Научная статья на тему 'Generic group “names of bears” in Kamchadal idiolect'

Generic group “names of bears” in Kamchadal idiolect Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mikhalevich O.V.

The article describes lexical composition of the generic group “Names of Bears” in Kamchadal idiolect of Abakumov S.A. (1938 2009), a resident of the Milkovo village in the Kamchatka region. We developed the structural organization of the generic group based on differential characteristics (sex, age, type of food). We identified the most typical relationship within the names of the group in the idiolect: Synonymy relations, uniting all-Russian dialectal words.

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В статье рассмотрен лексический состав родо-видовой группы «Названия медведей» в идиолекте камчадала Абакумова С.А. (1938 2009), жителя поселка Мильково Камчатского края. Выявлена структурная организация родо-видовой группы с учетом дифференциальных признаков (пол, возраст, тип питания). Определены наиболее типичные отношения названий внутри группы в идиолекте: отношения синонимии, объединяющие общерусские и диалектные слова.

Текст научной работы на тему «Generic group “names of bears” in Kamchadal idiolect»

DOI: 10.18454/RULB.8.17 Михалевич О.В.

Аспирант, ФГБОУ ВО «Камчатский государственный университет имени Витуса Беринга» РОДО-ВИДОВАЯ ГРУППА «НАЗВАНИЯ МЕДВЕДЕЙ» В ИДИОЛЕКТЕ КАМЧАДАЛА


В статье рассмотрен лексический состав родо-видовой группы «Названия медведей» в идиолекте камчадала Абакумова С.А. (1938 - 2009), жителя поселка Мильково Камчатского края. Выявлена структурная организация родо-видовой группы с учетом дифференциальных признаков (пол, возраст, тип питания). Определены наиболее типичные отношения названий внутри группы в идиолекте: отношения синонимии, объединяющие общерусские и диалектные слова.

Ключевые слова: идиолект, Камчатский край, камчадал, языковая личность, родо-видовая группа, лексема.

Mikhalevich O.V.

Postgraduate student, Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University GENERIC GROUP "NAMES OF BEARS" IN KAMCHADAL IDIOLECT


The article describes lexical composition of the generic group "Names of Bears" in Kamchadal idiolect of Abakumov S.A. (1938 - 2009), a resident of the Milkovo village in the Kamchatka region. We developed the structural organization of the generic group based on differential characteristics (sex, age, type of food). We identified the most typical relationship within the names of the group in the idiolect: Synonymy relations, uniting all-Russian dialectal words.

Keywords: idiolect, the Kamchatka region, Kamchadal, linguistic persona, generic group, lexical unit.

Почта авторов / Author Email: mihalevichov@mail.ru

The way vocabulary is organized into thematic classes is determined by the peculiarities of life and human activity in a certain area: the Kamchatka region has been traditionally engaged in fishing and hunting. Thus, the names of these types of activities are very well represented in Kamchadal dialects [1, p.34]. As the names in certain thematic groups in the speech of a dialect speaker (hunting and fishing vocabulary) are very detailed while other thematic groups are limited, we can come to a conclusion that there are dominant activities in human life.

Kamchadals are "Russian-speaking metisized population, the descendants of the marriages between indigenous northern people and Russians" [6].

We considered the fragment of the thematic group encompassing hunting vocabulary in the idiolect of indigenous Kamchadal Abakumov Sergey Alexandrovich (1938-2009), the resident of Milkovo village.

We identified the following basic, most extensive thematic groups in individual speech of a dialect speaker:

• vocabulary related to flora and fauna - includes the names of birds, fish, domestic and wild animals, their usage in the household, as well as the names of trees, plants, fungi, mosses, etc.;

• domestic, household vocabulary - includes the names of household items, tools for fishing and hunting, etc.

• meteorological vocabulary - names of objects and phenomena in the environment.

Generic groups (hereinafter - GG) in the idiolect are structured in accordance with the point of view of a particular person concerning this area of life, as evidenced by the quantitative amount of certain GG and the quality of their content.

GG under study, namely "Bear", with a common generic notion медведь (bear) is included into the lexical-semantic subgroup "Names of Wild Animals" and is the most extensive group of words among the rest of GG denoting names of wild animals. It is primarily determined by hunting on bears, the necessity to give them names according to different characteristics: Their gender, age, type of food, etc.

