GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PRINCIPLES OF COMPILING AN ENGLISH TEXTBOOK Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
new gener ation / well-selected educational materials / methodological materials / online resources / bookstore shelves / the quality of education

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Omonova Sitora Abdulla Qizi

The relevance of the given article is due to the fact that the emergence of new technologies in the educational process has not significantly changed the role of the textbook in teaching a foreign language: it still serves as a useful resource for both teachers and students. In the context of modernization of education, the formation of a new generation of educational publications is a prerequisite for solving strategic tasks, namely, improving the quality of education, its accessibility and effectiveness. The effectiveness of teaching a foreign language equally depends on each of the components of the trinity: student – teacher – learning tools. However, well-selected educational and methodological materials, the main one of which, of course, is a textbook, greatly facilitate the learning process and make it more focused, structured and visual. Online resources, bookstore shelves offer an abundance of textbooks and study guides aimed at different ages, interests and the levels of language training.

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Omonova Sitora Abdulla qizi, Tashkent State Pedagogic University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

E-mail: science_7777@mail.ru

Abstract. The relevance of the given article is due to the fact that the emergence of new technologies in the educational process has not significantly changed the role of the textbook in teaching a foreign language: it still serves as a useful resource for both teachers and students. In the context of modernization of education, the formation of a new generation of educational publications is a prerequisite for solving strategic tasks, namely, improving the quality of education, its accessibility and effectiveness. The effectiveness of teaching a foreign language equally depends on each of the components of the trinity: student - teacher - learning tools. However, well-selected educational and methodological materials, the main one of which, of course, is a textbook, greatly facilitate the learning process and make it more focused, structured and visual. Online resources, bookstore shelves offer an abundance of textbooks and study guides aimed at different ages, interests and the levels of language training.

Key words: new generation, well-selected educational materials, methodological materials, online resources, bookstore shelves, the quality of education.

This article examines the structure and content of a professionally oriented textbook and its role in the language training. Let us clarify that from the variety of elements of teaching program, which usually include 1) regulatory support for the discipline (state educational standards, curricula and programs), 2) information support (textbooks, textbooks, bilingual translated and monolingual (in English, Uzbek, Russian) dictionaries and reference books, encyclopedias, electronic resources) and 3) methodological support (methodological developments and recommendations for both the teacher and the student, didactic materials, a fund of evaluation tools, visual aids, audio and video, multimedia support).

To achieve the set research goal, it is necessary to solve the following theoretical and practical tasks:

- to analyze existing educational materials for teaching aviation English;


- to reveal approaches to the design of a foreign language textbook in the professional field;

- to present your own version of the concept of an English language textbook at a military aviation university.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the ideas of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of pedagogy and methods of teaching foreign languages on the issue under consideration, in particular the idea of variability and invariance of the content of professionally oriented language teaching, revealed in the works of M.V. Zakharova (2018), V.Yu. Mikov (2016), I.E. Korotaeva and O.V. Chuksina (2018); interdisciplinary or contextual competence approach described by O.A. Kalashnikova (2021), A.A. Verbitsky (2011), I.G. Anikeeva and M.N. Ovsyannikova (2017); personality-activity approach presented in the articles by A.H. Vsevolodova (2019). The methods of theoretical analysis and synthesis were used, comparisons and interpretations of the studied materials, generalization of pedagogical experience at the university.

Textbook structure - an organized procedure for selecting and using the main components of an educational book:

1) text component: main text, additional text, explanatory text;

2) extra-textual component: methodological apparatus, illustrations, orientation apparatus.

The species diversity of the structural components and their balance are determined by the methodological concept of the textbook, the variety of types of information and the ways of its processing and presentation in the textbook.

The textbook is the carrier of the learning content. The content can be presented as a knowledge system and the basis of learning skills. Knowledge is the main component in the content of learning; objective information about certain objects of reality, consciously perceived and recorded in memory, assimilated to the level of awareness of external and internal connections, readiness for creative use. The characteristics of the quality of knowledge can be: consistency; continuity; generality; efficiency; flexibility. The currently increasing flow of information makes the layout of knowledge in the textbook more important.

The textbook contains double information. Firstly, it is meaningful (historiographical), since it is a massive and informative source for studying the process of formation, development and mutual influence of various historical concepts. Secondly, the school textbook contains a large amount of ideological and political information.

A modern textbook should:

- take into account the age characteristics of students and aesthetic norms;

- reflect the basic minimum and comply with the sample programs;

- to focus on the modern level of science and reflect with sufficient completeness not only the subject area, but also the various points of view and positions of scientists;

- the presentation of the material should be systematic;


- to contain a diverse methodological apparatus that allows to organize differentiated education and independent work of students;

- to promote the education of high moral qualities, democratic attitudes, respect for the history and culture of all countries and peoples, the formation of value judgments, scientific thinking;

- contain the necessary illustrative series;

- comply with sanitary standards.

I will add that a "good" textbook should open the way for the student to new questions, creative research of the problems of interest. Demonstrate the diversity of interpretations of the historical past and help students understand the reasons for this diversity.

The constructive principles of building the corpus of an English textbook. The procedure for creating an English textbook corpus is based on a number of constructive principles, among which one can single out the principle of genre conditionality, the principle of representativeness, the principle of authenticity, the principle of analyzability and the principle of copyright observance.

The principle of genre conditioning is based on the understanding that the content of the corpus cannot be random and is selected in accordance with certain criteria. This is especially important when conducting narrow-profile research. For example, if the goal is to study introductory words in academic speech, it is important to refer to the corpus, which will consist only of fragments of academic texts.

The principle of representativeness is the main one to ensure the admissibility of the use of the corpus of texts. In statistics, representativeness is understood as the correspondence of characteristics obtained as a result of selective observation to indicators characterizing the entire general population. In corpus linguistics, we can talk about quantitative and qualitative models of representativeness.

The quantitative model of representativeness is based on the frequency of phenomena in the problem area. This means that the corpus being created should reflect all the properties of the problem area (for example, the language of an English textbook) in a certain proportion. Proportional representativeness can be achieved by proportionally narrowing the problem area or by using a stratified sample [Baranov, 2009]. Proportional narrowing implies the probability that some phenomena of the problem area with a relatively low frequency of use will not fall into the data corpus. The stratified sample takes into account all the substantive components of the problem area, but each of them is represented by the same amount of data.


1.Баранов А.Н. Лингвистическая экспертиза текста: теория и практика: учебное пособие / А.Н. Баранов. - 2-е изд. - Москва: Флинта: Наука, 2009. - 592 с.

2. Millrood R. Theory of Language Teaching: Linguistics, Didactics, Pedagogy / R. Millrood. - Saarbrbcken: Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. - 144 p.



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