GLOBAL GOVERNANCE PRACTICE: PEACEKEEPING MISSION IN POSTCONFLICT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
global governance / peacekeeping / post-conflict / peacekeeper / maintenance peace / international aid / глобальное управление / поддержание мира / постконфликтный период / миротворец / поддержание мира / международная помощь

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Li Zhilun

The global governance was a structure that most of the international society participations want to achieve. And also there were lots of examples which has practicing the global governance. The purpose of this paper was get a close look into the this particular practice about peacekeeping in the post-conflict era which has been ignore for a long time. The controversial on peacekeeping mostly existing between does its helps or not, but the maintenance peace in a post-conflict era was not being widely discuss. In this paper, will be mostly focus on the post-conflict era and providing some case studies to see how much that peacekeeping force has helped after a conflicts. That examples would be including a lot of reports, database analysis and etc. By looking into the examples that results has showed that peacekeeping force would be help with maintenance the peace in a beneficial way, in another words, the longer that peacekeepers could stay the longer the peace could achieved. And the peacekeeper force were not only using forces to press down the violence, but help with reforming the post-conflict area from education, law reform, aid and etc. With the helps from peacekeepers and the local reforms which would build up a brand new situation without war. These beneficials could be bring by the peacekeepers but need the whole international society’s work as well. This situation could be developed into an ideal global governance and achieved the goal of an international community with shared future

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Глобальное управление было структурой, к созданию которой стремилось большинство участников международного сообщества. А также было много примеров, которые практиковались в глобальном управлении. Целью этого документа было пристальное изучение этой конкретной практики поддержания мира в постконфликтную эпоху, которая долгое время игнорировалась. Споры о поддержании мира в основном существуют между тем, помогает это или нет, но поддержание мира в постконфликтную эпоху широко не обсуждалось. В этом документе основное внимание будет уделено постконфликтной эпохе и приведению некоторых тематических исследований, чтобы увидеть, насколько эти миротворческие силы помогли после конфликтов. Эти примеры могли бы включать множество отчетов, анализ базы данных и т.д. Анализ примеров, полученных в результате, показал, что миротворческие силы могли бы благотворно помочь в поддержании мира, другими словами, чем дольше миротворцы могли бы оставаться, тем дольше мог бы быть достигнут мир. И силы миротворцев не только использовали силы для подавления насилия, но и помогали в реформировании постконфликтной зоны, начиная с образования, правовой реформы, оказания помощи и т.д. С помощью миротворцев и местных реформ, которые создали бы совершенно новую ситуацию без войны. Эти блага могли бы принести миротворцы, но также необходима работа всего международного сообщества. Эту ситуацию можно было бы развить в идеальное глобальное управление и достичь цели международного сообщества с общим будущим.



Li Zhilun

Master's Student, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences,

University of Strathclyde zhilun.li.2022@uni.strath.ac.uk



Abstract: The global governance was a structure that most of the international society participations want to achieve. And also there were lots of examples which has practicing the global governance. The purpose of this paper was get a close look into the this particular practice about peacekeeping in the post-conflict era which has been ignore for a long time. The controversial on peacekeeping mostly existing between does its helps or not, but the maintenance peace in a post-conflict era was not being widely discuss. In this paper, will be mostly focus on the post-conflict era and providing some case studies to see how much that peacekeeping force has helped after a conflicts. That examples would be including a lot of reports, database analysis and etc. By looking into the examples that results has showed that peacekeeping force would be help with maintenance the peace in a beneficial way, in another words, the longer that peacekeepers could stay the longer the peace could achieved. And the peacekeeper force were not only using forces to press down the violence, but help with reforming the post-conflict area from education, law reform, aid and etc. With the helps from peacekeepers and the local reforms which would build up a brand new situation without war. These beneficials could be bring by the peacekeepers but need the whole international society's work as well. This situation could be developed into an ideal global governance and achieved the goal of an international community with shared future.

