Научная статья на тему 'Gender identity of the deprived youth as an integrative psychological phenomenon'

Gender identity of the deprived youth as an integrative psychological phenomenon Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kiz' O.B.

The article studies the problem of the gender identity of boys and girls with different parent-child relationships experience. It was found out by experiments that deprived social conditions reflect gender orientations, ego-image, manifestations of gender behavior, lifestyle, and personal qualities of youth. The formation of gender identity in terms of deprivation is characterized by inadequate absorption of samples of gender stereotypes that leads to sex undifferentiated type of behavior, hyper masculinity girls, diffuse gender splitting ego image.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Gender identity of the deprived youth as an integrative psychological phenomenon»


1. Бондаревская Е. В. Педагогика: личность в гуманистических теориях и системах воспитания: учеб. пособие для студ. пед. учеб. заведений, слушателей ППК и ФПК / Е. В. Бондаревская,

С. В. Кульневич. — Ростов-на-Дону: Творческий центр «Педагог», 1999. — 560 с.

2. Исаев Д. Н. Ролевое воспитание детей: медико-психологические аспекты / Д. Н. Исаев, В. Е. Каган. — Л.: Медицина, 1988. — 160 с.

3. Кравець В. П. Гендерна педагопка: навч. поЫбник / В. П. Кравець. - Тернотль: Джура, 2003. — 416 с.

4. Лернер И. Я. Проблемное обучение / И. Я. Лернер. — М., 1974. - 274 с.

5. Майзлер И. Г. Типологический анализ управленческого профессионализма: теоретические подходы и практические результаты исследования / И. Г. Майзлер, М. М. Щербинин, И. А. Вайс //

Управленческое консультирование. — 1999. — № 2. — С. 35—55.

6. Скаткин М. Н. Методология и методика педагогических исследований (в помощь начинающему исследователю) / М. Н. Скаткин. - М.: Педагогика, 1986. - 152 с.

7. Сластенин В. А. Педагогика: учеб. пособие для студ. пед. учеб. заведений / В. А. Сластенин,

И. Ф. Исаев, А. И. Мищенко, Е. Н. Шиянов. — М.: Школа-Пресс, 1998. — 512 с.

8. Старовойтова Ж. А. Организация процесса обучения в основной школе на основе гендерного похода: дис. ... канд. пед. наук: 13.00.01 / Ж. А. Старовойтова. — Омск, 2007. — 204 с.

9. Хасбулатова О. А. Легитимация гендерных исследований в системе высшего образования: гендерные исследования в гуманитарных науках: современные подходы / О. А. Хасбулатова. — Иваново, 2000. — 256 с.

10. Шипилина Л. А. Подготовка менеджеров образования в педагогическом университете: монография / Л. А. Шипилина. - Омск: Изд-во ОмГПУ, 1998. - 293 с.

УДК 37.013.7+159.292.1

O. В. KIZ'


The article studies the problem of the gender identity of boys and girls with different parent-child relationships experience. It was found out by experiments that deprived social conditions reflect gender orientations, ego-image, manifestations of gender behavior, lifestyle, and personal qualities of youth. The formation of gender identity in terms of deprivation is characterized by inadequate absorption of samples of gender stereotypes that leads to sex undifferentiated type of behavior, hyper masculinity girls, diffuse gender splitting ego image.

Keywords: deprived, psychologicalreadinesstobe married, ego-image, self-consciousness, valueorientations, genderroles, socialization.

О. Б. К1ЗЬ

Гендерна 1Дентичшсть депривованого юнацтва як

штегративний психолог1чний феномен

Розкрито особливостi гендерноЧ ideHmuuHocmi юнаюв та dieuam з pi3HUM doceidoM батьювсько-дитячих взаемин. Експериментально встановлено, що деприва^йн умови coцiaлiзaцii знаходять свш eid6umoK у Гендерних oрiенmaцiях, oбрaзi Я, проявах Гендерноi поведтки, cпocoбi життя, особисткних якостях юнацтва. Становлення Гендернoi iденmuчнocmi в умовах деприваци характеризуешься неадекваттстю засвоення зразюв Гендерних стереотитв, що призводить до статевонедиференцшованого типу поведтки, гiпермacкулiннocmi дiвчam, дифузного розщеплення Гендерного образу Я.

