FORMATION OF SYMBIOTIC AND SEED PRODUCTIVITY OF SOY UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF INOCULATION AND FERTILIZER Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
soybean / inoculation / Phosphonitragin / fertilizer / duration of symbiosis / biological nitrogen / productivity.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Furman V. A., Furman O. V., Svistunova I. V.

The article highlights research results on the impact of fertilization and seed inoculation by preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria (Br. japonicum) and phosphorus-mobilizing microorganisms (B. mucilagi-nosus) on the formation of symbiotic and seed productivity of soybean crops. It was established that on typical low-humus medium-loam chernozems, seed treatment by Phosphoni-tragin on background of N30Р60K60+N15 application in the budding phase contributes to the formation of the maximum symbiotic productivity of soybean crops (the amount of accumulated biological nitrogen in the Vil-shanka variety is 124.2 kg/ha, in the Suzirya variety 130.3 kg/ha;), and the largest seed yield in the experi-ment 2.91 t/ha in the early-ripening variety and 3.17 t/ha in the mid-ripening variety.

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бюресурав i природокористування Украши. Сер. Arp0H0MiH. 2017. Вип. 269. С. 160-168.

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19. Чабан В. I., Коваленко В. Ю., Клявзо С. П. Параметри вмюту гумусу в чорноземi звичайному та прогноз його змш залежно ввд агровиробничого ви-користання. Бюлетень 1нституту зернового госпо-дарства. 2010. № 38. С. 64-69.

20. Медведев Е. Б. Поживний режим чорно-зему звичайного залежно вiд cnoco6iB його обробь тку i добрив в умовах Швшчного Степу Украши. Агробюлопя. 2019. № 2. С. 21-32.

21. Медведев Е. Б. Вплив способiв обробiтку i добрив на родючють грунту та урожайнiсть сшьсь-когосподарських культур в умовах швшчно1 час-тини Донецького кряжу. Зерновi культури. 2018. № 2. С. 314-323.

УДК 635.655:631.5

Furman V. A.,

Doctor of Philosophy in Ariculture, Director of ES "EFSalivonkivske", Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences,

Furman O. V.,

Doctor of Philosophy in Ariculture, agronomist for seed production of SE "EF Salivonkivske", Institute of bioenergy crops and sugar beets of the National Academy of Sciences

Svistunova I. V.,

Doctor of Philosophy in Ariculture, associate professor, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine DOI: 10.24412/2520-6990-2022-35158-21-24 FORMATION OF SYMBIOTIC AND SEED PRODUCTIVITY OF SOY UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF



The article highlights research results on the impact of fertilization and seed inoculation by preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria (Br. japonicum) and phosphorus-mobilizing microorganisms (B. mucilagi-nosus) on the formation of symbiotic and seed productivity of soybean crops.

It was established that on typical low-humus medium-loam chernozems, seed treatment by Phosphonitragin on background of N30P60K60+Ni5 application in the budding phase contributes to the formation of the maximum symbiotic productivity of soybean crops (the amount of accumulated biological nitrogen in the Vilshanka variety is 124.2 kg/ha, in the Suzirya variety - 130.3 kg/ha;), and the largest seed yield in the experiment - 2.91 t/ha in the early-ripening variety and 3.17 t/ha in the mid-ripening variety.

Keywords: soybean, inoculation, Phosphonitragin, fertilizer, duration of symbiosis, biological nitrogen, productivity.

Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill) - the main leguminous crop in the world agriculture of the 21st century. Thanks to the achievements of breeders, today there are many high-tech, highly productive and disease-resistant soybean varieties. However, the level potential of their productivity realization is largely determined by soil and climatic features and adapted cultivation technology [3, 9].

The application of mineral fertilizers allows to significantly opening the productivity potential of soybean. Moreover, the question of the feasibility of using nitrogen fertilizers on soybeans remains the most controversial [1, 4]. Thanks to nitrogen fixation, soybean plants can partially or even completely satisfy their nitrogen needs. However, the symbiotic interaction between the micro- and macrosymbiont regarding molecular nitrogen fixation is not always highly effective, since many varieties of soybeans are characterized by low susceptibility to inoculation with active strains of nodule bacteria, as a result of which their root system is populated by spontaneous low-active local races [2, 5].