Key words: global governance, peacekeeping, post-conflict, peacekeeper, maintenance peace, international aid


Peacekeeping missions has its own controversial review by different scholars. Some of them were only focus on the failed mission of peacekeeping, but some of them was having a wider angle to see the full picture of peacekeeping. In Walter et al's research1 in 2020, they has mentioned the public relation problem of the peacekeeping mission which is most of the media was only focusing on the failed missions, and makes people believe that peacekeeper's mission was wasting money and it never brings peace to the post country. But the truth was showing the opposite result with media says. Peacekeeping mission was works and not only during the conflict and also maintenance peace for longer.

Peacekeeping mission could be categorized into the global governance, according to Ba and Hoffman's idea of "global governance as a phenomenon: managing global problems"2. The peacekeeping was helping with the global problem, for example the human rights problem, refugee problem, reduce violence of a civil war and etc...

Peacekeeping mission was not terminated when the posting country's war finished, but with the fact and data support that peacekeepers could help with country to maintains peace after the conflict. In this kind of mission peacekeepers are satisfies the second conception of global

1 Barbara F. Walter, Lise Morje Howard, and V. Page Fortna, "The Extraordinary Relationship between Peacekeeping and Peace," British Journal of Political Science 51, no. 4 (November 24, 2020): 1705

22, https://doi.org/10.1017/s000712342000023x.

2 Alice Ba and Mathew Hoffmann, Contending Perspectives on Global Governance: Coherence Contestation and World Order, 1st ed. (Routledge, 2005).

governance that mentioned on Ba and Hoffman's book1 "global governance as a project: the growth of (liberal) world order".

This paper would be focusing on the post-conflict age and looking into the related researches and providing the evidence of the effectiveness on global governance's practice of the peacekeeping mission in post-conflict age.

Reduced Violence during the Political Reform:

When a country has get rid of the war, most of the system need to be rebuild from starch and an election would be necessary. At this time, the country was not getting to a fully peaceful time, with the election might including some of the violence happens. Peacekeepers are prepared to take care of this issues as well. This would be a process to help a country build their own democracy and political system, and peacekeepers are the important part.

In Fjelde and Smidt's paper2 they have looking into the data on African countries and focuses on the role of UN peacekeeping missions in reducing the risk of electoral violence in the country which has been peacekeeping. They find evidence that a local UN military presence can reduce the overall risk of electoral violence, particularly when organized by non-state actors. These findings suggest that peacekeeping missions can enhance security and support democratic governance in post-conflict settings. However, further research is needed to understand the conditions under which peacekeepers are most effective in reducing electoral violence. On the other hand, that most of the man who could alive into the electoral that also might be the one who put civilians in dangerous as well, but people still want to vote them and the peacekeeper were trying to protect them. This kind of unnormal was be explained on Daly's work3. The example of an election could be super violence as Borzyskowski and Wahman4 mentioned on their work, and also Smidt's works5 was providing the examples in the country Côte D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 6 which has a "Postelection violence ensued, causing the deaths of over 3,000 people".

The number increasing of peacekeeping personnel were not only protecting the government official who goes to election and also would be help with reducing the civilians sacrifices as well, in Bove and Ruggeri's research7 that they confirmed that "...a peacekeeping operation has a substantial effect on the protection of civilian lives, and reduces the number of civilian casualties." That shows the benefit of the using a mass number of peacekeeping personnel in a mission. But the reality was the United Nation Peacekeeping budgets could not support this kind of "as much as possible" strategy. And also the peacekeeping force was still struggling of protecting civilians from government violence, but a rebelling violence. Fjelde et al's has pointing out this reality in their

1 Ba and Hoffmann, Contending Perspectives on Global Governance: Coherence Contestation and World Order.

2 Hanne Fjelde and Hannah M. Smidt, "Protecting the Vote? Peacekeeping Presence and the Risk of Electoral Violence," British Journal of Political Science, no. 52 (July 9, 2021): 1-20, https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123421000132.

3 Sarah Zukerman Daly, "Voting for Victors: Why Violent Actors Win Postwar Elections," World Politics 71, no. 04 (August 29, 2019): 747-805, https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887119000091.