Ключовi слова: Гендерна iденmuчнicmь, деприващя, депривоване юнацтво, coцiaлiзaцiя, Гендерш oрiенmaцii, гендерний образ чoлoвiкa/жiнкu, Гендерна поведтка.


гендерная идентичность депривированного юношества как интегративный психологический феномен

Раскрыты особенности гендерной идентичности юношей и девушек с разным опытом родительско-детский взаимоотношений. Экспериментально установлено, что депривационные условия социализации находят отпечаток в гендернъх ориентациях, образе Я, проявлениях гендерного поведения, способе жизни, личностных качествах юношества. Становление Гендерной идентичности в условиях депривации характеризуется неадекватностью освоения примеров Гендерных стереотипов, что приводит к полонедифференцированному типу поведения, гипермаскулинности девушек, диффузного расщепления Гендерного образа Я.

Ключевые слова: гендернаяидентичность, депривация, депривированное юношество, социализация, гендерныеориентации, гендерный образ мужчины/женщины, гендерноеповедение.

The age and pedagogical psychology puts a special attention to studying the problem of gender socialization of pupils of boarding schools, deprived from the parent's interaction. Nowadays the development of gender socialization process of orphans and children deprived of parental care and brought up without family interaction in pedagogical psychology becomes wide spread. Still there is no perfect way of gender behavior considering boarding schools pupils of both sexes.

The following tasks of our research were: carrying out the comparative analysis of the content of the youth gender images depending on the way of socialization (in paternal family and in the conditions of deprivation of paternal family relations), research of the specific character of youth gender behavior to the interrelations of sexes and specific character of gender roles adoption and revealing the social and psychological factors which contribute to adequate gender identity obtaining by the youth educated without paternal warship.

The purpose of the research is to reveal the features of the gender identity of the deprived youth through empirical comparative analysis of gender images of men / women and gender specific behavior of boys and girls with different backgrounds and parent-child relationships.

During the research, we took into consideration that the content of gender images of modern man and woman is important factor in the development of gender identity of youth ensuring different adaptation future gender roles. That is why special attention is paid to the analysis of gender images of man and woman in young people's ideas.

We invited senior pupils to write ten qualities according to two given themes: «The most characteristic features of all women/men, irrespective of their age,» The instructions emphasized the necessity to indicate only the most characteristic features of both sexes.

While choosing the task we assumed that, being free in choice of defining images, gender features, the pupils under research will follow not only social and cultural directions in their answers, but also their own individual experience and interiorized sex-role directions. The frequency of presentation of each gender quality's served to us as an indicator of character presentation of these vital activity spheres in identification of masculinity-femininity manifestation. Special accent was made on the definition whether the deprecated young people differentiate the subjective space by the sign of sex or projection on their Ego to one of the sex related activity spheres.

The analysis of the descriptions in which the ideas of senior pupils about femininity and masculinity are shown, allowed to unite all the indicated qualities into seven groups.

The first group included the sexually neutral positive qualities (kindness, honesty, fairness). The second one included qualities traditionally connected the ideas of masculinity (force, boldness, courage, will) and femininity (delicacy, gentleness, emotional sensitivity). The third group included qualities, which reflect the peculiarities of appearance (beauty, stature, height). The fourth group included qualities concerning family roles (woman as a wife, a mother; man as a husband, a father). The fifth group consists of professional qualities (hardworking, persistence, goal-oriented, businesslike, accuracy in fulfillment tasks); the sixth of intellectual qualities (mind, erudition, brightness). Qualities, important for intimate relations with persons of different sex, were distinguished into the seventh group. The separate group included sexually neutral negative qualities of a man or a woman.

