Научная статья на тему 'Generation of doughnut beam from self-Raman laser with or without optical vortex'

Generation of doughnut beam from self-Raman laser with or without optical vortex Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Текст научной работы на тему «Generation of doughnut beam from self-Raman laser with or without optical vortex»


Generation of doughnut beam from self-Raman laser with or without optical vortex

W. Chen1, G. Zhang1

1Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter- Chinese Academy of Sciences, Crystal and laser physics, Fuzhou, China

Characterizing the very original features of annular-ring transverse spatial profile and the twist of helical phase-front with carrying well-defined amount of orbital angular momentum (OAM) per photon [1], scalar first-order Laguerre-Gaussian beam has become a subject of great interest for applications in many cutting-edge fields of optical tweezers and spanners [2], multiple degrees classical [3] quantum communications [4], super resolution spectroscopy [5] and micro-particles manipulation [6]. Diode-pumped Solid-State Lasers (DPSSLs) incorporating Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) provides an efficient approach to access some hard-to-reach frequency regime [7].

Here we demonstrated a proof-of-concept experiment to explore the generation of first-Stokes optical vortex beam via stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in a solid-state laser associated with spatially-matched pump gain distribution. This scheme has been applied to a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 self-Raman laser. Doughnut-like first-Stokes beam with or without optical vortex can be selectively excited without using any dedicated gyration selective element. The observation for phase front evolution characteristics of Stokes field confirmed that, firs-order Laguerre-Gaussian first-Stokes beam with well-determined spiral phase front trajectory can only be excited by introducing non-axial symmetric cavity loss.


[1] L. Allen, M. W. Beijersbergen, R. J. C. Spreeuw, and J. P. Woerdman, "Orbital angular momentum of light and the transformation of Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes," Phys. Rev. A 45, 8185-8189 (1992).

[2] J. E. Curtis, B. A. Koss, and D. G. Grier, "Dynamic holographic optical tweezers," Opt. Commun. 207, 169-175 (2002).

[3] A. E. Willner, H. Huang, Y. Yan, Y. Ren, N. Ahmed, G. Xie, C. Bao, L. Li, Y. Cao, Z. Zhao, J. Wang, M. P. J. Lavery, M. Tur, S. Ramachandran, A. F. Molisch, N. Ashrafi, and S. Ashrafi, "Optical communications using orbital angular momentum beams," Adv. Opt. Photonics 7, 66-106 (2015).

[4] X.-L. Wang, X.-D. Cai, Z.-E. Su, M.-C. Chen, D. Wu, L. Li, N.-L. Liu, C.-Y. Lu, and J.-W. Pan, "Quantum teleportation of multiple degrees of freedom of a single photon," Nature 518, 516-519 (2015).

[5] A. Y. Okulov, "Cold matter trapping via slowly rotating helical potential," Phys. Lett. A 376, 650-655 (2012).

[6] J. W. R. Tabosa, and D. V. Petrov, "Optical Pumping of Orbital Angular Momentum of Light in Cold Cesium Atoms," Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4967-4970 (1999).

[7] H. M. Pask, "The design and operation of solid-state Raman lasers," Prog. Quant. Electron. 27, 3-56 (2003).

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