Научная статья на тему 'FUTURE LEADERS'

FUTURE LEADERS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Arifxodjayeva L.F.

This article provides detailed information about the Club of Future Leaders, which was established in our country to provide comprehensive support to young people and increase their social activism.

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Текст научной работы на тему «FUTURE LEADERS»

Arifxodjayeva L.F. master's student Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami


Annotation: This article provides detailed information about the Club of Future Leaders, which was established in our country to provide comprehensive support to young people and increase their social activism.

Keywords: Future leaders, youth, charter, social life, potential, staff.

Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-6260 of July 13, 2021 "On additional measures for the full support of youth and further increase their social activity", active and enterprising in Tashkent In order to attract young people to the civil service, to implement organizational measures to educate them in the spirit of patriotism, the program of the Club of Future Leaders was implemented to form a layer of highly qualified civil servants and a new generation of personnel through the selection of promising personnel.

Within the framework of this decree, the Club of Leaders of the Future was established, the main purpose of which is to prepare talented young people for the civil service, to develop leadership skills in them, to select young people. The club operates in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law "On State Youth Policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan", resolutions of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministers Decisions of the Court, decisions of the mayor of Tashkent and in accordance with this Regulation.

❖ The club can have its own logo and badge during its activities.

❖ The club is not a legal entity and does not have its own account.

The purpose, tasks and functions of the club

The main purpose of the club is to attract graduates of higher education institutions in Tashkent, active, enterprising and talented youth aged 20-35 to the civil service, to educate and support them in the spirit of patriotism, to select a new generation of promising personnel for civil service training of young specialists in leadership (leadership) skills in government agencies and organizations, the formation of a layer of highly qualified civil servants and a new generation of human resources.

The main tasks of the club are:

To identify the most active and enterprising group of young people in Tashkent, to carry out systematic work to select the most promising and talented among them;

■ Shakllantirish formation of high professional ethics, anti-corruption culture and intolerance in young civil servants;

■ Comprehensive training, education and professional development of young people admitted to the club in the civil service;

■ formation of a reserve of leadership and management positions of local authorities from high-achieving Club members;

■ To study the problems of young civil servants, to analyze them and to carry out analytical and organizational measures to eliminate these problems;

■ Promoting gender equality in the civil service.

The functions of the club are as follows:

> Implement measures to increase the prestige and attractiveness of the civil service at all levels among young people, the formation of a positive image of the civil service among promising professionals, including youth and women;

> search and selection of promising and talented people from among the youth, implementation of selection of promising personnel, preparation of the selected youth for the civil service;

> Work with government agencies and organizations, local executive authorities in the field of civil service and personnel administration among young people, including the fight against corruption in government agencies and organizations, instilling high moral and ethical qualities in civil servants to carry out propaganda work on

> Organize training seminars, meetings and master classes and trainings to educate young people who are members of the club as loyal to the Fatherland, to develop their independent thinking, management and leadership skills, and to broaden their horizons in public administration;

> To study the problems of young civil servants, analyze them and organize practical work to solve these problems;

> Expanding the ranks of young civil servants, increasing their professional competencies;

> To increase the socio-political activity of young people, to protect their interests, to help create the conditions for them to fully express their intellectual potential, to take a worthy place in society.

Organization of club production

Eligible members elect the President of the Club and the Vice-President of the Club and 8 Coordinators by secret ballot. The term of office of the club's president, vice-president and 8 coordinators is one year. Upon the expiration of the term of office of the President, Vice-President and 8 Coordinators of the Club, the members of the Club shall be re-elected by voting.

Duties of the Club President:

• convenes and chairs meetings;

• provides general guidance for the preparation of issues to be discussed;

• coordinates the activities of coordinators; distributes responsibilities among members;

❖ make proposals to the Board of Directors on issues related to the activities of the club within its competence, etc.

In order to organize, guide and support the activities of the club members, a "Board of Directors" consisting of active and talented young people will be formed from among the club members. The members of the Council are the President, Vice President and 8 coordinators, as well as one official from the Tashkent city administration, the Tashkent city branch of the Civil Service Development Agency, and the Tashkent regional department of the Youth Affairs Agency. Decisions of the Board shall be taken by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Board.

Board of Directors:

❖ Organizes projects and other activities of the club, such as "One day with the mayor", "Dublyor", "One day in the agency", "Internship in government agencies";

❖ Coordinates professional development, training programs, internships and advocacy of club members;

❖ Evaluates and ranks club members on a credit basis basis;

❖ Ensures the effectiveness of the club, analyzes the problems and prepares proposals for solutions.

Club members will receive training seminars over a six-month period based on an approved program, which will develop club members' management skills. High-performing members will be awarded a certificate by the Civil Service Development Agency and accepted as young trainers for civil servants.

Every Saturday, the club organizes training seminars on the following topics to develop management skills.

Leaders and specialists working in the field of civil service will be involved in the trainings organized during the club's activities. provide detailed information to club members.

The club members have practical trainings, meetings, open round tables, master classes for participants by successful civil servants in the region on various topics related to personnel policy in public administration in the formation of high professional potential, leadership, management and patriotic qualities. Excursions, seminars and trainings are organized for bodies and organizations.


1. nO-6260-coH OapMOHH "Ém-apHH x,ap TOMOH-aMa Ky—aS-KyBBaraam Ba y-apHHHr h^thmohh ^ao—HrHHH AHaga omnpnmra ong KymHMna nopa-TagSnp-ap TyFpHCHga" 2021 hh-;

2. TomKeHT max,ap xoKHMHHHHr 2021 hh- 26 nro-gara 57-14-0-Q/21-COH Kapopn;

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