Научная статья на тему 'Goods controlling and data collecting and transmitting electronic customs seal of the transit intelligent transportation system'

Goods controlling and data collecting and transmitting electronic customs seal of the transit intelligent transportation system Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Akhmedov D.Sh., Yeryomin D.I., Zhaxygulova D.G., Kaliyeva R.A., Afanasyev I.N.

Nowadays, the actual development direction of the transport sector of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states is to increase the efficiency of transit traffic through their territories. In this regard, the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission adopted a decision to introduce the Unified Goods Traceability System in the EAEU countries. The Unified Goods Traceability System will reduce costs and time for the transportation of goods, ensure the safety of goods and legality of transportation and help to eliminate the use of various schemes from the payment of customs and taxes. It is assumed that the creation of the Unified Goods Traceability System in the territory of the EAEU member states is being implemented through the integration of national goods traceability systems of the EAEU member states. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, an intelligent transportation system Transit is being developed as such national system. The Transit intelligent transportation system is a hardware and software complex for managing international transport transit corridors, which includes three main components: electronic customs seals, data center and information portal. The article provides a brief description of the components of the Transit intelligent transportation system and discusses in detail the structure, equipment, characteristics and operation of the electronic customs seal. The electronic customs seal is an autonomous remote component of the Transit intelligent transportation system. Electronic customs seals, instead of classic customs seals, are installed on the transported goods. As a result, electronic customs seals provide remote control of safety of goods and conformity of the regime of transportation and monitoring of goods movement. To determine the location of the electronic customs seal and transfer the information collected by the electronic customs seals to the data center, cellular communication and satellite communication and navigation system technologies are used.

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Электронная пломба контроля грузов, сбора и передачи данных интеллектуальной транспортной системы транзит

В настоящее время актуальным направлением развития транспортной отрасли государств-членов Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС) является повышение эффективности транзитных перевозок через их территорию. В связи с этим, Советом Евразийской экономической комиссии принято решение о внедрении единой системы прослеживаемости товаров на территории стран ЕАЭС. Применение единой системы прослеживаемости товаров приведет к сокращению затрат и времени на перевозку товаров, обеспечению сохранности грузов, легальности перевозок и способствует исключению использования различных схем от уплаты таможенных и налоговых платежей. Предполагается, что создание единой системы прослеживаемости товаров на территории государств-членов ЕАЭС реализуется за счет интеграции национальных систем прослеживаемости товаров государствами-членами ЕАЭС. В Республике Казахстан в качестве такой системы разрабатывается интеллектуальная транспортная система Транзит. Интеллектуальная транспортная систем Транзит представляет собой аппаратно-программный комплекс управления международными транспортными транзитными коридорами, который включает три основных компонента: электронные пломбы, центр обработки данных и информационный портал. Приводится краткое описание компонентов интеллектуальной транспортной системы Транзит и подробно рассматриваются устройство, технические средства, характеристики и принцип работы электронной пломбы для транспортных средств. Электронная пломба является автономным удаленным компонентом интеллектуальной транспортной системы Транзит. Электронные пломбы, взамен классических запорно-пломбировочных устройств, устанавливаются на перевозимые грузы. В результате электронные пломбы обеспечивают удаленный контроль сохранности, соблюдение режима перевозки и мониторинг движения грузов. Для определения местонахождения электронной пломбы и передачи информации, собранной электронными пломбами, в центр обработки данных используются сотовая связь и технологии спутниковой системы связи и навигации.

Текст научной работы на тему «Goods controlling and data collecting and transmitting electronic customs seal of the transit intelligent transportation system»


DOI 10.24411/2072-8735-2018-10310

Daulet Sh. Akhmedov, [email protected] Denis I. Yeryomin, [email protected] Dinara G. Zhaxygulova, [email protected] Rimma A. Kaliyeva, [email protected] Igor N. Afanasyev, [email protected] AALR "Institute of space technique and technology", Almaty, Kazakhstan

Keywords: hardware and software complex, information and communication technologies, international transport transit corridors, intelligent transportation system, industrial control system.

