FORMS OF ORGANIZATION OF THE COLLABORATIVE ENVIRONMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
collaborative / monotony / cognitive activity / upbringing / the efficiency of assimilation / inaction / unwillingness to learn / subsequently / mutual learning occurs / orthoepic five-minute

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Utebaliyeva Aliya Zharkynovna, Temirova Asiya Esenamanovna, Bissekesheva Aidana Erikkyzy

In this article is written about collaborative environment as an atmosphere in which learning is built on close interaction between learners. Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of teachers or students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product. A collaborative class is a class in which the teacher understands the measure of his responsibility, not limited only by the scope of the subject being taught. The success of learning and teaching lies in creating an atmosphere that allows the individual to feel free and safe in the learning process.

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Teacher of English elite primary school "Jaiyk Daryny West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk


Teacher of English school-lyceum #41 West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk


Teacher of English school-lyceum #41 West Kazakhstan region, Uralsk

Abstract. In this article is written about collaborative environment as an atmosphere in which learning is built on close interaction between learners. Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of teachers or students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product. A collaborative class is a class in which the teacher understands the measure of his responsibility, not limited only by the scope of the subject being taught. The success of learning and teaching lies in creating an atmosphere that allows the individual to feel free and safe in the learning process.

Key words: collaborative, monotony, cognitive activity, upbringing, the efficiency of assimilation, inaction, unwillingness to learn, subsequently, mutual learning occurs, orthoepic five-minute

As Sh.A. Amonashvili: "If you want to educate in children the power of the mind, interest in serious intellectual work, independence as a personality trait, instill in them the joy of co-creation, then create such conditions so that the sparks of their thoughts form a realm of thoughts, give them the opportunity to express themselves."

A collaborative environment is an atmosphere in which learning is built on close interaction between learners.

More than a hundred years ago, one of the most famous naturalists of his time, Thomas Huxley, defined education as the study of the rules of the game called "life." Education according to these rules meant the ability to live according to the laws of nature. Huxley wittily remarks that if the future well-being of a child depended on the ability to play chess, then there would hardly be any parents who allowed their child to grow up without knowing how to play chess. This metaphor is quite applicable to modern requirements in education, where the main rule is to teach to learn, to teach to be ready for the conditions of a rapidly changing world. So I set myself the task: to teach my students to "play chess". [15, p.52]

A modern teacher faces problems: inaction of students, unwillingness to learn, independently acquire knowledge. It is not a secret for anyone that now the teacher is faced with a choice: to continue working in the traditional form or to change something in his pedagogical activity. The monotony of the lesson, when it repeats every day in the same order, checking the completion of homework, questioning what was previously learned, consolidating and again homework, gradually causes boredom in children. The minimum part of the students is involved in the lesson, the rest are inactive. For those who have poorly mastered the material, a feeling of fear grows during the survey. Having experienced a stressful situation at the beginning of the lesson, they are not included in the study of new material, and if this happens systematically, they lose interest in learning, children fall into the category of "weak". According to the constructivist theory, the development of the student's thinking occurs when he is given the opportunity to demonstrate prior existing knowledge, connecting with the unknown, questioning, creating new assumptions, discussing in a group, thus creating new

knowledge. The student should not be limited and be completely dependent on the teacher in obtaining knowledge, he must himself acquire, discuss with fellow students' new beliefs. The student is involved in the process of exchanging thoughts and the joint acquisition and formation of knowledge is obtained. In such a situation, individual capable students can come to new knowledge in rather unique ways. [16, p. 8-9] Is it possible to find a way out of the impasse? I think it is possible if you change the form of the lesson and build it in an unconventional way, increasing the interactivity of the work. When using group work, in a collaborative environment, the depth of understanding of educational material, cognitive activity and creative independence of children increase. The nature of the relationship between children is changing: indifference disappears, class cohesion increases dramatically, children begin to better understand each other and themselves, self-criticism grows, children more accurately assess their capabilities, acquire the skills necessary for life in society. Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning, which is groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product, so you need to give students more autonomy in making decisions, and become an observer and coordinator of students' actions. [16]

