KIZILKUM POWDER PHOSPHORITES Umarov Kh.Sh.1, Sayfiyeva L.G.2, Shukurova G.Sh.3, Yodgorova L.N.4, Shodieva G^h.5 (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
1Umarov Khudoyorkhon Sheraliyevich - Master's Student, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY, NAVOI STATE MINING INSTITUTE, NAVOI; 2Sayfiyeva Laylo Gaybullayevna - chemistry-biology Teacher, SCHOOL № 19; 3Shukurova Gulchehra Shavkatovna - chemistry Teacher,
SCHOOL № 43; 4Yodgorova Lobar Normurodovna - chemistry Teacher, SCHOOL № 2; 5Shodiyeva Gulchehra Khazratkulovna - chemistry Teacher, SCHOOL № 43, KYZYLTEPA DISTRICT, NAVOI REGION, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: this article presents the results of research on the production of complex fertilizers based on the neutralization of samples of Central Kyzylkum waste phosphorite in ammonia solution of the decomposed product at incomplete levels of nitric acid. This includes the study of complex mineral fertilizers containing PN by decomposing phosphorite samples at different rates and neutralizing the resulting slurry with ammonia solution in the atmosphere of pH with the range 5.5-8.5. All forms of P2O5 and CaO (total, plant-soluble and water-soluble) and total nitrogen content, which were the main constituents of the samples obtained, were analyzed. Keywords: phosphorite, nitric acid, ammonia, fertilizers, phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium.
1Умаров Худоёрхон Шералиевич - магистрант, кафедра химической технологии, Навоийский государственный горный институт, г. Навои; 2Сайфиева Лайло Гайбуллаевна - учитель химии-биологии, школа № 19;
3Шукурова Гулчехра Шавкатовна - учитель химии,
школа № 43; 4Ёдгорова Лобар Нормуродовна - учитель химии, школа № 2;
5Шодиева Гулчехра Хазраткуловна - учитель химии, школа № 43, Кызылтепынский район, Навоийская область, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: в статье представлены результаты исследований по производству комплексных удобрений на основе нейтрализации проб фосфоритов отходов Центральных Кызылкумов в аммиачном растворе продукта разложения при неполном содержании азотной кислоты. Сюда входит изучение комплексных минеральных удобрений, содержащих pH, путем разложения образцов фосфоритов с разной скоростью и нейтрализации полученной пульпы раствором аммиака в атмосфере с pH в диапазоне 5,512
8,5. Были проанализированы все формы P2O5 и CaO (общие, растворимые в растениях и водорастворимые) и общее содержание азота, которые были основными составляющими полученных образцов.
Ключевые слова: фосфорит, азотная кислота, аммиак, удобрения, фосфор, азот, кальций.
Globally, there has been an increase in the consumption of phosphorus fertilizers used to improve the phosphorus nutrition of soils and plants. This is because phosphorus fertilizers increase the quality and size of crop yields, accelerate the growth of plants and increase their resistance to adverse climatic conditions. Therefore, it is important to increase the production of phosphorus and complex phosphorus fertilizers and expand their range [1-2].
Theoretical and practical results are being achieved in our country on the basis of comprehensive measures to organize a number of scientific studies on the development of technologies for the production of complex fertilizers based on local raw materials and the implementation of cost-effective methods of their application in agriculture. In this regard, special emphasis should be placed on ammophos, nitrophos, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and other fertilizers that increase crop yields. However, not enough attention has been paid to the fact that these fertilizers are not satisfactory in terms of content in order to obtain high yields from plants and high energy is consumed to produce them. The third direction of the Strategy of Actions on Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan identifies important tasks aimed at "consistent development of agricultural production, further strengthening food security, expanding the production of environmentally friendly products, significantly increasing the export potential of the agricultural sector." In this regard, an important task is to create a rational technology for the production of new varieties of high-quality complex fertilizers based on high-carbonate Central Kyzylkum phosphorites.
At present, special attention is paid to the development of new technologies and research in the chemical industry, including the production of mineral fertilizers, aimed at the full use of each country's own raw material resources. The efforts of scientists and specialists in this field are aimed at finding solutions to these scientific and technical problems, which are very important today. For this, product manufacturing methods using cheap, affordable and as much chemical and mining waste as possible are widely used. In the research work on the extraction and processing of phosphorite ores and in the new technologies being developed, special attention is paid to obtaining effective and high-quality mineral fertilizers from relatively low-quality phosphorites.
In order to solve this problem, experimental work was carried out to obtain a PN-containing fertilizer based on phosphorite waste powdered phosphorite and nitric acid. The composition of all primary raw materials was studied before carrying out the experimental work. Then the stoichiometric norms of nitric acid for the decomposition of phosphorite samples were calculated in the amount of 40-90%, relative to the calcium oxide content of the raw material. The pH of the resulting slurry was neutralized in the range of 4.5-8.5.
The processing of phosphorite in nitric acid proceeds by the following reactions
Ca5(PO4)3F + 10HNO3 = 3H3PO4 + 5Ca(NO3)2 + HF
Cas(P04bF + 14HNO3 = 3Са(НРО4Ъ + 7Са(ШзЪ + HF + 1252 kJ/ mol
Ca5(P04^F + 4HNO3 = 3СаНРО4+ 2Са(ШзЪ + HF + 89,7 kJ/ mol
The results of chemical analysis of the composition of the formed fertilizers show that the decomposition rates of powdered phosphophytes vary depending on the acid norm. For example, the total amount of P2O5 in the nitrogen-phosphorus complex fertilizer decomposed phosphorite under the influence of various stoichiometric norms of nitric acid is 12.81-9.79%, the plant assimilation form is 31.25-70.32%. In addition, it contains 6.46-11.12% nitrogen and 32.3324.72% calcium oxide.
The commodity properties of the product are reduced due to the strong hygroscopic calcium nitrate in the fertilizer, which decomposes phosphorite samples at high rates of nitric acid. Calcium nitrate in it increases the hygroscopicity of the fertilizer.
Therefore, samples were obtained by neutralizing a slurry of phosphorite, which was decomposed in nitric acid, with ammonia at a pH of 5.5-8.5.
Ca(NO3)2 + H3PO4 + 2NH3 = CaHPO4 + 2NH4NO3
The results obtained show that the decomposition rates of powdered phosphorite depend on the acid norm, the pH environment, which means the absorption amounts of phosphorus five oxides increase with the norm increase, and as the pH of the medium increases, the total nitrogen content increases.
References / Список литературы
1. Nabiev M.N. Phosphorite nitric acid processing. Tashkent.: Publishing House of the the FAN UzSSR, 1957. P. 18.
2. YulbarsovaM.V., Tajiev S.M., Tukhtaev S. Obtaining complex fertilizers from phosphoresites of the central Kyzylkum // Scientific-technical and practical journal of composite materials, 2018. № 2. 113-116-p.