Nowadays, the actual development direction of the transport sector of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) member states is to increase the efficiency of transit traffic through their territories. In this regard, the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission adopted a decision to introduce the Unified Goods Traceability System in the EAEU countries. The Unified Goods Traceability System will reduce costs and time for the transportation of goods, ensure the safety of goods and legality of transportation and help to eliminate the use of various schemes from the payment of customs and taxes. It is assumed that the creation of the Unified Goods Traceability System in the territory of the EAEU member states is being implemented through the integration of national goods traceability systems of the EAEU member states. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, an intelligent transportation system Transit is being developed as such national system. The Transit intelligent transportation system is a hardware and software complex for managing international transport transit corridors, which includes three main components: electronic customs seals, data center and information portal. The article provides a brief description of the components of the Transit intelligent transportation system and discusses in detail the structure, equipment, characteristics and operation of the electronic customs seal. The electronic customs seal is an autonomous remote component of the Transit intelligent transportation system. Electronic customs seals, instead of classic customs seals, are installed on the transported goods. As a result, electronic customs seals provide remote control of safety of goods and conformity of the regime of transportation and monitoring of goods movement. To determine the location of the electronic customs seal and transfer the information collected by the electronic customs seals to the data center, cellular communication and satellite communication and navigation system technologies are used.

Information about authors:

Daulet Sh. Akhmedov, Doctor of Technical sciences, Director, AALR "Institute of space technique and technology", Almaty, Kazakhstan

Denis I. Yeryomin, Master of Economics sciences, Deputy Development Director, AALR "Institute of space technique and technology", Almaty,


Dinara G. Zhaxygulova, PhD student, research fellow, AALR "Institute of space technique and technology", Almaty, Kazakhstan

Rimma A. Kaliyeva, Master of Engineering sciences, junior research fellow, AALR "Institute of space technique and technology", Almaty, Kazakhstan

Igor N. Afanasyev, senior engineer, AALR "Institute of space technique and technology", Almaty, Kazakhstan

Для цитирования:

Ахмедов Д.Ш., Еремин Д.И., Жаксыгулова Д.Г., Калиева Р.А., Афанасьев И.Н. Электронная пломба контроля грузов, сбора и передачи данных интеллектуальной транспортной системы транзит // T-Comm: Телекоммуникации и транспорт. 2019. Том 13. №9. С. 59-63.

For citation:

Akhmedov D.Sh., Yeryomin D.I., Zhaxygulova D.G., Kaliyeva R.A., Afanasyev I.N. (2019). Goods controlling and data collecting and transmitting electronic customs seal of the transit intelligent transportation system. T-Comm, vol. 13, no.9, pр. 59-63.

T-Comm Vol.13. #9-2019


International transport transit corridors, being a part of the international transport system, which provides significant volumes of international goods and passenger traffic, in particular between the CIS countries, EAEU, China and Europe, include ail kinds of transport, and the whole set of technological, organizational and juridical conditions of international traffic [1]. The territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is perspective for railway and road transit transportation of goods [2].

In order to develop transit traffic through the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the following is necessary:

- to reduce the time frame for the transportation of goods through the territories of the EAEU countries;

- lo reduce the operating costs of transporting goods;

- to protect the market against illegal products (smuggling);

- to control over collection of taxes and customs payments to the budget of the EAEU countries.

In this regard, an urgent task is lo ensure effective regulation of foreign and mutual trade in the territory of the Customs Union. It is necessary to carry out electronic control of safety, routes and schedules of movement of goods and vehicles across the customs borders of the EEU member states, using modern navigation, information and telecommunication technologies. The introduction of digital technologies in the Held of transport contributes to increasing the capacity of roads and provides increasing volumes of freight and passenger traffic.

