratio to undamaged
Spring rape of Ataman variety Undamaged Damaged 3.2161 1.2313 100.0 38.28 47.84 26.93 -20.91 14.66 31.44 16.78
White mustard of Undamaged 3.9911 100.0 20.57 — 37.91 —
Carolina Damaged 1.3194 33.05 18.77 -1.80 36.39 -1.52
White cabbage of Undamaged 5.2099 100.0 37.44 — 31.03 —
Kharkivska Damaged 1.6067 30.83 15.72 -21.72 38.30 7.27
105 variety
The weight of 1000 yielded spring rape seeds of Ataman variety undamaged by the bugs amounted to 3.2161 g, and the weight of the damaged seeds amounted to 1.2313 g, which is 2.6 times less. The weight of 1000 undamaged seeds of white mustard of Carolina variety was 3.9911 g, and that of white cabbage of Kharkivska 105 variety was 5.2099 g, and the weights of the damaged seeds were 1.3194 g and 1.6067 g, or 3.0 and 3.2 times less. The undamaged seeds of spring rape have an oil content of 47.84%, and the damaged seeds have an oil content of 26,93%, which is 1,8 times less. The protein content in the undamaged seeds is 14.66%, while in the damaged, it is 31.44%. The undamaged seeds of white mustard contain 20.57% of oil, and the damaged ones contain 18.77% or 0.1 times less. The protein content in the undamaged seeds is 3.91 %, and in the damaged, it is 36.39%. In the undamaged seeds of white cabbage, the oil content amounts to 37.44%, and in the damaged, it is 15.72%, which is almost 2.4 times less. The protein content in the undamaged seeds is 31.03%, and in the damaged, it is 38%. The biochemical analysis data shows that the damage to the seeds caused by the cruciferous bugs in 2013 also caused a decrease in the oil content in it and an increase in the protein content in the seeds of spring rape and white cabbage. As a result of the spring rape seeds germination under the laboratory conditions, the influence of damage to seeds caused by the cruciferous bugs on the laboratory germination rate was established (Table 4).
Table 4. Influence of damage to seeds of spring rape of Ataman variety caused by cruciferous bugs on laboratory germination
rate in 2013_
Seed germination rate, %
Variants of research (day) -2-
undamaged damaged at a ratio to undamaged
first 6.4 4.0 -2.4
second 59.2 31.1 -28.1
third 71.0 62.6 -8.4
fourth 86.8 73.5 -13.3
fifth 89.4 75.3 -14.1
sixth 90.3 78.5 -11.8
seventh 91.1 80.0 -11.1
eighth 92.0 83.3 -8.7
Fig. 3. Sprouts obtained under laboratory conditions from undamaged (1) and damaged (2) spring rape seeds, 2013
From the data given in Table 4, it is seen that on the first day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of spring rape of Ataman variety was 6.4%, and that of the damaged seeds was 4.0%; on the second day the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 59.2%, and that of the damaged seeds was 31.1 %. On the third day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of spring rape was 71.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 62.6%. On the fourth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 86.8%, and that of the damaged seeds was 73.5%. On the fifth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 89.4%, and that of the damaged seeds was 75.3%. On the sixth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 90.3% versus 78.5% as for the damaged ones. On the seventh day after sowing, the laboratory germination rate of the undamaged spring rape seeds was 9.1%, and the germination rate of the damaged ones was 80.0%. The final germination rate of spring rape seeds under the laboratory conditions (Fig. 3) was recorded on the eighth day, as no further germinated seeds were observed. The final germination rate of the undamaged spring rape seeds was 92.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 83.3%.
Table 5. Influence of damage to seeds of white mustard of Carolina variety caused by cruciferous bugs on laboratory germination rate in 2013 (Educational, Research and Production Centre "Research Field")
Seed germination rate, %
Variants ot research (day) undamaged damaged at a ratio to undamaged
first 8.2 3.0 -5.2
second 68.4 10.1 -58.3
third 73.2 55.6 -17.6
fourth 84.0 66.5 -17.5
fifth 87.7 74.3 -13.4
sixth 89.3 79.5 -9.8
seventh 92.1 82.0 -10.1
eighth 97.0 86.4 -10.6
From the data given in Table 5, it is seen that on the first day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white mustard of Carolina variety was 8.2%, and that of the damaged seeds was 3.0%; on the second day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 68.4%, and that of the damaged seeds was 10.1 %. On the third day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white mustard was 73.2%, and that of the damaged seeds was 55.6%. On the fourth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 84.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 66.5%. On the fifth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 87.7%, and that of the damaged seeds was 74.3%. On the sixth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 89.3% versus 79.5% as for the damaged ones. On the seventh day after sowing the laboratory, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white mustard was 92.1%, and that of the damaged ones was 82.0%. The final germination rate of white mustard seeds under the laboratory conditions was recorded on the eighth day (Fig. 4). The final germination rate of the undamaged white mustard seeds was 97.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 86.4%.
