GROWING BITTER WATERMELON IN UZBEKISTAN AND ITS HEALING PROPERTIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
watermelon / food / fruit / root / sugar / pectin / alkaloid / starch / organic acid / plant. / арбуз / еда / фрукты / корень / сахар / пектин / алкалоид / крахмал / органическая кислота / растение.

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Topvoldiev, Tulqin, Mirzayeva, Zubayda Odiljon Kizi, Isaqov, Toxir Tursunboy O’G’Li

The homeland of watermelon is the Middle East and India, where 7 species are known to science. Two of them are cultivated and eaten as food. Ripe fruits contain 10-12% of sugars and small amounts of medicinal compounds. Among them, the amino acid citrulline is more common in the rind of watermelon in improving kidney function and as a diuretic. There are also wild species of watermelon, including the bitter watermelon Bryonia alba cucurbitaceae, which is found for many years in the wild in the Kalahari Valley of South Africa and is known to occur in Iran.

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Родиной арбуза является Ближний Восток и Индия, где науке известно 7 видов. Два из них выращиваются и употребляются в пищу. В спелых плодах содержится 10-12% сахаров и небольшое количество лекарственных соединений. Среди них аминокислота цитруллин чаще встречается в кожуре арбуза для улучшения функции почек и в качестве мочегонного средства. Есть также дикие виды арбузов, в том числе горький арбуз Bryonia alba cucurbitaceae, который много лет встречается в дикой природе в долине Калахари в Южной Африке и, как известно, встречается в Иране.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, R VOLUME 1 | ISSUE 4

educational, natural and social sciences О ISSN 2181-1784

Scientific Journal Impact Factor SJIF 2021: 5.423


Topvoldiev Tulqin - doctor of biological sciences, professor Mirzayeva Zubayda Odiljon kizi -doctoral student e-mail: zubayda91@bk. ru Isaqov Toxir Tursunboy O'g'li assistant

Anlijon Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology

Abstract: The homeland of watermelon is the Middle East and India, where 7 species are known to science. Two of them are cultivated and eaten as food. Ripe fruits contain 10-12% of sugars and small amounts of medicinal compounds. Among them, the amino acid citrulline is more common in the rind of watermelon in improving kidney function and as a diuretic.

There are also wild species of watermelon, including the bitter watermelon Bryonia alba cucurbitaceae, which is found for many years in the wild in the Kalahari Valley of South Africa and is known to occur in Iran.

Keywords: watermelon, food, fruit, root, sugar, pectin, alkaloid, starch, organic acid, plant.

Аннотация: Родиной арбуза является Ближний Восток и Индия, где науке известно 7 видов. Два из них выращиваются и употребляются в пищу. В спелых плодах содержится 10-12% сахаров и небольшое количество лекарственных соединений. Среди них аминокислота цитруллин чаще встречается в кожуре арбуза для улучшения функции почек и в качестве мочегонного средства.

Есть также дикие виды арбузов, в том числе горький арбуз Bryonia alba cucurbitaceae, который много лет встречается в дикой природе в долине Калахари в Южной Африке и, как известно, встречается в Иране.

Ключевые слова: арбуз, еда, фрукты, корень, сахар, пектин, алкалоид, крахмал, органическая кислота, растение.


Ibn Sinani's book "Laws of Medicine" describes in detail the healing properties of the roots and fruits of bitter watermelon. But bitter watermelon, grown in Central Asia, is an annual plant, the fruit of which is overweight and has a slightly higher


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sugar content. Our hypothesis is that this watermelon can be considered as an annual cultural variety of air-conditioned watermelon as a result of natural selection mixed with cultural species. The reason is that the watermelon grown in our country does not differ in many respects from the varieties grown for fodder. The fruit is large, high in sugar (8-10%), low in bitter glycosides, and the length of the pods increases rapidly during the growing season.

According to literary sources, watermelon contains a number of secondary biochemical compounds, along with sugars and pectin. The root contains glycosides brionine, brionidine, briomaride, briobioside, cucurbitacins from bitter substances, up to 1.5% alkaloids, saponins, starch, organic acids, resins, additives and other substances.

It was found that sowing the seeds of bitter watermelon in mid-April gives high yields after the soil temperature exceeds an average of 150 C. Under such conditions, the plant will germinate fully in 7-10 days.

According to the results of phenological observations, the plants grew well in the conditions of Andijan region, and infestation with aphids and other plant diseases was almost not observed. Flowering goes very slowly and at the same time it was noted that only 30-35% of the plant produced only 1-3 female flowers in 1-1.5 months. Vegetative organs have been observed to grow very strongly since August. It has been observed that the branched stalks of some plants extend even more than 1015 meters in length.

