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Review of law sciences
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Ключевые слова
alternative dispute resolution / arbitration / international arbitration / mediation / conciliation / negotiation / dispute settlemen / alternative dispute resolution / arbitration / international arbitration / mediation / conciliation / negotiation / dispute settlemen

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rustambekov Islambek

In the article, the author analyzes the formation and development of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Uzbekistan. The author systematically examines alternative ways of resolving disputes in Uzbekistan, dividing them into domestic and international arbitration, mediation and appellate committees. The author shows that in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ADR system began to develop relatively late. The author described all stages of the development of ADR mechanisms and their legal bases and practice in the country, the main of which is domestic arbitration, mediation, and international arbitration. The author gives a brief excurse of the legislation, in particular, to the laws and bylaws regulating the ADR. Such newly established centers as Tashkent International Arbitration Center and Tashkent Mediation Center are also provided with the main legal base for their activity. It is shown that during the last two years, Uzbekistan began to develop and promote ADR actively. In conclusion, the author comes to the opinion that the development of methods of alternative dispute resolution in Uzbekistan creates a favorable business environment. However, in national regulation and practice, there is a need to establish such mechanisms of ADR as conciliation and adjudication, which are not known in the practice of Uzbekistan and need to be analyzed and developed in laws and law enforcement practice of the country.

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In the article, the author analyzes the formation and development of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Uzbekistan. The author systematically examines alternative ways of resolving disputes in Uzbekistan, dividing them into domestic and international arbitration, mediation and appellate committees. The author shows that in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ADR system began to develop relatively late. The author described all stages of the development of ADR mechanisms and their legal bases and practice in the country, the main of which is domestic arbitration, mediation, and international arbitration. The author gives a brief excurse of the legislation, in particular, to the laws and bylaws regulating the ADR. Such newly established centers as Tashkent International Arbitration Center and Tashkent Mediation Center are also provided with the main legal base for their activity. It is shown that during the last two years, Uzbekistan began to develop and promote ADR actively. In conclusion, the author comes to the opinion that the development of methods of alternative dispute resolution in Uzbekistan creates a favorable business environment. However, in national regulation and practice, there is a need to establish such mechanisms of ADR as conciliation and adjudication, which are not known in the practice of Uzbekistan and need to be analyzed and developed in laws and law enforcement practice of the country.


12.00.03-Civil law. Business law. Family right.

International private law. Rustambekov Islambek,

Deputy Rector at Tashkent State University of Law,

Doctor of Sciences in Law (DSc), ORCID: 0000-0002-8869-8399 E-mail: [email protected]



A R T I C L E A B S T R A C T I N F O _

In the article, the author analyzes the formation and development of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in Uzbekistan. The author systematically examines alternative ways of resolving disputes in Uzbekistan, dividing them into domestic and international arbitration, mediation and appellate committees. The author shows that in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ADR system began to develop relatively late. The author described all stages of the development of ADR mechanisms and their legal bases and practice in the country, the main of which is domestic arbitration, mediation, and international arbitration. The author gives a brief excurse of the legislation, in particular, to the laws and bylaws regulating the ADR. Such newly established centers as Tashkent International Arbitration Center and Tashkent Mediation Center are also provided with the main legal base for their activity. It is shown that during the last two years, Uzbekistan began to develop and promote ADR actively.

In conclusion, the author comes to the opinion that the development of methods of alternative dispute













resolution in Uzbekistan creates a favorable business environment. However, in national regulation and practice, there is a need to establish such mechanisms of ADR as conciliation and adjudication, which are not known in the practice of Uzbekistan and need to be analyzed and developed in laws and law enforcement practice of the country.


One of the priority areas of legal reform in Uzbekistan at the present stage of development is to improve the system of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and their practical use, designed to effectively and promptly resolve disputes arising in civil law and related spheres of society in the process of building a democratic rule of law.

This issue is relevant for all countries of the world, which, to a greater or lesser extent, are transforming the systems of civil court proceedings for different periods of time. In this regard, it is evident that, to date, both developed and developing countries have formed and accumulated significant experience in reforming this area, which can form the basis for similar

transformations in Uzbekistan and significantly facilitate the ongoing reforms.