In addition to the complementarity of symbiotic partners, the level of activity and productivity of the

symbiosis is significantly affected by the hydrothermal regime, nitrogen nutrition and other factors [6, 8], therefore, with growing high-intensity soybean varieties it is not always possible to fully provide their plants by nitrogen due to only biological nitrogen fixation. With insufficient supply of biological nitrogen, soybean from a culture that accumulates fixed nitrogen turns into a culture that consumes soil nitrogen [7]. The use of bacterial preparations does not exclude the possibility of introducing moderate doses of nitrogen mineral fertilizers, since insufficient concentration of this nutrient, especially at the initial stages of plant growth, is often the cause low intensity of the photosynthesis process [3, 4, 7]. However, the exact rates, doses, and timing of applying nitrogen fertilizers to soybeans depend significantly on the variety and growing conditions [4, 6, 9].

Thus, despite a significant number of works devoted to the study of the ratio of autotrophic and symbiotic nitrogen nutrition of soybean plants, the question of the feasibility of applying nitrogen fertilizers to it has not yet been sufficiently studied. And since mineral fertilizers in general are the most expensive component of

technology, in the context of the general problem of resource conservation, the search for ways to reduce them is an urgent scientific issue.

The purpose of the research is to analyze the effect of fertilizing and seed inoculation by the complex bacterial preparation Phosphonitragin on the formation of soybeans symbiotic and seed productivity in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe.

Field research was carried out during 2013-2015 at the experimental field of the State Enterprise "Salivonkivske" Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The soil of the experimental site is a typical low-humus medium-loam chernozem.

Presentation of the main research material. When calculating the symbiotic productivity of soybean crops, it is extremely important to determine the period of active work of nodules, when they fix free atmospheric nitrogen. The duration of general symbiosis was determined from the appearance of the first nodules on soybean roots to their complete disintegration, the duration of active symbiosis - from the appearance of red pigment in the nodules to its destruction [3, 5].

It was established that, on average, the duration of active symbiosis in soybean varieties Vilshanka and Suzirya was 8-13 days shorter compared to its total duration.

In the medium-ripening variety Suzirya, which is characterized by a longer growing season, the periods of general (90-104 days) and active symbiosis (81-96 days) were longer in the experiment, which lasted 8196 and 73- 85 days. Seeds inoculation by Phosphoni-tragin extended duration of the general symbiosis in the 140 -

60 -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-


research options

^^Vilshanka variety, without inoculation ^^Vilshanka variety, with inoculation -ii Suzirya variety, without inoculation ^HSuzirya variety, with inoculation

Content of variants: 1 - control, 2 - P60K60, 3 - NisPœKeo, 4 - N30P60K60. 5 - N45P60K60, 6 - P60K60 +N15, 7 -N15P60K60 + N15 in the budding phase, 8 - N30P60K60 + N15 in the budding phase

Fig. 1 The amount of nitrogen fixed by soybean plants depending on the elements of cultivation technology,

kg/ha (average for 2013-2015)

Vilshanka variety by 5 days compared to the control variant, and in the Suzirya variety by 4 days. The duration of active symbiosis was increased by 5 days in both varieties.

A single application of nitrogen fertilizers in a dose of N15-30 on the background of P60K60 did not change the duration of active symbiosis in the early-maturing variety and extended it by 1 day in the medium-maturing variety. Retail application of nitrogen fertilizers N15-30P60K60+ N15 increased duration of active symbiosis in the Vilshanka variety by 3-4 days, in the Suzirya variety by 5-6 days.

The longest periods of both general and active symbiosis were noted in the variants of the experiment, where pre-sowing seeds treatment by Phosphonitragin was carried out and N15-30P60K60+ N15 was applied in the budding phase. As a result of the combined action of the mentioned technological factors, active symbiosis lasted 84-85 days in the Vilshanka variety, 94-96 days in the Suzirya variety.

In our research, we also studied the effect of mineral fertilizers and seed inoculation by a preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria (Br. japonicum) and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms (B. mucilagi-nosus) on the amount of symbiotically fixed nitrogen, using the values of active symbiotic potential and specific active symbiosis for calculations.

According to the results of the conducted research, it was established that the largest amount of biological nitrogen in the experiment was recorded by soybean crops of the Suzirya variety - 70.9-130.3 kg/ha (Fig. 1).

