Elena Alekseevna Zotova
Senior Lecturer, the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports,
Chirchik, Uzbekistan
The problem of human brain functional asymmetry study is actual for modern development of scientific knowledge in the field of psychology and psychophysiology. Conceptions about functional features of cerebral hemispheres promote the understanding of human complex mental processes organization.
The study of correlation of the brain asymmetry with the person individual-psychologic features was the purpose of our research. In the research results the correlation of functional asymmetry with emotional states and a role of the brain asymmetry in the process of person adaptation to environment fluctuations depending on a human sex are considered.
Special interest is represented by results of correlation of functional asymmetry and person motivational structure. The obtained data show that brain functional asymmetry mechanisms represent predictors of the person individually - psychologic features and effectiveness of different fields activity.
Keywords: functional cerebral hemispheres asymmetry, individual profile of functional brain asymmetry, emotional states, individual characteristics, behavior, motive for understanding one's own capabilities.
Проблема исследования функциональной асимметрии мозга человека актуальна для современного развития научных знаний в области психологии и психофизиологии. Представления о функциональных особенностях полушарий головного мозга способствуют пониманию организации сложных психических процессов человека.
Целью нашего исследования было изучение взаимосвязи асимметрии мозга с индивидуально-психологическими особенностями человека. В
результатах исследования рассматривается взаимосвязь функциональной асимметрии с эмоциональными состояниями и роль асимметрии мозга в процессе адаптации человека к колебаниям внешней среды в зависимости от пола человека.
Особый интерес представляют результаты корреляции функциональной асимметрии и мотивационной структуры личности. Полученные данные показывают, что механизмы функциональной асимметрии мозга представляют собой индивидуальные предикторы личности - психологические особенности и эффективность различных полей деятельности.
Ключевые слова: функциональная асимметрия полушарий головного мозга, индивидуальный профиль функциональной асимметрии мозга, эмоциональные состояния, индивидуальные особенности, поведение, мотив понимания собственных возможностей.
Last years the urgency of contents, diagnostics of the person individual distinctions problem for a variety of causes has considerably increased, because individually psychological features are efficiency factors of the person activity in various spheres. This factor is of particular importance for the perception of educational material by students - athletes. Finding out of concrete people individual features development has various strategies and results in psychology. The special value in this respect belongs to the brain functional asymmetry. [3,4]
The brain interhemispheric asymmetry is the brain complex property reflecting distinction in allocation of psychological functions between its right and left cerebral hemispheres.
The hemispheres functional asymmetry is one of the causes of person certain lateral phenotype (lateralization) existence.
Lateralization - process by means of which various functions and processes contact one or other brain side. The brain functional asymmetry individual profile (profile of the lateral organization) - an individual combination of the cerebral hemispheres functional asymmetry, motor and sensory asymmetry. [1,2,3]
By now the psychology and psychophysiology has stored significant amount of data concerning the brain functional asymmetry. Analysis of the conducted scietific researches shows, that natural connections of lateral profiles with some mental processes (cognitive, regulatory, styles of emotional reacting) [6,7] are established. The individual profile of the functional asymmetry of the brain is of particular
importance for students who are actively involved in sports activities and strive to achieve high results in sports.
Nevertheless, till now it is not worked out the unified approach to lateral specialisation studying. The data obtained by different authors frequently are inconsistent and narrow directed and consequently do not use in the field of study and organization of the educational process. This issue has not been sufficiently studied depending on the specialization of educational activities, professional orientation Little research has been done on students who, in addition to learning activities, also lead sports activities.
Study of the brain asymmetry with the person individually-psychological features correlation was the aim of our research.
The research involved 240 students. Of these: 80 students - athletes of the Uzbek state university of physical culture and sports, 80 students of the Polytechnic institute and 80 students studying the humanities at the National university of Uzbekistan.
The relationship between the profile of brain asymmetry and the individual psychological characteristics of students - athletes.