4 Inken von Borzyskowski and Michael Wahman, "Systematic Measurement Error in Election Violence Data: Causes and Consequences," British Journal of Political Science 51, no. 1 (June 6, 2019): 1-23, https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123418000509.

5 Hannah Smidt, "Keeping Electoral Peace? Activities of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Their Effects on Election-Related Violence," Conflict Management and Peace Science 38, no. 5 (October 9, 2020): 073889422096004, https://doi.org/10.1177/0738894220960041.

6 Hannah Smidt, "Mitigating Election Violence Locally: UN Peacekeepers' Election-Education Campaigns in Cote D'Ivoire," Journal of Peace Research 57, no. 1 (January 2020): 199-216, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022343319884993.

7 Vincenzo Bove and Andrea Ruggeri, "Kinds of Blue: Diversity in UN Peacekeeping Missions and Civilian Protection," British Journal of Political Science 46, no. 3 (June 2, 2015): 681-700, https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123415000034.

work1 and call for the UN to make actions to this kind of political challenge as soon as possible. But in Kathman and M. Wood's paper2 that they were mostly counting the civilians hurt into rebelling violence which is a completely different argument with Fjelde's paper. That was a normal situation happened in peacekeeping researches that each of the author was having their own view and the data also could be supporting this two completely opposite ideas.

To sum up, even though that scholars was having different database and their own way of thinking about the peacekeeping mission, but that fact is peacekeeping could be help with preventing the electoral violence that could be beneficial the country just coming out of the war and maintenance the peace which comes from sacrifice.

The Effective Methods:

The election was just a first step of reforming a country. When the government been settle down, the reconstruction would be the next. How to make a country's law and make people to obey it would be a question. Should the United Nation taking care all the works or supply all the supplement? The answer should be no, as Jonathan Glennie et al 3 mentioned on the book, that too much Aid from the international society was not good for the country's development, but should be planned carefully. This similar idea also could be used on the political system reform, which means that each country might need its own way to reform but not taking formula from the successful model. Helping with a country to figuring out the suitable political system would be a practice of global governance as well.

From Mironova and Whitt's work4, they were designed a large research and turned into a behavioral experiments with five different hypothesizes in Kosovo. The study examines the impact of peacekeeping on social norms at the individual level. It finds that third-party sanctions can enhance social norms by deterring opportunism and promoting prosocial behavior. The study also finds that the type of mandate and operational culture of peacekeeping operations matter for their effectiveness in building norms. Enforcement mandates are more effective than monitoring alone or no intervention. However, the study also raises concerns about the long-term sustainability of cooperative norms once peacekeepers leave, as opportunistic behavior increases without third-party enforcement. The study suggests that peacekeeping may be effective in the short-term to repair and restore norms, but it should not be relied upon as a substitute for other strategies aimed at sustainable, long-term institution building. It talks about the potential chaos of a society if does not have a sustainable regulations or laws and that might make the country from peace return to chaos. To prevent this happens that will need UN and the posting country working together to figuring out a or multiple ways to maintenance the peace but it has to following the United Nation's Peacekeeping Principles5 which are "Consent of the parties, Impartiality, Non-use of force except in self-defence and defence of the mandate." It brings some conditions to the mission, but it also could be consider as an example of global governance.

1 Hanne Fjelde, Lisa Hultman, and Desiree Nilsson, "Protection through Presence: UN Peacekeeping and the Costs of Targeting Civilians," International Organization 73, no. 1 (August 29, 2018): 103-31, https://doi.org/10.1017/s0020818318000346.

2 Jacob D. Kathman and Reed M. Wood, "Stopping the Killing during the 'Peace': Peacekeeping and the Severity of Postconflict Civilian Victimization," Foreign Policy Analysis 12, no. 2 (April 2014): n/a-n/a, https://doi.org/10.1111/fpa. 12041.

3 Jonathan Glennie et al., The Trouble with Aid: Why Less Could Mean More for Africa (African Arguments), First Edition (Zed Books, 2008).

4 Vera Mironova and Sam Whitt, "International Peacekeeping and Positive Peace," Journal of Conflict Resolution 61, no. 10 (November 2017): 2074-2104, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022002715604886.