Active forms of education are in which the degree of independence of students increases, an individual approach is carried out and the creative abilities of each student develop. The activity or passivity of an occupation is determined by the ability to awaken a thought, to captivate with a feeling, to induce action. Interactive learning is when there is a high level of interaction between the student and the teacher. The purpose of interactive learning is not only to convey information, but also to instill in students the skills to find answers on their own. What is important is the process of discovery, the essence of which is the acquisition of learning skills by students through interaction. According to J. Piaget: "This is a stage in the development of formal thinking, communication with peers plays a decisive role at this age. They have a deliberate desire to take part in socially significant work, become socially useful. At this time, students have fairly stable interests in various activities. At the same time, it is necessary to achieve a clear understanding by children of the goals of their activities. [16, p. 19-20] In all cases where subjects are grouped together, collaboration offers a way of working with people who respect and emphasize the abilities and contributions of each of the members of the group. The basic premise of collaborative learning is based on reaching consensus through the collaboration of group members. The collaborative learning environment is conducive to the social and emotional development of students, as it provides opportunities for getting to know different points of view, expressing and justifying their ideas. The success of the collaborative environment in the process of teaching and learning has been known and proven for a long time. "Collaborative learning" Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of teachers or students working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a product. A collaborative class is a class in which the teacher understands the measure of his responsibility, not limited only by the scope of the subject being taught. The success of learning and teaching lies in creating an atmosphere that allows the individual to feel free and safe in the learning process. Each child, coming to the lesson, brings with him some of his own problems: family, poorly learned lesson, learning goals that he did not achieve. Along with negative emotions, the student comes with an emotional outburst: a lesson that passed with an "excellent" grade, a wonderfully written essay, a coolly solved math problem... And in order to switch to another lesson, he needs time. Often this "time" is not provided by the teacher to the student. As a result, in the best case, such a student will drop out at the beginning of the lesson, perhaps from half the lesson, but in the worst case, from the entire lesson. To create a friendly atmosphere in the lesson, switching and focusing attention, a collaborative environment should be a necessary condition for each lesson. The basis of the collaborative environment is trust. Creating a trusting atmosphere in the classroom is a large percentage of the success of the lesson. [16, p.5] Working in a group is much more productive, since everyone participates in the lesson, albeit in an unequal way, but there were no students who just sat out. This work was more liked by hyperactive students with a low level of learning in the subject. Group forms of work create favorable conditions for the use of partial search or research teaching