To solve the above-mentioned tasks, it is planned to introduce the Unified Goods Traceability System [3, 4] on the territory of the EAEU countries, which is being implemented through the integration of the national goods traceability systems of the EAEU member states through the integration gateway of the EAEU unified information system [5].

In the Republic of Kazakhstan the Transit intelligent transportation system is being developed as a national system of goods traceability.

Intelligent transportation systems

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are an important component of road transport development, since they contribute lo increasing the efficiency of traffic How management, improving traffic safety, reducing the negative impact of vehicles on the environment by decreasing emissions of gases into the atmosphere, as well as increasing mobility, convenience and comfort of using vehicles. Global experience in designing and implementing ITS has been accumulated since Ihe 1980s, and to thai time software platforms and modules have been developed, special equipment is produced, and many existing ITS projects have been implemented.

Intelligent transportation systems are control systems that combine modem information and telematics technologies for automated traffic flow information collecting, real-time data processing, traffic flow forecasting and the most efficient traffic management scenarios searching [6]. ITS are classified as follows [Ошибка! Источник ссылки не найден.]:

- classic automated traffic control system (ATCS), which is designed to control vehicles and pedestrian flows on the city road network or highway;

- applied systems, such as transport security system, goods traceability system, system of transport traceability of transit customs goods.

ATCS uses data on traffic Hows from transport sensors and video cameras installed stationary on the sections of the highway, and elements of artificial intelligence (vehicle registration plate, identification of accidents and simulation of traffic flows).

Applied systems use satellite-based vehicle and goods location monitoring. The source of information is an on-board navigation and communication device of different types: on-board terminal, on-board tracker with satellite navigation, electronic customs seal (locking device with satellite navigation).

The principal differences between classical and applied systems are:

- the use of on-board navigation sensors (mounted on vehicles or tracked loads) based on satellite monitoring;

- no need for ground infrastructure;

- no need for multiple fixed transport sensors along highways;

-relatively low cost'

- relative efficiency of system implementation.

The Transit intelligent transportation system is classified as an applied system of transport traceability of transit customs goods.

Description of the Transit Intelligent

transportation system

The Transit intelligent transportation system is designed for automated control of transport transit traffic (Figure 1). In the process of developing the Transit ITS, the Nagel-Schreckenberg and Treiber's IDM imitation models were used [7J.

Fig. 1. The Transit intelligent transportation system automation circuitry

The main components of Transit ITS are:

- electronic customs seal (ECS), which is on-board navigation terminals with mechanical locking devices. The ECS is installed on the door of the goods compartment of the vehicle locks and monitors the closed state of the doors of the goods compartment during the movement route. The ECS provides measurement of object location coordinates based on GLONASS/GPS global navigation satellite systems signals, measurement and automated data collection from status control sensors and data transfer to data center via GSM mobile cellular communication channels and Iridium mobile satellite communication channels (in case of inaccessibility of cellular communication);

- data center (DC), which provides continuous and parallel in time receiving of data from ECS on the state of objects of

monitoring, archiving and processing of received data, removal of outdated data from the archive and output of data to the information portal;

- information portal is a subsystem of monitoring and displaying data and information to users. Information portal provides registration, register keeping, access control and delimitation of system users' access rights, sufficient number of ECSs at the points of installation and removal, registration and removal from registration of ECSs. The information portal provides a visual display of current and historical data on the state of objects of monitoring, schemes of current location and routes of objects movement on the map, graphics of ECS sensors' data, and possibility of report export.

Detailed architecture of ITS Transit is presented in [81- Get down to the detailed description of the electronic customs seal.

Structure of the electronic customs seal

The electronic customs seal consists of a mechanical locking device (lock) with a fixing steel cable and an electronic sealing device (ESD) with status and navigation sensors, placed in a single solid and protected case with holes for the cable. Overall dimensions of the electronic customs seal without cable are 0110xH64 mm.