5 United Nations, "Principles of Peacekeeping," United Nations Peacekeeping, 2020, https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/principles-of-peacekeeping.

In the paper from Matanock and Lichtenheld1, investigate the effectiveness of different instruments used by UN peacekeeping missions in promoting post-conflict peace. They challenge the notion that military coercion is necessary to overcome commitment problems in post-war settings, and instead argue that the use of conditional incentives (CI) - rewards, pressure, and punishments that do not involve the use of force and that would be more effective in promoting enduring peace. The similar concept of "stick" which means forces and "carrot" which means helps was also be mentioned on Cil and Huth's work2 which shows that the use of "stick" or "carrot" should be based on a reasonable analysis. The study of Matanock and Lichtenheld finds cross-national evidence that UN peacekeeping missions that use conditional incentives are associated with more durable peace, and suggests that the use of conditional incentives can prolong peace, both on its own and when paired with mandates for military coercion. And conclude that their findings challenge the notion that military force is necessary for effective peacekeeping and suggest that conditional incentives are the effective tool for promoting post-conflict peace. After the society reform and rebuild, the next important work to make a country back to life would be how to reform or set up a worked government with peacekeepers.

Blair3 was designed with a constructivist insights to review some of the UN peacekeeping missions and presents a theory on "when, where, and how UN rule-of-law promotion is likely to succeed". That theory was designed to working on re-deigned justice chain of the UN Peacekeeping mission posting country which including "police forces, courts, prisons, and laws." And for making that happened it will need the UN missions to making the posting country's reform through "a combination of education, inducement, persuasion, and oversight." Blair identifies three different variation in the efficacy of these reforms which are the "UN personnel, activities, and timing." The theory is tested by a collective of data on the uniformed personnel deployed to each UN mission in Africa with "three original datasets on the number of civilian personnel, the number of personnel assigned specifically to rule-of-law-related tasks, and the extent to which UN missions actually pursue rule-of-law-related activities on the ground." The results suggest that UN mission may be a more effective tool for restoring the justice system than the prevailing pessimism would lead us to believe that the practice of UN rule-of-law promotion, including the expansion of the civilian components of UN missions and the need to really understand what is the country really need to reform and make it happens with UN mission.

Shair-Rosenfield and Wood4 were providing a new view of maintained post-conflict peace by increase the number of female representation to achieve a much better gender-inclusive. In their study argue that negotiated settlements in conflicts are more durable in states with gender-inclusive political leadership. They mentioned about that women's leadership could bring more chance of peaceful agreement which could help with reduced possibility of agreement failure then a political elite. And brings more credibility and trust with others. The study has points out some of the reallife evidence to support for these arguments. And suggests that they are "particularly strong in democratic states." The authors also suggest that the inclusion of other marginalized groups may improve perceptions of governance and reduce the risk of war recurrence, but caution that such inclusion may also provoke a backlash and undermine peace. They propose several directions for future research, including examining the specific effects of different groups of women and other

1 Aila M. Matanock and Adam Lichtenheld, "How Does International Intervention Work to Secure Peace Settlements after Civil Conflicts?," British Journal of Political Science, no. 52 (March 7, 2022): 1-21, https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123421000491.

2 Denzil Cil and Paul Huth, "Carrot or Stick? Development Aid and the Implementation of Peace Agreements by Recipient G," Minerva Research Initiative, 2019, https://minerva.defense.gov/Owl-In-the-Olive-Tree/Owl_View/Article/1985998/carrot-or-stick-development-aid-and-the-implementation-of-peace-agreements-by-r/.

3 Robert A. Blair, "UN Peacekeeping and the Rule of Law," American Political Science Review 115, no. 1 (September 10, 2020): 51-68, https://doi.org/10.1017/s0003055420000738.