Result and discussion

In the modern world, ADR is most common in commercial law, but in a number of countries, its mechanisms are also used in civil proceedings. ADR is a less formal procedure in comparison with the procedure for considering cases in court, allowing to significantly relieve the burden on the judicial system while resolving the conflict that has arisen. The main prerequisites for the use of ADR are:

- the parties involved in a conflict have a desire to preserve the existing relations between them, resolving the dispute through negotiations;

- the legal framework for settling a conflict does not make it possible to resolve it in

such a way that the solution is final and satisfactory for all parties;

- there is a need to resolve a conflict using the least painful means due to the necessity of maintaining or terminating long-term relationships (for example, in family disputes, conflicts with neighbors and partnerships);

- there are multiple procedures between the parties to the conflict or the conflict is complex;

- The situation requires a high level of confidentiality or separate discussion between the parties;

- the conflict affects the interests of a larger number of participants than only the direct parties to the conflict in the judicial process;

- the need to reduce the costs of resolving a dispute;

- the parties wish to resolve a conflict less formally;

- the parties want to resolve a conflict quickly.

Among the advantages of ADR at the present time, in addition to those indicated above, there are also:

- an opportunity to save time and money,

- a return to the parties of control over the conflict situation,

- avoiding litigation that would destroy the relationship between the parties,

- informality,

- flexibility,

- an additional opportunity for the parties to resolve the conflict within the framework of justice, including without the need to enforce a decision to settle it.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the ADR system began to develop relatively late. In particular, the first stage was the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Arbitration" on October 16, 2006 [2]. According to the Law, Arbitration is a non-state body resolving disputes arising from civil legal relations, including economic disputes arising between business entities.

At the same time, the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which is in force since 1997, provides judicial protection of civil rights. In

accordance with Article 10 of Ministry of Justice, the

the Civil Code, legal entities Supreme Economic Court, and

and individuals in case of the Chamber of Commerce and

violation of their rights can Industry of the Republic of

claim to the civil court, the Uzbekistan to submit to the

economic court, and also the Parliament of the Republic of

arbitration [1]. But before the Uzbekistan the draft Law on

adoption of the Law of the Arbitration. By this time, the

Republic of Uzbekistan "On interested organizations have

Arbitration" organizations and already done some work on the

citizens did not have the development of this draft Law.

opportunity to claim to The Law was adopted by

arbitration, as provided by the the Legislative Chamber of the

Civil Code. Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of the

The need to create Republic of Uzbekistan on

arbitration courts was noted in February 8, 2006, approved by

the Decree of the President of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of

the Republic of Uzbekistan No. the Republic of Uzbekistan on

DP-3619 dated June 14, 2005 August 25, 2006, approved by

"On measures to further the President of the Republic of

improve the system of legal Uzbekistan on October 16,

protection of business entities" 2006, numbered LRU-64 and

[6], which provided for the entered into force on January 1,

creation of arbitration courts by 2007.

entrepreneurs themselves and The adoption of the Law of

their associations. The the Republic of Uzbekistan "On

establishment of arbitration Arbitration" was the basis for

courts is an essential direction the formation of permanent and

in reforming the system for temporary arbitration courts in

protecting the rights and Uzbekistan. From the first days

legitimate interests of after adopting the Law,

entrepreneurs. The decree arbitration courts were

assigned the responsibility to established at the Chamber of

the Cabinet of Ministers, the Commerce and Industry of the

Republic of Uzbekistan and its Regulation on the Arbitration

territorial offices. Court regulates the legal status

The Law is the main of the Arbitration Court, the

normative legal act in the field organization, the procedure for

of creation and functioning of the operation of the relationship

arbitration courts. It contains of the Arbitration Court with the

the rules governing the status legal entity that formed the

of the arbitration court, the Arbitration Court and other legal

formation of the composition of entities. The Rules of the

the arbitral tribunal, the Arbitration Court contain the

requirements for the arbitrator, rules of arbitration.

