GEOGRAPHICAL PROBLEMS OF UNIFICATION OF THE TOPONYMIC SYSTEM OF KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Естественные и точные науки»

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Ключевые слова
toponyms / toponymy / onomastics / geographical names / geographical principles / grouping / топонимы / топонимика / ономастика / географические названия / географические принципы / группировка.

Аннотация научной статьи по естественным и точным наукам, автор научной работы — A. Ye. Yeginbayeva, K. T. Saparov, A. G. Abdullina, Zh. R. Shakhantayeva

The name of geographical objects dates back to ancient times. Since the beginning of human society, as a result of the differentiation and orientation of environmental objects, man has been forced to keep them in memory and give each his own name separately. The development and use of natural resources by man for needs determines the formation of the first geoecological approach. Therefore, the naming of land, water, and locality is a constantly ongoing social process with national and linguistic characteristics. From toponyms of great scientific and practical importance, one can clearly trace the diversity of nature, the fund of natural resources, orographic and hydrographic names and terms, features and changes in the landscape, climatic conditions, as well as external features, properties and signs of names and other objects justifying natural and traditional farming. The article will focus on the geographical issues of forming a space of possibilities for use and bringing them into sequence based on toponyms of various scales and geographical state catalogs of the system of toponyms found on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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Названия географических объектов восходят к древним временам. С момента зарождения общества человек в результате освоения объектов окружающей среды был вынужден сохранить их в памяти и дать каждому свое имя по отдельности. Использование человеком природных ресурсов на собственные нужды обусловливает формирование первого геоэкологического подхода. Поэтому присвоение наименований земле-воде, населенному пункту – это постоянно протекающие общественные процессы с национальными и языковыми особенностями. Из топонимов, имеющих большое научное и практическое значение, можно четко проследить разнообразие природы, фонд природных ресурсов, особенности и изменения ландшафта, климатические условия, а также внешние особенности, свойства и признаки названий других объектов, оправдывающих естественное и традиционное хозяйство. Изложены географические вопросы формирования пространства, возможности использования топонимов различных масштабов, встречающихся на территории РК в географических государственных каталогах.






IRSTI 39.29.15 UDC 910.3

A. Ye. Yeginbayeva1, K. T. Saparov2, A. G. Abdullina3, Zh. R. Shakhantayeva*4

:PhD, Acting Associate Professor of Department of Physical and Economical Geography (L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan; aeginbaeva@mail.ru) 2Doctor of Geography, Professor of Department of Physical and Economical Geography (L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan; k.sapar67@yandex.ru) 3PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Geography and Tourism

(Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, Aktobe, Kazakhstan; akzhunus_a@mail.ru) 4PhD student of Department of Physical and Economical Geography (L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan; zhanna.shahantaeva@mail.ru)


Abstract. The name of geographical objects dates back to ancient times. Since the beginning of human society, as a result of the differentiation and orientation of environmental objects, man has been forced to keep them in memory and give each his own name separately. The development and use of natural resources by man for needs determines the formation of the first geoecological approach. Therefore, the naming of land, water, and locality is a constantly ongoing social process with national and linguistic characteristics. From toponyms of great scientific and practical importance, one can clearly trace the diversity of nature, the fund of natural resources, orographic and hydrographic names and terms, features and changes in the landscape, climatic conditions, as well as external features, properties and signs of names and other objects justifying natural and traditional farming. The article will focus on the geographical issues of forming a space of possibilities for use and bringing them into sequence based on toponyms of various scales and geographical state catalogs of the system of toponyms found on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Keywords: toponyms, toponymy, onomastics, geographical names, geographical principles, grouping.

Introduction. On the territory of the interaction of linguistics, geography, history and a number of other (ecology) areas of knowledge, a single scientific discipline was formed - toponymy. In toponymy, the science of linguistics is of the highest importance in determining the etymology and semantics of toponyms through linguistic analysis. Geographical names, as a continuing tool of history, are constantly updated and updated in connection with the life of the peoples who have lived for centuries, and serve the diverse needs of society. Toponyms often also play an important role in determining the geographical features of the territory, its natural environment, landscape changes. The area of distribution of flora and fauna along natural zones is clearly reflected in toponyms. The famous scientist K.I. Satpayev used the toponymic method in the search for mineral deposits and did not accidentally introduce them into the account of one of the reliable signs. Therefore, the systematization of ancient names and modern names makes it possible to enrich the fund of toponyms as much as possible.