The analysis, we took into consideration the number of the boarding school students and secondary school students ( in percentage to general quantity of asked students of certain gender group) made use of this or that theme while describing men and women.

According to the ratings of the boys from secondary schools and girls from secondary schools put on the first place the qualities connected with the comprehension of masculinity in traditional sense of this word (correspondingly 90%, 92% and 86% of asked young people): «courage», «boldness», «physical strength», «restraint», «will-power». Girls from boarding schools consider these qualities to be significant as well, but put them on the second place (69%).

The professional qualities of a man take second place for the boys in two groups( 64% and 78%), the third place for the deprived girls and the fourth place the girls from secondary schools (63 % and 45%): these qualities are: « hardworking», « persistence in work», «accuracy», «work without mistakes», «purposefulness», «enterprise». Although they are not specifically gender criteria, they characterize a human being in general, but defining them valuable for a man we consider as a positive moment. It is especially important for the boys from boarding schools, because the majority of them will face the necessity to earn money for themselves and later for their family too in the nearest future. Thus why the necessity of achievements in social and industrial spheres, perception and evaluation of a man as a subject of labor is a big plus for senior pupils, because it means all of them have business qualities.

The qualities, which are important for the intimate relations with persons of different sex and reflect the attitude of a man to a woman: «respect to woman», «love to woman», «decency» take the third place for the boys from boarding schools (45%), the fourth place for the girls from families (57% and 69%) put the qualities: «respect to a woman», «love to a woman», «decency». The most often used by all groups was such quality as «loyalty». This very quality is considered to be a pledge of the strength of marriage.

These qualities are the least significant for the boys from families (22% of surveyed), which caused their last place (the 7th in rating) among all enumerated features. It is very likely that the boys from happy families while observing harmonious relations between father and mother take them as usual and don't realize how they were achieved.

The intellectual qualities according to 27% of deprived boys (4th place) and 46% of deprived girls (5th place) are very important for the male gender, it means that a real man, according to youth, has to be «educated». The intellectual qualities are considered to be important in the gendered image of a man by 59% of boys (3rd rating place) and by 52% of girls (5th rating place) of the secondary school (of general education). As we can see, the given group of qualities is the most important for boys who grow up in families. It has been out that different upbringing conditions did not influence the choice of the girls.

A special interest was put to the group of qualities which concern the fulfillment of the family duties. The boys of both groups place the qualities which characterize a man both as a husband and a father on the fifth rating place. In our opinion the researches are absolutely different for boys of both groups the reasons concerning gender role of the man in marriage - family relations being less important. It was the reaction of the pupils from a boarding school to the psycho-traumatic situation in the family the necessity to realize (and verbalize) the factors they suffer from: father's absence or negative experience of life in the paternal family and also the absence of family cooperation experience. The given group of qualities occupied only the seventh place (31%) in the group of deprived girls. Unlike the three preceding experimental groups, only those girls who grew up in the happy families consider the family roles of a man to be important and place them on the third rating place (77% those surveyed). Although the given group of qualities occupied different rating place, they have similar sense meaning: «a good family man», «a loving and good father», «who doesn't beat children», «attentive», «careful», «a generous and at the same time thrifty husband», «head of a family».

According to the man's description, the qualities connected with appearance occupy the last rating place: only 16% of the deprived boys and 32% of the boys from families included them in the gender image of a man and, correspondingly, the given group of qualities took the last and second places. The girls were unanimous speaking about the man's appearance: the second place was given by the girls from a boarding school (40%) and the last place by the girls from high school (38%). Besides, these ideas are not full and are limited with the details, such as: «beautiful», «handsome» (for girls); «neat», «tidy» (for boys).

The specific peculiarity of man's characteristics given by the children from a boarding school is their use of both positive and gender neutral negative qualities. We decided to combine these qualities into a separate group. These parameters, as an anti-ideal of masculine, are used by the deprived girls very often ( 26% those surveyed): «who doesn't drink», «who doesn't smoke», «who doesn't take drugs», «who does not beat children», «who is not rude», «who is not jealous», «who does not steal», «who does not trail». Their male peeress use these expressions too, but only 9% of the asked. The pupils of the secondary schools of both gender groups did not consider negative qualities to be components of the gender image of a man.

