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Fostering / experiential / teaching / competency / educational innovation.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Vũ Thanh Hòa, Nguyễn Thị Gấm

In this article, the authors have referred to the requirements of the general education program 2018 for the secondary school teachers’ experiential teaching competency and the fostering of this quality for them.

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Vu Thanh Hoa, Nguyen Thi Gam

Department of Pedagogy Ha Long University, Quang Ninh Province


In this article, the authors have referred to the requirements of the general education program 2018 for the secondary school teachers' experiential teaching competency and the fostering of this quality for them. Keywords: Fostering, experiential, teaching, competency, educational innovation.

1. Introduction

Teaching staff are the force that play an extremely important role, which determines the quality of education and training. In order to meet the requirements of constant development and innovation in education, teachers need to be trained regularly.

In Vietnam, the general education program oriented to the development of learners' qualities and capacities was promulgated in 2018. The objective of this program is to help learners have the good and necessary qualities and competencies to become responsible citizens, as well as become cultural, industrious and creative employees who meet individual development requirements for building and defending the country in the age of globalization and the new industrial revolution [1]. Starting from academic year 2021-2022, the general education program 2018 is conducted at the secondary level. Due to the fundamental changes in objectives, contents, requirements, etc., it is necessary to ensure the conditions from school facilities to the quality of teachers and educational administrators in order to successfully implement this educational program.

Following the primary education program, the secondary education program plays an important role in developing learners' qualities and competencies, including general and specific competencies etc. Contents of the subjects under the general education program 2018 have fundamentally changed compared to the current program, leading to the requirements of changing teaching forms and methods, of which the highlight is the requirement of creating opportunities for students to experience, penetrate reality in order to increase their own knowledge, experience and skills, know how to maximize living experiences in the learning process, know how to apply knowledge to form experience in practice. To achieve the objectives of teaching under this new program, teachers need to have corresponding teaching competencies, including experiential teaching so that they can be able to organize experiential learning activities for learners in an effective way.

Kold (1984) defined experiential learnging as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combinations of grasping and transforming the experience". [2]

In this article, we have referred to the requirements

of the general education program 2018 for the secondary school teachers' experiential teaching competency and the fostering of this quality for them.

2. Contents

2.1. Requirements of the general education program 2018 for the secondary school teachers' experiential teaching competency in Vietnam

- The general education program 2018 is built in an open direction, reflected in two following points [1]: 1. The general education program 2018 ensures a unified orientation, ensures the core and compulsory educational contents for students nationwide, and at the same time, it gives initiative and responsibility to localities and schools in selecting and supplementing a number of educational contents and implementation of educational plans to suit educational subjects and the conditions of the localities and schools. 2. The general education program 2018 only stipulates the general principles and orientations on the requirements to be met in terms of learners' the quality and competence, educational contents, educational methods and the evaluation of educational results, but not too detailedly-stated in order to create conditions for teachers to promote their initiative and creativity during the implementation of the program.

- The general education program 2018 promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training includes the overall program and the curriculum of subjects and educational activities. The general education program 2018 is built according to the model of capacity development, through basic, practical and modern knowledge, and the methods to actively engage learners, helping them to form and develop new skills, qualities and core competencies, which are expected by the school and society.

- The secondary education program helps learners develop the qualities and competencies that have been formed and developed at the primary level, adjust themselves according to the general standards of society, know how to apply active learning methods to complete foundational knowledge and skills, have an initial understanding of the professions and have a sense of career orientation to continue to study in high school, learn a trade or participate in working immediately.

+ Requirements for quality: The general education program 2018 aims to form and develop learners' main

qualities, such as patriotism, compassion, industrious-ness, honesty, and responsibility.

+ Requirements for competency include general and specific competencies : General competencies include autonomy and self-studying, communication and cooperation, problem-solving and creativity; Specific competencies include: language, math, science, technology, informatics, aesthetics, and physical abilities.

- Additionally, the general educational program also contributes to discovering and fostering learners' talents.

- In the general education program 2018, there are compulsory subjects and educational activities as follows: Literature, Math, Foreign language 1, Civic education, History and Geography, Natural Sciences, Technology, Informatics, Physical education; Arts (Music and Fine Arts), Experiential activities and career orientation, Local educational contents. Optional Subjects include Ethnic Languages and Foreign Languages 2. Thus, compared with the general education program 2006, the 2018 one has certain changes, increase or decrease the number of periods in some subjects, and there are some new subjects (Natural Science, Experiential activities and career orientation, History and Geography, Local educational contents).

The educational objectives and plans of the general education program 2018 set new requirements on pedagogical and professional competencies for secondary school teachers, requiring the schools to innovate and be creative in teaching, to equip teaching staff with integrated knowledge of different subjects, to approach modern teaching methods and new teaching models, especially experiential teaching.

2.2. Contents of fostering experiential teaching competency for secondary school teachers

Through the analysis of the requirements of the general education program 2018 in Vietnam for the experiential teaching competency of secondary school teachers, we have identified the structure of experiential teaching competency and the contents of this competency to be fostered for teachers.

2.2.1. Structure of secondary school teachers' experiential teaching competency

- Competency to design experiential teaching activities: This element is reflected in the fact that teachers know how to identify experiential teaching topics, determine the objectives of the experiential teaching topics, identify experiential teaching contents, design experiential teaching and learning activities in conformity with the right process.

- Competency to use experiential teaching forms and methods: This capacity is reflected in the ability to use diverse and effective forms and methods of experiential teaching such as contests, competitions, tours, picnics, clubs etc. In addition, it is reflected in the ability to use problem-solving methods, debating methods etc. to form and develop the qualities, general and specific competencies in learners.

