FUNCTIONAL-GENRE APPROACH TO STUDY OF SPEECH ACTS AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRAGMATIC COMPETENCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Makhkamova Gulnara, Temirova Durdona Karim Qizi

This article discusses the core of the functional-genre approach to study of speech acts in the framework of linguistics and linguodidactics. The structural components and subcomponents of pragmatic competence were revealed in the view of speech acts conception. While analysis the main features of primary and secondary speech genres were found out. The ways of the functional-genre approach to material selection and design activities for development of pragmatic competence were dealt with.

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FUNCTIONAL-GENRE APPROACH TO STUDY OF SPEECH ACTS AND DEVELOPMENT OF PRAGMATIC COMPETENCE Makhkamova Gulnara, Temirova Durdona Karim qizi, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan E-mail: science 7777@mail.ru

Abstract. This article discusses the core of the functional-genre approach to study of speech acts in the framework of linguistics and linguodidactics. The structural components and subcomponents of pragmatic competence were revealed in the view of speech acts conception. While analysis the main features of primary and secondary

speech genres were found out. The ways of the functional-genre approach to material

selection and design activities for development of pragmatic competence were dealt with.

Key words: pragmatic competence, illocutionary and interactional components, speech acts, functional-genre approach, interaction modes, instructions.

Introduction. The content of teaching a foreign language has been rethinking for the last time under the angle of development of the discourse and pragmatic approaches in linguistic studies. So, the linguistic approaches are transmitted successfully into linguodidactics and any communication is analyzed from the position of discourse activity in pragmatic plan. Nowadays within Communicative Language Teaching the main attention focuses on development of communicative competence where one of the meaningful component is the pragmatic competence considered. Under this conception, "It is necessary to learn how to understand and create language that is appropriate to the situations in which is functioning, employing the proper illocutionary patterns in accordance with the sociocultural parameters of the specific situation,..." [Judd, 2007, p. 152]. That's why, teachers need to realizing, what pragmatic competence is and what approaches can be applied in its development.

The structural components of pragmatic competence were analyzed by L. Bachman & A. Palmer [1996], M. Celcia-Murcia [2007]. It is necessary to point here that the communicative competence is related to organizational (language and textual knowledge and skills) and functional (pragmatic knowledge and skills) aspects [Bachman & Palmer, 1996]. At the same time, pragmatic competence consists of the


discourse and functional competences, that is why, it is understood as an ability to interact while communication, or carry out of speech activity in the target language [Makhkamova & Rizaeva, 2020]. The functional aspect of communicative competence is directly related to illocutionary component (how to communicate), analyzed by L. Bachman [1990]. However, the core of the illocutionary component can be found in the interactional model by M. Celcia-Murcia, that envelops the actional, conversational and nonverbal/paralinguistic subcomponents [2007, p. 48-49]. This is due to the fact that the development of functional approach in linguistics required to study speech acts in the context of their functioning in the discourse activity, where focus was not only on the illocutionary characteristics, but on the interactional aspect too [Pospelova, 1992]. The process of interaction proposes the actions exchanging with the help of both verbal and nonverbal means and communication strategies manifested with certain speech acts depending on the situation of communication.

So, it is necessary to address to speech act theory and genre approach to highlight their basic concepts and assumptions and make clear the ideas about the mentioned illocutionary, or interactional model of the pragmatic competence.

Theoretical backgrounds. There are several approaches to study of speech activity. The more popular among them is functional and genre approaches. Functional theory can be seen under constructivism, interactionism, cognitive model of L2 acquisition, language functions, discourse and genre approaches [Pospelova, 1992; Baranov, 1997; Mosolova, 2005; Brown, 2007; Judd, 2007; Makhkamova, 2019; Makhkamova & Rizaeva, 2020]. Analysis of academic literature shows that the functional approach aims to study language items (or verbal forms) in the real process of interaction to achieve the communicative goal [Brown, 2007, p. 32]. That's why, the scholars address to theory of speech acts while dealing with the functional and genre approaches. The founder of the theory of speech acts was J. Austin, who synthesized the action theory with theory of speech, where the locutive, perlocutive and illocutive speech acts were distinguished [1962]. The speech acts theory was further developed under the perspectives of pragmalinguistic approach. In particular, the purpose of the used speech act (illocution) has become the research object of lots of pragmalinguistic and applied linguistics papers [Wiersbicka, 1997; Fedosyuk, 1997; Orlova, 1997; Baranov, 1997; Oishi, 2006; Rose, 2007; Irkabaeva, 2010; Makhkamova, 2019].

