Научная статья на тему 'Готовность платить за услуги врачей при первичном контакте в Украине: результаты субъективного оценивания'

Готовность платить за услуги врачей при первичном контакте в Украине: результаты субъективного оценивания Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Данылив Андрей Иванович, Павлова Милена, Грига Ирена Максимовна, Гроот Вим

BACKGROUND. Reforming healthcare system in Ukraine would imply changing financial mechanisms and involving patients into copayment for physician services. Therefore, it is important to understand patients willingness to pay (WTP) and its main drivers. This study aims to investigate patients willingness to pay for physician services at a primary contact, its levels and determinants. METHODS. Contingent valuation method was applied to a nationally representative sample of 303 adult respondents surveyed in 2009. Respondents stated their willingness to pay for a visit to four hypothetical physicians, whose profiles were designed in a way to estimate separate effects of physicians specialization and joint improvement in three quality-related attributes of a service: the state of medical equipment, maintenance of the physicians office, and reduction in waiting time. A random effect tobit regression was applied to model effect of these service characteristics and socio-demographic characteristics on WTP. RESULTS. The strongest predictors (insensitive to model specifications) associated with higher WTP for physician services were quality improvements in the three characteristics of the physicians profile, higher income, and presence of private insurance policy, while the one associated with reduced WTP was age over 70. Consultation with a medical specialist instead of a general practitioner was also associated with higher WTP, though the magnitude of effect was much lower than for the abovementioned factors. CONCLUSIONS. Ukrainians are willing to pay for physician services at a primary contact, but the highest WTP would be expected for services of improved clinical and social quality and access. There might be an intention in the society or some of its groups to avoid the gatekeeper general practitioner at a primary level and to refer directly to the medical specialist. Finally, if patient payments are introduced, special caution should be taken with regards to exemption mechanisms, and age should be the main exemption criterion.

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Willingness to pay for physician services at a primary contact in Ukraine: Results of a contingent valuation study

BACKGROUND. Reforming healthcare system in Ukraine would imply changing financial mechanisms and involving patients into copayment for physician services. Therefore, it is important to understand patients willingness to pay (WTP) and its main drivers. This study aims to investigate patients willingness to pay for physician services at a primary contact, its levels and determinants. METHODS. Contingent valuation method was applied to a nationally representative sample of 303 adult respondents surveyed in 2009. Respondents stated their willingness to pay for a visit to four hypothetical physicians, whose profiles were designed in a way to estimate separate effects of physicians specialization and joint improvement in three quality-related attributes of a service: the state of medical equipment, maintenance of the physicians office, and reduction in waiting time. A random effect tobit regression was applied to model effect of these service characteristics and socio-demographic characteristics on WTP. RESULTS. The strongest predictors (insensitive to model specifications) associated with higher WTP for physician services were quality improvements in the three characteristics of the physicians profile, higher income, and presence of private insurance policy, while the one associated with reduced WTP was age over 70. Consultation with a medical specialist instead of a general practitioner was also associated with higher WTP, though the magnitude of effect was much lower than for the abovementioned factors. CONCLUSIONS. Ukrainians are willing to pay for physician services at a primary contact, but the highest WTP would be expected for services of improved clinical and social quality and access. There might be an intention in the society or some of its groups to avoid the gatekeeper general practitioner at a primary level and to refer directly to the medical specialist. Finally, if patient payments are introduced, special caution should be taken with regards to exemption mechanisms, and age should be the main exemption criterion.

Текст научной работы на тему «Готовность платить за услуги врачей при первичном контакте в Украине: результаты субъективного оценивания»



УДК 61-027.566(477)

Willingness to pay for physician services at a primary contact in Ukraine: Results of a contingent valuation study

Andriy Danyliv, Milena Pavlova, Irena Gryga, Wim Groot

BACKGROUND. Reforming healthcare system in Ukraine would imply changing financial mechanisms and involving patients into copayment for physician services. Therefore, it is important to understand patients’ willingness to pay (WTP) and its main drivers. This study aims to investigate patients’ willingness to pay for physician services at a primary contact, its levels and determinants.