According to the received data, we can draw the structure of a man's personality as it is imagined by pupils of different gender groups (see diagram 1).

Ideal «He» for boys from boarding schools Ideal «He» for girls from boarding schools

15% ■ 3%






10% 6

Ideal «He» for senior schools (of general education)

Ideal «He» forseniorschoolsgirls(ofgeneraleducation)

■ 15%

■ 12% 6 7/ ^ 18%

■ 10% 5



17% 9% 19%

Note. Groups of qualities: 1 - gender neutral, positive, 2 - traditional masculine, 3 - External Data, 4 -family role, 5 - professional qualities, 6 - intellectual qualities, 7 - intimate reference, 8 -

negative qualities.

As we can see, the gender neutral positive qualities of a man in the gender image are more important for the girls, then the traditional masculine qualities. Appearance and family commitment are of the same importance, then follow business and intellectual qualities. We shall state that the qualities of a man's attitude to a woman (which are important for intimate-referent relations with the opposite sex) are the least important for the deprived girls. The gender neutral negative qualities took the last place and turned to be undesirable in the gender image of a man.

The girls, who grew up in the family distributed the groups of qualities in the gender image of a man in the following way: traditional masculine qualities and neutral positive are the most important, then follow the family roles of a man and the qualities which are important for intimate-referent

relations. The intellectual qualities take a higher place than business qualities. The appearance of a man takes the last place.

According to the distribution of qualities in the gender image of a man in groups it has been found out that the eighth segment which included the negative qualities of a man was signaled out by the boys from boarding school; it was the only difference in the images of both groups of boys. The other groups of qualities were distributed almost identically, regardless of different conditions of the respondents' social life. The boys of both groups consider the image of a man to be more masculine than girls. Unlike girls, they estimate traditional masculine qualities 3, 5 times higher than gender neutral, while girls consider them to be of the same importance. Moreover, these qualities hold the third place in the image structure of the whole complex of man's qualities in boy's imagination.

Summarizing the received data, we should state that the there are some differences in the gender image of a man by opposite gender groups. So, boys of both groups consider the masculine and business qualities to be the main qualities, together they took a segment which equals to 52%. The other groups of qualities are placed around this main segment.

The gender neutral, traditional masculine qualities and man's appearance form the heart of the gendered image of a man in the imagination of the deprived girls and these qualities determine the segment which is equal to 51 %. Unlike them, the girls of senior forms of the secondary school consider traditional masculine, gender neutral qualities and family roles to form the main segment (combined segment 54%).

As can be seen, the girls who grew up in happy family environment value family relations and their peers from a boarding school raise new demands to the gender image of a man. These new demands are connected with a greater feminization of a man's image who cares, looks after, protects, understands, worries, sympathized and at the same time who is courageous, successful, rich, clever, active, purposeful, responsible. The experimental groups provide the notions where masculinity comes forward not as a personality measuring dimension which is orthogonal to femininity, but as a new sexual-role type which combines the features of both masculine and feminine types.

And what about the way young men and girls imagine a modern woman? According to the obtained data, the most respected for girls from boarding-schools are the features which characterize her attitude to people irrespective of their sex, that's why it is on the first rank place (88% of surveyed). Deprived young men (82%) as well as senior school-girls (86%) considered sex-neutral features in the gender image of a woman to be obligatory and important, but they put them on the second rank place. Young men brought up in happy families' environment consider this group of features less important, so they put it on the third place.

The traditional idea of femininity has the highest rating among 92% of young men and 91% of girls brought up in the family, so it took the first rank place in the gender image of the woman. Features, traditionally connected with the notion of femininity have average rating (a third place among boys and a fourth place among girls) and are expressed by such features as tenderness, femininity, tolerance.