The scholars distinguish the primary and secondary speech genres [Wiersbicka, 1997; Orlova, 1997; Baranov, 1997], where the primary speech genre is close to speech act, but the secondary speech genre is understood as type of the dialogic text, the structural element of which concerns the primary one and differs with spheres of its functioning or its stylistic processing. Based on the differentiated characteristics of the primary and secondary speech genres A.G. Baranov divide primary and secondary speech genres into simple and complex, offered the following classification: 1)


primary speech genres: simple speech genres are close to the speech acts and complex speech genres are correspondent with dialogic text; 2) secondary speech genres: simple speech genres envelopes functional-meaning elementary texts (descriptions, narration, etc.) and complex speech genres include lower speech acts in transformed plans [Baranov, 1997, p. 8]. Thus, the concepts of speech act and speech genre are correspondent to each other. At the same time, speech genre is the systemic and structural phenomenon, as complex of many speech acts within a certain speech genre [Wiersbicka, 1997; Baranov, 1997; Orlova, 1997; Mosolova, 2005]. However, the different speech genres can be included into similar speech acts (e.g. confessions in court, declaration of love) [See: Orlova, 1997. p. 51-52; Irkabaeva, 2010. p. 640]. As we see, the structural components of speech genres are correlated with the Bahtin's speech acts style [1979], or interaction modes and semantic patterns [Makhkamova, 2019]. Consequently, functional and genre approaches have identical nature and mutually complement each other, so it is relevant to use term of "functional-genre approach" to study, to select and to train speech acts in the context of interaction modes (ways, or forms, or models of interaction).

Material selection and activities design for development of pragmatic competence. In linguodidactic attitude the most effective instructions for development of interactional aspect of pragmatic competence, related to speech acts mastering was offered by E.L. Judd [2007, p. 162]. He suggests five-componential model: 1) speech acts defining; 2) cognitive awareness skills; 3) receptive/integrative skills; 4) controlled productive skills; 5) free integrated practice [ibid]. First the teacher should determine what speech acts must be taught depending on the topic or subject of the discussion. With the aim of development of cognitive awareness the teacher decides how to present the speech acts and its linguistic features depending on the situational context, participants, status roles, etc. This stage should be compliance with "introductory phase" to engage to the cognitive activity with the help of "field notes" or "pragmatic analysis of data from English" [Rose, 2007, p. 172, 178]. It is useful to attract for this purpose the video material to examine the speech acts in the real life situations and extend students lexicon in the form of speech formulae (speech acts, or interaction modes). As data collection the dialogue for listening or reading within of any concrete topic can be also used. For successful data collecting it is also important to use comparison and contrast technique to understand the differences and similarities of speech acts usage between target and native languages. In the third stage the teacher needs to define how to integrate received cognitive knowledge with the language use strategies, where students should recognize or identify speech acts in the discourse organization and have knowledge how to use them. The teacher asks students to analyse dialogue, identify speech patterns and classify them according to topics or semantic groups, at last, to describe their using from the position of cooperation and politeness principles [See Makhkamova, 2018].


Conclusion. All matters mentioned in this article are imperatives to teachers and students to rethinking the role of functional-genre approach to constructing the model of pragmatic competence and means for its development. Although a lot of pragmatic researchers have appeared in linguistics for the last time there have been enough problems related to goal, approaches and content of teaching which haven't been solved in the local linguodidactics yet. So, this study shows the importance of addressing to speech acts and speech genres with the aim at mastering the pragmatic competence for organizing successful interaction in the target language which envelops discourse and functional aspects and where the illocutionary and interactional subcomponents are manifested with the speech acts or interaction modes. The results of this research reaffirmed again that functional-genre approach is effective not only for material selection, but also for instructional input related to development of students' cognitive awareness, analytical, receptive and productive skills. Without doubt the mentioned instructional framework will be needed to specific conditions adaptation to each stage of linguocultural education.


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