Научная статья на тему 'Formation of system of indicators for analysis and evaluation of man-made of pollution'

Formation of system of indicators for analysis and evaluation of man-made of pollution Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Ключевые слова
environmental pollution / the integrated indicator of technogenic pollution / the level of pollution

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Rytikova K.A.

Review existing methods of assessing technogenic pollution. A new approach to the formation of a system of indicators to measure man-made pollution and the definition of "contamination zones" based on the matrix approach.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of system of indicators for analysis and evaluation of man-made of pollution»

Environmental Risk Assessment

UDC 336.2

Rytikova K.A. Formation of system of indicators for analysis and

evaluation of man-made of pollution

Rytikova K. A.

Senior Lecturer Donetsk National Technical University

Abstract: Review existing methods of assessing technogenic pollution. A new approach to the formation of a system of indicators to measure man-made pollution and the definition of "contamination zones" based on the matrix approach.

Keywords: environmental pollution, the integrated indicator of technogenic pollution, the level of pollution

In modern conditions the problem of the formation of the trust funds for environmental protection is to establish a mutual connection between the amount of pollution and the factors that have the greatest influence on her. Problems of optimization of interaction between the economy and ecology, the formation of scientific bases of ecologically balanced sustainable development are reflected in the works of P. Borshevsky, L. Miller, V. Palamarchuk, R. Coase [1], A. Pigou and a number of other authors. Some theoretical and practical aspects of establishing effective economic mechanism of realization of environmental and resource-saving measures are reflected in the works of T. Khachaturov, N. Fedorenko, K. Hoffmann, O. Balatsky.

2. Materials and methods.

At the present time to assess the level of environmental pollution use the following indicators: emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere from stationary sources of pollution; emissions of harmful substances into the air from mobile sources; wastewater discharge into water bodies; the generation of hazardous waste [2].

The data that are published in the statistical yearbooks, characterize only the level of contamination on the sin- gle greatest contributor and do not allow to form an assessment of their cumulative effect. It is therefore necessary to develop a method for determining the total level of pollution for grouping of individual territories and prioritization of of financial receipts.

It is therefore expedient to go across from the absolute values of level of contamination under influence of the separate taken factor, that is usually used in statistical collections, to relative indicators (conditional pollution units). For this purpose during the analysis of actual statistical data about the indexes of contamination assumption is accepted, that a 1 conditional pollution units (c.p.u.) corresponds to 1 thousand tons of emissions of harmful substances stationary and movable sources, 1 thousand tons of generated wastes and 1 million m3 of wastewater discharged (coming from the middle concentration of contaminents in the effluents of kg/m3 or 1 thousand tons of contaminents in 1 million m3 of effluents).

The integrated indicator of technogenic pollution recommended to calculate according to the formula (1):

where TPj — integral indicator of technogenic pollution of the j-th object of analysis (region, city, enterprise), c.p.u .;

Qij — the amount the i-th type of pollutant j-th object, c.p.u .;

i — type of factor of technogenic pollution, which has a negative impact. During the analysis are studied only the factors whose negative impact been recorded relevant documentary sources of information;

n — quantity of pollutants;

j — characteristic of the object of analysis.

Integral indicator of technogenic pollution allows us to characterize the contribution of each object of analysis in the general level of technogenic pollution of the object of analysis.

In order to assess the actual level of pollution the study area, as well as for the convenience of comparison, comparison and subsequent analysis of the object groups, it is advisable to assess the degree of technogenic pollution depending on the size of the object of analysis and population size within the object of analysis.

The following indicators recommended to be used for this analysis:

— an indicator of density of technogenic pollution;

— an indicator of anthropogenic impact on the social environment.

An indicator of density of technogenic pollution can define according to the formula (2):

where IDTPj — an indicator of density of technogenic pollution of the j-th object of analysis, c.p.u./thousand km2;

TPj — integral indicator of technogenic pollution of the j-th object of analysis,


Sj — area of the j-th object of analysis, thousand km2.

An indicator of anthropogenic impact on the social environment can define according to the formula (3):


where IAIj — an indicator of anthropogenic impact on the social environment, c.p.u./ thousands of people;

TPj — integral indicator of technogenic pollution of the j-th object of analysis,


Pj — population of the j-th object of analysis, thousands of people.

The values of these particular indicators for the analysis of objects (region, city, enterprise) can take only positive values. Indicators may be equal to zero if concerning the present object is not fixed neither of pollution factors, that is «absolutely pure».

Average annual values of the indicators for the object as a whole is recommended to take as a criterial value. This will allow group the components of the object in accordance with the received average annual values of indicators and create a matrix approach to the definition of «contamination zones» (figure 1):

— Quadrant 1 — objects that do not require intervention by the state.

— Quadrant 2 — objects for which it is recommended the development and implementation of environmental measures.

— Quadrant 3 — objects for which it is recommended improved the manufacturing process to protect the public from the harmful effects of the identified factors and normalization of the ecological situation.

— Quadrant 4 — objects for which it is recommended the development and implementation of environmental protection measures, as well as the creation of landscaped parks and recreational areas.


2 quadraat

3 quadrant

A (ID TP; Ml)


1 quadraat

4 quadrant

Figure 1. The distribution of the units of analysis depending on the average annual

values of indicators

The intersection of the axes is the point A with coordinates (IDTP; IAI) for the facility as a whole.

3. Results and Discussion.

Grouping of individual objects in the «contamination zones» allows:

— concretize main environmental issues related to the level of man-made pollution;

— identify the main existing social problems on the basis of the negative consequences of environmental situations;

— assess the extent of the negative impact of industrial production on the environment of the object of analysis in general;

— substantiate the feasibility and priority spending target budgetary funds of environmental natural environment at overcoming consequences of man-made disasters caused by the results of economic activities of industrial production;

— prioritize areas of financial resources from the centralized budgetary funds in the specific administrative area in the solution of environmental problems.


1. Coase, Ronald. The Nature of the Firm // Economica, Vol. 4, No. 16, November 1937 pp. 386-405.

2. Arief Anshory Yusuf, Budy P. Resosudarmo. Assessing the Value of Clean Air in a Developing Country: A Hedonic Price Analysis of the Jakarta Housing Market, Indonesia. Australian National University. Economics and Environment Network Working Paper, 2006.

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