Ph.D, Associate Professor Kiptenko V. K.
The Chair of Regional Studies and Tourism, Geography Faculty,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine.
Received: 27 January 2019 Accepted: 21 March 2019 Published: 31 March 2019
sustainable development,
sustainable development goals,
indicator analysis,
spatial patterns,
Responding to the global concern on sustainable development, the consistency of localized and global/regional practices impacts the public and civil, economic, social and cultural domains. Challenges of coherent and efficient monitoring system mark the Ukraine's path and leave space for improvement. The scrutiny of academic and institutional efforts in monitoring the sustainable development, sustainable development goals implementation reveals shortcomings and pitfalls in metadata provision, tools for data collection and processing, congruence of understanding and interpreting the concepts. The outcomes serve to substantiation of the research and educational objectives for examination of the indicator analysis design for better policy- and decision-making, public awareness, spatial patterns representation.
Citation: Kiptenko V. K. (2019) From Global to Local: Feasibility of the Indicator Analysis of the Sustainable Development in Ukraine. World Science. 3(43), Vol.1. doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/31032019/6403
Copyright: © 2019 Kiptenko V. K. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
Introduction. Responding to the global concern on sustainable development, the policymaking faces challenges of grounded approaches in decisions-making, planning and monitoring being consistent with the international practice at both global and regional levels, in Ukraine in particular. This country finalized the adaptation of the Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (SDGs) - approved by the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Summit 2015 - in 2017 [7]. The transparent introduction of the 2017 National Baseline Report Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine [6] platforms the critical assessment of its pitfalls [to mention just some: 4; 12], which, in particular, pointed on the gaps of the system of collection, observation and study of statistical and administrative data of monitoring SDG. The wider view on congruence of approaching sustainable development and implementation of its principles and SDG requested geographers [12]. Based primarily on the above this article speculates on the scene of monitoring the sustainable development in Ukraine outlining the key standpoints of the scrutiny of academic and public efforts and arguing the prospects of the indicator analysis design for better policy- and decision-making in the country.
Research results. Despite the academic and institutional efforts, Ukrainian public policy lacks the compatible system of measuring the relevant indicators.
The Sustainable Development Strategy Ukraine - 2020 [5] - implemented as from January 2015 - got controversial assessment by experts [2], in particular. In addition to failure in establishing the mechanisms of civil society participation and open-access to the results of monitoring and measuring, the lion part - twenty four out of twenty five - of the Strategy's indicators fit the minimum requirements to the evaluation parameters. However, these indicators do not allow to judge whether
the results hit the marks of the Strategy. Moreover, Ukrainian public authorities fail to use the indicators of the SD Strategy realization in assessing any domestic reforms and programmes, and implement monitoring and evaluation system coherent with evaluation of the Strategy performance.
The legislative initiatives related to Ukraine 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy insist on the necessity to adjust the policy tools and take into account the indicators of "localized" sustainable development goals [4]. Moreover, the considerations of the Institute of Social-Economic Research [3] -based on analysis of the selected 35 public strategic documents of Ukraine (hereinafter, PSDU) - warns about the necessity to improve incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter, SDG) to the public policy. The outcomes positively estimate that there is any SDG missing in the strategic documents of the Ukrainian public policy, supported by 81 out of 86 SDG for Ukraine targets reflected in acting or drafted documents. General conformity with three dimensions -ecological, human and economic - got reflection in spheres of environment protection, social protection and trade, industry, and economic development. However, programmes and strategies, for instance, in judicial system, cultural affairs, social development programmes aimed to combat human trafficking, improvement of safety, labour conditions, physical culture and sports lack SDG despite their evident relevance.
The 2017 National Baseline Report Sustainable Development Goals: Ukraine [6] failed to overcome the formal and declarative character of acting SDG. The lack of planning for implementation of SDG goes in hand with absence and gaps, shortcomings and inconsistency of measuring and monitoring tools.
