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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Mammadov Mehmanali Alekper, Rzayeva Zahida Tofig

One of the main issues addressed in this article is the use of new library information technologies and automation processes in libraries. For the first time in the history of library work in the country, topical issues, large-scale tasks and tasks in this area are examined in detail. The State Program emphasizes the problem of updating the libraries of the republic, raising them to the level of the most modern electronic libraries in the world, and the Presidential Library was noted as the executor of many tasks. The article analyzes the activities of the Presidential Library of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of new technologies, the creation of an electronic library and provides a brief overview of the created innovative full-text resources of the project type in this library.

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Mammadov Mehmanali Alekper, Rzayeva Zahida Tofig FULL-TEXT RESOURCES OF THE PROJECT TYPE .

sociological sciences

UDC 316: 304:94(479.24)

DOI: 10.34671/SCH.HBR.2020.0403.0014


© 2020

Mammadov Mehmanali Alekper, Associate Professor, Department of Library Studies Rzayeva Zahida Tofig, associate professor of the department of document resources and information retrieval systems Baku State University (1148, Azerbaijan, Baku, Z.Khalilova St., 23, e-mail: Missdior96@bk.ru) Abstract. One of the main issues addressed in this article is the use of new library information technologies and automation processes in libraries. For the first time in the history of library work in the country, topical issues, large-scale tasks and tasks in this area are examined in detail. The State Program emphasizes the problem of updating the libraries of the republic, raising them to the level of the most modern electronic libraries in the world, and the Presidential Library was noted as the executor of many tasks. The article analyzes the activities of the Presidential Library of the Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the field of new technologies, the creation of an electronic library and provides a brief overview of the created innovative full-text resources of the project type in this library.

Keywords: Presidential electronic library, electronic resource, electronic collection, full text resource, thematic site.


© 2020

Мамедов Мехманали Алекпер оглу, доцент кафедры библиотековедения Рзаева Захида Тофиг кызы, доцент кафедры ресурсов документов и информационно-поисковых систем Бакинский государственный университет (1148, Азербайджан, Баку, ул. З.Халилова, 23, e-mail: Missdior96@bk.ru) Аннотация. Одним из основных вопросов, рассматриваемых в данной статье, является применение новых библиотечных информационных технологий и процессов автоматизации в библиотеках. Впервые в истории библиотечной работы в стране подробно рассмотрены актуальные вопросы, масштабные задачи и задания в данной сфере. В Государственной программе подчеркивается проблема обновления библиотек республики, поднятия их до уровня самых современных электронных библиотек в мире, а Президентская библиотека была отмечена, как исполнитель многих задач. В статье анализируется деятельность Президентской библиотеки Управления делами Президента Азербайджанской Республики в области применения новых технологий, создания электронной библиотеки и дается краткий обзор созданных инновационных полнотекстовых ресурсов проектного типа в этой библиотеке.

Ключевые слова. Президентская электронная библиотека, электронный ресурс, электронная коллекция, полнотекстовый ресурс, тематический сайт.

The XXI century may be considered as an exceptional period in the development of Azerbaijani libraries. Thus, the library automation and computerization processes, and the introduction of new technologies and methods have become more widespread in the country since the late twentieth century and have laid the background in terms of intensive development of methodological level, experience, and organizational training, The first one among the largest libraries in the country to fully implement automation and computerization was the Presidential Library of Administrative Department of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

It is no coincidence that the prominent librarian, Professor A. A. Khalafov praised the activities of this library and dedicated a very important article to its work - «The first fundamental electronic library in our country.» In a short timeframe, the scientist analyzed the work done in this library and rightly pointed out that it is indeed the first fundamental library in the country with the attributes of an electronic library [10].

In the article, the scientist, along with other work carried out in the library, paid special attention to the creation of the full-text information resources. In several other works, the researcher referred to the experience of the Presidential Library and praised its activities [9]. It should be noted that this library was established by the order of national leader Heydar Aliyev in 2003 based on two resourceful libraries in Baku - the Central City Library (former Lenin Library) and the Library under the Office of Presidential Affairs (former House of Political Education's Library). From the day of its establishment, the library was tasked to master all the functions of modern electronic libraries.

When talking about the application of new information

technologies in the country's libraries, including the Presidential Library, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the legislative background for the application of these technologies. From this point of view, the main legislative background includes the laws, state strategies, and programs that consider the application of new information technologies and informatization as a national priority as one of the main conditions for the more effective functioning of all spheres of public activity in our country. These normative documents include the Law on Information, Informatization, and Protection of Information, adopted in 1998 [1], Law on Library Affairs, which came into force on March 12, 1999 [2], program document «National Strategy on Information and Communication Technologies for the Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan (2003-2012)» adopted in 2003 [6], and «State Program on Development of Communication and Information Technologies in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2005-2008» adopted in 2005 [4].