the drafting of the arbitration After the entry into force of

agreement, the rules of the Law of the Republic of

arbitration, the drafting and Uzbekistan "On Arbitration" on

filing of a statement of claim, August 1, 2007, corresponding

the costs associated with changes were made to other

resolving the dispute in the legislative acts. The

arbitral tribunal, the amendments, in particular, to

participation of the parties in the procedural codes were due

the courtroom, ways of sending to the need to regulate relations

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documents, taking measures to regarding the cancellation and

secure a claim, making a compulsory execution of the

decision, executing the decision arbitral award. Indeed, prior to

of the arbitral tribunal and the the introduction of these

possibility of its compulsory amendments, the codes did not

execution, challenging the contain norms that judges

decision of the arbitral tribunal would refer to when considering

and others. applications for cancellation of

In permanent arbitration the arbitral tribunal's decision

courts, the organization that and issuing a writ of execution

formed such courts adopts the for the compulsory execution of

Regulation on the Arbitration the arbitral tribunal's decision.

Court and the Rules of the It should be noted that in

Arbitration Court. The order to develop and support

arbitration courts, the citizens. So, only the arbitration

Association of Arbitration courts, which are part of the

Courts of Uzbekistan was system of the Chamber of

established in 2009. The main Commerce and Industry of the

goals of the Association are to Republic of Uzbekistan, have

develop and facilitate the considered more than a

creation of arbitration courts in thousand disputes thus far. the Republic of Uzbekistan and At the same time, the

to protect their rights and development of international

interests. The objectives of the arbitration in Uzbekistan was

Association are the very passive. Thus, the Law

establishment of a system of "On Arbitration" does not meet

arbitration courts in the the requirements and

Republic of Uzbekistan, the conditions of international

development of arbitration arbitration. In particular, this law

courts and their legal does not provide for the

protection, admission of other possibility of resolving disputes

arbitration courts to the with the participation of foreign

Association, provision of legal, enterprises or investors and

economic, and other assistance also limits the possibility of

to the members of the appointing a foreign citizen as

Association, assistance to the an arbitrator. In accordance

members of the Association in with the above, at a later

providing the necessary legal, period, the process of

methodological and other development of international

literature on the activities of arbitration in Uzbekistan began. arbitration courts. In accordance with the

Thus, a legislative basis Decree of the President of the

has been formed for the Republic of Uzbekistan dated

formation and functioning of June 19, 2017, No. DP-5087

arbitration courts in Uzbekistan "On measures to radically

to date. As practice shows, improve the system of state

arbitration courts have won the protection of the legitimate

trust of entrepreneurs and interests of business and the

further development of including foreign investors,

entrepreneurial activity" [7], a disputes related to investments,

set of measures was envisaged intellectual property, and

to create an international blockchain technologies; commercial arbitration. b) developing and

In order to implement the improving dispute resolution

above, the Resolution of the mechanisms through

President of the Republic of international arbitration and

Uzbekistan "On the other alternative methods of

establishment of the Tashkent dispute resolution; International Arbitration Center c) establishing cooperation

(TIAC) at the Chamber of with leading foreign arbitration

Commerce and Industry of the tribunals, exchanging

Republic of Uzbekistan" dated experience in the field of

November 5, 2018, No. RP- dispute resolution through

4001 was adopted. According international arbitration, as well

to this resolution [4], the as involving foreign arbitrators

Tashkent International in resolving disputes at the

Arbitration Center was Center; established under the Chamber d) participating in the

of Commerce and Industry of implementation of measures for

the Republic of Uzbekistan training and advanced training

(hereinafter referred to as the of specialists in the field of

Center) with the status of a international arbitration and out-

non-governmental, non-profit of-court settlement of disputes,

organization. Its main tasks including those related to

were defined as follows: investments, as well as the

a) organizing through organization of research in this

international arbitration the area;

settlement of disputes arising e) providing consulting

from contractual and other civil services for domestic and

law relations arising between foreign economic entities,

commercial organizations including foreign investors, in

located in different states, the prevention of disputes

related to investments, the Law of the Republic of

including one of the parties to Uzbekistan "On Mediation" was

which is the state. adopted [2], which entered into

It should be noted that force on January 1, 2019. The

international experts are Law applies to relations related

involved in the activities of the to the application of mediation

Center, who are engaged in its in disputes arising from civil

formation and development. In legal relations, also in

particular, a Supervisory Board connection with the

was formed from among the implementation of

leading international experts in entrepreneurial activities, and

the field of arbitration and individual labor disputes and

arbitrators of recognized conflicts arising from family

arbitration centers of the world legal relations unless otherwise

in order to assist in the provided by law. implementation of international It was an innovation in the