methods. Thanks to it, students in the process of learning activities are put in an active position, each of them turns into a researcher, while the effectiveness of their cognitive activity increases through cooperation with each other. One finds it difficult, the other comes to the rescue, but everyone thinks, acts individually, contributing to the common cause. [18] By interacting in groups, students entered into new relationships with group members. Each student in the process acquired knowledge, enriching himself, then communicated this knowledge to other participants, communicating with whom he simultaneously perceived information from them - an exchange took place. Independence is a quality that must be nurtured in students. To do this, in the learning process, you need to put them in such a position that they can solve the proposed tasks without anyone's help. The quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities depends on the degree of activity of students, which increases with an increase in the level of independent work. Favorable conditions are being created for the formation of a valuable quality of a growing person - cognitive independence as a personality trait. Therefore, in all lessons, I tried to give tasks that develop the independence of students. It was important for me to build the process in such a way that, working together, students could gain knowledge on their own. Everyone had to contribute to the common cause by offering their ideas and thoughts. For example, orthoepic five-minute. She brought out the words on the board, and the guys themselves placed the stress if there were questions, they discussed in a group, then consulted a dictionary (Internet resources). So, without my help, students can independently obtain information. The motivation of students increases, as even a weak student will feel self-confidence, but this will give him confidence and will contribute to further successful learning. I organized methodical work in small groups, using interactive methods, conducted non-standard lessons: "Academic Council Meeting", "Talk Show", "Knowledge Review", "Oral Journal". Reception "Continuation of the storyline": The teacher invites the students to come up with their own continuation of the storylines, to dream up how the further fates of the main and secondary characters developed. For example, they fantasize whether Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn will become robbers in the future, as they dream. Reception "Screenplay": At the lessons of the development of coherent speech, having united in groups, we make a screenplay of films based on the studied works or documentaries. We choose a director, cameraman, costume designer, famous actors for the main roles, etc.; we come up with the name of the film, the country where the shooting will take place. Each group presents their draft screenplay; among which we choose the best one. Teach Another This is an alternative way to convey a lot of factual information to students. Instead of the teacher giving a lecture or dictating new material, students share separate information with their classmates: Each student is given a piece of paper with a certain fact or statistic. Ideally, all students receive different assignments. Students read what they have written to make sure they understand the meaning of what is written. Students walk around the classroom and share their information with other students. They should strive to convey facts or figures to as many students as possible. Students can be encouraged to develop their explanations with examples, if relevant, or by relating their facts to those of other students. After spending enough time exchanging information with other students, students can work in small groups to categorize the information they have acquired along the way. In the subsequent discussion of the work, the students can explain on the basis of which they built their classification system. The main results of the reflection can be written on the board or flipchart. [17, p. 3-6] From all of the above, we can conclude that the future belongs to collaborative learning, since in the conditions of collaborative learning, students have the opportunity to actively participate in communication with peers, present and argue their ideas, exchange a variety of judgments and beliefs, and rethink established concepts. The collaborative environment develops mutual understanding. Mutual understanding is the presence of similar knowledge about the interaction process, similar views, assumptions and assumptions among all participants in the training group, i.e. sharing the same ideas by the whole group. The main feature of the group form of work is that new knowledge is not given in finished form. Children "discover" them themselves in the process of independent activity. Only the instructor guides and summarizes this activity, providing an accurate description of the specified action algorithms.

As an observation of the atmosphere and the comfort of working in a group, I suggested that students, to fill out a questionnaire, sit in groups of four people at will. I was amazed when they sat down as they always do, only turned to face each other. I again asked them to move into groups and saw displeasure in their faces, and again I asked them to move and here they already began to laugh and move to different places and into different groups. And here I saw that 80% of the students do not want to sit down with one student (Arthur, Marat). When asked why they answered that he does nothing, does not work in class, and we do not want to work with him in a group, let him work on his own. At these words, I reminded the guys that he went to study English, and he speaks good English and can be very helpful with the group when defending a presentation or working on a text. It seemed to me that I convinced the children and after that we began to work with questionnaires.

To diagnose the level of motivation of students and the types of barriers to learning, I used a questionnaire, the purpose of which is to determine the degree of motivation for teaching children. Students were asked to select only three points from the following statements:

I have learning problems

1. I don't understand everything in the lesson

I try to learn because...

1. - the lesson is interesting

2. - parents force

3. - want to know more

4. - because it's good to work

5. - bring joy to parents

6. - keep up with comrades

7. - do not disgrace your class

8. - time is impossible to be ignorant

9. - like the teacher

10. - I love being praised

2. I get distracted in class

3. I'm bored in class

4. I don't like the subject

5. I don't have time to do homework at home.

6. I don't want to study at home

7. Don't like the teacher

8. I don't want to be in this class

9. I'm just too lazy

10. Don't want to study at all

When processing the data, it turned out that out of 12 students, six have cognitive motivation to study, four have social motivation, and two students have external motivation.

To successfully create a collaborative environment, the teacher should be attentive to how the student feels during the lesson, what difficulties he experiences, whether he understands what he can achieve during the teaching, how he perceives and how effective the learning process is for him.

In the course of work, I learned to form groups taking into account individual psychological characteristics, depending on the level of training and cognitive activity of students. At the beginning of the work, the guys developed rules and norms of behavior in the group, which they tried to follow and fulfill. These rules help create an atmosphere of trust and support in which everyone can express their feelings without fear. Although there were times when children forgot their rules, and they had to be reminded of them.