Among these documents, the «State Program for the Development of the Library and Information Sphere in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2008-2013» takes an exceptional position by the order of President Ilham Aliyev dated October 6, 2008 [5]. This important state document covers the most important tasks facing Azerbaijani libraries in modern times and their development goals for the near future. For the first time in the history of library work in the country, the document has covered the work to be done in this area in great detail and identified the most pressing, important issues, and large-scale tasks and assignments. The State Program emphasizes the issue of renovating the libraries of the republic, raising them to the level of the most modern electronic libraries in the world, and the Presidential Library has been assigned as the implementing body of many tasks.


Humanitarian Balkan Research. 2020. Т. 4. № 3(9)

социологически науки

Мамедов Мехманали Алекпер оглу, Рзаева Захида Тофиг кызы ПОЛНОТЕКСТОВЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ ПРОЕКТНОГО ТИПА ...

At this point, it is important to look at a brief explanation of the concept of «electronic library». It is known that in the last 40 years there are many interpretations of the concept of «electronic library», which is widely used in library science. For example, the English scientist Stephen Pinfield described it as «a collection of digital resources integrated into the form of a network and the associated technical and management infrastructure» [12, 529]. Besides, there are many other components. However, in our opinion, among the various definitions of this concept, the definition given by Professor Y. Schreiberg, a prominent librarian, one of the founders of the IRBlS Library Automation System at the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Russian Federation (SPSTL), is more acceptable. According to his definition, «an electronic library is a set of local or distributed electronic resources combined on the basis of a unified ideology of structuring and accessibility» [11. 31]. Studies show that e-libraries created by most popular libraries in the world today meet the conditions reflected in these definitions.

At the beginning of the XXI century, a new stage for the development of higher education begins. It is clear to everyone that there must be a strong integration process between university and non-university education. This creates new opportunities, especially for developing countries. International experts acknowledge that integration in this area lags far behind economic, political, legal and cultural integration. In this regard, a number of important steps have been taken to create a common learning space in Europe. For this purpose, experience is exchanged in the fields of education and science, necessary work is carried out to improve the quality and efficiency of education systems, the application of information and communication technologies in education is expanded [13].

Although the opportunities of the Azerbaijani education system are very wide, they are not yet sufficiently used, and the reason is, first of all, that the education network is not sufficiently flexible and diverse in form; it does not meet the needs of the current international education system. It is known that global problems dominate the research and socioeconomic policy of the third millennium. Globalization has become a universal concept and event and has been the basis for the development of advanced countries that make full use of knowledge. The term «innovation society» has become more common. It is necessary to achieve the development of transnational education and transnational science in solving problems of global importance. The Bologna process, which is currently being implemented in many countries, will contribute to the formation of a single European scientific and educational space. The educational field of the university involved in this process must be flexible enough to develop in accordance with the requirements of the time. A special organization, the European Association for Quality Control in Education, oversees this. The gradual expansion of the Bologna process will also give impetus to the development of e-learning.

Education reforms have been carried out in the Republic of Azerbaijan since 1998. The process continues today, and one of its important elements is the introduction of new information and communication technologies in education. Research shows that e-learning tools are currently used in one way or another in these institutions, depending on the technical base, but as it is known, computers are not used effectively in schools, both in terms of physical time and the electronic version of training materials. in terms of application [14, p.9].

Experiments show that the efficiency of the use of e-learning materials is quite high: for example, in literature classes, the average mastery in experimental classes was 74.3%, while in control classes this figure was only 53.6% [14, p. 13]. Based on the principles of didactics, researchers believe that in electronic materials it is necessary to move from simple to complex, to effectively use all the possibilities of analysis in the explanation of theoretical concepts [14,


E-textbooks consist of structured components, MS Power Point, flash components. The text is lectures, but it is not necessary to write these lectures, to record anything. In some cases, video lectures are also used (usually used to explain introductory materials). According to the «Electronic Society» project, a library equipped with such books is already being established at BSU. The advantage of the video is that it can be watched many times. The advantage of such teaching is that it removes a number of psychological barriers, such as feelings of shame, fear of speaking, and so on. The training period is planned individually.

Reforms in science and education (redesign of textbooks and teaching aids in schools, harmonization of programs, transition to a two-tier system of higher education, new professions and specialties Preparation of classifications, international exchange, attestation of scientific and pedagogical staff, improvement of rules for awarding scientific degrees and scientific titles, structure of educational and scientific organizations changes, etc.) create ample opportunities for the development of each country, increase of living standards, implementation of national priorities.

At present, professionals must meet high standards, both moral and socio-political, as well as scientific and professional: everyone who can work and live in the democratic society we have built must use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of society. so that he can benefit from it as a result.