4 Sarah Shair-Rosenfield and Reed M. Wood, "Governing Well after War: How Improving Female Representation Prolongs Post-Conflict Peace," The Journal of Politics 79, no. 3 (July 2017): 995-1009, https://doi.org/10.1086/691056.

marginalized groups on peace durability. This piece of research result could be connected with the previous one that a country's problem should be solved by their self as the "internal force". And each of the country should have their own way to achieve their own happiness as well. Promoting gender-inclusive political leadership is a big step in the whole world, not only in the country to maintenance peace in the post-conflict age. As the UN resolution 13251 "reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, peace negotiations, peace-building, peacekeeping, humanitarian response and in post-conflict reconstruction and stresses the importance of their equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security." and also in this resolution that the UN urges all the organization in UN to increase their participation of female and pushing gender fairness.

An independent country need to design and choose their own way to development. The starting would be struggled which might require the aid from international society and also some of the political aid as well. But this kind of aid should not be over the limit or everything which should be conditional incentives which could helping this country to prolong peace and achieved more by themselves. The education system rebuild is necessary and should be putting into a important status because it gives a bright future to the country. The combination between advanced experience from international social and the local culture would make the country a better place. Promoting the gender-inclusive political leadership also could help with the country's peace and will promoting the gender equalization. These all needs peacekeepers to stay in post to make it happened, and also the helping from international society.

UN and Non-UN Peacekeeping:

Peacekeeping mission was not only arranged by the United Nation but also the non-UN peacekeepers. They were having the different operation goal, but all for making peace. Both of them were having their own benefit and also disadvantage. There is a paper by Sandler2 was talks about the UN and non-UN peacekeeping's financial and effectiveness. And argue that different institutional arrangements for UN and non-UN peacekeeping operations result in varying burden-sharing outcomes. They find that UN peacekeeping operations tend to have more equitable distribution of financial burdens among participating countries, while non-UN peacekeeping operations rely on voluntary financing, which can lead to a disproportionate share of the burden being carried by a single country. The authors suggest that various donor-specific benefits motivate countries to contribute troops to UN peacekeeping operations particularly those in Africa. The authors also note that UN peacekeeping operations tend to be effective in promoting peace and limiting casualties. They propose several directions for future research, including studying burden-sharing based on mission characteristics, improving measurement of non-UN peacekeeping operations expenditure, and examining the relationship between burden-sharing and peacekeeping operations effectiveness. The similar effectiveness also could be found in Bara and Hultman's paper about non-UN peacekeeping operation and UN peacekeeping operation3 that UN missions are typically deployed to more violent conflicts, but non-UN missions are often the first responders in conflicts where both are present. The article also suggests that there is a difference in the effectiveness of UN and non-UN missions in reducing violence by rebel groups. The authors argue that further research is needed to explore the heterogeneity of non-UN missions and to better understand their effectiveness. As these two research mentioned about the non-UN peacekeeping missions also an important part of peacekeeping around the world.

1 United Nations, "Landmark Resolution on Women, Peace and Security (Security Council Resolution 1325)," Un.org, 2019, https://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/wps/.

2 Todd Sandler, "International Peacekeeping Operations," Journal of Conflict Resolution 61, no. 9 (May 16, 2017): 1875-97, https://doi.org/10.1177/0022002717708601.

3 Corinne Bara and Lisa Hultman, "Just Different Hats? Comparing UN and Non-UN Peacekeeping," International Peacekeeping 27, no. 3 (March 20, 2020): 1-28, https://doi.org/10.1080/13533312.2020.1737023.

Both UN and non-UN peacekeeping were all important, even though they has the different object. It shows an opportunity of how to making a better peacekeeper force to keep the world get rid of war and maintenance it as well. Providing a chance to construct a much wider global governance.