"When we say 'generic relationships in the language' we mean the relationships between several members, counter posed to the volume of meanings. Words denoting generic concepts contain the whole complex of characteristics, which

comprise the meaning of a generic word, plus some additional semantic features, which narrow the volume of the meaning of differentiating words of both generic and specific character" [3, p. 149].

This group of words is generic, because it contains a generic lexical unit, a hyperonym медведь (bear.) This lexical unit is all-Russian and has the following meaning in the literary language (hereinafter - LL): "A large carnivorous, omnivorous mammal with a large overweight, body covered with thick hair, and short legs" [5, vol. 2, p. 242]. In this sense, the lexical unit медведь (bear) is used to refer to an animal, regardless of its gender.

И медведю-то надо кушать, а там народ везде кругом. Медведей сейчас фсех распугали, нигде не найдёшь. Раньше, может, медведи и выходили, когда маленькая деревня была. Медветь не залезет на дерево. Проще фсево добывать медведя. (And the bear has to eat something, and there are people everywhere. The bears have scared them all away, you will find no one. Earlier, perhaps, bears have come out, when the village was small. The bear would not climb a tree. It is easier to get the bear.)

All other names of the bears used by Abakumov S.A. in his speech can be divided into several groups based on their differentiating characteristics.

1. We identified a group of lexical units that name bears on the basis of their gender. This group can be divided into two subgroups: Names of male bears (самец, медведь, медведишка, сикач) and the names of female bears (медведица, самочка, медведка, матушка, матуха, мать, мамка).

Lexical units самец (male) and самочка (female) are all-Russian and can be used in relation to others animals as well, when it is necessary to indicate the gender of an animal. When we say "all-Russian word" we rely on the definition given by Ilyinskaya N.G. in her work "All-Russian Words and Their Lexicological Aspect," "An all-Russian word in a dialect is a conventional name of a lexical unit which has the same form of expression, functioning in LL and dialects. At that, they are not borrowings from LL or any other sources" [3, p. 29]. The dictionary provides the following definition of the word самец (male): "A male individual" [5, vol. 4, p. 16]. This lexical unit has the same meaning in the speech of a dialect speaker.

The female bear is on its own, and here is a healthy male. He began to shoot, the female bear disappeared in the rocks, while the male bear was still flouncing.

Lexical unit самочка (diminutive of the word "female") is made up from the word "самка" (female) and suffix "-очк." This word has the same meaning in the idiolect, as the lexical unit "самка" (female) in LL: "A female individual" [5, vol. 4, p. 16].

Самочка, детишки, они же любопытные, к тебе бегут, обнюхивают Самочка поумней. Мальчик поспокойней, а саамочка с детьми любопытные. (Female, kids, they are all curious, they run to you, sniff you. Females are more intelligent. Boys are quieter, while a female and kids are curious.)

а. Names of male bears.

Apart from the name of the animal (медведь - bear), regardless of the gender, male or female, lexical unit медведь (bear) in the idiolect can be used in a narrower sense as an "a male individual" becoming the synonym of the lexical unit самец (male).

Он медветь, а она матушка. Я видал, как медведи деруца. Стараца (медведица) от медведя уйти, может маленьких разорвать. Страшно, медведи деруца, рёф только идёт. (He is a bear and she is a female bear. I've seen bears fighting. (Female bear) is trying to leave the bear, can kill the little ones. Scary, the bears are fighting, the roar is loud.)

Lexical unit медведишка (bear) is made up from the word "bear" with the usage of a diminutive suffix "-ишк" and is a dialectal synonym of an all-Russian word "bear" ("an individual of a male gender"), making it colloquial.

Давайте медведишку убьём на мясо. (Let us kill medvedishka (a bear) for meat.)

The speech of a dialect speaker contains the word "cuKa4"(sikach - bear), which, just like the previous lexical unit, has the meaning of "a male individual", and is quite frequent in Kamchatka dialects. Мы матуху с сикачом убили, матуха на нас кинулась. (We killed matukha (a female bear) and sikach (a male bear), matukha (the female bear) attacked us.)

б. Names of female bears.

Most female bear names in the idiolect of Abakumov S.A. are dialectal. The speech of a dialect speaker is marked with the following lexical units: медведица, медведка, матушка, матуха, мамка и мать.

Alternate names contain медведица: медведица and have the following generic meaning: "Female bear" [5, v. 2, p. 242].

The lexical unit медведица is all-Russian: Убили медведицу, а потом увидели маленьких медвежат. (They killed a female bear and then they saw small bear cubs.)