The problem of person functional asymmetry features research is actual for differential psychophysiology, psychology and pedagogics [1,4,8]. Knowledge of the hemispheres structurally functional organization, regularities of their interaction in the brain activity promote understanding of complex mental processes organization and individually-psychologic distinctions [3,9,10]. The functional asymmetry plays a role in the process of adaptation to environment fluctuations process, predilection to diseases, ratio of objective and subjective health parameters, organization of effective labour and educational activity. [1,8,11]
The methodology of this research was based on such concepts as:
S Bilateral model of psychics structure Bogomaz S.A.
S The concept of psychological mechanisms of adaptation and functional asymmetry of the brain Leutin E.N.
S Raymond Cattell's structural theory of personality traits.
S the concept of the hierarchy of motivation by A. Maslow.
The methods applied in research:
1. V.E.Milman's method «The person motivational profile» V.E.Milman;
2. A.Alekseeva and L.Gromova's method for of examinees's thinking style
3. The personal scale of alarm display (J. Taylor)
4. The method of health state operative assessment, activity and mood diagnostics.
5. The method of social-psychological adaptation diagnostics of K.Rogers and R.Dimond.
6. Questionnaires for interhemispheric asymmetry type definition:
a) The method of visual asymmetry definition .
b) The test of hands cross definition (Napoleon's poses);
c) The test of fingers cross definition.
d) M.Annet's test;
e) The assessment of the functional sensomotor asymmetry profile by means of assays combination.
Study of the functional asymmetry and emotional states correlation showed, that both hemispheres make contribution to emotional experiences (tab. 1).
Table 1
Correlation of the functional asymmetry with emotional states
Cerebral hemisphere Depression predilection
Right r* = 0,46; p * 5=0,02
Left r = 0,22; p = 0,02
r * - correlation coefficient p*- data validity
The point of view according to which the right hemisphere in a larger degree is bound to negative emotions is represented to the most probable. Our results showed that students with a predominance of the left hemisphere have a low tendency to depression, low anxiety, and they are more emotionally stable. With the predominance of the right hemisphere of the brain, signs of depression are more often observed. The study of the relationship between lateral specialization and stress resistance parameters revealed a relationship with introversion; it is determined by the signs of psychopathological depressive syndrome, which manifests itself in the emotional state, behavior, attitude towards oneself and the social environment. Data refer to study participants who showed activity in the right hemisphere. Respondents
with high left hemisphere activity are mainly extroverts, and defined by low anxiety, high emotional lability, that speaks about high stress tolerance.
Therefore, experimental data lets us to conclude about presence of the individual distinctions in mental and emotional activity, and also in feature of reacting on stress.
We found out, that right hemisphere dominance determines emotional strategies of coping behavior. Dominance of the left hemisphere is bound to selection of the behavior directed to the problem solution
Analysis of social-psychologic adaptation parameters and interhemispheric brain specialization comparing results by means of Spirmen's rank correlation coefficient allowed to expose a number of significant correlations (tab. 2).
Table 2
Parameters correlations on diagnostics of social-psychologic adaptation and the brain functional asymmetry method
Comparison parameters Correlation indexes and their validity
r* (Spirmen) t(n-2) Validity
Adaptation and brain left hemispheric specialization 0,17 1,97 0,05
Emotional comfort and brain left hemispheric specialization 0,26 2,79 0,006
Internality and brain left hemispheric specialization 0,21 3,27 0,005
r * - correlation coefficient n - variance number t - Student criterion
Analizing these data, we clarified, that left hemisphere is bound to a high adaptability, emotional comfort and internality. Students with a dominance of the left cerebral hemisphere are more stress tolerant, more optimistic, balanced enough, assured of themselves. The high level of subjective control over any significant situations is inherent to them.
Further we analyzed various parameters of social-psychologic adaptation and interhemispheric asymmetry depending on sex and from the specialization of the educational process (tab. 3).