Toponyms of Kazakhstan are directly connected with the history of the people and, having formed over many centuries, acquire a special social meaning of our life. Because no matter which of these names we study, the life of the country's economy, the harmony of nature, the historical, social situation or the

consequences of changes in the economy and politics will be determined. No event in the life of any society, at the level of history, was without the participation of the names given to this land and water. Currently, they are being updated in accordance with the Times. The reason for the appearance of such a rich name was also associated with the way of life of the ancient tribes of antiquity. In fact, the Kazakh people, who were engaged in animal husbandry, gave names according to their characteristics in order to get acquainted with the thoughts and facets of the terrain [1].

The variety of terrain forms, of course, has a special impact on the formation of the toponymy of Kazakhstan. The geotoponymic state of Kazakhstan was clearly described by the outstanding scientist G. Konkashbayev: "the diverse nature of Kazakhstan: from the forest-steppe of the north to the desert of the south, the system of mountains in the Southeast influenced the method of farming, as well as nomadic cattle breeding." Therefore, Kazakh terminology associated with the diverse nature of Kazakhstan, primarily desert and mountain landscapes, is very rich and diverse [2].

Any political or social situation, structural change that took place in society influenced the change in the names of places and waters that took shape on the Kazakh land for many years. In other words, replacing the previous toponyms with new toponyms has led to two variants[3]. This is evidenced by the fact that, being a new name, the old name also has official use. That is why these problems are prerequisites for the systematic normalization of land and water. This, in turn, requires proper regulation of land and water resources and adherence to the principles of standardization.

Research methods and materials. The methodological basis of the study was carried out through the analysis of scientific sources and cartographic works. The main research methods include descriptive, historical, geographical, cartographic (areal), linguistic, statistical, etc. [4]. There is every reason that further refinement and combination of methods and approaches in toponymic research will depend on the purpose of restoring the system of Geographical Names of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has become the object of study, and the specifics of the analyzed sources. The role of these methods is special if each name in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is grouped, classified by Region, District and divided into different groups. Mapping information, determining their etymology, describing its location, features of its representation in natural conditions, and publishing toponymic maps require the use of GIS programs. A review of a scientific study allows you to determine at what level the topic has been studied and form a complete understanding. The use of electronic resources as a tool of toponymic sources increases the quality of such research. Currently, electronic systems, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and toponymic research have begun to play an important role.

Research results and discussion. When conducting any toponymic research, problems arise with the accumulation of Geographical Names, the restoration of their former names. Various data: archival, historical and geographical, cartographic, linguistic data and methods make it possible to restore them. Geographical maps contain a lot of information, that is, a lot of information from the past, various events, and the spelling of toponyms allows you to determine the location in relative terms [5]. Each political change in society leaves a deep imprint on the toponymic system of that society. For example, before Genghis Khan's campaign, the territory of Kazakhstan was marked on maps as "Scythia" (until the XIII century), then "Tartaria" under the Kazakh Khanate, the Dzungarian invasion, the Tsarist government, and the policy of the Soviet government influenced the disappearance of Geographical Names and the formation of names from other languages [6]. We see clearly that toponymy goes from being forced to an ideological function. After the country gained independence, many names of cities, districts and settlements of Kazakhstan were changed in the Kazakh language. This process is still being carried out in the northern and eastern regions of Kazakhstan. Many settlement names have changed several times and lost their original name. Therefore, it is important to study the system of unification, the study of geographical ancient names on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan [7]. The article considered the first step in the systematization and unification of Geographical Names in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Based on the statistical method for the region and districts, it was determined on a chart (figure 1, 2).

In the Kazakh land, the native names that have formed over the centuries have overcome many revolutions and Soviet ideology. It was the first time that he had seen the names of places and places that had been heavily distorted. In the 1950s and 1970s, the regulation of land and water names was first discussed etymologically. Based on the works of T. Zhanuzakov, A. Abdrakhmanov, O. Sultaniyaev, E. Koishybayev, comparative methods began to be considered. But the research carried out at that time

was carried out only within the framework of Soviet onomastics. In 1970-1990, by the decree of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, the Department of onomastics was opened at the Institute of Linguistics. "Toponymics and etymology" by A. Abdrakhmanov (1975), "Ethnotoponymics of Kazakhstan" by E. Koishybayev (1974).