«<g©yL©(MUM~JOy©MaL» #35Î118), 2022 / AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES


On crops of both varieties, on average over three years, the lowest amount of symbiotically fixed nitrogen was noted on the control variants - 65.1 kg/ha in the Vilshanka variety and 70.9 kg/ha in the Suzirya variety. Seeds bacterization increased the level of biological nitrogen accumulation in the Vilshanka variety by 52.4%, in the Suzirya variety by 47.1%. Mineral fertilizers, compared to bacteriization, had a less effect on nitrogen fixation indicators - depending on the fertilizing option, the amount of biologically fixed nitrogen in the Vilshanka variety increased only by 2.9-15.0 kg/ha, in the Suzirya variety - by 3.3- 10.1 kg/ha. According to the level of biological nitrogen accumulation, the lowest productivity was obtained in the variant where N45P60K60 was applied, which is explained by the suppressive effect of increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers on the activity of the nitrogen fixation process.

The most intensive accumulation of biological nitrogen occurred under the complex effect of mineral fertilizers and seed treatment by Phosphonitragin, as a result of which the amount of fixed nitrogen in soybean crops exceeded the control by 58.7-83.8%.

The most productive in terms of the level of biological nitrogen accumulation in the experiment were the symbiotic systems of the variety Vilshanka (124.2

kg/ha) and variety Suzirya (130.3 kg/ha) with the application of mineral fertilizers in a dose of N30P60K60 + N15 in budding phase and carrying out seed bacteriization by a preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms.

At the same level as the factors studied according to the scheme of the experiment, the hydrothermal conditions of the year exerted a significant influence on symbiotic productivity formation. According to the calculations, the largest amount of symbiotically fixed nitrogen (77.2-145.6 kg/ha) was obtained in 2013, which was characterized by a sufficient amount and uniform precipitation against the background of moderate average daily temperatures. In 2015, as a result of insufficient precipitation and high average daily temperatures, the level of accumulated biological nitrogen did not exceed 49.6-107.5 kg/ha.

The analysis of the yield level allows assessing the effectiveness of certain agrotechnical measures. On average, in 2013-2015, the highest yield of the soybean varieties was formed under the condition of the combination of seed inoculation by Phosphonitragin and the introduction of N30P60K60 into the main fertilizer with extra-feeding of N15 in the budding phase, which made it possible to obtain 2.91 t/ha of seeds of the Vilshanka

variety, Suzirya variety i - 3.17 t/ha (Table 1). 1. Soybean seed yield depending on inoculation and doses of mineral fertilizers, t/ha (average for


Fertilizing Inoculation Vilshanka variety Suzirya variety

yield, t/ha an increase yield, t/ha an increase

% %

Without fertilizer (control) n* 1,89 - 2,19 -

y 2,16 14,3 2,43 11,0

P60K60 n 2,05 8,5 2,46 12,3

y 2,40 27,0 2,65 21,0

N15P60K60 n 2,18 15,3 2,53 15,5

y 2,46 30,2 2,71 23,7

N30P60K60 n 2,33 23,3 2,66 21,5

y 2,70 42,9 2,84 29,7

N45P60K60 n 2,47 30,7 2,73 24,7

y 2,73 44,4 2,88 31,5

P60K60 +N15 n 2,23 18,0 2,58 17,8

y 2,50 32,3 2,74 25,1

N15P60K60 + N15 n 2,48 31,2 2,79 27,4

y 2,81 48,7 3,02 37,9

N30P60K60 + N15 n 2,54 34,4 2,91 32,9

y 2,91 54,0 3,17 44,7

LSD0,05 total LSD 0,05 variety LSD 0,05fertilizing LSD 0,05 inoculation 0,54 0,14 0,28 0,14

*Note: n - variants of the experiment without the use of inoculation; y - variants of the experiment using pre-sowing inoculation.

Compared to the absolute control, the yield increase on these variants was, respectively, 1.02 and 0.98 t/ha or 54.0 and 44.7%.

Thus, in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine on typical low-humus chernozem,

the duration of soybeans symbiotic apparatus functioning and its productivity can be regulated to a certain extent by agrotechnical methods. The level of productivity of soybean was determined by the efficiency of the symbiotic apparatus. The most productive both in terms of the level of biological nitrogen accumulation (124.2-

130.3 kg/ha) and in terms of the productivity (2.91-3.17 t/ha) were the areas where mineral fertilizers were applied in the dose of N30P60K60 + N15 in the budding phase, and seeds were treated by a preparation based on strains of nodule bacteria (Br. japonicum) and phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms (B. mucilaginosus).


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