I conduct trainings to establish an atmosphere of cooperation and trust. Training "Introduction". Each participant in a circle is invited to give his name, to tell in a few words about himself only the most important. The children reacted with interest to the task, it was evident from their eyes that we usually do not listen and do not look closely at each other, we know little. By

talking about himself, a person reveals himself a little. A sense of empathy is established between the participants, which helps to carry out conflict-free communication.

Training "Guess the secret", which removes all barriers between children and wins over the interlocutor. I distribute small objects to children, break them into pairs in a random way. The partner must find out what is in his partner's hand, but for this he needs to give compliments. All children quickly guess the secret of a partner, because it is not difficult for them to say pleasant words, but rather pleasant.

The next training is "Mosaic". Children should silently build the number five, and then the house. The purpose of this training is to establish an atmosphere of cooperation, trust and identify leaders. The children lined up in silence, but they did not succeed, because for the first time they had to complete tasks without using speech. The leaders then took the initiative and lined up the entire class. To overcome the difficulties of communication in a group and normalize the psychological climate, I use the exercise "I want to say ..." (each student should share good news or impressions from his life in one minute, the rest should congratulate him). In order to rally the children, they were asked to name the group, to pick up a gesture that distinguishes them from the rest.

Another technique for creating an atmosphere of cooperation is "Good wishes", holding hands, the children gave good wishes to each other. Such trainings as "I like in you...", "Tangle of Wishes", "Walking in the Forest", "Circle of Joy" bring students together, give them the opportunity to open up, overcome fear and uncertainty. In addition, later in the lesson, when working in pairs, in groups, students feel more confident, more comfortable. Working in groups helps a lot to create a collaborative environment. It allows students to get closer, teaches them to be more tolerant of each other, teaches the ability to hear and listen to the interlocutor, that in the course of group work, discussing a particular problem, students can come to a consensus. Thus, when creating a collaborative environment, applying group work in their lessons, I would like to note that the educational and cognitive motivation of students increases, the level of anxiety, the fear of being unsuccessful, incompetent in solving some problems decreases, the group has higher learning ability, the efficiency of assimilation and updating of knowledge, with the joint performance of the task mutual learning takes place, since each student contributes to the common work, group work helps to improve the psychological climate in the classroom, develop mutual respect, the ability to conduct a dialogue and argue one's point of view.

During my work, I conducted coaching among teachers on the topic: "Creating a collaborative environment." The main goal of coaching is to consider the concept of "collaborative learning" as a philosophy of interaction, to expand the understanding of cooperation and interaction through group work. According to this goal, the tasks were defined: to reveal the concepts of "collaborative environment", "cooperation", "collaboration", to provide methodological support through familiarity with the methods of creating a collaborative environment.

As shown by a conversation with teachers at the beginning of coaching after watching an introductory video. Most of the teacher present are not familiar with the concept of "collaborative learning" and have a vague idea of the forms of organization of group work.

Analyzing their teaching practice, the participants came to the conclusion that, despite the seeming ease, it is difficult to organize group work in the classroom. Many experience difficulties in choosing the method of forming groups, in choosing tasks. There were participants who questioned the usefulness of group work in the practice of teaching and learning.

The work at the coaching session was subject to the search for answers to the following questions:

• Why work in groups?

• How to organize work in groups?

• What techniques should be used to create a collaborative environment in the classroom?

During the coaching, the following types of group work were carried out:

• Training exercise "Group necklace" - going to the task № 1

• Task № 1 - creating a poster "Rules for working in a group"

• Task № 2- work with handouts

"Types of tasks for group work"

• Task № 3- "Techniques for organizing group work"

• Training "Color improvisation"

Each stage of coaching had a certain semantic load.

The group formation method is colored stickers, which will then be used in the "Group Necklace" exercise.

The video "Ants" prompted the idea of the need to work in groups. The presentation revealed the essence of key concepts. So these two phases of coaching answered the first coaching question.