In order to collect valuable toponymic data, specialists made expeditions to different regions of the Republic. As a result of the expedition, scientific collections, definitions, dictionaries, monographs were published. A. Kaidarov and T. Zhanuzakov developed a scientific justification for the normalization of land and water names in the country. On April 20, 1990, the state onomastic commission was established under the Government of Kazakhstan. At the same time,"the concept of regulating the names of state and administrative-territorial units of the Kazakh SSR, changing the names of settlements and restoring historical and Geographical Names" was approved. The work covered in this document is: restoration, regulation and change of these names; elimination of illegal changes in hegraphic names; regulation of the frequency of repetition of the same name in the country; unification of the rules of spelling and transcription.

Since gaining independence, the region of Kazakhstan has begun work on changing the names of places and water, that is, Settlements, regional centers, districts and villages, and the formation of an orderly historical name. The transcriptions were corrected and given new names. For example:Guryev -Atyrau; Shevchenko - Aktau; Alma-Ata - Almaty; Taldy-Kurgan - Taldykorgan; Dzhambul - Taraz; Chimkent - Shymkent; Kokchetav - Kokshetau; Borovoe - Borabay, etc. [8].

In subsequent years, many distorted names of settlements and administrative-territorial units began to be gradually corrected. Many names will be adjusted in accordance with the established procedure in the future in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on administrative-territorial structure dated December 8,1993, the decree of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 1995 and the decree of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 5, 1996. In these, the procedure for naming and renaming and renaming enterprises, organizations, institutions and physical and geographical objects is established [9].

An important role in collecting names and determining their etymologies is played by special toponymic dictionaries with lists of names of natural objects and settlements written in Kazakh and Russian [10].

From a scientific point of view, the geographical names of tens and hundreds of thousands of local Kazakhs are very valuable, but they either disappeared for various reasons, or are gradually disappearing, and many names are irrevocably lost. The existing toponymic fund collected in the Republic of Kazakhstan does not correspond to the current demand, which has sharply increased due to the expansion of the scale of maps issued for open use [11].

In most cases, geographical names go beyond domestic national interests and become international [12]. In addition to address and scientific and informational functions, geographical names are one of the tools for establishing sovereignty, national priorities of the state, a mirror of the modernization of the state.

In order to analyze the toponymic space of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the materials of the reference book "Toponymics of Kazakhstan" were used. In this encyclopedic reference book (2010), published under the state program" cultural heritage", for the first time, toponyms (names of water and land) for 14 regions of Kazakhstan were systematized in full. Each region of the Republic of Kazakhstan maintains a rich toponymic fund [13]. This toponymic information goes through a process of formation and renewal over the years. For the first time, the updated and fully systematized reference book provides a brief etymology of toponyms of Kazakhstan, supplemented with physical-geographical and historical-geographical information. For example: Almaty region Korzhinkol-Lake. Alakol district. It is located in the north of Lake Koshkarkol. Maikainar is a settlement. Karatal district. It is located in the northeast of the desert mountain range. Nurly-village. Enbekshikazakh district. Located 25 km from Issyk Lake [14].

Since 2000, the Institute of geography of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the agency for land management of the Republic of Kazakhstan "National cartographic and geodetic fund" under the supervision of the new "Instructions on translation of Geographical Names of the Republic of Kazakhstan from Russian to Kazakh and translation from Kazakh to Russian", compiled on the basis of 2300 sheets of State topographic maps on a scale of 1: 100 000, covering the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 14 volumes "State catalogs of Geographical Names of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (2004-2017) came out into the light.

As a result of studies in figures 1 and 2 with statistical data of these toponyms, toponymic information was assigned to the regions of the highest category Abay, Aktobe, Karaganda regions, and to the regions of the lowest category-Mangistau, Atyrau, Zhetysu, Almaty [15].

Studies have shown the total number, percentage of the most common toponyms by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their classification by toponymic groups [16]. Based on these studies, the prerequisites for the systematic regulation and systematization of land and water names were considered. Self-depiction of a properly formed image of the space of a toponymic system begins with small microtoponyms. However, to normalize all toponymic units, their aggregate sample is required [17].

Therefore, when conducting research, it is necessary to pay great attention to each name, take into account and summarize them, and not neglect the issues of standardization [18].