Fig. 4. Sprouts obtained under laboratory conditions from undamaged (3) and damaged (4) white mustard seeds, 2013
From the data given in Table 6, it is seen that on the first day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white cabbage of Kharkivska 105 variety was 4.1 %, and that of the damaged seeds was 2.0%; on the second day the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 26.6%, and that of the damaged seeds was 19.1 %. On the third day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white cabbage was 71.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 21.3%. On the fourth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 82.4%, and that of the damaged seeds was 43.7%. On the fifth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 86.8%, and that of the damaged seeds was 47.3%. On the sixth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 88.7% versus 49.5% as for the damaged ones. On the seventh day after sowing, the laboratory germination rate of the undamaged cabbage seeds was 92.5%, and that of the damaged ones was 51.7%. The final germination rate of the cabbage seeds under the laboratory conditions was recorded on the eighth day as no further germinated seeds were observed (Fig. 5). The final germination rate of the undamaged white cabbage seeds was 94.0%, and that of the damaged seeds was 56.9%.
Table 6. Influence of damage to seeds of white cabbage of Kharkivska 105 variety caused by cruciferous bugs on laboratory germination rate in 2013 (Educational, Research and Production Centre "Research Field")
Variants of research (day)
Seed germination rate, %
undamaged 4.1 26.6 71.0
82.4 86.8 88.7
92.5 94.0
Damaged 2.0 19.1 21.3 43.7 47.3 49.5 51.7 56.9
at a ratio to undamaged -2.1 -7.5 -49.7 -38.7 -39.5 -39.2 -40.8 -37.1
The weight of 1000 yielded spring rape seeds of Ataman variety undamaged by the bugs amounted to 3.3251 g, and the weight of the damaged seeds amounted to 1.2061 g, which is 2.8 times less. The weight of 1000 undamaged seeds of white mustard of Carolina variety was 3.9981 g, and that of white cabbage of Kharkivska 105 variety was 5.3128 g, and the weights of the damaged seeds were 1.3386 g and 1.6192 g respectively, or 3.0 and 3.3 times less.
The undamaged seeds of spring rape have an oil content of 49.23%, and the damaged seeds have an oil content of 34.71%, which is 1.4 times less. The protein content in the undamaged seeds is 18.60%, while in the damaged ones, it is 26.72%. The undamaged seeds of white mustard contain 34.19% of oil, and the damaged ones contain 45.59% or 1,3 times more. The protein content in the undamaged seeds was 25.53%, and in the damaged, it was 23.36%. In the undamaged seeds of white cabbage, the oil content amounted to 35.25%, and in the damaged, it was 34.43%, which is 1.0 less. The protein content in the undamaged seeds was 29.41 %, and in the damaged, it was 30.38% (Table 7).
Fig. 5. Sprouts obtained under laboratory conditions from undamaged (5) and damaged (6) seeds of white cabbage, 2013 Table 7. Influence of damage to cabbage crops caused by cruciferous bugs on quantitative and qualitative indices, 2014
Crop, variety
Spring rape of Ataman variety White mustard of Carolina variety White cabbage of Kharkivska 105 variety_
Variants of Weight of 1000 seeds
research (seed percentage to OA %
fractions) g. undamaged
Undamaged 3.3251 100.0 49.23
Damaged 1.2061 36.27 34.71
Undamaged 3.9981 100.0 34.19
Damaged 1.3386 33.48 45.59
Undamaged 5.3128 100.0 35.35
Damaged 1.6192 30.48 34.43
Oil content
Protein content
at a ratio to undamaged
18.60 26.72 25.53 23.36 29.41
at a ratio to undamaged
The biochemical analysis data shows that the damage to the seeds of spring rape and white cabbage caused by the cruciferous bugs is the reason of the decrease in the oil content in it and an increase in the protein content in the seeds of spring rape and white cabbage.
As a result of the spring rape seeds germination under the laboratory conditions, the influence of damage to seeds caused by the cruciferous bugs on the laboratory germination rate was established (Table 8).
