GUESSES ABOUT THE CONTINUITY OF THE TEACHING: THE ORIGIN OF THE IDEA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Krotenko Tatyana Yurievna, Kanunikova Margarita Igorevna, Lesnikova Olga Valentinovna

The idea of permanent learning throughout life is the product of a long dialogue with the educational systems of heterogeneous cultures of different times. In a cross-cutting way, even an ideal generated by antiquity, consistent with the idea of continuity, but not absolutely equal to it, appears the type of individual who takes care of himself through education. Training is an urgent necessity for the human spirit, like food for the body.

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Социология. Педагогика

DOI: 10.47581/2021/PS92/IE.5.55.29


ORIGIN OF THE IDEA Krotenko Tatyana Yurievna, cand. of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor, State University of management, Moscow, Russia (e-mail: krotenkotatiana@rambler.ru)

Kanunikova Margarita Igorevna, cand. of Sciences in Economics, associate professor, Moscow State Linguistic University Moscow, Russia (e-mail: m.kameneva72@mail.ru) Lesnikova Olga Valentinovna, cand. of Sciences in Economics, associate professor, Moscow State Linguistic University Moscow, Russia (e-mail: lesnikovamslu@gmail.com)

The idea of permanent learning throughout life is the product of a long dialogue with the educational systems of heterogeneous cultures of different times. In a cross-cutting way, even an ideal generated by antiquity, consistent with the idea of continuity, but not absolutely equal to it, appears the type of individual who takes care of himself through education. Training is an urgent necessity for the human spirit, like food for the body.

Keywords: the idea of the continuity of teaching, antiquity, the age of enlightenment, education, permanent training, subsystems of continuing education.

The idea of constantly enriching your inner world with knowledge can be found in the texts of Plato, Socrates, Democritus, Plutarch, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, Seneca, Confucius, etc. In their works devoted to the problems of teaching, we are talking about the relentless improvement of man. These texts are evidence that the idea of continuing education did not appear within the walls of today's pedagogical universities.

The idea of permanent learning throughout life is the product of a long dialogue with the educational systems of heterogeneous cultures of different times. In a cross-cutting way, even an ideal generated by antiquity, consistent with the idea of continuity, but not absolutely equal to it, appears the type of individual who takes care of himself through education. Training is an urgent necessity for the human spirit, like food for the body.

In the logic of the built-up life models, the question of the harmonious harmony of what and how is carried out within educational institutions, and what and how is happening outside of them (namely, the formal, informal and informational subsystems make up continuous education as a whole) is open today, but not new.

The feeling of "non-novelty" of the idea of the permanence of learning appears not only in the analysis of ancient philosophical texts. The world of fairy


tales, proverbs, sayings is one of the most powerful sources that feed the idea of eternity and the inclusiveness of teaching and the invincibility of reason.

Fairy tales are the pinnacle of folk wisdom, a manifestation of the great moral, educational and pedagogical genius of previous generations. In the fairy tales of the peoples of the whole world-conclusions and arguments about the benefits of knowledge, teaching, reading. For example, they affirm the need to learn to read in order to have access to book wisdom: "If you get carried away with a book, you will gain intelligence", "If you read books, you will know everything", "A book is like water - it will break the road everywhere".

A person is able to learn life lessons, new knowledge, previously unknown techniques, methods, means of activity-absolutely at any age. Only a smart strongman can handle mountains, and the true strength is just in knowledge. It is necessary to go to knowledge and understanding for a long and difficult time.

Masterpieces of literary and pedagogical skill are fairy tales that consider the gradual involvement of a negligent character in any hard work, including studying. This is not only a promising way to overcome laziness, but also the approval of the idea of continuous learning.

In fairy tales, we also find comments on proverbs, sayings. They more fully, figuratively and vividly argue the ideas of aphorisms, reveal the essence of proverbs and sayings on specific facts. The fairy tale contains the most naive answer, for example, to the riddle-the question: "Who is stronger than everyone in the world?" Of course, this hero is a hardworking and knowledgeable subject. It can't be otherwise! Without the desire to know the world, to find the truth, to get to the bottom of it, a person ceases to be a person - in a fairy tale, he even risks turning into an animal.

Here are examples of Russian proverbs and sayings that reflect the idea of continuous knowledge: "There is no old age for learning", "Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness", "Learning to read is always useful", "Who is good at reading and writing is not lost", "Live forever, learn forever". Hourly learning new things, a person finds strength and wisdom. They help a person to rise above the adversities of life, to overcome them.