Structural scheme of the complex of technical means of the electronic sealing device is presented in Figure 2.

GPS GSM antenna antenna

Peripheral module controller

rx s

Satellite antenna






RS485 MAX4B5


Cable [monitoring sensor

Optical sensor

Fig. 2. Structural scheme of the complex of technical means of the electronic sealing device

- ESD consists of basic and peripheral hardware and software modules. The basic module includes:

- MSP430F1691PM microcontroller (housing QFP-64);

- PCF8563T/5 real-time clock module (housing S08);

- nonvolatile memory module EEPROM AT24C512B;

- MAX4S5ESA interface converter (transceiver RS-485/ RS-422);

- two voltage regulators LP2985AIM5-3.3/-5.0 (3,3 h 5 V, respectively);

- S1M868E GSM/GPRS+GNSS (GPS/GLONASS/BDS data transmission module);

- IRIDIUM %03 SBD satellite packet data module.

Block scheme of the 16-bit microcontroller MS|?430F1691PM is shown in Figure 3. Main characteristics of MSP430F169IPM are [9]:

— 16-bit RISC architecture, execution of register instructions in one machine cycle;

— operating frequency from 0 to 8 Milz;

— supply voltage from 1.8 to 3.6 V;

— 60 Kbytes+256 bytes of Hash memory, 2 Kbytes of RAM;

— broad set of integrated peripherals;

— operating temperature range from -40 to +85 °C.

The MSP430F169IPM microcontroller is characterized by low power consumption and high performance. The most important factor in reducing power consumption is the use of the MSP430 clocking system to increase the standby time of the microcontroller in LPM3 standby mode. The current consumption in this mode is less than 2 jiA when the real-time clocking circuitry and the interrupt system are activated. The ACLK module uses a 32 kHz clock quartz cavity, and the central processing unit (CPU) is clocked from a digitally controlled DCO generator that is turned off in active mode and has a wake-up time of 6 ¿is. The architecture, peripherals, characteristics and features of the MSP430F1 family of microcontrollers are described in detail in [10». 11].

GSM/GPRS cellular module on SIM868E chip is a miniature 4-band GSM/GPRS modem with GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation support. The module performs all the functions of a cellular phone, including voice communication, SMS messages, GPRS data transfer over TCP/U DIVIP protocols, controlled by AT commands.

Iridium 9603 is the smallest satellite transceiver, which provides reception and transmission of digital data packets. The combination of GSM/GPRS cellular communication channel and Iridium backup satellite communication channel is the only possible technical solution for this project, which does not have competitive alternative solutions, and provides a budget GPRS cellular communication channel and global coverage of Iridium satellite communication channel. The satellite channel is used only in the absence of cellular communication availability.

The peripheral module consists of STM32L4 ARM 32-bit Cortex-M4 control controller, cable monitoring sensor and optical sensor.

The cable monitoring sensor detects the breakage of the conductive cable by measuring the duration and shape of the pulse passing through the cable. The optical sensor is sensitive to visible light and provides integrity monitoring of the electronic customs seal case. In the event of hacking and/or cutting/pulling the cable, the microcontroller receives appropriate information, which is then transmitted to the information portal to inform the stuff about the incident.

The selected technical means ensure automated and autonomous functioning of the electronic customs seal at temperatures ranging from -40 to +60 0 C without charging for 45 days, while data transfer to the data center once in 30 minutes.

The electronic customs seal is installed on the door of the goods compartment of the vehicle by means of a mechanical locking device, which provides irrevocable locking of the cable in the lock with one-sided movement of the cable to tighten the loop of the cable. After installation of ECS, it is turned on and registered in the information portal.






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,'B }-» J-fl ,'S J-B

Fig. 3. Block scheme of the 16-bit microcontroller MSP430F169IPM

While the vehicle is moving in a given direction, the cable monitoring sensor and optical sensor are always on, recording navigation data with a frequency of 1 time per second. I C protocol is used for data exchange between the peripheral module controller and sensors. Data transfer from the global navigation satellite system to the basic module controller is carricd out according to the NMEA protocol.