10000 8000 6000


Figure 1 - Number of toponyms by region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (taken on a scale of 1 : 100 000).

Taken from the source.

The electronic database was created by frontal cataloging of toponyms present on topographic maps on a scale of 1: 100 000 and included 118.4 thousand names of various geographical objects. In recent years, based on topographic maps with a scale of 1: 25 000, the base has been replenished to 150 000 names. Each region is assigned the correct spelling in Kazakh and Russian, the previous name (the name given in the topographic maps), the type of object, its location, administrative-territorial unit, as well as etymology [19]. To date, a total of more than 30 000 toponyms have been grouped based on the systematic normalized scale of 1: 500 000 in the Republic of Kazakhstan [8].

Currently, there are more than 120,000 toponyms in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on a systematically normalized scale of 1: 100,000. The number of toponyms by regions of the country, focusing on figure 1, is as follows: Abai region - 11017, Akmola region - 6416, Aktobe region - 10559, Almaty region - 5359, Atyrau region - 5320, West Kazakhstan region - 8731, Zhambyl region - 6570, Zhetisu region - 5346, Karaganda region - 10139, Kostanay region - 7810, Kyzylorda region - 7117, Mangistau region - 3480, Pavlodar region - 5814, North Kazakhstan region - 7668, Turkestan region -8115, Ulytau region - 6572, East Kazakhstan region - 9025.

East Kazakhstan region Ulytau region ^ 7% 5%

Turkistan region 6%

North Kazakhstan region 6%

Pavlodar region 5%

Mangystau region 3%

Kyzylorda region 6%

Akmola region 5%

Kostanai region

6% Karagandy region Zhetisu region 8% 4%

r Almaty region 4%

Atyrau region 4%

West Kazakhstan region 7%

Zhambyl region 5%

Figure 2 - Toponymic system space by regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Taken from the source.

Figure 2 shows the percentage of toponyms in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thus, Abai region - 9%; Akmola Region - 5%; Aktobe region - 8%; Almaty region - 4%; Atyrau region - 4%; West Kazakhstan Region - 7%; Zhambyl region - 5%; Zhetisu region - 4%; Karaganda region - 8%; Kostanay region -6%; Kyzylorda region - 6%; Mangistau region - 3%; Pavlodar region - 5%; North Kazakhstan Region -6%; Turkestan Region - 7%; Ulytau region - 5%; East Kazakhstan Region - 7%.

Based on the statistical method, the following are a group of toponyms by districts of the regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The number of geographical features (rivers, lakes, mountains, settlements, etc.) found in each area was determined, and it was determined based on percentages. In addition, the number of geographical objects (rivers, lakes, mountains, settlements, settlements, etc.) found in each district was determined and determined based on percentages.

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the North Kazakhstan region is 7507 names, including: Aiyrtau - 701 (9,30%); Akzhar - 324 (4,30%); Akkaiyn - 301 (4,1%), Esil - 605 (8,1%); Zhambyl - 1565 (21%); M.Zhumabayev - 477 (6,3%); Kyzylzhar - 630 (8,4%); Mamliut 780 (10,4%); G.Musirepov - 348 (4,6%); Taiynsha - 423 (5,6%); Timiriazev - 202 (2,7%); Ualikhanov - 545 (7,2%); Shal akyn - 477 (6,3%); Petropavl - 129 (1,7%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Kostanay region is 8168 names, including: Altynsarin district - 242 (3%); Amangeldi district - 955 (11,6%); Auliekol district - 553 (6,7%); Denisov district - 273 (3,3%); Zhangeldi district - 1396 (17%); Zhetikara district - 207 (2,5%); Kamysty district -428 (5,2%); Karabalyk district - 440 (5,3%); Karasu district - 241 (3%); Kostanay district - 441 (5,3%); Mendikara district - 337 (4,1%); Nauryzym district - 396 (4.8%); Sarykol district - 196 (2,3%); Beiimbet Mailin district - 410 (5%); Uzynkol audany - 625 (7,6%); Fedorov district - 404 (4,9%); Arkalyk - 325 (4%); Kostanay - 152 (1,8%); Lisakovsk - 48 (0,5%); Rudnyi - 99 (1,2%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Akmola region is 6111 names, including: Akkol district - 463 (7,6%); Arshaly district - 263(4,3%); Astrakhan district - 273 (4,5%); Atbasar district -