The analysis of the current information provision for SDGs monitoring in Ukraine [11] suggests that the established statistics for 124 indicators cover 71,5% of their total number. The rest of 48 indicators lacks metadata and has space for different ways of the situation improvement. In addition to four (out of 48 indicators) available from international ratings (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Policy Index, Global Innovation Index, Transparency International and Doing Business, the country's monitoring system needs the specific studies, including multi-cluster survey of households and solution in relation to the crucial situation with water monitoring system. Noteworthy, the number of jobs in the tourism industry constitutes the only indicator to assess the role of tourism in SDG in Ukraine. The analysis mentions two ways of informational-statistical provision for the above based on Eurostat methodology without paying attention to the particular importance of tourism for targets in goals 8,12 and 14 [9] instead of inclusion to the Goal 11 - 11.6. Ensure the development and implementation of local development strategies aimed at economic growth, job creation, tourism, recreation and development of the local culture, and production of local products. In addition, the absence of public bodies in charge and financial confines limit the above prospects together with the lack of coherent to European and global practice approaches (with regards to water resources, in particular) and solutions on efforts related to the equal access and interpretation on metadata resources, collection and processing procedures and methods.
The regional policy and development under decentralization reform in Ukraine multiplies the need of efficient system of public policy analysis, and public awareness based on grounded and spatially interpreted models, methods and indicators.
The analytic report on regional dimension of SDG for Ukraine [10] monitors the situation during 2011-2016 and could serve the purposes of policy and mechanisms correction as well. In addition, it reveals the prospects for geo-informational provisions for SDG for Ukraine and sustainable development monitoring. However, current prospects for the indicator analysis of the sustainable development in Ukraine require actualization of monitoring and metadata system considered above and adaptation coherent with the sustainable development concept.
Noteworthy, the Ukrainian academic institutions worked out the wider context about the country in global dimensions of sustainable development (including the regional differentiation across the country). The Reports of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19] ground the measuring system (indices and indicators) of qualitative and quantitative evaluation of three dimensions: economic, environmental and socio-institutional. They assess quantitatively the Ukrainian regions' sustainable development, in particular, by two main components: security and quality of human life.
The development of eco-system services monitoring will serve the congruence of sustainable (balanced) development and SDG assessment [12] together with ecologization of spatial planning, mapping and database creation, integrative research and development of education and training curricular [1]. The research of population perception of the sustainable development confirms the
necessity of wide-scale educational and public awareness increase related to sustainable development, SDG and their importance for the long-term strategy of Ukraine development [8].
Leaving behind the fear of the complexity of the issues outlined above, the research focused on the improvement of the indicator analysis design for monitoring and policy- and decision-making, progress in awareness and education on sustainable development in Ukraine requires:
1. Critical analysis of indicators and studies of SD and SDG in Ukraine;
2. Analysis of the consistency of SD and SDG indicators Ukraine-UN, Ukraine-EU;
3. Substantiation of feasibility, functionality and representativeness of integrated model of SD-SDG indicators in Ukraine;
4. Benchmarking studies of the international experience of localization, monitoring, information representation, policy of SD and implementation of the SDG;
5. Analysis of state strategic (profile) documents and budget programs / projects on compliance with the principles of SD and adapted for Ukraine SDG;
6. Assessment of the comparability of SD/ Tourism for SDG indicators Ukraine-UN, Global Council for Sustainable Tourism (GCST), World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), EU (ETIS);
7. Evaluation of the indicators of SD / Tourism for SDG consistency Ukraine-EU;
8. Characteristic of spatial patterns of SD/SDG in the country;
9. Enrichment of education and training Master of Science Programmes "Political Geography", "Geoglobalistics and Regional Studies", "Tourism" and Bachelor Programmes "Geography" and "Tourism" with sustainability content, research projects and tasks in disciplines "Geoglonalistics" "Geospatial Governance", "Geography of Informational Society", "Startegic Geogreaphy", "Tourism Policy" "Methods of Research in Tourism" and "Tourism Management", topics for course papers and thesis (bachelor, master's degree), traineerships programmes.
These objectives implementation will contribute the research of Indicator Analysis of the Sustainable Development in Ukraine performed by the chair of Regional Studies and Tourism, Geography Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.
Conclusions. The academic and institutional efforts scrutiny proves that Ukraine lacks the compatible system of monitoring sustainable development and sustainable development goals implementation. The pitfalls in planning go in hand with absence and gaps, shortcomings and inconsistency of measuring and monitoring tools. The feasibility of the indicator analysis of the sustainable development in Ukraine requires actualization of metadata system considered above and adaptation congruence with the sustainable development concept. The regional policy and development under decentralization reform in Ukraine multiplies the need of efficient system of public policy analysis based on grounded and spatially interpreted models, methods and indicators. Educational and public awareness efforts will serve the long-term strategy of country's development. Thus, number of tasks stipulated above will contribute the consistency of indicator analysis design relevant to the needs of the country.
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