Table 3
Indexes correlations on social-psychologic adaptation and interhemispheric brain specialization diagnostics method depending on respondents sex
Comparison Women Men t**-Student Validity
parameters n*=135 n=105 criterion p** *<
Self- perception 62,94 55,48 2,64 0,009
Dominance 51,26 56,40 -3,14 0,002
* n - variance number ** t-Student criterion ** p- data validity
It was revealed that the success of the socio-psychological adaptation of female students involved in sports is significantly influence renders approval of oneself in whole and in essential particulars, self-confidence and positive self-rating, comprehension of oneself as independent of people opinion, attractive, intellectually educed. And the success of the socio-psychological adaptation of male students involved in sports is related to leader qualities exhibition, comprehension of oneself as self-assured person, vigorous, active, courageous, enterprising, judicious, inclined to self-checking, self-discipline.
On results of indexes correlation on social-psychologic adaptation diagnostics method depending on respondents educational profile revealed - students with an shadow educational profile are rationalized, responsible, inclined to abstraction, for them high need for constant cerebration, the need for mind self-improvement and strong-willed qualities is expressed. For students with humanitarian educational profile the creative thinking emerges, solving the problem they try to find maximal alternatives of its solution, the high need for self-realization emerges. Further researches of this parameter showed, that it is possible to observe the system of hemispheric specialization natural fluctuations in the process of of sports activities and to reveal the influence of systems of training sports activities organization features on this or that cerebral hemisphere development.
Thus, researching the level of adaptation for students with different predominant hemisphere, was shown, that higher level of adaptation is for people with a dominance of the left hemisphere, and for students with a leading right hemisphere adaptation level is lower. It was found out, that students with a dominance of the right hemisphere are defined by higher anxiety of emotionally
vegetative type. Dominance of the left hemisphere shows return processes, i.e. high health self-rating.
Study of training features, thinking style and motivational frame of students person also allowed to make some important conclusions. The received results allowed to assume, that left hemisphere uses analytical strategy of information processing, supplies the rational-logic, inductive thinking related to verbally-symbolical functions, while the right hemisphere uses global synthetic strategy, supplies space-intuitive, deductive, figurative thinking. Thus, verbal intelligence related to a dominance of the left hemisphere, and nonverbal intelligence - with a dominance of the right hemisphere.
Functional asymmetry is connected to knowledge acquisition motives and motive of own possibilities comprehension in reaching of assigned objects - the more left hemispheric specialisation is expressed, the more importance of knowledge aquisition motive (0,43; p <0,01) and the less comprehension of own possibilities (r =-0,42; p <0,01) and on the contrary, students with a dominance of the right hemisphere functions aspire to knowledge less, but realize their own possibilities in object reaching more.
Study of sensory, motor, and mental asymmetries fluctuations reflecting functional brain asymmetry, also are important for understanding of person psychophysiological development mechanisms. The particular interest is represented by comparative characteristic of hemispheres functional asymmetry at representatives of different sexes, and also at persons with various professional directedness.
Research of correlation of functional asymmetry, person motivational structure, thinking styles and success of students training showed, that functional asymmetry is interdependent to motives of the future activity success, motives of the grant and knowledge aquisition.
The particular interest is represented by comparative characteristic of the brain functional asymmetry individual profile (BFAIP) at representatives of different sexes, and also at persons with various professional directedness. The majority of explorers tends to the point of view, that there are more persons with right hemisphere type among female students, and the admixed type, on the contrary, is found more often at men, than at women. Male students, as a rule, solve space tasks better than women. They execute tests in which it is required to rotate subject mentally or somehow manipulate it better. They exceed women in the tests requiring mathematical reasoning.
Also it was shown, that brain asymmetry is more accurately expressed at male students, as on verbal, and on nonverbal functions. The author considers, that social factors are at the basis of sexual differences: male students attended to hunting and administered over movements that has led to the best development of their space capabilities, and verbal superiorities of women are caused by that they brings up children, and it requires verbal dialogue.
We found positive correlation of success in job realization with BFAIP in male students. Female students have no such accurate correlation, but mediately through connection of functional asymmetry and motives, authentically significant indexes of success with the left hemisphere functions dominance emerge.
Summing up research, we can conclude that brain functional asymmetry mechanisms represent factors of the person individually - psychologic features and effectiveness of different fields activity.
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