- Competency to test and evaluate in experiential teaching: This capacity is reflected in the ability that teachers can design appropriate assessment tools and criteria to measure the level of quality development and student capacity in experiential learning.

2.2.2. Contents of fostering experiential teaching competency for secondary school teachers

Based on the requirements of the general education program 2018 and the characteristics of the subjects at secondary level, we have determined the contents of fostering experiential teaching competency for secondary school teachers, which include the follow-ings:

- Knowledge of the nature of experiential teaching (the difference between experiential teaching and conventional teaching, experiential activities vs compulsory educational activities etc.), knowledge of defining topics, defining objectives and contents, knowledge of how to design experiential teaching activities, how to design criteria and toolkits for testing and evaluating secondary school students in experiential teaching.

- Skills to identify experiential teaching topics: based on educational objectives and subject knowledge characteristics at secondary level, on the characteristics of learners, and on the specific situation of the locality, teachers determine specific output standards, from which, to choose the learning contents that constitute the appropriate experiential teaching topic.

- Skills to determine the objectives of the experiential teaching topics: to determine the objectives that learners need to achieve after the experiential activity, teachers need to be able to answer the following questions: What will learners achieve after participating in the activities of this topic? What will learners be able to do? What values can be trusted? The objectives should be clear, specific and measurable.

- Skills to identify experiential teaching contents: based on the objectives of the identified topic to determine the contents of activities required in the topic; Show the close relationship between objectives, contents, forms and methods of organizing activities. In each activity, it is also necessary to define the goals and ways of implementation.

- Skills to design experiential activities according to Kolb's experiential learning process, including the following specific stages: Stage 1: Concrete experience; Stage 2: Reflective observation; Stage 3: Abstract conceptualization; Stage 4: Active experimentation.

- Skills to design criteria and toolkits for testing and evaluating students in experiential teaching: design appropriate assessment toolkits and criteria to measure the objectives of the topic, the level of achievement in terms of quality and capacity of each learner to assess the performance results.

In order for the training of experiential teaching competency for secondary school teachers to meet the requirements of the general education program 2018 to be the most effective, it is necessary to use a combination of methods and forms of training. Methods and forms of organizing training must be suitable to the characteristics of teachers with many different subjects (age, level, conditions, IT application ability, trained major etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to diversify forms and methods of fostering, to promote the role of teachers in self-training, to strengthen feedback on training results and self-retraining to adjust the training process in order to improve the quality of training effi-

ciency. Fostering should aim to promote the self-discipline, activeness and active participation of secondary school teachers during the fostering process, helping the teachers to be well aware of the importance of fostering activities in a correct way. At the same time, it helps them have proper attitudes and motivations in the process of participating in training and self-improvement, and overcoming all difficulties to complete the set training tasks.

3. Conclusion

Teachers are an important force that directly determines the quality of education in schools and educational institutions. Continuous professional development for teachers is a necessary and indispensable condition to meet the requirements of educational innovation. Therefore, capacity building and training for teachers need to be organized regularly, ensuring updating in order to form in teachers the necessary competencies in specific contexts.

The fundamental changes in the general education program 2018 in Vietnam have required secondary school teachers to be able to organize diverse teaching forms, creating opportunities for learners to interact

with the learning objects to acquire scientific knowledge and develop personal capacity. To meet this requirement, teachers need to be capable of experiential teaching. Along with self-improvement, fostering activities are an important way to develop competency in general and experiential teaching capacity in particular for teachers.


1. Bo Giao duc va Bao tao (2018), Hoat dong trai nghiem va Hoat dong trai nghiem, huong nghiep, Ban hanh kem theo Thong tu 32/2018/TT-BGDBT ngay 26 thang 12 nam 2018.

2. David A.Kolb (1984), Experiential Learning: Experience as the source of learning and development, Prentice-Hall.

3. Phi Thi Hieu, Nguyen Bo Huong Giang, Le Van Khuyen (2019), Build qualities and competencies for students through activities experience, Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference on Digital Economy (ISCDE 2019), Atlantis Press, ISBN 978-94-6252-848-2, pp.732-736.



Ахсутова А.А.

магистр, преподаватель Алматинский университет энергетики и связи имени Гумарбека Даукеева

г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан



Akhsutova A.

Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan


В статье рассматривается связи с внедрением компетентностного подхода в системе высшего профессионального образования, предъявляются важные требования к процессу обучения, в том числе и к проведению занятий по информатике. Согласно с поставленными задачами исследования, нам в этом разделе предстоит определить пути советшенствования обучения информатике студентов технических специальностей условиях компетентностного подхода. Эти направления и пути станут механизмом реализации предложенной нами методической системы.


The article considers the connection with the introduction of the competence-based approach in the system of higher professional education, presents important requirements for the learning process, including the conduct of classes in computer science. In accordance with the objectives of the study, in this section we will determine the ways to improve the teaching of computer science to students of technical specialties in the context of a competence-based approach. These directions and ways will become a mechanism for the implementation of the methodological system proposed by us.

Ключевые слова: Информатика, компетентностного, информатизации, технологии.

Keywords: Computer science, competence-based, informatization, technology.

Вопросы совершенствования обучения информатике в системе высшего профессионального образования регулярно поднимаются самими преподавателями вузов, учеными и исследователями в

области информатики вузов. Исследователь Н.С.Прокопова ведет речь о совершенствовании предмета инфоматики в вузе. Для этого он предла-

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