The role of the woman-mother, woman-wife is considered especially important in the notion of an ideal woman among 76% of deprived young men and 66% of girls of the same age (third and fourth places). The feeling, connected with the issue of «absence of the family» had no special blocking influence. To our mind, lack of communication with mother deeply affects both girls and boys. According to their opinion, a woman as a wife or a mother must be faithful, loving, a good housewife, careful, thrifty, kind to children. At the same time, according to the results of the survey, there is a distinct anti-ideal of the woman in the family and in the society: she must not drink, smoke, use drugs, be loyal, she must not be argue, she must not beat children or be rude.

Senior school children considered the features characterizing a woman as a wife and a mother to be less important, that's why family role of a woman has the fourth place among young men (63%) and fifth place among girls (60%). There are no negative features in the characteristics at all.

The features, connected with description of a woman's appearance take the fifth place among both groups of boys (52%) and deprived girls (49%). Unlike them children who have families consider appearance as an obligatory quality of femininity. 84% of young men put this feature on the second rank place and 75% of girls - on the third place. They imagine a woman as a beautiful, neat, modest,

elegant, pretty and sympathetic. As we see, demands to the woman's outward appearance among children from boarding-schools are less strong than those of the senior schoolchildren.

The woman's business features are important for 68% of girls brought up in the families (IV place). But they are among the least important features for 10% of deprived young men (VI place) and the highest for the deprived girls 17%, and 37% of young men from secondary schools (VII place). Children from boarding schools name diligence among the features of the given group. It proves that these children value all those difficulties which a woman must bear; they have understanding of exhausting household duties.

As to the intellectual features, respondents of all four groups put them on the first place. They highlighted «mind», «wisdom», «education», still they put it on the before last place (boys from secondary schools and girls from two groups) or even on the last place (deprived boys).

As can be seen, the pupils from boarding school focus their attention that a woman must be a good housewife, faithful wife, loving mother, gentle and patient (in contrast to those mothers whom they observed in the real life). The most important features in the image of a woman are sexually neutral ones, then come traditionally feminine features and outward appearance. The less important features are business and intellectual ones. After we've generalized all the data, we may say that the woman's and man's images in the mind of young wards of boarding schools are rather specific.

On the basis of the data the structure of woman's personality is becoming visible in the notion of different sexual groups of wards. (Diagram 2)

Ideal «she» in the senior schoolboys of secondary school

Ideal «he» in the senior schoolboys of secondary school

1 7 %

1 0 %

2 %


2 1 %

8 %

1 3 %

8 %

2 0 %

8 ■ 6%

2 3 %

1 5 %

1 7 %

1 3 %

Ideal «she» in the senior schoolboys of secondary school

Ideal «he» in the senior schoolboys of secondary school



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I 20%




3 16% 2




Note. Groups of qualities: 1 - gender neutral, positive, 2 - traditional masculine, 3 - External Data, 4 - family role, 5 - professional qualities, 6 - intellectual qualities, 7 - intimate reference,

8 - negative qualities.

The distribution of the parts of each quality group in gender image of a woman has showed that the difference in respondents' notion was the availability of the eighth segment, assigned by the pupils of both sexes to express the negative woman's qualities.

It is necessary to underline that there were profound differences in woman's gender image by different gender groups. For deprived boys main segment is formed by sex neutral qualities, family roles and traditionally feminine, they all together determine a segment which is equal 58%. Other groups of qualities are built around this substance. The boys from secondary school have determined somewhat different «heart» of femininity, which includes traditionally feminine qualities, peculiarities of appearance and sex neutral qualities (joint segment makes up 55%).

The «heart» of woman's gender image for deprived girls is the sex neutral qualities, the family roles qualities which are important for intimate relations with a person of an opposite sex , together they determine segment equal to 57%. Unlike them, girls from senior forms of a secondary school have determined the «heart» as traditionally feminine sex neutral and appearance (joint segment make 54%).