METHODS. Contingent valuation method was applied to a nationally representative sample of 303 adult respondents surveyed in 2009. Respondents stated their willingness to pay for a visit to four hypothetical physicians, whose profiles were designed in a way to estimate separate effects of physician’s specialization

and joint improvement in three quality-related attributes of a service: the state of medical equipment, maintenance of the physician’s office, and reduction in waiting time. A random effect tobit regression was applied to model effect of these service characteristics and socio-demographic characteristics on WTP.

RESULTS. The strongest predictors (insensitive to model specifications) associated with higher WTP for physician services were quality improvements in the three characteristics of the physician’s profile, higher income, and presence of private insurance policy, while the one associated with reduced WTP was age over 70. Consultation with a medical specialist instead of a general prac-

titioner was also associated with higher WTP, though the magnitude of effect was much lower than for the abovementioned factors.

CONCLUSIONS. Ukrainians are willing to pay for physician services at a primary contact, but the highest WTP would be expected for services of improved clinical and social quality and access. There might be an intention in the society or some of its groups to avoid the gatekeeper general practitioner at a primary level and to refer directly to the medical specialist. Finally, if patient payments are introduced, special caution should be taken with regards to exemption mechanisms, and age should be the main exemption criterion.

Готовність сплачувати за послуги лікарів при первинному контакті в Україні: Результати суб’єктивного оцінювання

Данилів Андрій Іванович, Павлова Мілена, Грига Ірена Максимівна, Гроот Вім

АКТУАЛЬНІСТЬ. Реформування сектору охорони здоров’я в Україні вимагатиме зміни механізмів фінансування і залучення пацієнта до співоплати медичних послуг. Тому важливо зрозуміти готовність пацієнта сплачувати, а також її визначальні фактори. Це дослідження має на меті оцінити готовність сплачувати за послуги лікарів при первинному контакті, її рівень та детермінанти.

МЕТОДИ. Метод суб’єктивного оцінювання було застосовано до національно репрезентативної вибірки з 303 респондентів, опитаних у 2009 році. Кожен респондент висловлював власну готовність сплачувати за візит до чотирьох гіпотетичних лікарів, профілі яких було сплановано так, щоб оцінити окремо ефекти від спеціаліза-

ції лікаря та від спільного покращення трьох якісних характеристик послуги: стану медичного обладнання, утримання приміщень і зменшення часу очікування. Тобіт-регресія з випадковими ефектами була застосована для оцінки впливу цих характеристик та соціально-демографічних характеристик на готовність сплачувати.

РЕЗУЛЬТАТИ. Найсильнішими предикторами (нечутливими до специфікації моделі), пов’язаними з вищою готовністю сплачувати за первинний контакт з лікарем, були якісні покращення у трьох характеристиках послуг, вищий дохід та наявність приватного страхового поліса, в той час як вік понад 70 років був пов’язаний з нижчою готовністю сплачувати. Консультація у медичного спеціаліста

замість лікаря загальної практики також була пов’язана з вищою готовністю сплачувати, однак розмір впливу був значно меншим, ніж для вищезазначених факторів.

ВИСНОВКИ. Українці готові сплачувати за послуги лікарів при первинному контакті, однак вищою готовність сплачувати є за послуги з покращеними характеристиками клінічної та соціальної якості та доступності. В суспільстві може існувати бажання уникати лікарів загальної практики й одразу звертатися до медичного спеціаліста. Врешті, у разі запровадження платежів пацієнтів, окрему увагу потрібно приділити механізму звільнення від оплати, основним критерієм якого повинен стати вік.

2011, Vol.1, No.2| Tobacco control and public health in Eastern Europe

‘Economics, sociology, theory and practice of public health' conference proceedings | 77

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