In the process of creation of an electronic version of the Presidential Library, the existing trends in this direction were studied, the theoretical basis of this work and the possibilities of practical realization were analyzed. In 2004 there was decided to automate library processes and apply new technologies for the creation of the electronic library in the future. It should be noted that in the same year, IRBlS 64 Library Automation System created in SPSTL, was adopted and applied.

The establishment of an electronic version of the Presidential Library was carried out in a planned and phased manner. These stages included:

- Carrying out the technical preparatory work for the creation of an electronic library (equipping workplaces with computers, peripherals, installation of internal computer network, servers, providing Internet access to the network);

- Training of library staff to work with computers and operate IRBIS 64 KAS;

- Creation of the library's website, domain registration, hosting issue solution;

- Installation of IRBIS 64 KAS on the Library's computers and servers;

- Development of bibliographic databases that make up the electronic catalog of the library and the electronic card index of articles;

- Creation of electronic versions of the most important materials and articles selected from the periodicals included in the library fund, and organization of their usage;

- Creation of electronic versions of the most important, highly relevant books in the library fund, and organization of their usage;

- Development of electronic projects (collections, portals, and sites) dedicated to thematic projects, including those dedicated to individual famous people, and covering various types of documents on topics of interest to the wide range of readers as well as to a specific contingent of users of the library;

- Online payment services for bibliographic and factual inquiries as well as full-text documents served by the library.

Also, the staff of the Presidential Library is constantly working to further improve the functions of the electronic library and expand the range of services provided. To do this, they communicate with colleagues and well-known experts from around the world through various forms of communication (telephone, fax, e-mail, messengers, etc.) and exchange experiences. Library specialists from both

Mammadov Mehmanali Alekper, Rzayeva Zahida Tofig FULL-TEXT RESOURCES OF THE PROJECT TYPE .

sociological sciences

neighboring and foreign countries regularly visit the Library, get acquainted with the experience of the Library, share their achievements, and make recommendations.

Since 2004, there has been consistent ongoing work on the creation of an electronic library, and now it has become the greatest electronic library in the country. There can be a lot of said about the amount and character of the work done to date to create an electronic Presidential Library. However, the creation of thematic full-text collections and multimedia internet projects is of special importance as a very important and topical aspect of the application of information technologies. The library presents this type of electronic resource to the public under the name of «electronic project». It is important to note that this type of resource was first created in the Presidential Library in Azerbaijan. This type of resource is created by systematizing and structuring books, periodicals, and other materials stored in the fund of the Library. In some cases, such collections include not only text documents, but also maps, photos, and other graphic information, as well as multimedia documents - audio recordings and video documents. So far, 26 such projects have been created in the Library. Let's give some details about each of them.

1. Heydar Aliyev. Collection of electronic documents (in Azerbaijani language). Designed for a wide range of readers, this electronic resource is a very rich source of information in terms of collecting and submitting documents in digital format.

2. Ilham Aliyev. Electronic collection (in Azerbaijani language). This project includes a biography of President Ilham Aliyev and his development as the head of the state in the socio-economic and humanitarian spheres, a chronology reflecting the scale of his work to enhance its international prestige, full texts of speeches, interviews, electronic versions of books and articles, and a full bibliography.

3. Azerbaijan - Land of Fire (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). This full-text electronic project contains materials on the history, economy, culture, and prominent personalities of our country since ancient times.

4. The tragedy of the XX century - Khojaly genocide (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). The materials included in this project are grouped into six sections. These sections contain a brief history of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the scale of the Khojaly genocide, investigative materials, testimonies of victims, medical expert opinions, a list of Khojaly martyrs, etc.

5. Azerbaijan. State symbols and attributes (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). This project contains materials on the history of the state symbols of independent Azerbaijan (flag, coat of arms, anthem).

6. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (in Azerbaijani and English languages) . This project contains documents providing information about the history of Nakhchivan, the establishment of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the economy, education, and culture of the region. There are also full-text books on this topic in a separate section.

7. Violence. 20th January. Baku 1990 (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). This five-chapter electronic project contains selected materials about the causes of the 20th January tragedy, research of its scale, articles, and books.

8. Ecology of Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). This project is designed to help educate the population about the environment and the formation of environmental culture. The resource consists of five chapters and covers materials on the main directions of environmental policy implemented in our country and the protection of biodiversity.

9. Independent Azerbaijan (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). The first 3 chapters of this 8-chapter resource reflect the history of our statehood, the work done to protect, strengthen state independence and integration into the world community, democratic and legal state-building, and achievements in socio-economic reforms._

10. The city of Irevan (in Azerbaijani and Russian languages). This project, dedicated to the history of the city of Irevan, reveals that the Azerbaijani population in the city has been repeatedly subjected to massacres and deportations, the material and cultural samples belonging to Azerbaijanis have been wiped off the face of the earth by Armenian vandals.

11. Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). This resource is a valuable source for those who study the historical heritage of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic. The project consists of 4 main sections and 20 sub-sections: «Creation and activity of the Republic», «Documents», «Resources», «E-books».

12. Armenian vandalism: Azerbaijani monuments in captivity (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). The purpose of this e-project is to inform the world community about our material and cultural wealth in the territories occupied by Armenian vandals.

13. Armenian crimes: Genocide. Deportation. Terror (in Azerbaijani and Russian languages) . The electronic project presented to Internet users on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the so-called Armenian genocide was prepared based on archival documents, periodicals, and articles by individual researchers.

14. The literary legacy of the Turkic peoples. Electronic library (in Turkic languages). This e-project was created by preparing electronic versions of literary legacy, which is part of the cultural heritage of the Turkic-speaking countries, included in the library's fund, as well as by collecting and systematizing electronic versions of the publications from the Internet.

15. Mehriban Aliyeva. The activity of the First Lady of Azerbaijan as reflected in the media (in Azerbaijani language). This electronic full-text project contains materials on Mehriban Aliyeva's multifaceted activities in the sociopolitical and socio-cultural life of our country, promoting Azerbaijani culture abroad as First Lady of Azerbaijan, the President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, MP, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO.

16. Azerbaijani multiculturalism (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). This e-book covers the essence of Azerbaijani multiculturalism and all its aspects.

17. Aziz Aliyev, the prominent statesman and scientist (1897-1962) (in Azerbaijani and Russian languages). The life and activity of Aziz Mammadkarim oglu Aliyev, who has a special place in the history of statehood and science of Azerbaijan, are widely reflected in this electronic project.

18. Azerbaijan and Islam world (in Azerbaijani language). This e-project was created on the occasion of the proclamation of 20l7 as the «Year of Islamic Solidarity» in our country and holding of the IV Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku on May 12-22, 2017. The main purpose of its establishment is to strengthen the unity of the Muslim world, to demonstrate to the world that Islam is a religion of peace and culture.

19. Azerbaijan-UNESCO relations (in Azerbaijani and English languages) . This e-project was developed in connection with the 25th anniversary of Azerbaijan-UNESCO relations. The resource consists of 6 main sections and 46 sub-sections.

20. Mir Jalal (in Azerbaijani language). This resource is dedicated to the life and work of Mir Jalal Pashayev, a prominent Azerbaijani writer and literary scholar.

21. Ilham Aliyev. Electronic collection (in Azerbaijani language). This e-project consists of «Biography», «Chronology», «Awards», «Quotes» and «Famous people's opinions».

22. Ramiz Mehdiyev. Electronic library (in Azerbaijani language). This resource reflects the socio-political activity and scientific heritage of Ramiz Mehdiyev, the prominent statesman and scientist Ramiz Mehdiyev.

23. Baku (in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages). This project has been compiled in Azerbaijani, English, and Russian based on books and other materials available in the


Humanitarian Balkan Research. 2020. T 4. № 3(9)

социологически науки

fund of the Presidential Library on the history, economy, culture, and art of Baku.

24. Azerbaijani diplomacy (in Azerbaijani language). This project is designed to highlight and promote the historical path of Azerbaijani diplomacy. This resource is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Azerbaijani diplomacy.

25. Azerbaijani diaspora (in Azerbaijani language). This electronic project contains materials published on the topic of the Azerbaijani Diaspora since the official adoption of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis on December 16, 1991, in Nakhchivan on the initiative of Heydar Aliyev, the national leader of the Azerbaijani people.

25. Azerbaijani Diaspora (in the Azerbaijani language). This electronic project contains materials published on the topic of the Azerbaijani Diaspora since the official adoption of the Day of Solidarity of World Azerbaijanis on December 16, 1991 in Nakhchivan on the initiative of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev.

26. Nariman Narimanov (in the Azerbaijani and Russian languages). This resource, prepared on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of Nariman Narimanov, was prepared in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 14, 2020 and covers materials in different languages on Nariman Narimanov's activities as a teacher, doctor, writer, playwright, publicist, educator and statesman.

Most of these projects are so extensive and rich that each of them can be characterized as an independent thematic website. Each of them has a separate Internet address and can be opened and used as an independent thematic site. Analysis of the activities of the Presidential Library in this direction proves that this library has made great strides in the application of information technology in library work, the creation of electronic libraries, and these achievements have allowed consumers in our country to rise to a whole new level.


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The article was received by the editors 07.06.2020

The article was accepted for publication 27.08.2020

Мамедов Мехманали Алекпер оглу, Рзаева Захида Тофиг кызы ПОЛНОТЕКСТОВЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ ПРОЕКТНОГО ТИПА ...

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