We have noticed a number of differences while comparing the structure of gender characters of the pupils from boarding schools and secondary schools. The most vivid example is their attitude to femininity. So, while listing the qualities of a modern woman, girls who were brought up in families pointed out the new, not traditional features. The pupils emphasize that a woman has to be, first of all, a good housewife, a devoted wife, a loving mother, tender and patient (quite different to those they have seen in real life), but schoolchildren from secondary school state their opinion that the woman has also to be business-like, independent, educated, active and energetic. Very often such qualities were underlined by girls (43% of those who took part in opinion poll), though boys also pointed such features very often (29%). In our opinion, it confirms the fact that in the open society transformation of masculine-feminine stereotypes for pupils of senior forms occurs on the basis of the social-economic background of changes in the society and as the result new demands are made on woman.

As can be seen, the increased family values in the eyes of boarding boys and girls and, in the same time, the lack of experience of the family life generates a phenomenon which idealizes an image of the family and the image of the man. However, there is another negative image in children's mind of what a man and a woman should not be as parents or spouses. It creates a conflict of value system and personal expectations from marriage and family life, rights and duties of parents and children, the distribution of gender roles.

The awareness of belonging to male or female gender and the identification with its typical representatives can largely determine the content of gender behavior, lifestyle and the personal traits.

Based on experimental data on the basis of expert estimates, the interviews, narrative observations in fixed situations of communication, the following has been concluded. It was found out that the boys from boarding schools of all age groups are much less aware of the behavior that corresponds to the male gender roles than girls. In our opinion, there are special male psychological obstacles on the way to gender identity for the pupils of boarding schools. Primarily, it happens due to the fact that almost all of whom the boys faced routinely in the boarding schools were women.

In addition, masculine nature of the education is under pedagogical pressure in the boarding schools. The administration, teachers and educators present strict demands about discipline, complete obedience, there are even some attempts to impose their will and decision on student. On students such circumstances of a purely «men affairs» boys are treated in the same way as girls, doing washing washed, cleaning, having duties in the dining-room, carrying out minor repairs of their own clothes and ironing them since childhood. It's certainly good on the background of acquiring the secondary masculinity. However, because of the dominant femininity the boys have no possibility to develop purely male qualities. The existence of a strict ban on smoking, fighting, the use of obscene words are the negative manifestations of masculinity, though, in some way helping to socialize children in society, combined with negative attitudes towards socially acceptable masculinity (in a normal school), persistence, autonomy and competition.

We should also mention a small amount of social channels for masculinity manifestations in socially acceptable ways (gyms, racing, fighting games), which put the boys under discrimination conditions of gender socialization. The other types of masculine activity (technical design, professional skills, work and men's hobby) are also limited or absent, and it means that they cannot serve as a source of positive male identity. Instead, both boys and girls fall under the feminine line of educational influence, which activates the expression of such traditionally female characteristics like obedience, dependence, passivity, subordinate position. Such situation is complicated by the constant demands on students by teachers (mostly female): «be a man», «you're acting not like a «man»,

«you're a boy», etc. combined with the lack of opportunities to have a vivid example of masculine type of behavior in any of the areas of life.

According to the data we have gained, boys have the lack of communication with «real» men. It's very difficult to change internally «feminine» identification into the male or socio-cultural standards of masculinity. As a result, a gender identity is formed primarily as a result of identification with a certain status position or social myth «how to be a real man» or a «confusion of roles». A gender identity which is made under such conditions is diffuse, vague, personified, and vulnerable.

It might seem that girls from boarding schools should be in more favorable conditions, since the vast majority of staff - women. It was found out, that girls in school are not able to observe gender behavior of women in all social roles. Usually, girls can see their teachers at work, when they are often inherent to «male» behaviors (organization, management, leadership). In addition, gender socialization under deprived conditions encourages girls to acquire traditionally masculine qualities, such as aggressiveness, assertiveness, competitiveness, militancy. It's very difficult for them to follow the positive standards of femininity, especially those which are promoted by the media - women's magazines, newspapers and TV commercials, because there are no magazines in boarding schools. Very often examples of movies, such as «Nikita», «Xena - Warrior Princess,» «Soldiers of Fortune», etc., stimulate only masculine behaviors.

