Научная статья на тему 'Formation of sociocultural competence of students at primary school by means of English poems and songs'

Formation of sociocultural competence of students at primary school by means of English poems and songs Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kamet Kausar Bakytzhankyzy

The article discusses the main directions of work on the formation of socio-cultural competence of students in English classes. As the object of study, English music and songs were chosen

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Текст научной работы на тему «Formation of sociocultural competence of students at primary school by means of English poems and songs»




Kamet Kausar Bakytzhankyzy

master student Ablai Khan KazUIRandWL, A lmaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract. The article discusses the main directions of work on the formation of socio-cultural competence of students in English classes. As the object of study, English music and songs were chosen.

The problem of the students' socio-cultural competence formation currently attains special significance. The formed socio-cultural competence is a guarantor of effective cross-cultural communication, i.e. an adequate interaction with representatives of other cultures.

The goal of mastering a foreign language is the introduction to a different culture and participation in the dialogue of cultures. This goal is achieved through the formation of the ability to intercultural communication. It is the teaching, organized on the basis of communicative tasks; learning foreign language communication using all the necessary means and techniques for this is a distinctive feature of a foreign language lesson. One of the tools for the formation of socio-cultural competence is songs.

The solution of this task is possible only under the condition that it influences not only the consciousness of the students, but also the penetration into their emotional sphere. One of the most effective ways to influence the feelings and emotions of schoolchildren is music, which is the strongest psychological stimulant that penetrates into the latent depths of consciousness. Ya.A. Comenius wrote that one who does not know music is likened to a person who does not know letters [1].

Next, consider the benefits of using songs in English classes.

1. Songs, as one of the types of verbal communication, are a means of firmly mastering and expanding lexical units, since include new words and phrases. In them, the already familiar vocabulary is found in the new contextual environment, which helps to activate it. The songs often contain proper names, geographical names, the realities of the country of the language being studied, and poetic words. This contributes to the development of schoolchildren's sense of language, knowledge of its stylistic features.

2. The songs are better absorbed and activated grammatical structures.

3. The songs contribute to the improvement of the skills of foreign language pronunciation, the development of musical hearing. It has been established that ear for music, auditory attention and auditory control are closely related to the development of the articulator apparatus.

4. The songs contribute to the aesthetic education of students, rallying the team and a more complete disclosure of the creative abilities of each. Thanks to the music in the lesson, a favorable psychological climate is created, the psychological load is reduced, language activity is activated, emotional tone is increased, and interest in learning English is maintained.

5. The songs stimulate monologue and dialogical utterances, serve as the basis for the development of students' verbal thinking, and contribute to the development of both prepared and unprepared speech.

As noted by E.N. Solovova, any song is words put to music [2]. Therefore, in terms of learning a foreign language, the system of working with a song will be in many ways similar to the system of working on a text. It should be borne in mind that the song lyrics can be more or less meaningful, meaningful in terms of meaning. Obviously, for educational purposes, it is desirable to use songs with a winning text that:

- bears a large stock of information about the culture and history of the country, people;

- it is interesting in terms of ideas and gives a rich ground for discussion;

- it is lyrical, it lays well on music and is easily remembered;

- is a self-valued language and speech production;

- saturated interesting vocabulary, diverse and repetitive grammatical structures, figurative expressions, literary trails, stylistic techniques, etc.

But in order for the song to play its positive role, as noted by E. Solovova, you need to adhere to a certain algorithm for its use [2, p. 36]. You need to start with a careful selection of the song. Some principles should be adhered to here, namely: the song should be authentic, it should correspond to the age and interests of the students (ideally chosen by the students themselves).

It is also necessary to match the song with the students' language level, the methodical value of the song, and some correlation with the curriculum. If the choice of a song fits these principles, then potentially it can be very useful.

For the development of sociocultural competence, it is important to have the following information in the text: geography and history of the country of the language being studied, facts of political and social life, facts of everyday life, availability of ethnocultural information, various kinds of symbolism, availability of information

about behavioral culture including behaviors in various situations, conversational formulas, norms and values of society.

It would be advisable to consider the recommendations of Nikitenko H.K. and Osnyakova O.M. on work with song material. These authors offer the following approximate sequence of work with a song [3]:

1. A brief introductory word about the song (its character, style, content, history of creation, installation on the first perception of the song).

2. The first musical presentation of the song, acquaintance with the musical side of the song, features of melody, rhythm, division into musical phrases.

3. Check the understanding of the content of the song (literal translation of the text by the common efforts of students under the guidance of a teacher).

4. Phonetic processing of the lyrics. At the initial stage of learning a foreign language, it is advisable to use for this purpose basically a method of imitation.

5. Re-listening to the song, based on the text.

6. Reading the lyrics with further processing of sounds and intonations, all work is recommended based on the lyrics.

7. Performing exercises aimed at focusing the attention of students on those elements of cultural information that are contained in the text.

8. Learning a melody in the process of playing a song together using the soundtrack of the song, as well as the accompaniment.

Phrase combinations and grammatical structures are fixed in the students' memory.

Comprehensive development of practical, educational and developmental learning tasks is possible only if the impact is not only on the minds of students, but also penetration into their emotional sphere.