standards in the activities of the national system of out-of-court

Center [9]. dispute settlement, i.e.,

According to forecasts, previously, only civil and

this Center is promising to economic disputes between attract the resolution of business entities were resolved

arbitration disputes arising, by alternative methods of

particularly in the CIS countries dispute settlement, however,

and Central Asia. this method can now resolve

In Uzbekistan, activities individual labor disputes and

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are also underway to create a disputes arising from family

comprehensively substantiated legal relations. national legal framework for the Another feature of

conduct of international mediation is that it can also be

commercial arbitration. applied in the process of

In addition to the above, considering a dispute in court

special attention is paid to the before the court is moved to a development of the institution of separate (deliberative) room for

mediation. So, on July 3, 2018, the adoption of an award [8].

The law determines that the authorized state body may, after postponing the proceedings, set a time limit for the mediation procedure. At the same time, the direct intervention of a state body is prohibited, which allows taking into account the interests of both parties when concluding a mediation agreement.

Consequently, the

mediation agreement reached by the parties during the mediation procedure, during the trial, during the consideration of the dispute in the authorized state body is immediately sent to the court or to the authorized state body, which is in charge of the relevant case.

So the mediation can be applied out of court, in the process of considering a dispute in court, before the court is moved to a separate (deliberative) room for the adoption of a judicial act, as well as in the process of considering a dispute in an arbitration court before a decision is made by the arbitral tribunal.

An agreement on the use of mediation is concluded in writing in the form of a clause, which is an integral part of the contract or in the form of a separate agreement.

The mediation procedure begins from the day the parties conclude an agreement on the mediation proceedings. The agreement on the mediation procedure is drawn up in writing and must contain information about the parties; on the subject of the dispute; on the procedure for carrying out the mediation procedure, the mediator, the obligations agreed by the parties, the conditions and terms of their implementation; the language, place, and date of the mediation procedure; on the timing of the mediation procedure.

The mediation procedure is voluntary. Each party can refuse to participate in it at any time.

For the parties who have resolved the dispute in the mediation procedure, the possibility of refunding the state

fee paid by them when applying point in resolving disputes

to the court is provided. through the use of alternative

A mediation agreement is methods.

binding on the parties who have The law enables mediators

entered into it and is performed to carry out activities both on a

by them voluntarily in the professional and non-

manner and within the time professional basis. Article 12 of

frame provided for in it. If the the Law sets out the

mediation agreement is not requirements for mediators.

fulfilled, the parties have the Thus, a person who has

right to apply to the court for the completed a special training

protection of their rights. The course under the mediator

consequences of non-execution training program approved by

of the mediation agreement can the Ministry of Justice of the

be established by the parties in Republic of Uzbekistan, as well

the same agreement. as entered in the Register of

The mediation agreement Professional Mediators, can

reached by the parties during carry out the activities of a

the mediation procedure, during mediator on a professional

the trial, during the basis. A person who has

consideration of the dispute in reached the age of twenty-five

the authorized state body, is years and who has agreed to

immediately sent to the court or perform the duties of a mediator

to the authorized state body, can carry out the activity of a

which is in charge of the mediator on a non-professional

relevant case. basis. At the same time, he can

The law establishes the undergo a special training

return of the paid state fee in course according to the training

the event of a dispute resolved program for mediators,

by a mediation agreement in approved by the Ministry of

the mediation procedure and Justice of the Republic of

suspends the statute of Uzbekistan.

limitations during the mediation The law also defines a list

procedure, which is a crucial of persons who cannot be

mediators. These include It should be noted that in

persons: authorized to perform order to develop alternative

state functions or those methods of resolving disputes,

equivalent to them; in respect of on June 17, 2020, the

whom there is a court decision Resolution of the President of

that has entered into legal force the Republic of Uzbekistan "On

recognizing them as partially measures to further improve

capable or incompetent; having mechanisms for alternative

an outstanding or unexpended dispute resolution" No. RP-

criminal record; in respect of 4754 was adopted [5].