The data from the peripheral module sensors is transmitted to the basic module in accordance with RS485 interface, where together with the satellite navigation module data are recorded on a memory card and transmitted to the data center as a data packet during communication sessions. Communication sessions take place at a frequency set by the user of the system. In case of emergency situations, such as opening the case or breaking the cable, the alarm messages are automatically transmitted and displayed in the information portal. At the onset of data transfer time, the presence of cellular communication is checked and, in case of its absence, data transfer to the data center by satellite communication module. Data transfer from the basic module control controller to the data center via cellular and satellite communication channels are performed via Mod Bus protocol. GPS+GSM SI M 868 and Iridium 9603 modules are controlled via UART protocol.

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At the end of the route the electronic customs seal is deactivated in the system, removed by cutting the cable and charged for reuse.


Installation of electronic customs seals for vehicles on the transported goods prov ides monitoring of the movement of vehicles and determination of the location of goods, assessment of the compliance of the actual and planned route of movement, control of the safely of goods and compliance with the regime of transportation of goods.

Electronic customs seals can be used to replace traditional mechanical seals with steel rope, providing greater reliability.

It is worth noting that the sealed objects may he moving con-

tainers, vans, railway wagons, cargo compartments of river and sea vessels, stationary objects, such as warehouses.


1. Kouznetsova E.M. (2009). The nature and hierarchy of the internat ional transportation corridor concept, Izvestija Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta jekonomiki i fmansov, 1.0020, pp. 151-153.

2. Akhmedov D.Sh., Yeryomin D.L, Zhaxygulova D.O., Trepasliko S.M. (2019). Study of automated control systems for international transport transit corridors, Veslnik nacional'noj inzhenernoj akademii respubliki kazahstan. 1(71), pp. 45-51.

3. Decision No. 12 ofthe Supreme Eurasian Economic Council dated October 11, 2017 'The main directions for the implementation ofthe digital agenda ofthe EAEU up to 2025'.

4. Order No.20 of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated May 17, 2017 'On the draft Agreement on the Commodity Traceability Mechanism within the Eurasian Economic Union'.

5. Andreeva L.V. (2018). Creation of a system of traccability of goods in the Eurasian economic Union: goals, prospects, organizational and legal basis, international Cooperation Eurasian States: Politics, Economics Law, 2 (15), pp. 70-78.

6. National Standard ofthe Russian Federation GOST R 56829-2015 Intelligent transportation system. Ten lis and definition. Moscow. 2018. 11 p.

7. Akhmedov D.Sh., Yeryomin D.I., Zhaxygulova D.O., Trepasliko S.M. (2019). Simulation model of transport traceability system for transit customs goods within the EEU. Transport and Telecommunication Journal, 2(20). pp. 133-141.

8. Akhmedov D.Sh., Yeryomin D.I., Zhaxygulova D.O., Trepasliko S.M. (2019). Architecture of transport traceability system of goods in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Herald of the Kazakh-British Technical University, 3 (50), pp. 335-342.

9. MSP430F1691PM [online]. Available at: https://www.ti.com/store/ti/enyp/product/? p=MSP430F 1691PM (Accessed: 09 September 2019).

10. Birjukov I. (2002). Vybor mikrokontroliera: MSP430 s flesh-pamjat'ju. Komponenty i tehnologii, 5 (22), pp. 90-94.

11. Staroverov K. (2006). Mikrokontrollery MSP430: otlichitel'nye osobennosti se m ej st va MSP430X2XX ot MSP430X1XX. Komponenty i tehnologii. 6 (59), pp. 68-72.