Music and singing can be invaluable in learning a foreign language at school.

The methodological advantages of songs in the teaching of foreign languages as one of the types of speech communication is a means of a more solid assimilation and expansion of vocabulary, as it includes new words and phrases. In the songs, the already familiar vocabulary is found in the new contextual environment, which helps to activate it specifically with its own, geographical names, the realities of the country of the language being studied, and poetic words. This contributes to the development of schoolchildren's sense of language, knowledge of its stylistic features.

The songs are better absorbed and activated grammatical structures, the frequent repetition of which leads to automation.

Subject to this algorithm, the effectiveness of using the song will be high. It is also necessary to remember that not only the lyrics are of interest to us, but also the music itself, which can create a favorable creative atmosphere in the classroom, stimulates the students' imagination.

The song genre as one of the important genres of musical creativity due to the presence of a verbal text can accurately and vividly reflect various aspects of the social life of the people of the country of the language being studied. The song, like any other work of art, has a communicative function, i.e. the transmission of the content laid down by its author to the addressee. At the same time, unlike the educational texts of a general cultural character, which primarily inform the reader (or listener), i.e., they affect his intellect and memory, the song as a regional study material influences a person's emotions and his image-artistic memory.

Of great importance for the formation of sociocultural competence is the study of the culture of English-speaking countries and home country. There are a sufficient number of methodical electives, such as, for example, "English Songs", "American Songs", which can be used both in class and during extracurricular time (circle work, electives, facultative).

Such a program is based on the method of using authentic musical and poetic material of Great Britain and America. This material allows students to get acquainted with the works of famous musicians of the world, to give their assessment, to express their attitude to the diversity of cultures and to find something in common that unites all the creative trends of world culture [4].

We can note the great potential of the English song in the development of students' sociocultural competence, as many of the songs illustrate the reflection of the problems of modern society. Since not all songs carry the same cultural studies load, it is possible to use only its fragments or segments, for this purpose it is necessary to carefully develop exercises with them. An excerpt from a song can be used, for example, as a preface to a topic. Let us give an example of this kind of work with a song in the framework of the lessons on the topic "Religion" [5]:

« When I find myself in times of troubles Mother Mary comes to me Speaking words of wisdom: "Let it be" ("The Beatles ") And the three men I admire the most The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost (Madonna)»

Based on the content of this musical and poetic test, students can conclude about what religion English-speaking countries adhere to. But if it immediately becomes clear that this is Christianity, then you can still reflect

with the students about the semantic and stylistic burden these lines bear, which contributes not only to the formation of sociocultural competence, but also to the personal development of students and their outlook.

If the teacher has the goal of forming sociocultural competence, then the exercise system will be aimed at focusing the students' attention on those elements of cultural information that are contained in the text.

For the development of sociocultural competence, it is important to have the following information in the linguodidactic material: geography and history of the country of the language being studied, facts of political and social life, facts of everyday life, availability of ethnocultural information, various kinds of symbolism, availability of information about behavioral culture, including behavioral characteristics in various situations, colloquial formulas, norms and values of society.

Students should learn that the fireplace and the mantelpiece on which the clock is ticking is part of the furnishings of any Briton's home, and that the story in the song is about an ordinary person in England.

Thus, it is obvious that the English-language song material is really rich in the information necessary for developing students' sociocultural competence in foreign language lessons.

The method of using poems and songs in a foreign language lesson is an important component of the process of learning a foreign language in order to develop the students' sociocultural competence.

This is an organized group activity, which requires the tension of emotional and mental forces from both the teacher and schoolchildren. Surprisingly, there are cases when, in the process of such work, even weak students can discover other abilities in themselves, for example, creative ones. A student who is weak in language training may become more active, since resourcefulness and ingenuity here are sometimes more important than knowledge of the subject. Also, the use of English-speaking musical and poetic material in foreign language lessons is the most interesting type of work, which contributes to increasing the motivation of students to learn a foreign language and culture of the respective country not only in the classroom, but independently.

Thus, according to the results of the study, we conclude that sociocultural competence is an integral part of the content of teaching foreign languages in the framework of modern language education. The presence of its formation among students is necessary, as it implies a set of knowledge about the country of the language being studied, national and cultural characteristics of social and speech behavior of native speakers and the ability to use such knowledge in the process of communication, following customs, rules of conduct, etiquette, social conditions and stereotypes behavior of native speakers. It is this knowledge and skills that contribute to successful interaction with representatives of another culture.


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3. Reimer P.V. The use of songs in foreign language lessons. // Foreign languages at school. - 2007. - № 2.

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4. Повышение социокультурной компетенции учащихся / URL: festival.1september.ru/articles/617447/ (дата обращения: 30.05.2020)

5. MusicExercises/URL:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_af_L9LZ_biBknf71GDA-

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Бежанова Наталия Леонидовна

кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры дошкольного, начального и специального образования Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Севастопольский государственный университет», Гуманитарно-педагогического института Климцова Виктория Алексеевна учитель начальных классов Государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 34 имени Александра Шостака»,

Россия, г.Севастополь

Аннотация. В статье представлен инструментарий проверки уровня сформированности умений учеников третьего класса решать задачи алгебраическим способом, состоящий из критериев, показателей и заданий.

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