446 (7,3%); Burabai district - 461 (7,5%); Bulandy district - 211 (3,4%); Birzhan sal district -485 (7,9%); Egindikol district - 149 (2,4%); Ereimentau district - 812 (13,3%); Esil district - 168 (2,8%); Zhaksy district - 340 (5,6%); Zharkaiyn district - 425 (7%); Zerendi district - 506 (8,3%); Korgalzhyn district - 296 (4,8%); Sandyktau district - 206 (3,4%); Tselinograd district - 440 (7,2%); Shortandy district - 134 (2,2%); Stepnogorsk - 25 (0,4%); Kokshetau - 8 (0,1%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Pavlodar region is 6152 names, including: Akkuly district - 521 (8,40%); Aktogai district - 558 (4,07%); Bayanauyl district - 1537 (24,90%); Ertis district - 502 (8,15%); Zhelezin district - 579 (9,40%); Mai district - 952 (15,40%); Pavlodar district -336 (5,40%); Terenkol district - 358 (5,80%); Uspen district - 208 (3,30%); Sharbakty district -302 (4,90%); Aksu - 589 (9,50%); Ekibastuz - 854 (13,80%); Pavlodar district - 34 (0,50%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Karagandy region is 11631 names, including: Abai district - 297 (2%); Aktogai district - 2642 (23%); Bukar zhyrau district - 1019 (9%); Karkaraly district - 2302 (20%); Nura district - 1864 (16%); Sarybel district - 382 (3%); Shet district - 3125 (27%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Ulytau region is 11631 names, including: Zhanaarka district - 1832 (20%); Ulytau district - 6417 (70%); Zhezkazgan - 33 (0%); Karazhal -690 (8%); Satbayev - 186 (2%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Abai region is 13418 names, including: Abai district - 2192 (16%); Aiagoz district - 3695 (28%); Beskaragai district - 680 (5%); Boroduliha district -411 (3%); Zharma district - 1976 (15%); Kokpekti district - 948 (7%); Urzhar district - 1572 (12%); Semei district - 1944 (14%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the East Kazakhstan region is 10738 names, including: Altai district - 1114 (10%); Glubokoe district - 1072 (10%); Zaisan district - 999 (9%); Katonkaragai district - 1034 (10%); Kurshim district - 1756 (16%); Tarbagatai district - 2261 (21%); Ulan district - 1271 (12%); Shemonaiha district - 597 (6%); Ridder - 536 (5%); Oskemen - 98 (1%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Mangystau region is 5379 names, including: Beineu district - 886 (16,47%); Karakiya district - 2016 (37,48%); Mangystau district - 1735 (32,26%); Munaily district - 218 (4,05%); Tupkaragan district - 524 (9,74%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the West Kazakhstan region is 8193 names, including: Akzhaiyk district - 1229 (15%); Bokei ordasy district - 901 (11%); Borli district - 217 (3%); Baiterek district - 305 (4%); Zhanakala district - 1173 (14%); Zhanibek district - 360 (4%); Kaztalov district - 1097 (13%); Karatobe district - 813 (10%); Syrym district - 790 (10%); Taskala district -367 (5%); Terekti district - 440 (5%); Shyngyrlau district - 397 (5%); Oral - 104 (1%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Atyrau region is 5976 names, including: Zhylyoi district - 778 (13%); Inder district - 812 (13.6%); Isatai district - 747 (12.5%); Kyzylkoga district -1238 (20.7%); Kurmangazy district - 1644 (27.6%); Makat district - 141 (2.3%); Makhambet district -485 (8.1%); Atyrau - 131 (2.2%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Aktobe region is 15072 names, including: Alga district - 367 (2,40%); Aiteke bi district - 1657 (11%); Baiganin district - 2607 (17,30%); Martok district - 598 (4%); Mugalzhar district - 1457 (9,70%); Oiyl district - 919 (6,10%); Temir district - 722 (4,80%); Chromtau district - 523 (3,50%); Shalkar district - 2842 (18,50%); Yrgyz district - 2332 (15,50%); Kargaly district - 289 (1,90%); Kobda district - 759 (5%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Almaty region is 7205 names, including: Balkash district - 1610 (22%); Enbekshikazak district - 805 (11%); Zhambyl district - 1212 (17%); Ile district -

