Научная статья на тему 'From the party-state elite Strategy choice perspective the end of the Soviet system -- read David Katz “from the top of the revolution: the end of the Soviet system”'

From the party-state elite Strategy choice perspective the end of the Soviet system -- read David Katz “from the top of the revolution: the end of the Soviet system” Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Li Guangying

According to the issue of the collapse of the Soviet Union’s System, the popular view is that the highly centralized political and economic system lead to economic collapse, as a result, the Soviet people gave up the confidence of the communist party. However, by reading the American scholar David’s work, he interviewed more than 50 former leaders; the author found that it was the communist party elites who turned over the foundations of Soviet System finally. Based on this view, this article tries understanding the collapse of the soviet system from a perspective of the Soviet party-state elites’ political choice.

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Текст научной работы на тему «From the party-state elite Strategy choice perspective the end of the Soviet system -- read David Katz “from the top of the revolution: the end of the Soviet system”»

il, ЕШШ^ ШШ


ФД2015 ^ШШЙЙ^ШФУ, ФДйе 2014-2016

[и s. »ш^. а^давдя. 2015(1) :бо-вз.

S. 2015 (3) : 84-93.

[з] тт. Фтш-.ттттт 2015(5)^-10.

Ли Цзюньчжи - Манчжурский институт, Университет Внутренней Монголии, г. Манчжурия, КНР.

Li Junzhi - Manzhouli College, Inner Mongolia University, Manzhouli, China. УДК 329.1

DOI 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-2-46-52

© Ли Гуанин Li Guangying ^^^

From the Party-State Elite Strategy Choice Perspective the End of the Soviet System -Read David Katz "From the top of the Revolution: the end of the Soviet system"

According to the issue of the collapse of the Soviet Union's System, the popular view is that the highly centralized political and economic system lead to economic collapse, as a result, the Soviet people gave up the confidence of the communist party. However, by reading the American scholar David's work, he interviewed more than 50 former leaders; the author found that it was the communist party elites who turned over the foundations of Soviet System finally. Based on this view, this article tries understanding the col-


lapse of the soviet system from a perspective of the Soviet party-state elites' political choice. Key Words: the Party-State Elites, the Soviet System, Reformation, Strategy Choice.

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ОТ: 1988^,


^о 1988^12^, ш, шшшшж

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^1989-1991^, ФЖШШ

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Й*^ЖШ±,2008,(5) .

[2]^Ш. , 1994.

[3] т) ка-

[4] Лм0»,2О12,(19) .

[5] ^¿л.

[6] ,2003,(2).

[7] [Ш] H^tt^ft^, 1997(3) .

Ли Гуанин - Манчжурский институт, Университет Внутренней Монголии, г. Манчжурия, КНР, e-mail: 121863107@qq.com

Li Guangying - Manzhouli College, Inner Mongolia University, Manzhouli, China, e-mail: 121863107@qq.com

УДК 327(470+510)

DOI 10.18101/2306-753X-2015-2-52-57

© Чэнь Шулин Chen Shuling

Анализ развития русско-китайских отношений в области культуры

на современном этапе

Analysis on the Significance of Multicultural Exchange Cooperation between China and Russia

The cultural exchanges between countries and the culture communication are the foundation of the depth of cooperation and longterm cooperation. Multicultural coexistence is the era background of the development of today's society, which has an irresistible trend of the development of, so we must face up to the pluralistic culture on the impact of cooperation between China and Russia to play its positive role and limit its negative influenc e. This article mainly from the meaning of cultural diversity to promote cooperation between the two countries, analyzes the development trend of bilateral cooperation between China and Russia, and in diverse cultural exchange between China and Russia are the obstacles were studied. Putting forward to strengthen the support of the government to promote the cultural exchange between China and Russia. So as to widen the channel of the multicultural talents training and so on.In order to strengthen the multicultural communication to promote the further cooperation between China and Russia.

Key words: culture, cultural diversity, cooperation, Chia, Russia.

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