There is database has looked from 1999 to 2018 UN peacekeeping mission's data from Hunnicutt and Nomikos1. In this database that shows some of the effectiveness in diagrams on the "Assess Diversity, Gender Balance, and Effectiveness". Most of their was showing the peacekeeping's mission was helping with the people in a warzone. And also another one from Harvard Database2 has providing the similar data as well. There are all shows the effectiveness of the peacekeeping mission. After the war, that peacekeepers were not leaving the country away, but helping with reconstruction which including political, law, education and etc. There was not a formal policy book of how to maintenance a peace in the post-conflict age. Scholars were confirmed that peacekeeper would be helpful to reform a combat country, but there is no "formula" to use for each country in the post-conflict age. Each country's states of affairs was different, but educations was a right way which able to lead the country into a new age. The only one could save a country should not always be the "external helpers", but the "internal force". And the "internal force" would need more educated in every field. This need the international society's helping, which needs the global governance to manage a better future to the post-conflict country and also the whole world. Just like President of China Xi Jinpin mentioned on the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China ".. .promoting a human community with a shared future3." This will need the whole international society get involved and will bring a better global governance structure.


1. Ba, Alice, and Mathew Hoffmann. Contending Perspectives on Global Governance: Coherence Contestation and World Order. 1st ed. Routledge, 2005.

2. Bara, Corinne, and Lisa Hultman. "Just Different Hats? Comparing UN and Non-UN Peacekeeping." International Peacekeeping 27, no. 3 (March 20, 2020): 1 -28. https://doi.org/10.1080/13533312.2020.1737023.

3. Blair, Robert A. "UN Peacekeeping and the Rule of Law." American Political Science Review 115, no. 1 (September 10, 2020): 51-68. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0003055420000738.

4. Borzyskowski, Inken von, and Michael Wahman. "Systematic Measurement Error in Election Violence Data: Causes and Consequences." British Journal of Political Science 51, no. 1 (June 6, 2019): 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123418000509.

5. Bove, Vincenzo, and Andrea Ruggeri. "Kinds of Blue: Diversity in UN Peacekeeping Missions and Civilian Protection." British Journal of Political Science 46, no. 3 (June 2, 2015): 681-700. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123415000034.

6. Cil, Denzil, and Paul Huth. "Carrot or Stick? Development Aid and the Implementation of Peace Agreements by Recipient G." Minerva Research Initiative, 2019.https://minerva.defense.gov/0wl-

1 Patrick Hunnicutt and William Nomikos, "UN Peacekeeping at the Local-Level: Using Geocoded Data to Assess Diversity, Gender Balance, and Effectiveness," papers.ssrn.com (Rochester, NY, February 16, 2019), https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3 335560.

2 Lichtenheld, Adam G.; Matanock, Aila, 2021, "Replication Data for: How Does International Intervention Help Secure Peace Settlements After Civil Conflicts?", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/ENAZAA, Harvard Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:cUUtT1TUdJeST4zleAG3Eg== [fileUNF]

3 "(CPC Congress) China Dedicated to Promoting Human Community with Shared Future: Xi," Xinhua, October 16, 2022, https://english.news.cn/20221016/0e54ed27839f42caa0a30c7721c06501/c.html.


7. Daly, Sarah Zukerman. "Voting for Victors: Why Violent Actors Win Postwar Elections." World Politics 71, no. 04 (August 29, 2019): 747-805. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0043887119000091.

8. Fjelde, Hanne, Lisa Hultman, and Desirée Nilsson. "Protection through Presence: UN Peacekeeping and the Costs of Targeting Civilians." International Organization 73, no. 1 (August 29, 2018): 103-31. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0020818318000346.

9. Fjelde, Hanne, and Hannah M. Smidt. "Protecting the Vote? Peacekeeping Presence and the Risk of Electoral Violence." British Journal of Political Science, no. 52 (July 9, 2021): 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123421000132.

10. Glennie, Jonathan, Alcinda Honwana, Alex De Waal, Richard Dowden, and Stephanie Kitchen. The Trouble with Aid: Why Less Could Mean More for Africa (African Arguments). First Edition. Zed Books, 2008.

11. Hunnicutt, Patrick, and William Nomikos. "UN Peacekeeping at the Local-Level: Using Geocoded Data to Assess Diversity, Gender Balance, and Effectiveness." papers.ssrn.com. Rochester, NY, February 16, 2019. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3335560.

12. Kathman, Jacob D., and Reed M. Wood. "Stopping the Killing during the 'Peace': Peacekeeping and the Severity of Postconflict Civilian Victimization." Foreign Policy Analysis 12, no. 2 (April 2014): n/a-n/a. https://doi.org/10.1111/fpa.12041.