447 (6%); Karasai district - 356 (5%); Kegen district - 177 (2%); Raiymbek district - 1238 (17%); Talgar district - 545 (8%); Uigyr district - 559 (8%); Konayev - 256 (3%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Zhetisu region is 7505 names, including: Aksu district - 892 (11,8%); Alakol district - 2087 (27,8%); Eskeldi ditrict - 358 (4,7%); Karatal district - 955 (12,7%); Kerbulak district - 945 (12,5%); Koksu district - 567 (7,5%); Panfilov district - 844 (11,2%); Sarkan district - 797 (10,6%); Taldykorgan - 52 (0,6%); Tekeli - 8 (0,1%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Kyzylorda region is 10188 names, including: Aral district- 2136 (20,90%); Syrdariya district - 1821 (9,40%); Zhanakorgan district - 1353 (13,80%); Kazaly district - 1027 (17,80%); Karmakshy district - 958 (13,20%); Zhalagash district - 1270 (10%); Shieli district - 1408 (12,40%); Baikonyr district - 54 (0,50%); Kyzylorda - 161 (1,50%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Turkestan region is 8988 names, including: Baidibek district - 889 (9,80%); Zhetisai district - 20 (0,20%); Kazygurt district- 576 (6,40%); Maktaaral district - 509 (5,60%); Ordabasy district - 258 (2,80%); Otyrar district - 263 (2,90%); Sairam district -242 (2,60%); Saryagash district - 1024 (11,30%); Sozak district - 1961 (21,80%); Tole bi district -324 (3,60%); Tulkibas district - 297 (3,30%); Shardara district - 1052 (11,70%); Arys - 435 (4,80%); Kentau - 39 (0,40%); Turkestan - 1099 (12,20%).

The total number of toponyms in the districts of the Zhambyl region is 8988 names, including: Baizak district - 516 (8,20%); Zhambyl district - 483 (7,20%); Zhualy district - 490 (7,80%); Kordai district -659 (10,50%); Merke district - 986 (15,80%); Moiynkum district - 506 (8,10%); Shu district -896 (14,40%); Sarysu district - 865 (13,90%); Talas district - 720 (11,50%); Taraz - 97 (1,50%).

Conclusion. In our research, the entire system of toponyms (scale) found on the territory of the regions of Kazakhstan 1 500 000, 1 100 000) on the basis of toponymic maps and the state catalog of Geographical Names of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their number (by Region, District) is shown in tables and diagrams. Having studied the groups of these regions, the space of the toponymic system of Kazakhstan was completely unified. In the course of the study, various toponymic methods (geographical, historical, cartographic, linguistic, statistical) were used, which created the prerequisites for the restoration of toponyms by research, analysis, systematization. These studies will continue to be studied in the restoration of toponyms.

On the basis of these works, it is not necessary to translate the name in Russian into Kazakh, but to identify the historical reasons for these changed names and reveal the maximum meaning. Therefore, the return and restoration of these names requires extensive work.

Thanks to the great work of Kazakhstani geographers and toponymists and their professional skills, the scientific nature and etymology of Geographical Names have been determined and implemented. The scientific work studied for each region and region has borne fruit. These studies made it possible to create an electronic database of the state catalog of Geographical Names of the Republic of Kazakhstan (GMC). In the future, we will contribute to the restoration of some geographical names that have not entered outside the catalogs in our research.

Summing up the above, Kazakh Geographical Names Not only reflect the features of the vast territory of Kazakhstan (terrain, soil cover, hydrography, climate conditions, flora and fauna), but also provide accurate information about the location of small parts of the terrain shapes, sometimes geological and geomorphological structures and minerals with special accuracy. Therefore, in order to group and unify all geographical names on the territory of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to create a structure of the entire toponymic base in accordance with modern requirements, to collect them, systematize objects and determine their position in space, and to complete the work on replenishing the database.

All this is primarily due to the need to accurately assign Kazakh names, as required by the international standard for the identification of geographical names based on the national standard. We see a high role of the state catalog of Geographical Names of the Republic of Kazakhstan in harmonizing the use of Kazakh names in Russian, as well as in other languages of the world.


[1] Zhanuzakova T. Kazakstan geografialyk sozdigi [Geographical Dictionary of Kazakhstan]. Almaty, 1990. 295 p.

