Научная статья на тему 'Game as a main strategy in language strategy'

Game as a main strategy in language strategy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abdullayeva Nasiba Orzuyevna

This article is dedicated to a problem in language education using game as a basic strategy in learning process of all age learners. The author describes main features of game as a learning method and its advantages in comparison with traditional methods. Game sustains student motivation and interest and makes education effective and pleasant.In the article some terms used in language education are also discussed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Game as a main strategy in language strategy»

associates it with "the era of stagnation in Russia, when suffocating atmosphere of social life gave birth to various youth subcultures and "hippirized" young people invented their own slang as a gesture of protest against official ideology" [2]. According to the researcher, the bright trait of youth jargon at that point in time is English loan words domination which in fact was imitation of western style of behavior. She also appeals not to see only negative side of such phenomenon as "argot, no matter how you call it - jargon, slang, socialists", because it can be considered as a way of enriching colloquial and literary language. The researcher puts these terms together using them as synonyms and preferring slang only in terms of "englization" of youth communication of that time [2]. It certainly satisfies the main demands of modern tendencies in linguistics: youth jargon is still the most flexible language segment being open for loan colloquialisms and constantly enriching the language with neologisms.


1. Anishchenko O.A. Genesis and functioning of the youth socioselect in the Russian language of the national period. Moscow: Flint Publishing House, 2010. 280 p.

2. Beregovskaya E.M. Youth slang: formation and functioning // Questions of linguistics. M., 1996. No. 3. P. 32-41.

3. GalperinI.R. On the term "slang" / / Questions of linguistics. 1956. No. 6. P. 107-114.

4. Krysin L.P. Russian literary language at the turn of the century / / Russian speech. 2000. No. 1. P. 28-40.


Abdullayeva N.O.


Abstract: this article is dedicated to a problem in language education - using game as a basic strategy in learning process of all age learners. The author describes main features of game as a learning method and its advantages in comparison with traditional methods. Game sustains student motivation and interest and makes education effective and pleasant .In the article some terms used in language education are also discussed. Keywords: game, strategy, language education, suggestopedia.

This article is dedicated to an interesting problem in modern communicative language education - using game as a main strategy. The author prefers to use a term language education instead of language learning because of its more complexity and preciseness. According to Russian methodologist Passov language education includes four aspects: learning, cognition, development and training. It is necessary to add two more aspects - 1) language teaching and 2) the process of teaching language and culture as a whole. [1.34]

Multilingual skills in modern world are valuable and language education has a strategic importance. In this sphere of methodology there is no common accepted terms. For example, Russian and Bulgarian methodologists traditionally distinguish native-language and foreign-language education but this differentiation may be too conditional. More correct and appropriate terms could be first, second, third language education and we have to explore common mechanisms of language acquisition and practice. It does not mean that the special methodology of each different language which examines specific difficulties in

process of language acquisition is not helpful. On the contrary. For example, the learning process about Russian as a second/third language for Bulgarian students of different ages is explored by the author of this article.

In methodological literature there is no consensus on the terms concerning game in language education. According to Crookal and Oxford' a few of the terms often used interchangeably are: simulation, games, role play, simulation play, role play simulation, and role playing game. The author of present article prefers to use terms language game and game strategy. A consensus and the use common terms in order to avoid incomprehensible problems may be necessary.

In traditional sense language education is a hard work needed appropriate strategies and methods. Learners make efforts to understand, to repeat accurately, to manipulate newly understood language and to use the whole range of known language in conversation or written composition. At present communicative and interactive approaches are a common base of different methods in language education. For example, TPR Method of Asher, Cooperative learning and Lozanov's Suggestopedia are communicative and playful because they are based on a game strategy. The author of this article shares research methodology and practice of these methods.[2.45]

The famous Bulgarian scientist Prof. G. Lozanov in 60-s of XX century created method Suggestopedia and experimentally proved that game is not just an element but a fundamental strategy in language education. Prof. Lozanov had been tested his method during three decades in Bulgaria, Austria, USA and many other counties. In 1978 group of experts of UNESCO recommended this method as extremely effective in language education for all age learners According to Lozanov "The main aim of teaching is not memorization, but understanding and creative solution of problems." The process of language education as a game is specially organized, pleasant and effective.

The purpose of this article is to make a short description of game as a basic learning strategy in general and especially in Suggestopedia, to underline a great contribution of Lozanov's method for language education and to reveal a big value of a game for all age language learners. [3.11]

In their book Richards and Rodgers describe Lozanov's method and underline learner' role and the use of role plays in it. "To assist students in the role plays and to help them detach themselves from their past learning experience, students are given new names and personal history within the target culture. For example, a student of English might be "the actress Anne Mackey from Kansas". Learners sit in a circle, which encourages a face-to-face exchange and active participation. Groups of learners are ideally socially homogeneous, twelve in number, and divided equally between men and women." [4.56]


1. Crookal D. and Oxford R. L. Linking Language Learning And Simulation/Gaming . In D.Crookal and R. L. Oxford (Eds.), Simulation, Gaming, and Language Learning, New York: NewburyHouse, 1990, p. 3.

2. Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3, Number 3, Fall, 1978, p. 211.

3. Lozanov G. Suggestology and Outlines of Suggestopedia; Gordon and Breach, New York, London, Paris, 1978, p. 235.

4. Richards J., Rodgers T. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. A description and analysis, Cambridge Language.

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