Научная статья на тему 'GPON SYSTEMS IN THE MODERN WORLD'

GPON SYSTEMS IN THE MODERN WORLD Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
Gigabit PON / GEPON / ARPANET / Internet / optical fiber.

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Alisher Nomozovich Urishev

In economically developed countries, this technology has long been widespread. It began to develop intensively from the distant 90s. The rapid adoption of the technology in Europe, Japan and the United States has been greatly influenced by its high network speed, reliability and low operating costs. Today, in the cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, some providers also provide their subscribers with access to communication services through this progressive technology, thanks to which the simultaneous use of telephony, interactive television and high-speed Internet becomes possible through only one cable.

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Похожие темы научных работ по компьютерным и информационным наукам , автор научной работы — Alisher Nomozovich Urishev

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Текст научной работы на тему «GPON SYSTEMS IN THE MODERN WORLD»


Alisher Nomozovich Urishev

2-year master of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after

Muhammad al-Khorezmi a.urishev@gmail.com


In economically developed countries, this technology has long been widespread. It began to develop intensively from the distant 90s. The rapid adoption of the technology in Europe, Japan and the United States has been greatly influenced by its high network speed, reliability and low operating costs. Today, in the cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan, some providers also provide their subscribers with access to communication services through this progressive technology, thanks to which the simultaneous use of telephony, interactive television and high-speed Internet becomes possible through only one cable.

Keywords: Gigabit PON, GEPON, ARPANET, Internet, optical fiber.


The technology provides several services simultaneously via one communication channel, while providing a high speed of information exchange, which is especially important during the broadcast of sound and video.

Secondly, it will be advisable to familiarize yourself with the decoding of some abbreviations. The work of a passive optical network, or PON for short (Passive Optical Network), is to provide multi-access through a single fiber-optic cable through multiplexing of transmission and reception paths.

PON technologies quickly improved and the Ethernet PON standard was developed to provide high-speed information transfer, and soon an upgraded version of Gigabit EPON was released, which is now second only to gigabyte passive optical systems, that is, "GPON" for short.

The decoding of this abbreviation in English is as follows: Gigabit capable Passive Optical Network.

Pros and cons

The technology provides for the use of a light channel for transmitting information over fiber.

It is this circumstance that imposes some disadvantages, although the advantages of the technology more than cover the accompanying disadvantages.

GPON provides for the laying of fiber directly into the subscriber's home and allows you to reach speeds on the world wide web up to 2.5 kbps.

To connect, the client needs to install an optical terminal or in the original language "Optical Network Terminal" - abbreviated as ONT. It is usually provided by the provider itself.

The terminal, or as it is used to call it in our country, the ONT modem is already equipped with a Wi-Fi module, so there is no need to stretch the cords around the apartment further from the device.


To transmit a light pulse through a special cable, it does not consume as much energy as to provide reception and transmission of data over a metal conductor.

It is quite difficult for attackers to intercept such a signal, and fiber-optic cable is not afraid of electromagnetic interference. This determines the reliability and quality of the connection.

The GPON network allows you to provide the subscriber with high-quality telephone communication using an IP-phone, several numbers on a single line, and, if the client wishes, it is possible to save the number after changing his place of residence.

Among the main advantages, it should also be noted high bandwidth and the simultaneous use of various services.

The word "passive" is not in vain used in the name of the technology. It implies work without the use of intermediate equipment, that is, there are no switches and similar equipment on the line between the client and the station.


As you know, any device has a habit of breaking down and needs to be serviced periodically, not to mention the fact that it does not work without power supply. These factors add up to the economic benefits of GPON.

Since there is no electrical energy in the optical fiber, there is no danger for the subscriber, to suffer from the discharge of current, and such a cable is absolutely indifferent to high humidity.

The user should be well aware of all the disadvantages of the technology. This will help him avoid unjustified financial expenses and maintain personal psychological health, while not only his own, but also specialists from the service center of the provider.

It is very easy to damage optical fiber by mechanical impact on it. Even minor local bends often lead to its damage, therefore, in order to avoid such risks, it is recommended to install the modem as close as possible from the entry point to the gpon house.

Often, slight squeezing of the cable, for example, by the leg of a chair, led to a decrease in its throughput. Typically, devices are mounted right at the entrance to the dwelling.

The wire should be located out of the reach of pets, as cats and especially dogs feel it is their primary duty to test the cable's strength with their teeth.

Fiber restoration or its replacement for the subscriber is an expensive procedure and it is better to stop all non-warranty cases right away.


The main disadvantage that engineers designate relates to the economic issue of payback of technology implementation. The infrastructure of the appropriate equipment and cables pays off only in the presence of a large number of subscribers and the payback period is relatively long.

This leads to the introduction of GPON only in cities, and residents remote from them still have to be content with the Internet using the outdated technology of transmission over copper wires, since telephone cables in Russia are laid almost everywhere.

GPON equipment

The connection equipment is provided by the provider. Sometimes the hardware is leased or purchased by the user with fiber optic connectivity.

Therefore, the nuances must first be checked with the communication service provider. It will also help in the future to correctly configure the connected subscriber devices (PC, TV, telephone, mobile gadgets, etc.).

A cable is laid in the client's house and a gpon optical terminal is installed, next to which an electrical outlet is located, from which power will be supplied to the device.

This terminal is designed to convert a fiber optic interface to an "Ethernet" interface.

Terminal models have different functionality, therefore, before installation, you should clarify the possibility of connecting devices via Wi-Fi channel, IPTV, telephony, etc.

Due to lack of awareness, users are often extremely surprised to learn that the connection procedure includes drilling a wall in an apartment (otherwise how to enter a cable into the room), installing equipment (technically uninformed subscribers ask a bewildered question: "Why is there a device and cabling in the house, do you need a wireless Internet? ", etc.).

In addition, if the client needs interactive TV, then a special set-top box must be connected. Some people need to ensure the functionality of a landline telephone and connect a security fire alarm, video surveillance.

Therefore, the instruction for solving the issue of how to connect depends on each specific case and the wishes of the person who has entered into an agreement with the


During the connection, the optical fiber from the customer's home to the distribution equipment is laid in reliable boxes that protect the fragile material. In the wiring diagram, this is the key point.

ONT connection from a PC (if there is an Internet service) and ONT with an IPTV set-top box (if there is a connected interactive TV service) is performed via twisted pair.

The only thing that is required of a person who decides to connect GPON is to choose a provider and, having visited his website or by phone, contact him.

Further, clarify the possibility of connection by providing the exact address and, if successful, apply for connection. Then, having concluded an agreement with the provider, meet the installers at home, who, having installed the terminal, will set up communication services.

Then, if the subscriber wishes, changes in services are made to them remotely.

Internet GPON

GPON technology is able to provide the user with the Internet at a speed of up to 500 Mpbs, and this is when several devices work simultaneously. The network is not negatively influenced by radio and magnetic interference.

The Internet via Gigabit PON is reliable, since there is no active equipment on the "Client-PBX" line, which means there is simply nothing to fail.

The throughput value reaches 1 Gpbs, however, routers that do not have enough capacity to transfer such a volume of virtual data often become the weak link in the chain.


Of course, the characteristics in figures may not tell people anything, but even a value of 0.5 Gpbs is more than enough for the average user, for example, at this speed, you can download a full-length movie in HD quality in a few minutes, and such files weigh about seven gigabytes.


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