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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Phí Thị Hiếu

Survival skills are a number of an individual's life skills that are able to support and determine the safety of his life in difficult and dangerous situations that suddenly happen. The article has presented the forms of educating survival skills to preschoolers at school in the mountainous areas of Vietnam.

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Phi Thi Hieu

Associate Professor Ph.D of Thai Nguyen University of Education

Viet Nam


Survival skills are a number of an individual's life skills that are able to support and determine the safety of his life in difficult and dangerous situations that suddenly happen. The article has presented the forms of educating survival skills to preschoolers at school in the mountainous areas of Vietnam.

Keywords: Survival skill, mountainous region, preschoolers, educating, form.

1. Introduction

The goal of early childhood education is aimed at a comprehensive education, preparing the necessary competencies, qualities and social skills for preschoolers to enter grade 1. In particular, educating life skills to preschoolers has been an urgent task at preschools in Vietnam today. Early childhood education program issued together with Circular 17/2009 / TT-BGBT dated July 25, 2009 of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam identified: "To help children to develop physically, emotionally, mentally, aesthetically. To form the first elements of personality; preparing children for their first grade. To form and develop children's psychological functions, abilities and qualities which are fundamental, essential and age-appropriate life skills. To arouse and maximize their potential abilities, lay the foundation for learning at the next educational levels and for their lifelong learning" [1].

Survival skills are an individual's life skills that are able to support and determine the safety of his life in difficult and dangerous situations that suddenly happen. At birth, a survival instinct is existing for everyone. However, to make that instinct become a skill, it requires an educational and training process. That process should start from an early age, right from a preschool age, to ensure it is consistent with each child's characteristics.

In mountainous areas of Vietnam, especially in remote and isolated areas, it is sparsely populated and the educational level in these areas is rather low. Due to the mountainous terrain characteristics, children are more likely to encounter injuries, such as common falls, falling down a chasm, drowning, or heartbreak grass poisoning (la ngon poisoning), being bitten or stung by animals or insects etc. Therefore, educating survival skills for children is an urgent requirement that requires the attention of the whole society. To make this activity become effective, teachers need to use appropriate educational forms and methods during their process of education.

In this article, we have presented the forms of educating survival skills to preschoolers at school in the mountainous areas of Vietnam.

2. Forms of educating survival skills to preschoolers at preschools in the mountainous areas of Vietnam

Educating survival skills to children is carried out through different forms. At preschool, some of the fundamental forms are as follows:

- Educating survival skills through literary activities

To help children identify some unsafe risks and how to avoid them, teachers use poems and songs related to this problem to teach them. Besides, preschoolers enjoy story telling. Contents of the stories often leave an indelible impression on children. Therefore, using stories with the contents of educating survival skills to educate helps children catch the ideas in an exciting, voluntary, easy-to-remember and long-lasting manner.

- Educating survival skills through musical and art activities

Kindergartners enjoy dancing, singing, acting, drawing etc. When they perform songs and dances, act in plays, draw pictures, the characteristics of characters, of objects and phenomena are clearly shown. Therefore, children can easily distinguish right from wrong, dos and don'ts. This is a favorable chance for teachers to arouse their excitement, encourage them boldly and confidently to participate in activities, stimulate them to express their thoughts, emotions, imagination and creativity when educating survival skills to them through music and art activities.

For example: When teaching the song "Goldfish swimming", the teacher asks the child why can the fish swim? Is there anyone in our class who can swim? If you can't swim, when you play near ponds, lakes, rivers and streams, accidentally you slip into the water, what will happen? So should you play near ponds, lakes, rivers and streams?

- Educating survival skills through discovery activities

Preschoolers are active, curious, eager to learn, enjoy learning about the world around them. Discovery activities help children acquire simple concepts or pre-scientific knowledge about the natural and social world, thereby forming in them the correct attitude to nature and society. Additionally, through observing and handling simple situations when exploring the world of animals, plants, and non-sterile nature (earth, water, fire, sand, gravel, rock etc.), natural phenomena (sunshine, rain, wind etc.), social phenomena (himself, family, school etc.), the intellectual abilities such as observa-

tion, thinking, imagination, communication skills, survival skills in children (avoiding burns, animal bites, drowning, poisoning etc.) are formed and developed. For example, when studying the plant world, teachers let children observe the heartbreak grass, let them know the danger of eating the leaves of this kind of plant, thereby reminding them how to avoid heartbreak grass poisoning.

