GENDER DIFFERENCES IN THE LANGUAGE OF MODERN MEDIA Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
russian / man / woman / informant / gender aspect of language / word / русский / мужчина / женщина / информант / гендерный аспект языка / слово.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Nizamitdinova, Z.A., Davlyatova, G.N.

This article examines gender differences in the language of journalism from the point of view of modern linguistics. The purpose is to describe the linguistic expression of gender features of language in the discourse of modern media.

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В данной статье рассматриваются гендерные различия в языке журналистики с точки зрения современной лингвистики. Цель состоит в том, чтобы описать языковое выражение гендерных особенностей языка в дискурсе современных средств массовой информации.



SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023


Nizamitdinova Z.A.,

Lecturer, Ferghana State University Davlyatova G.N.,

Associate Professor, Ferghana State University

This article examines gender differences in the language of journalism from the point of view of modern linguistics. The purpose is to describe the linguistic expression of gender features of language in the discourse of modern media.

Keywords: russian, man, woman, informant, gender aspect of language, word

В данной статье рассматриваются гендерные различия в языке журналистики с точки зрения современной лингвистики. Цель состоит в том, чтобы описать языковое выражение гендерных особенностей языка в дискурсе современных средств массовой информации.

Ключевые слова: русский, мужчина, женщина, информант, гендерный аспект языка, слово.


Gender is understood as "a set of social and cultural norms that society prescribes people to fulfill depending on their biological sex" [15]. V.S. Samarina says that there is currently no consistent use of the term gender in the linguistic literature. In linguistics, the term gender came from the sphere of social sciences, when gender studies received the status of an interdisciplinary direction [4;11].

"Modern science makes extensive use of gender studies in various fields" (E.N.Kalugina). They (research) have become one of the significant cultural phenomena of the late twentieth century, because in addition to biological differences between people, there is a separation of their social roles and forms of activity, differences in behavior and emotional manifestations.

Gender is one of the main social characteristics. It determines the social, cultural and cognitive orientation of the individual. In various historical communities there are numerous symbols representing the feminine and masculine. In the images of male and female principles, the influence and attitude of society to two hypostases of human existence are manifested: male strength, will, aggressiveness are opposed to female weakness, submission, dependence, predetermining the hierarchy of social roles [2;52].




SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023

"The surge of interest in the gender aspects of language and communication is associated with the development of the philosophy of postmodernism" (Kirilina A.V.).

Despite the intensive development of gender studies in Russia in recent years, the study of gender aspects of language and communication remains the most undeveloped area in the general interdisciplinary field of gender studies [3;9].

Gender studies are a fairly new direction in the Russian humanities, which are in the process of formation and institutionalization.^]


The currently existing Russian gender studies show that there are certain patterns of male and female verbal behavior in the Russian language, the differences in which are probabilistic in nature.[2] Within the framework of these studies, phonetic phenomena, nominative system, syntax were considered. Therefore, it was logical to assume that the patterns of gender speech behavior should manifest themselves at the level of morphology, as a level connecting lexical and syntactic. Therefore, in this article, for analysis, the versatile studies of the past decade were selected to identify gender differences in the modern Russian language.

Touching on a complex gender issue, it is worth paying attention to research in the field of psychology of men and women, as well as their communication strategies, they show that the main "male" traits are result-oriented, goal-oriented and logical; the "female" trait is a focus on relationships, relationships and related emotionality. There are similar studies both in Russian science[3] and in American.[4] Fluency of speech and talkativeness of women are associated primarily with the fact that women, unlike men, by their nature do not look at things globally, but more subtly reflect the essence of things, as a result of which their descriptions acquire the character of excessive detail.[5] In addition, women outperform men in the speed of perception, reaction - hence the faster pace of speech.[6]

And the first thing we need to find out is the syntax in the gender aspect. Let us give as an example the results of T.I. Erofeeva's experiments[7] aimed at identifying the influence of the gender factor in an oral spontaneous monologue. Her informants were 12 men and 12 women (students aged 18 to 22 years, mostly humanities).

It turned out that the length of sentences in men is relatively uniform and the indicator varies from 6 to 16 words per sentence. At the same time, one informant showed a result of 20 words in a sentence, an aisle among men.

In women, the length of sentences is scattered from 2.6 to 37.5 words per sentence. To the surprise of the researchers, the female informants could be divided into three groups: the largest showed an average result of 10 to 14 words; the average


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023

(three informants) showed a result of 19 to 38 words; three informants showed an average sentence length of less than 10 words.

Analysis of the results of the experiment shows that the emotional component is more pronounced in the speech of women, which affects both the pace of speech, the detail of the presentation, and the length of the sentence. While in men there is uniformity, with a relative absence of overstatement and understatement.

But it also follows from Erofeeva's research that the study of speech characteristics in men and women needs the use of sociolinguistic and statistical techniques, with the help of which it will be possible to demonstrate the diversity of speech behavior in individual individuals.

Such a sociolinguistic study was conducted in Russian science in 2010 under the supervision of M.V. Garanovich[8] in two cities: Perm and Yekaterinburg.

Balancing the sample of the study covered several social groups at once, in equal numbers; the total number of informants was 144 people. During the experiment, informants were asked to answer the question: "What, in your opinion, are the signs and characteristics of female speech?"

According to the data obtained during the experiment, it is clear that the main feature of female speech in the linguistic consciousness of society is verbosity and talkativeness. The most surprising thing for the researchers was to find out that this gender stereotype is shared more by women than men. At the same time, neither age nor social groups show any special differences. This may mean that at any age and in any social group, people are guided by social stereotypes, including gender stereotypes.

But what is the gender informative aspect of the Russian language? This question is answered by a study conducted in 2010 by Yu.E. Zhuravleva[9], she roared a study on the use of specific forms of the verb depending on the gender of the speaker.

As mentioned above, the "gender" of language lies in human biology and psychology. Thus, different gender strategies are opposed to each other by the type of flow and distribution of action in time, which to a certain extent corresponds to the meaning of the verbal category of the species.

These data indicate that men are more likely than women to use perfect verbs, which corresponds to the behavioral characteristics of men: the dominant feature of the perfect verb is the goal, result, integrity.


SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(2), Feb., 2023


1. Kirilina A.V. A new stage in the development of Russian linguistic genderology // Gender studies and gender education in higher education. Ivanovo, 2002.

2. Goroshko E.I. Linguistic consciousness (associative paradigm). M., 2001; Erofeeva E.V. Probabilistic structures of idioms. Perm., 2005; Erofeeva T.I. Sociolect: stratification research. Perm, 2009; Kirilina A.V. A new stage in the development of Russian linguistic genderology // Gender studies and gender education in higher education. Ivanovo, 2002; Kirillina A.V. Gender studies in Linguistics and Communication theory. M., 2004.

3. Loginov A.V. A woman and a man. Krasnoyarsk, 1989.

4. David G. Myers. Exploring Social Psychology. McGraw-Hill College, 1999.

5. Belyaeva A.Yu. Features of speech behavior of men and women (based on the material of Russian colloquial speech). Saratov, 2002. p. 177.

6. Abdugafurovich, A. A., & Tavakkalovna, K. N. (2021). Intertextual signs in the scientific style. ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 11(3), 1658-1661.

7. Fatihovich, G. E., Samadovna, A. Z., & ShukhratUgli, N. Z. (2021). Specific Features of Evtushenko's Lyrics. Central Asian Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Culture, 2(4), 23-26.

8. Темуров, Ж. Б. У. (2021). Функция дискурса в структуре художественного произведения. Science and Education, 2(10), 632-635.

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