Table 8. Influence of damage to seeds of spring rape of Ataman variety caused by cruciferous bugs on laboratory germination rate in 2014
Variants of research (day) Seed germination rate, %
undamaged damaged at a ratio to undamaged
first 3.8 2.1 -1.7
second 28.4 16.1 -12.3
third 36.2 28.6 -7.6
fourth 53.6 41.9 -11.7
fifth 73.1 59.7 -13.4
sixth 84.7 75.2 -9.5
seventh 89.4 79.5 -9.9
eighth 91.8 82.4 -9.4
From the data given in Table 8, it is seen that on the first day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of spring rape of Ataman variety was 3.8%, and that of the damaged seeds was 2.1 %; on the second day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 28.4%, and that of the damaged seeds was 16.1%. On the third day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of spring rape was 36.2%, and that of the damaged seeds was 28.6%. On the fourth day after sowing, the
Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 11(2), 2021
germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 53.6%, and that of the damaged seeds was 41.9%. On the fifth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 73.1%, and that of the damaged seeds was 59.7%. On the sixth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 84.7% versus 75.2% as for the damaged ones. On the seventh day after sowing the laboratory, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of spring rape was 89.4%, and that of the damaged ones was 79.5%. The final germination rate of the spring rape seeds under the laboratory conditions was recorded on the eighth day as no further germinated seeds were observed. The final germination rate of the undamaged spring rape seeds was 91.8%, and that of the damaged seeds was 82.4% (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. Sprouts obtained under laboratory conditions from undamaged (1) and damaged (2) seeds of spring rape, 2014
Table 9. Influence of damage to seeds of white mustard of Carolina variety caused by cruciferous bugs on laboratory germination rate in 2014
Variants of research (day) undamaged Seed germination rate, % damaged at a ratio to undamaged
first 6.1 2.8 -3.3
second 29.5 15.4 -14.1
third 59.1 38.7 -20.4
fourth 72.6 54.1 -18.5
fifth 82.4 69.2 -13.2
sixth 88.7 72.8 -15.9
seventh 91.3 80.9 -10.4
eighth 95.2 84.6 -10.6
From the data given in Table 9, it is seen that on the first day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white mustard of Carolina variety was 6,1 %, and that of the damaged seeds was 2,8%; on the second day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 29.5%, and that of the damaged seeds was 15.4%. On the third day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white mustard was 59.1%, and that of the damaged seeds was 38.7%. On the fourth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 72.6%, and that of the damaged seeds was 54.1%. On the fifth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 82.4%, and that of the damaged seeds was 69.2%. On the sixth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 88.7% versus 72.8% as for the damaged ones. On the seventh day after sowing the laboratory, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white mustard was 91.3%, and that of the damaged ones was 80.9%. The final germination rate of the white mustard seeds under the laboratory conditions was recorded
on the eighth day. The final germination rate of the undamaged white mustard seeds was 95.2 seeds was 84.6% (Fig. 7).
and that of the damaged
Fig. 7. Sprouts obtained under laboratory conditions from undamaged (3) and damaged (4) seeds of white mustard, 2014
Table 10. Influence of damage to seeds of white cabbage of Kharkivska 105 variety caused by cruciferous bugs on laboratory germination rate in 2014
Variants of research (day)
undamaged 4.4 22.8
43.6 68.1 79.9 86.3
92.7 93.9
Seed germination rate, % damaged 2.7 16.5 22.1 39.4 42.4 48.4 52.2 55.8
at a ratio to undamaged -1.7 -6.3 -21.5 -28.7 -37.5 -37.9 -40.5 -38.1
From the data given in Table 10, it is seen that on the first day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white cabbage of Kharkivska 105 variety was 4.4%, and that of the damaged seeds was 2.7%; on the second day the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 22.8%, and that of the damaged seeds was 16.5%. On the third day, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds of white cabbage was 43.6%, and that of the damaged seeds was 22.1 %. On the fourth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 68.1%, and that of the damaged seeds was 39.4%. On the fifth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 79.9%, and that of the damaged seeds was 42.4%. On the sixth day after sowing, the germination rate of the undamaged seeds was 86.3% versus 48.4% as for the damaged ones. On the seventh day after sowing the laboratory, the germination rate of the undamaged cabbage seeds was 92.7%, and that of the damaged ones was 52.2%. The final germination rate of the cabbage seeds under the laboratory conditions was recorded on the eighth day as no further germinated seeds were observed. The final germination rate of the undamaged white cabbage seeds was 93.9%, and that of the damaged seeds was 55.8% (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8. Sprouts obtained under laboratory conditions from undamaged (5) and damaged (6) seeds of white cabbage, 2014
Over the three years of the research, with an average yield of spring rape of Ataman variety of 0.455 t/ha, the average oil content in the damaged seeds was lower by 14.45%, and the estimated oil losses were 0.071 t/ha (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. Seeds of spring rape of Ataman variety: undamaged (A), damaged (B) and seeds of white mustard of Carolina variety: undamaged (C) and damaged (D)
The cruciferous bugs (Eurydema spp.) are a counterpart of the complex of the main pests of the cabbage crops generative organs in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. three species present the cruciferous bugs: painted or harlequin (cabbage) bug (Eurydema ventralis Kol), pentatomid rape bug (E oleraracea L.) and mustard bug (E. ornata L.).
The weight of 1000 seeds of spring rape damaged by the cruciferous bugs is 36.27-53.52% less than that of the undamaged ones; for white mustard, these figures are 33.05-33.48%, and the weight of 1000 seeds of white cabbage damaged by the cruciferous bugs is 30.48-30.83 % less than the weight of the undamaged ones.
The germination rate of the damaged spring rape seeds is 5.7-9.4% lower than that of the undamaged ones, the germination rate of white mustard is lower by 10,6%, and the germination rate of white cabbage seeds is lower by 37.1 -38.1 %. The oil content in the damaged seeds of spring rape is reduced by 14.45% on average, and the estimated oil yield at an average yield capacity of 0.495 t/ha is 0.071 t/ha lower.
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