- Educating survival skills through physical education

Physical education activities at preschools form and develop in preschoolers motor skills such as crawling, crawling low, climbing, throwing far with one hand, running fast, jumping over a ring etc. helping children to be agile, bold, confident, dexterous when moving and know how to protect their health. Thus, it can be said that physical education at preschool is an important activity to establish essential life skills in children, helping them to avoid accidents and injuries. If teachers use appropriate methods and forms of organizing educational activities, they will make children feel interested, actively absorb the knowledge, and form their respective skills and attitudes.

For example: To train low-crawling skills for preschoolers, the teacher organizes the game for them to play, the so-called "ladybug". In this game, the teacher integrates the content of educating children on fire prevention skills by guiding them not to panic but to calm down when facing fire and find a wet towel to cover their noses and crawl low, looking towards the closest exit.

- Educating survival skills through fun activities

Fun activities (circle time theme-based role-playing games) are the main activities for preschoolers. Fun activities are most actively and positively welcomed by children because they meet their needs. Well-organized fun activities not only help children develop their intellectual capacities, emotional life and strong-will qualities, but also develop other necessary life skills in children. For example, in a cooking game, the teacher instructs a child that when after or while cooking, if he wants to get the pot out of the stove, he needs to use 2 hand-liners to get the pot out. Children follow the teacher's instructions.

When commenting on the playgroup, the teacher raises the question: Why do you have to use 2 hand-lined cloths to get the pot out of the stove? If you use your bare hands to take it out, what will happen? Thus, through this game, they will form the skills to avoid burns when cooking.

Suffocation can occur in different situations. In order to formulate skills to avoid suffocation in children, in the creativity corner, teachers instruct children to work in groups. In each group, teachers help children recognize the dangers when they put seeds, small pieces of things into their noses, ears, mouths etc., from which they can carefully use these objects while playing to avoid suffocation.

- Educating survival skills through daily situations

Educating survival skills to preschoolers through

daily situations is to train children to react appropriately to possible situations. One of those skills is the skill to avoid accidents, know how to self-protect. Preschoolers

are so young and lack of life experience, so their skills in avoiding accidents are almost zero. They are not aware of the dangers that occur around them so that the can prevent and handle accordingly. Therefore, at the beginning of the academic year, teachers need to identify specific risks that can happen to children and teach them how to avoid that at all times of the day. For example, when the child is active outdoors, the teacher observes the child playing while instructing him/her how to play safely, such as how to climb up and down the ladder, how to firmly grasp the handrail while climbing. At the same time, this is also a way to train children how to escape when in trouble through climbing up the ladder to get out of the danger. From specific situations that easily happen to children, by allowing them to discuss, asking them to think, using their existing knowledge to find the best solution to solve the problem.

- Educating survival skills through cooperation with parents

Apart from teaching children at school, teachers should also pay attention to discussing with parents to coordinate in teaching life skills to children. Firstly, teachers need to propagandize so that parents understand the importance of teaching life skills to children at an early age. The best way to protect children is to teach them how to protect themselves and how to talk to their parents for support. The earlier children are taught how to defend themselves, how to recognize surrounding dangers and handle them, the greater their ability to avoid accidents and injuries will be developed.

- Educating survival skills through other daily activities

In addition to basic activities, educating survival skills to children can be carried out through other activities, such as:

+ Pick-up and drop-off time: during the pick-up and drop-off time, apart from teaching children communication skills, how to greet with verbal and nonverbal means of language (gestures, gestures, facial expressions etc.), self-service skills such as putting shoes and backpacks at the right places, teachers can also teach children the skills to avoid being kidnapped, such as how to recognize bad guys, absolutely don't follow strangers etc.