The humanistic views of Voltaire, Goethe, Rousseau, Diderot, Holbach, Lametri, Helvetius reflect, strengthen and develop the idea of the continuity of teaching. Enlightenment philosophers see the possibility of improving society and man with the development of science and progress. It is necessary to spread knowledge, purposeful education of a person who is able to cope with social vices. Social reality should be changed in the interests of progress and "improvement of civil society", and this is possible only with the desire for knowledge, for natural science.

The great Czech reformer Ya. A. Komensky argued that there is no other goal in life than learning, that absolutely any age is suitable for learning new things. These views on the education of the brilliant innovator formed the basis of the pedagogical concept and turned into a powerful didactic system, incomparable in terms of its impact on minds and vitality with any subsequent ones.

The response of ideas about lifelong learning can be found in the works of the philosopher of the French bourgeois revolution and the French politician Jean Antoine Condorcet. In his program of public education, he puts forward the principle of universality, that is, the coverage of education for all citizens without exception.

Such "inclusiveness" should guarantee people the maintenance of old knowledge and skills at a level suitable for professional activity, and the acquisition of new ones - for a bold look into the future.

The development of pedagogical thought in Russia in the 18th century was promoted by the pedagogical views, educational activities, and the very life of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, devoted to science and education. He actively advocated the democratization of education. The main tasks of the "people's school", he believed, were to cultivate a love of work in children, teach them the rules of behavior, and provide education.

Progressive guesses about the continuity of the teaching occupied the minds of the great Russian enlighteners N. I. Pirogov, K. D. Ushinsky, L. N. Tolstoy. In the pedagogical works of D. I. Pisarev, one can find an idea about the value of post-school education, which, precisely because of its "optional nature", gives an inquisitive, thinking person for life and activity disproportionately more than everyday school drill.

Dynamic changes in socio-economic relations, science, and technology during the industrial revolution of the 19th century strengthened the idea of continuity of education. In the 20s of the 20th century, the idea of lifelong education as a cardinal way to combat illiteracy appeared in European countries, including Russia.

Continuing education after the First World War, as now, is seen as an indispensable condition for the growth of the educational (general cultural and professional) potential of a person. The rise of the cultural level occurs throughout life and is provided in the organizational plan by the system of public and state institutions.

The direction of development is dictated by the needs of the individual and society, constant structural adjustment and updating of technologies leading to a change in the content of work.

The idea of continuing education in the form of an independent concept begins to be actively developed together with the first steps aimed at the development of universal education. The idea of continuous learning becomes the slogan of the post-war era (the 40s-50s of the 20th century), a kind of expression of people's hope for a society in which their potential will be revealed for the benefit of peace, friendship and progress. But it is unlikely that this bright and pure idea would have received such a strong recognition if it had not been for the events of that time in the cultural, social, and political field.

For the first time, the idea of "lifelong education" was voiced within the framework of a wide controversy that took place in the 60s at UNESCO conferences and forums. At the world level, in fact, the development of adult education


is being discussed for the first time. In this area, there is a whole complex of problems and nuances related to the economic and political situation of each state, which generally hinder full-fledged international cooperation. In some countries, adult education programs are already underway by this time, but in the vast majority of states, the adult population is illiterate. In Scandinavia, there are public secondary schools, in the UK - "extended education", in France-public education", in the USSR- "universal education of workers", in Canada and the USA - "continuing education".

Another reason for the noticeable increase in attention to continuing education after the Second World War is the growth of scientific and technical achievements and, in this regard, the training of production personnel in various organizational and pedagogical forms (at the machine, at courses, in schools, in workshops, in vocational centers, in branch retraining institutes, etc.)

The Montreal World Conference of 1960 set the task for the governments of States to solve the problem of adult education not as a peripheral and service in relation to politics and economics, but as a leading one - as part of national cultural and educational systems. In 1962, at the 12th session of the UNESCO General Conference, the issues of extracurricular, optional education, including for adults, were actively discussed. The goal is to create conditions for all comers (regardless of their state of health, gender, age, faith, nationality) for comprehensive development, for active participation in the socio-cultural, political, economic life of their countries, in international interaction.

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Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина - Мининский университет, г. Нижний Новгород, Россия

(e-mail: nbarkhatov@inbox.ru) Ревунова Елена Алексеевна, канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет, г. Нижний Новгород, Россия (e-mail: revunova.elena@mail.ru) Исаева Ирина Юрьевна, студент

Нижегородский государственный педагогический университет имени Козьмы Минина - Мининский университет, г. Нижний Новгород, Россия

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Работа посвящена изучению аспектов развития творческих способностей учащихся при подготовке научно-исследовательской работы. Показано, что познавательные интересы школьника развиваются, усложняются, обогащаются в ходе развития, в процессе становления личности ученика. На развитие познавательных интересов оказывает влияние возрастной аспект, поскольку приобретенные знания содействуют переводу интереса на более высокий уровень.

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