Presentation "Creating a Collaborative Environment"

The training "Group Necklace" made the participants think about the difficulties in forming groups, organizing joint work.

How to organize work in groups in such a way as to take into account the personal, business qualities of the group members, how to bring them to interaction?

What if there are children with a high level of claims in the group? Or, on the contrary, will there be a majority of children with low self-esteem in the group? How to organize work in groups in such a way as to take into account the personal, business qualities of the group members, how to bring them to interaction?

The coaching participants thought about this, commenting on the arrangement of circles on the sheet with the "group necklace".

Thus, the participants of the coaching session came to the conclusion that all members of the group should follow certain rules of work. Performing task №.1, the participants created their own rules for working in groups, depicting them on a poster.

Posters "Rules of work in groups

The developed rules after the presentation and discussion of the posters However, the participants had the opportunity to compare the creation with the slide "Rules for working in a group", paying attention to the points not marked on the posters.

Of course, every teacher involuntarily tries on coaching material for his practice: is it necessary for my students? Where can I apply it?

Task № 3 gave the participants the opportunity to consider different types of tasks for group work. It was especially important to note the role of the teacher in performing this type of task.

Task № 2 "Types of tasks for working in groups"

This task caused some difficulty for the participants, as they found it difficult to determine the role of the teacher when performing certain tasks in groups.

The answer to the most frequently asked questions by teachers: "What techniques can be used when working in groups? - became task № 3.

"Group Techniques". For this task, the technique of structuring the building into groups was


The "color" theme, which was started at the beginning of the coaching session when forming groups, was picked up at the end of the training "Color Improvisation". Along with that. That the training gave a charge of vivacity, creative energy, the participants once again had the opportunity to cooperate, discussing the upcoming performance of the group.

Analyzing this lesson, we can note the positive points:

• Coaching participants were active, creative activity;

• Completing assignments gave teachers the experience of collaborative work;

• Participants' methodological support was provided in the form of booklets with warm-up trainings and reminders on the rules of working in a group.

But there were some shortcomings on my part:

• My consultation before task № 2 was not very clear, second time consulting was required, as some participants did not quite understand the essence of the task;

• In groups, timekeepers did not always keep track of time, so tasks were delayed.

• For coaching, I chose three types of assessment: self-assessment, assessment between groups, assessment by the leader of the group, but I think the participants did not take the assessment very seriously, formally assessing themselves and others. It seems to me that the point is that there were no clear criteria for evaluation.

Despite the above difficulties and shortcomings, I think that the goals of coaching have been largely realized. Teachers have the concept of "collaborative learning", know the rules of working in groups, are armed with methods of organizing group work, understand the role of the teacher in this process, and can apply the skills gained during coaching in teaching practice. Here is what the teachers wrote in the questionnaires during the reflection: "A lot of information. Good preparation" "I found answers to many questions that worried me" "Got a lot of information. Collaboration with colleagues. Thanks" If I have the opportunity to coach, I will take into account the following points: Careful selection of the assessment system; Clear instruction for each task; Accounting for the execution time of each task;

Thus, when creating a collaborative environment, using group work in their lessons, I would like to note that the educational and cognitive motivation of students increases, the level of anxiety, fear of being unsuccessful, incompetent in solving some problems decreases, the group has higher learning ability, efficiency of mastering and actualization of knowledge, when performing the task together, mutual learning occurs, since each student contributes to the common work, group work improves the psychological climate in the classroom, develops mutual respect, the ability to conduct a dialogue and argue one's point of view. Creating a collaborative environment in the classroom contributes to the comfortable cooperation of each member of the team.

The problem on which I work in my lessons "Development of dialogic speech of students in the English lesson". Everyone knows that learning to speak plays an important role in a foreign language lesson. In my opinion, children learn a foreign language most productively at the primary and secondary levels of education. In elementary grades, I use such stages of work as learning English songs, tongue twisters, poems in order to instill interest in the subject. Work on poems instills in children a sense of beauty, awakens a love for poetry, while practicing pronunciation and expressive reading skills, fixing the learned lexical and grammatical material, enriching the vocabulary of students. And also children enjoy playing role-playing games such as "Little House". In the middle link (5-6) classes, I do group work in the lessons. In the course of group work, the learning process becomes more efficient, because it takes place with the active participation of the students themselves and the knowledge gained during this process is stored longer. Children themselves note the advantages of group work.