which criminal prosecution is By this resolution,

carried out. Appellate Councils for the pre-

These requirements are trial settlement of disputes

necessary due to the fact that between individuals and legal

when resolving disputes, the entities and state bodies

mediator must have the (hereinafter referred to as the

appropriate knowledge, skills, Appeal Council) were created

professional and life under the State Customs

experience, objectivity, and Committee, the State

personal reputation are also Committee for Land Resources,

important [8]. Geodesy, Cartography and

The law determines that State Cadaster, the Extra-

the activity of a mediator on a budgetary Pension Fund under

professional basis can be the Ministry of Finance of the

carried out for a fee or free of Republic of Uzbekistan, as well

charge, and a mediator on a as Khokimiyats (mayor's office)

non-professional basis can be of Namangan, Bukhara and

performed free of charge. A Tashkent regions.

non-professional mediator may The main tasks of the

be reimbursed for expenses Board of Appeal were

incurred in connection with the determined as follows:

mediation procedure, including a) taking measures to

travel expenses, resolve disputes arising

accommodation, and meals. between individuals and legal

entities and a state body, - conducting proceedings

through pre-trial consideration on the basis of the principle of

and adoption of conclusions; non-interference in activities

b) taking measures to related to the consideration of organize, in accordance with cases in mediation, arbitration the established procedure, the courts, and international official interpretation of arbitrations;

legislative norms in case of - organizing training

discrepancies or incorrect or courses for training and

contradictory practice of their advanced training of specialists

application when considering in the field of mediation,

applications; arbitration courts and

c) making proposals to international arbitration. At the eliminate gaps in the legislation same time, mediators are identified during consideration trained in training courses not of applications. exceeding 72 hours, with the

The resolution also issuance of a certificate to

determines that it is allowed to students who have successfully

create and operate as a non- completed these courses;

governmental non-profit - assisting in the

organization for mediation development and widespread

centers and centers for dispute dissemination of mediation and

resolution using alternative other methods of alternative

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methods. dispute resolution with the

The tasks of such centers organization of seminars,

are defined as follows: training and conferences in this

- creating conditions for area.

the introduction of dispute The most interesting thing

resolution procedures by about this resolution is that it

alternative methods in establishes the Tashkent

mediation, the activities of Mediation Center founding by

arbitration courts, and the Tashkent State University of

international arbitration; Law and the Center for

Advanced Training of Lawyers,

and this Center will become the first mediation center in Uzbekistan.


All of the above shows the active development of methods of alternative dispute resolution in Uzbekistan, which is aimed at creating a favorable business environment, convenient and fast methods for resolving disputes, which provide the parties to the dispute with the

choice and achievement of dispute resolution by extrajudicial means. However, there is much work on developing the ADR mechanisms in Uzbekistan and making them more popular. Also, such mechanisms as conciliation and adjudication are not established, even not known in the practice of Uzbekistan, and need to be analyzed and developed in laws and law enforcement practice of the country


1. Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. T .: Adolat, 2019.

2. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Arbitration" dated October 16, 2006, No. LRU-64.

3. Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Mediation" dated July 3, 2018, No. LRU-482.

4. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the establishment of the Tashkent International Arbitration Center (TIAC) at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated November 5, 2018, No. DP-4001.

5. Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve mechanisms for alternative dispute resolution" dated June 17, 2020, No. DP-4754.

6. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further improve the system of legal protection of business entities" No. DP-3619 dated June 14, 2005.

7. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to radically improve the system of state protection of the legitimate interests of business and the further development of entrepreneurial activity" dated June 19, 2017, No. DP-5087.

8. Rustambekov I. "Mediatsiya: posobiye dlya mediatorov" [Mediation: a guide for mediators.] Tashkent: Baktria press. p.144.

9. Islambek Rustambekov, Diana Tsutieva. Contemporary Reforms in the Development of the Institute of International Arbitration in the Republic of Uzbekistan. ABA Section of International Law. Eurasia / Russia Committee Newsletter. January - March 2019. -P.2-3.

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