The second alternative of the word медведица -медведица is an accentual dialectal alternative. Матуха -мы её так и завём - медведица с мaлышoм.(Matukha (female bear) - that's what we call it - a bear with a baby.)

Lexical unit медведка (medvedka) is formed with the help of the suffix "-к," which indicates "femininity" and is derived from the word медведь (male bear.) This lexical unit has the meaning of "A female individual" and is a dialectal synonym to an all-Russian lexical unit "bear." In all-Russian language the word "медведка" means "an insect of Orthoptera order with a body covered by short velvety hairs, which lives in the ground, and is a pest of agricultural crops" [5, vol. 2, p. 242]. Thus, the word медведка, which is used in the dialect as a "female bear" means a species of insect in literary language (mole cricket) which makes them lexical

units with different semantic content. Медветка - это самочка медведя, а важенка - у оленя. (Medvetka is a female bear and vazhenka is a female deer.)

The speech of Abakumov S.A. contains the lexical unit матушка (matushka.) Dictionaries contain this lexical unit: "Old-fashioned, respectful. Mother" [5, vol. 2, p. 236]. In the dialect, the lexical unit матушка has the meaning of a "female bear." Он медветь, а она матушка. Смотрим, сикач и матушка, они на нис спустились, а снек размяк, проваливаюца. Матушка выбирает места для учения медвежат ловить рыбу. (He is medvet and she is matushka. Look, sikach and matushka, they have descended and the snow has melted, it is breaking down. Matushka chooses places to teach the cubs to fish.)

The word матуха (matukha) is also dialectal and is used in the meaning of a "female bear." Когда бывает свадьба, она, матуха, зделает свои дела и снова приходит. Там матуха сама, а там здоровый самец. Один раз видел беловатую матуху. (When there is a wedding, she, matukha, deals with her business and comes back. Matukha is alone there, and there is a healthy male. Once I saw a whitish matukha.)

Words мамка and мать are synonyms, they are all-Russian and have the following meaning: "2. A female bear in relation to its cubs" [5, vol. 2, p. 224].

Мамка (mamka - mother): Сегодочка - один гот, он не прожывёт, он мамку сосит, до трёх лет вмести ходит. Он же (медвежонок) ещё и мамку сосит. (Segedochka - one year old, it will not survive it, it sucks its mamka, they walk together up to three years. It (bear cub) is sucking mamka.)

Мать (mat - mother): У нас тут два медвежонка была. У них сама мать рыженькая такая. (There are two little bears here. Their mother is reddish.)

Thus, the speech of a dialect speaker contains a large number of lexical units which name bears based on the differentiating characteristic of "gender." Within the groups, designating bears, both male and female, there is a large number of synonyms, as well as lexical units, formed with the help of suffixes. The names contain both dialectal and all-Russian words.

2. The next group of lexical units of the generic group "bear" is based on the characteristic of "age." This group includes the following lexical units: медвежонок, дети, детишки, малыш, мальчик, сегодочка, четвертак.

Lexical units дети, детишки, малыш и мальчик in the speech of a dialect speaker refer to any animal regardless of its species.

Дети (children) is an all-Russian word, which has the meaning "Infants, counter posed to adults // Babies of animals, birds" [5, vol. 1, p. 531]. It has the same meaning in the idiolect. А самочка с детьми любопытные. (The female bear with children are curious.)

The word детишки (kids) is made up from the lexical unit with the help of the diminutive suffix "-ишк." In the dictionary, this lexical unit has the following meaning: "plural. Diminutive for children" [5, vol. 1, p. 531]. Самочка, детишки, они же любопытные, к тебе бегут, обнюхивают. (Female, kids, they are all curious, they run to you, sniff you.)

Малыш (baby) - "coll. Kid (typically about a little boy)" [5, 2, p. 223]. In the speech of Abakumov S.A. lexical unit малыш denotes a baby of any animal. Therefore, we can say that the word малыш has a broader meaning in the idiolect, denoting - "A baby of any animal." Луче не трогать малышей, она (медведица) лапой каг поддаст, только

летит кувырком. (Better not to touch the babies, it (female bear) will hit you with a paw and you'll roll upside down.)

One more word for a bear cub - мальчик (boy) - has two differentiating characteristics: Age and gender. Мальчик - "1. Child, a male teenager" [5, vol. 2, p. 303]. In the dialect, the lexical unit мальчик has a wider lexical meaning, than in the Russian language, as it denotes a baby of any male animal. Самочка агрессивная. Мальчик поспокойней.(А female is aggressive. The boy is quieter.)