I also believe that in the process of learning in group work, the psychological barrier goes away, the student becomes bolder and more confident in his judgments. Student success is at the heart of overcoming the language barrier, and it can be overcome through group work.

Creating a collaborative environment in the classroom, in my opinion, contributes to a more successful achievement of goals. Collaborative learning - learning in cooperation. This environment must be present when organizing work in groups. There is a distribution of responsibility between the members of the group, which should contribute to more efficient work of the entire group.

In the lessons, students, when working in groups, can be offered the following creative tasks, such as making a cluster, a poster on the topic and defending it. From personal experience, we can say that these tasks arouse great interest and joy among students, as well as noticeable and positive results. When protecting posters and clusters, students make up their own speech, and there is no need to correct them immediately if they make any mistakes. The use of such types of work in the classroom helps to instill in children the ability to analyze, independently obtain information, be able to evaluate themselves, their classmate and group mate, in general, the work of the whole group, be

able to admit their mistakes and think about how they can be corrected, as well as the ability to cooperate and provide it all verbally.

When organizing group work, it is necessary to take into account the level of capabilities of each student. Clearly distribute functions within the group, leaving no one just a "dumb observer". Perhaps a student with low motivation will receive a responsible role and will be able to realize himself, thereby showing his knowledge, learning how to build a sentence correctly, just finding out the meaning of a word.

Also, to teach dialogical speech of students, it is necessary to select short dialogues consisting of 4-5 phrases. Having learned such a dialogue, students will be able to use its elements (greetings, politeness formulas, exclamations). To master oral speech, it is necessary to accumulate a certain vocabulary, which occurs by mastering ready-made samples and combining these samples, transformation. For this purpose, the use of various exercises should be used. For example: We could see buses.

We could see double decker buses.

We could see double decker buses in London.

We could see double decker buses in London's street.

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For the development of dialogic speech of students, I also use micro-conversations. The microtalk has a dual purpose. On the one hand, the grammatical form is being worked out, on the other hand, students acquire the skill to quickly respond to the question of the interlocutor, to give a cue in connection with its content.

In extracurricular work, I bring small sketches. For example: "At the doctor", "In the store", etc. Such work helps children develop oral speech, remember difficult words, and speak beautifully. Know-how can be used. Give the children tasks: bring playing cards, make cards of 18 words in English, and 18 more cards with their translations. Children glue cards on playing cards and play cards. In fact, they repeat words on a given topic. It's very interesting outside of school hours.

I also improve my professional skills: I attend classes of colleagues, I myself conduct open lessons and extracurricular activities during the week of languages, constantly read methodological literature, prepare children for events, and participate in seminars and pedagogical competitions and competitions.

A foreign language is the basis of any real education, so it should occupy a significant place in the curriculum.

Each teacher strives to make his lessons creative and entertaining, so that the desire and interest of schoolchildren who have just begun to study a foreign language do not fade in subsequent years. The task of the teacher is to ensure that this interest is constant and sustainable. And where is interest, there is success.


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14. State program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020 URL:http://www.nao.kz

15. The program of advanced training courses for teaching staff of the Republic of Kazakhstan, AEO "NIS", 2012

16. Teacher's Guide, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO, 2012.

17. Dyachenko V. K. "Cooperation in learning. On the collective method of educational work." - M .: Nauka, 1991. - S. 24-57, 60-81 .- (Teacher's skill: ideas, advice, suggestions).

18. Safarova, A. M. Influence of the collaborative environment on the creative activity of students in English lessons / A. M. Safarova. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 26.1 (130.1). - S. 34-36. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/130/36250/ (date of access: 04/24/2022).

19. State program for the development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020URL:http://www.nao.kz

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