13. Matanock, Aila M., and Adam Lichtenheld. "How Does International Intervention Work to Secure Peace Settlements after Civil Conflicts?" British Journal of Political Science, no. 52 (March 7, 2022): 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1017/s0007123421000491.

14. Mironova, Vera, and Sam Whitt. "International Peacekeeping and Positive Peace." Journal of Conflict Resolution 61, no. 10 (November 2017): 2074-2104. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022002715604886.

15. Sandler, Todd. "International Peacekeeping Operations." Journal of Conflict Resolution 61, no. 9 (May 16, 2017): 1875-97. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022002717708601.

16. Shair-Rosenfield, Sarah, and Reed M. Wood. "Governing Well after War: How Improving Female Representation Prolongs Post-Conflict Peace." The Journal of Politics 79, no. 3 (July 2017): 995-1009. https://doi.org/10.1086/691056.

17. Smidt, Hannah. "Keeping Electoral Peace? Activities of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Their Effects on Election-Related Violence." Conflict Management and Peace Science 38, no. 5 (October 9, 2020): 073889422096004. https://doi.org/10.1177/0738894220960041.

18. "Mitigating Election Violence Locally: UN Peacekeepers' Election-Education Campaigns in Côte D'Ivoire." Journal of Peace Research 57, no. 1 (January 2020): 199-216. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022343319884993.

19. United Nations. "Landmark Resolution on Women, Peace and Security (Security Council Resolution 1325)." Un.org, 2019. https://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/wps/.

20. "Principles of Peacekeeping." United Nations Peacekeeping, 2020. https://peacekeeping.un.org/en/principles-of-peacekeeping.

21. Walter, Barbara F., Lise Morje Howard, and V. Page Fortna. "The Extraordinary Relationship between" Peacekeeping and Peace." British Journal of Political Science 51, no. 4 (November 24, 2020): 1- 18. https://doi.org/10.1017/s000712342000023x.

22. Xinhua. "(CPC Congress) China Dedicated to Promoting Human Community with Shared Future: Xi," October 16, 2022. https://english.news.cn/20221016/0e54ed27839f42caa0a30c7721c06501/c.html



Ли Чжилунь

Магистрант первого года обучения, Факультета гуманитарных и социальных наук

Университета Стратклайда


Аннотация: Глобальное управление было структурой, к созданию которой стремилось большинство участников международного сообщества. А также было много примеров, которые практиковались в глобальном управлении. Целью этого документа было пристальное изучение этой конкретной практики поддержания мира в постконфликтную эпоху, которая долгое время игнорировалась. Споры о поддержании мира в основном существуют между тем, помогает это или нет, но поддержание мира в постконфликтную эпоху широко не обсуждалось. В этом документе основное внимание будет уделено постконфликтной эпохе и приведению некоторых тематических исследований, чтобы увидеть, насколько эти миротворческие силы помогли после конфликтов. Эти примеры могли бы включать множество отчетов, анализ базы данных и т.д. Анализ примеров, полученных в результате, показал, что миротворческие силы могли бы благотворно помочь в поддержании мира, другими словами, чем дольше миротворцы могли бы оставаться, тем дольше мог бы быть достигнут мир. И силы миротворцев не только использовали силы для подавления насилия, но и помогали в реформировании постконфликтной зоны, начиная с образования, правовой реформы, оказания помощи и т.д. С помощью миротворцев и местных реформ, которые создали бы совершенно новую ситуацию без войны. Эти блага могли бы принести миротворцы, но также необходима работа всего международного сообщества. Эту ситуацию можно было бы развить в идеальное глобальное управление и достичь цели международного сообщества с общим будущим.

Ключевые слова: глобальное управление, поддержание мира, постконфликтный период, миротворец, поддержание мира, международная помощь

Для цитирования: Li Zhilun. Global governance practice: peacekeeping mission in post-conflict// Архонт, 2022. № 6(33). С. 89-96.

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