The lexical unit медвежонок (baby bear) denotes a particular species of an animal. Медвежонок - "1. Bear cub" [5, 2, p. 242]. We have found out this particular meaning of the word. Медвежата маленьки на ольховинках. У нас тут два медвежонка была. Убили медведицу, а потом увидели маленьких медвежат. Нужно стоять, не бежать и не трогать медвежат.(Baby bears are on little alder trees. We had two little bears here. They killed the female bear, and then saw little baby bears. We had to stand; we can't run or touch the babies.)

Names сегодочка and четвертак denote particular age of a bear.

Сегодочка (segodochka) - "one year old bear" [4, p. 155]. This lexical unit has wide usage in the dialect with this meaning. Сигодочка - один год, он не прожывёт, он мамку сосит, до трёх лет вмести xoдит.(Sigodochka -one year old, it will not survive it, it sucks its mamka, they walk together up to three years.)

In the speech of Abakumov S.A. there is a fixed lexical unit четвертак (chetvertak), which has two homonymic

Thus, the lexical group in the idiolect of Abakumov S.A., which includes the names of bears, can be considered generic, because it contains a generic word -

the hyperonym "bear," there are hyponyms, marked by variability (медведица : медведица), synonyms (медвежонок-малыш-дети-детишки) and homonyms (четвертак1 и четвертак2), word-formation variants (медведь и медведишка). GG contains subgroups based on the following differential characteristics: Gender, age, type of

meanings. The first meaning is dialectal: "Four year old bear." The word is motivated by numeral "four." Медведя иногда называли четвертаком, если четыре года. (A bears was sometimes called a chetvertak, if it was four years old.)

The second meaning of the word is all-Russian: "Old-fashioned. Quarter of a ruble, 25 kopeks, a coin of 25 kopeks" [5, vol. 4, p. 673]. The dialect speaker uses the lexical unit in exactly this meaning. Четвертак - это денешка, это двадцатипятёрка.( Chetvertak is money, this is twenty-five kopecks.)

3. Composite name used by the informant in his speech, - ягодный медведь, can be referred to the third sub-group of GG, the common characteristic of which is "Type of Food." This name determines the type of food of an animal: ягодный медведь (berry bear) is a bear which eats berries. Медветь оказался ягодным. Сало в ладонь, засолили, оказался, што ягодный (медведь), жыр мяхки], плавица. (A bear turned out to be a berry one. Lard in the palm, we salted it, and it turned out to be a berry one (bear), fat is soft, melting.)

Attributive component of a composite name in literary language has a different meaning: "Adjective to the word berry // Made from berries, with berries // Giving berries" [5, vol. 4, p. 724]. There are no others bear names that determine the type of nutrition of bears in the speech of Abakumov S.A.

The following figure shows the organization of GG "Names of Bears" in the idiolect of Abakumov S.A. in accordance with differentiating characteristics:

nutrition. The group is comprised of both all-Russian and dialectal lexical units (proper dialectal lexical units, word formation, accentual).

The analysis of GG "Bear Names" in the speech of the dialect speaker Abakumov Sergey Alexandrovich showed that the most typical relationship between the names within the group in the idiolect are the relationships of synonymy, which unite all-Russian and dialectal words (MeABeg^a-Maryxa; Me^Begb-ceKaH).

Names of Bears



Male: Секач Медведь: Медведишка


Медведица: медведица


Матуха =







Bear Cub = Дети = Детишки = Малыш = Мальчик Сегодочка Четвертак


'Type of food" . f


Fig. 1 - Structural Composition of the Generic Group "Names of Bears"

Список литературы / References

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Список литературы на английском / References in English

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5. Slovar' russkogo jazyka v chetyreh tomah: Vol. 1. Ed. by A. P. Evgeneva. - M, 1957; Vol. 2. Ed. by G. P. Knjaz'kovoj, T. N. Popovceva, M. N. Sudoplatova. - M., 1958; Vol. 3. Ed. by V. V. Rozanov, I. I. Matveev. - M., 1959; Vol. 4. Ed. by L. L. Kutina, V. V. Zamkov. - M., 1961. [in Russian]

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

6. Hahovskaja A. N. Narody Rossii: kamchadaly [People of Russia: Kamchadals] [Electronic resource] / A. N. Hahovskaja. - URL: http://nashasreda.ru/narody-rossii-kamchadaly/ (accessed: 07.11.2016). [in Russian]

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