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А. Е. Егинбаева1, Т. Сапаров2, А. Г. Абдуллина3, Ж. Р. Шахантаева*4

1PhD, физикальщ жэне экономикальщ география кафедрасыньщ доцент м.а. («Л. Н. Гумилев атындагы Еуразия улттык университет» КеАК, Астана, Казакстан;

aeginbaeva@mail.ru) 2Г. f. д., физикальщ жэне экономикальщ география кафедрасыньщ профессоры («Л. Н. Гумилев атындаFы Еуразия улттык университета» КеАК, Астана, Казахстан;

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

k.sapar67@yandex.ru) 3PhD, география жэне туризм кафедрасыньщ аFа окытушысы (К. Жубанов атындаFы Актебе ещрлщ мемлекетпк университет^ Актебе, Казахстан;

akzhunus_a@mail.ru) 4Физикальщ жэне экономикальщ география кафедрасыньщ PhD студент («Л. Н. Гумилев атындаFы Еуразия улттык университетi» КеАК, Астана, Казахстан;



Аннотация. Географиялык нысандарFа атау беру кене замандардан бастау алады. Адамзат ктамы пайда болFаннан берi адам коршаFан ортанын нысандарын бiр-бiрiнен ажырату жэне баFдарлау нэтижесшде оларды жадына сантал, эркайсысына жеке-жеке атау беруге мэжбYP болды. Адамньщ табиFат ресурстарын игерiп, кажеттшкке пайдалануы алFашкы геоэкологиялык кезкарастьщ калылтасуын ащартады. Сондьщтан жер-суFа, елдi мекенге атау беру - езгерту улттык жэне тгщдк ерекшелiктерi бар Yздiксiз журш жататын ко-Fамдык YДерiстер. Yлкен Fылыми жэне лрактикалык манызы бар топонимдерден табиFатгын эр тYрлiгi, табетат ресурстар коры, орографиялык жэне гидрографиялык атаулар мен терминдердi, ландшафттык ерекшелiктерi мен езгерiстерiн, климат жаFдайлары, сондай-ак табиFи жэне дэстYрлi шаруашылыкты непздейтш атаулар мен баска нысандардын сырткы ерекшелiктерi, касиетгерi мен белгiлерiн анык байкауFа болады. Макалада КР аумаFында кездесетiн толонимдер жYЙесiн эртYрлi масштабтаFы толокарталар мен географиялык мемлекеттiк каталогтар негiзiнде жYЙелел, лайдалану мYмкiндiктерiнiн кевдстшн калыл-тастыру жэне оларды бiрiздiлiкке келтiрудiн географиялык мэселелерi женiнде сез болады.

Тушн сездер: толонимдер, топонимика, ономастика, географиялык атаулар, географиялык лринцилтер, топтастыру.

А. Е. Егинбаева1, Т. Сапаров2, А. Г. Абдуллина3, Ж. Р. Шахантаева*4

:РШ, и.о. доцента кафедры физической и экономической географии (НАО «Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева», Астана, Казахстан;

aeginbaeva@mail.ru) 2Д. г. н., профессор кафедры физической и экономической географии (НАО «Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева», Астана, Казахстан;

k.sapar67@yandex.ru) 3РШ, старший преподаватель кафедры географии и туризма (Актюбинский региональный государственный университет им. К. Жубанова, Актобе, Казахстан;

akzhunus_a@mail.ru) 4РШ студент кафедры физической и экономической географии (НАО «Евразийский национальный университет им. Л. Н. Гумилева», Астана, Казахстан;



Аннотация. Названия географических объектов восходят к древним временам. С момента зарождения общества человек в результате освоения объектов окружающей среды был вынужден сохранить их в памяти и дать каждому свое имя по отдельности. Использование человеком природных ресурсов на собственные нужды обусловливает формирование первого геоэкологического подхода. Поэтому присвоение наименований земле-воде, населенному пункту - это постоянно протекающие общественные процессы с национальными и языковыми особенностями. Из топонимов, имеющих большое научное и практическое значение, можно четко проследить разнообразие природы, фонд природных ресурсов, особенности и изменения ландшафта, климатические условия, а также внешние особенности, свойства и признаки названий других объектов, оправдывающих естественное и традиционное хозяйство. Изложены географические вопросы формирования пространства, возможности использования топонимов различных масштабов, встречающихся на территории РК в географических государственных каталогах.

Ключевые слова: топонимы, топонимика, ономастика, географические названия, географические принципы, группировка.

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