According to our observations modern schoolgirls usually put on sports wear (which mostly came as humanitarian aid from abroad), there is no jewelry, accessories, they are indifferent to their appearance. Many of them suffer from sharpness, clumsiness of movements, the lack of taste in the selection of color and styles.

One more irreparable harms which is made to girls from the boarding schools because of the absence of the hairstyles. For the treatment or prevention of lice very short hair do for girls is widely practiced in boarding schools, but it harms a psychological condition of a girl forever and also mirrors on her physical ego. And a mockery appearance as «bald head», even in the early school years, destroys all stages of the positive perception of their gender appearance, and thus sets the foundation of a negative image of the reproductive ego.

The awareness of gender identity to boys and girls and the identification with its typical representatives help to determine the content of gender behavior, the way of life, and also the formation of the personal features.

How can the idea of a perfect gender ego be transformed into the actual behavior of pupils from boarding schools and secondary school students? To diagnose manifestations of gender behavior, we used the method parameters of Sandra Bem. We've chosen this canvass to find out the orientations towards both traditional sex roles, and the androgynous type, combining the feminine and masculine characteristics irrespectively to gender.

Self-manifestation of gender behavior among boys (percentage distribution

Self-manifestation of gender behavior among girls (percentage distribution)

As it is shown in table 1, about 30% of girls from boarding school identified themselves with the female qualities and 28% of the boys from boarding school identified themselves with male qualities. Only 2% of the deprived girls and 3% of the deprived boys identified with androgynous qualities. Moreover, 3% of girls identified masculine qualities and 4% of boys - feminine qualities. The rest of the pupils were characterized by the non-differentiated type of sex-role behavior. The indices of pupils from the secondary school are a little bit different, the greater number of girls (51%) identified with feminine qualities and the boys (38%) identified with masculine qualities in the same level as those studying in boarding school. Only 2% of girls qualified themselves as the masculine type, and 14% couldn't differentiate their type of gender behavior.

Therefore, the analysis of the data shows that students from the boarding schools are experiencing much greater difficulties with understanding themselves as men and women. This is not an accident, since the adoption of «one» is not possible without accepting gender identity. Inheriting old stereotypes and producing new, own values is what pupils from the boarding school adopt after graduating from school.

The study gave grounds for the following conclusions:

1. It's very hard to get gender identity in the boarding school during childhood and adolescence, because it depends on the level of the social influence and the range of the gender behavior cultivated by the boarding school.

2. The key factor in gender socialization of the pupils from boarding schools are deprivation of parent-family interaction and the lack of adequate models for gender identification, the image of masculinity-femininity of relationships with teachers (mostly female contingent that demonstrates predominantly male behavior) and the experience with antisocial parents.

3. The gaining of gender identity by boys and girls under deprived conditions is characterized by inadequate adoption of gender stereotypes; it leads to undifferentiated gender type of behavior, hyper masculine girls, the misinterpretation of the gender ego.

4. The different ways of socialization (in boarding schools and complete parent families) are reflected in the forms of gender behavior, influencing its content, as well as lifestyle and the personal traits.

5. The pupils from the boarding schools fail to proceed with gender realization, which are caused, first of all, by the deprived conditions and secondly, by the existence of the androgyny and egalitarian gender stereotypes, based on the idea of equality and interchangeability of social roles of men and women.

6. Modern students from the boarding school need adequate models for social identification, for the social formation of a man and a woman - which seems possible on the basis of gender education, built on the principles of egalitarian educational work with adolescents and youth.

7. It is very important to apply modern technologies in the boarding schools, which would facilitate the formation of an adequate image of a man and a woman, help students to accept themselves as a representative of one of the two sexes, change the attitude to their own and the opposite sex. There is an urgent need to find the ways to improve the system of gender education in boarding schools by restricting stereotypes and sexist attitudes, the orientations on the model of androgyny gender behavior, the development of specific programs in gender socialization.

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