The growth and development of watermelon continued until the end of October. The size and weight of the fruit increased. It was also observed that the largest watermelon weighed more than 5-6 kg. Most fruits weigh around 1-1.5 kg.

The bitter-tasting glycoside contained in bitter watermelon is not present at all in the seeds, stems and leaves of the plant. When the watermelon flower was pollinated, it was observed that with the formation of the primary fruit, a bitter substance was formed in its composition. During the ripening process of watermelon, it was observed that the bitterness in its composition decreased slightly. It was observed that the organic matter, which gives a bitter taste, is more in the layer of the skin than in the main part of the fruit, and there is no synthesis in the outer epidermal layer. The glycosides in bitter watermelon do not change during the storage process of watermelon. However, it was found that the degree and quality of bitterness changed slightly when the juice was sterilized by boiling.


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In the teachings of Avesena (Ibn Sina) it is stated in literary sources that bitter watermelon was used with some diseases. It has been used as an antidote in the treatment of wheezing, shortness of breath, and standing breathing. Twice a month, when the disease worsened, he prepared a pill drug by adding watermelon flesh together with other medicinal plants and gave it to patients to drink. In the treatment of liver diseases, watermelon was used as a decoction.

It is known that many people around the world today suffer from diabetes. Information about the successful use of bitter melon in the treatment of secondary diabetes in the United States can be found in the world media. German pharmaceutical company Florish is known around the world for the development of several types of antidiabetic drugs based on bitter melon.

Due to the fact that the family and origin of melons and watermelons are the same, the presence of glycosides present in melons in watermelons is inevitable in accordance with the phylogenetic law. That's why we've been testing bitter watermelon for several years in diabetic volunteers.

In the teachings of Ibn Sina, it is stated in literary sources that bitter watermelon is used for certain diseases. It has been used as an antidote in the treatment of wheezing, shortness of breath, and standing breathing. Twice a month, when the disease worsened, he prepared a pill drug by adding watermelon flesh together with other medicinal plants and gave it to patients to drink. In the treatment of liver diseases, watermelon was used as a decoction.

There are no data at all on the use of bitter watermelon against diabetes. We first do this in patients with diabetes when drinking 8-10 ml of watermelon juice before meals, the amount of glucose in the blood for 1-2 days is 1-2 ml / mol.

In short, bitter watermelon juice has long been used by doctors to treat certain diseases of humans, but it has not been used for diabetes. Our research focuses on a comprehensive study of the biology, agronomics and biochemical composition of watermelon, as well as the development of technology for making powder, paste and tablets from watermelon juice, as well as all the healing properties of watermelon in collaboration with relevant medical institutions.

Although Abu Jahl-bitter watermelon has been cultivated by humans since ancient times, its large-scale agro-techniques have not been developed at all. This watermelon has a number of absolute characteristics compared to planting cultures. In particular, it likes solitude, loves light, grows in extreme temperatures but does not produce flowers, so the cultivation of bitter watermelon on an industrial scale

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requires the full development of its agronomic techniques. Watermelon is planted when the soil temperature is around 15 degrees. Sprouts in 5-7 days. After the first watering and mowing, the row spacing is left 1-1.2 meters and is made one by one.

The soil climate requirement of watermelon for water and mineral elements has not been studied at all. Especially during the period of growth and development, the growth of the main stem is very slow, while the side branches grow very fast and reach 5-10 meters by the time of flowering. But so far bitter watermelon is grown in a certain region, and its complete agrotechnics has not been developed.

Although Abu Jahl has been using watermelon in medicine since the time of Ibn Sina to treat various diseases, the healing properties of watermelon and measures and mechanisms to combat parasitic worms living in the human body have not yet been determined.

Preliminary examinations were conducted in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacology of Andijan Medical Institute. The results showed that even after diluting the juice of bitter watermelon 10 times, the parasites living in the human intestine were killed in a few seconds in the laboratory under practical conditions.

According to the initial practical research of Professor T. Topvoldiev and his students, when people with type 2 diabetes consume 10-12 ml of watermelon juice per day, the amount of sugar is reduced by 2-3 degrees in a short time.

1. Watermelon production in 2018, Crops/Regions/World list/Production Quantity (pick lists). UN Food and Agriculture Organization

2. Dane, Fenny; Liu, Jiarong. Diversity and origin of cultivated and citron type watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) (англ.) // Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution : journal. — 2006. — Vol. 54,no. 6. — P. 1255. — doi:10.1007/s10722-006-9107-3.

3. Лавренов В. К., Лавренова Г. В. Современная энциклопедия лекарственных растений. — М.: ЗАО «ОЛМА Медиа Групп», 2009. — С. 30— 31. — 272 с. — ISBN 978-5-373-02547-8.



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