Ахмедов Даулет Шафигуллович, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан, [email protected] Еремин Денис Иванович, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан, [email protected] Жаксыгулова Динара Галимжановна, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан,

[email protected]

Калиева Римма Абдыжапаровна, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан,

[email protected]

Афанасьев Игорь Николаевич, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан, [email protected] Аннотация

В настоящее время актуальным направлением развития транспортной отрасли государств-членов Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС) является повышение эффективности транзитных перевозок через их территорию. В связи с этим, Советом Евразийской экономической комиссии принято решение о внедрении единой системы прослеживаемости товаров на территории стран ЕАЭС. Применение единой системы прослеживаемости товаров приведет к сокращению затрат и времени на перевозку товаров, обеспечению сохранности грузов, легальности перевозок и способствует исключению использования различных схем от уплаты таможенных и налоговых платежей. Предполагается, что создание единой системы прослеживаемости товаров на территории государств-членов ЕАЭС реализуется за счет интеграции национальных систем прослеживаемости товаров государствами-членами ЕАЭС. В Республике Казахстан в качестве такой системы разрабатывается интеллектуальная транспортная система Транзит. Интеллектуальная транспортная систем Транзит представляет собой аппаратно-программный комплекс управления международными транспортными транзитными коридорами, который включает три основных компонента: электронные пломбы, центр обработки данных и информационный портал. Приводится краткое описание компонентов интеллектуальной транспортной системы Транзит и подробно рассматриваются устройство, технические средства, характеристики и принцип работы электронной пломбы для транспортных средств. Электронная пломба является автономным удаленным компонентом интеллектуальной транспортной системы Транзит. Электронные пломбы, взамен классических запорно-пломбировочных устройств, устанавливаются на перевозимые грузы. В результате электронные пломбы обеспечивают удаленный контроль сохранности, соблюдение режима перевозки и мониторинг движения грузов. Для определения местонахождения электронной пломбы и передачи информации, собранной электронными пломбами, в центр обработки данных используются сотовая связь и технологии спутниковой системы связи и навигации.

Ключевые слова: аппаратно-программный комплекс, информационные и коммуникационные технологии, международные транзитные транспортные коридоры, интеллектуальная транспортная система, автоматизированные системы управления.


1. Кузнецова Е.М. Сущность и иерархия понятия "международный транспортный коридор" // Известия Санкт-Петербургского университета экономики и финансов. 2009. № 1. С. 151-153.

2. Ахмедов Д.Ш., Еремин Д.И., Жаксыгулова Д.Г., Трепашко С. Исследование автоматизированных систем управления международными транспортными транзитными коридорами // Вестник Национальной инженерной академии Республики Казахстан. Алматы, 2019. №1(71). С. 45-51.

3. Решение Высшего Евразийского Экономического Совета от 11.10.2017 года №12 "Об Основных направлениях реализации цифровой повестки Евразийского экономического союза до 2025 года".

4. Распоряжение Совета Евразийской экономической комиссии от 17.05.2017 г. №20 "О проекте Соглашения о механизме прослеживаемости товаров в рамках Евразийского экономического союза".

5. Андреева Л.В. Создание системы прослеживаемости товаров в Евразийском экономическом союзе: цели, перспективы, организационно-правовая основа // Международное сотрудничество Евразийских государств: политика, экономика, право. 2018. №2 (15). С. 70-78.

6. ГОСТ Р 56829-2015. Интеллектуальные транспортные системы. Термины и определения. - Введ. 2016-06-01. - М.: Стандинформ, 2018. - 11 с.

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Информация об авторах:

Ахмедов Даулет Шафигуллович, директор, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан Еремин Денис Иванович, заместитель директора по развитию, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан Жаксыгулова Динара Галимжановна, научный сотрудник, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан Калиева Римма Абдыжапаровна, младший научный сотрудник, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан Афанасьев Игорь Николаевич, старший инженер, ДТОО "Институт космической техники и технологий", Алматы, Казахстан

T-Comm Vol.13. #9-2019


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