+ In keeping hygiene and staying clean: teachers hone children's skills to avoid accidents and injuries, to keep hygiene; not pushing each other; how to close and open the door of the cabinet when taking a cup for a drink in order to avoid pinching their hands at the door; wait in line to wash your hands with soap; After eating, get a towel to wipe your mouth, get your right cup to drink water etc.

+ During mealtimes: During mealtimes, teachers teach children how to use utensils for eating and drinking correctly; Get the pieces to fit your mouth, slowly while eating and drinking to avoid choking; Don't eat and talk at the same time; As for the fruits with seeds, the seeds should be removed before eating; Eat slowly and chew carefully.

3. Conclusion

Educating survival skills to preschoolers is an important activity at preschools generally and preschools in the mountainous region of Vietnam particularly. To make this activity effective, it requires teachers to flexibly and rationally use the educational forms, and at the same time take advantage of the opportunities and appropriate conditions in all daily activities of preschoolers at school to educate them on survival skills in order to avoid bad accidents and injuries.


1. Chuang trinh giao duc mâm non ban hành kèm theo Thông tu so 17/2009/TT-BGDBT ngày 25 thang 7 näm 2009 cùa Bô truong Bô Giao duc và Bào tao.

2. UNICEF (2012), Global evaluation of life skills education programmes, New York.


Арзуманян Н.Г.

Омский государственный медицинский университет, город Омск

Суровикина С.А.

Омский государственный педагогический университет, город Омск


Arzumanyan N.

Omsk state medical University, Omsk Surovikina S.

Omsk state pedagogical University, Omsk


В исследовании была уточнена структура электронного курса с учетом теорий социального конструктивизма и трансформирующего обучения. На примере курса «Лекционные демонстрации по физике» проверена гипотеза. Показано, что если выстраивать рефлексивную деятельность вокруг «точек роста», определенных на основе анализа учебных программ и анкетирования магистрантов, то можно добиться лучших результатов, чем при использовании традиционной методики. Статистический анализ показал, что при организации рефлексивной деятельности увеличилось количество правильно сформулированных проблемных ситуаций, улучшилось качество конспектов и публичных выступлений, необходимых для постановки лекционной демонстрации. Полученные результаты будут полезны для сотрудников вузов и преподавателей.


The study clarified the structure of the e-learning course taking into account the theories of social constructivism and transformative learning. The hypothesis is tested on the example of the course "Lecture demonstrations in physics". It is shown that if one builds reflexive activity around the "points of growth" determined on the basis of the analysis of curricula and questionnaires of master's students, then one can achieve better results than using the traditional method. Statistical analysis showed that the organization of reflexive activity increased the number of correctly formulated problem situations, improved the quality of abstracts and public speeches necessary for the production of a lecture demonstration. The results will be useful for University staff and teachers.

Ключевые слова: электронное обучение, мобильное обучение, смешанное обучение, теория социального конструктивизма, теория трансформирующего обучения, рефлексивная деятельность, рефлексия, лекционные демонстрации по физике.

Keywords: e-learning, mobile learning, blended learning, theory of social constructivism, theory of transformative learning, reflexive activity, reflection, lecture demonstrations in physics.

Исследуемая тема стала особенно актуальной, в связи с необходимостью организации дистанционного обучения в условиях пандемии. Однако актуальность исследуемой темы подчеркивалась и указом Президента РФ об утверждении программы «Цифровая экономика Российской Федерации», в котором регламентируется переход на цифровой документооборот во всех сферах. Данный процесс предъявляет новые требования к обучению в образовательных учреждениях любого уровня. Поэтому особенно актуальным становится использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий (ИКТ) в сфере образования.

В связи с этим, возникла необходимость проанализировать уже существующие виды электронного обучения, подходы к его реализации, существующие теории, которые способствуют эффективному использованию электронных технологий, а также структуру электронных курсов и роль организации рефлексивной деятельности при их освоении.

Анализ последних исследований и публик-вций. Под электронным обучением (e-Learning) мы понимаем «все формы обучения, в которых используются цифровые средства массовой информации

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