FORMATION OF SKILLS OF USING MEDIATECHNOLOGIES IN PUPILS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Sulaymanova D.

Background. In the 21st century, there is an increasing increase in the influence of media technologies on a person. A large stream of the use of computer technology on television, new information, advertising, the development of game consoles, electronic toys and computers have an impact on the upbringing of a child. This article presents data on the state of use of media technology by students.Methods. In this article were used methods questioning and mathematic statistics.Results. This article presents the result of an initial survey on the state of pupil use of media technology.Conclusion. The results of studying the literature on the dissertation problem are explained by the answers to the questionnaire of the teachers of the 5th grade of computer science and students who took part in the experimental work. In the course of an innovative experiment, a special methodology for organizing computer science classes for 5th grade general secondary education using media technologies was developed and effectively applied in practice during the formative experiment.

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DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.53885/edinres.2021.52.25.009

Сулайманова Дилдора,

Ислом Каримов номидаги Тошкент давлат техника университети Олмалщ филиали математик ва табиий-илмий фанлар кафедраси

катта уцитувчиси


Сулайманова Дилдора,

Старший преподаватель кафедры математики и естествознания Алмалыкского филиала Ташкентского государственного технического университета имени Ислама Каримова


Sulaymanova Dildora,

Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics and

Natural Sciences

Abstract: Background. In the 21st century, there is an increasing increase in the influence of media technologies on a person. A large stream of the use of computer technology on television, new information, advertising, the development of game consoles, electronic toys and computers have an impact on the upbringing of a child. This article presents data on the state of use of media technology by students.

Methods. In this article were used methods questioning and mathematic statistics.

Results. This article presents the result of an initial survey on the state of pupil use of media technology.

Conclusion. The results of studying the literature on the dissertation problem are explained by the answers to the questionnaire of the teachers of the 5th grade of computer science and students who took part in the experimental work. In the course of an innovative experiment, a special

TabMUM ea umoea^on madK,UK,omnap (2021 uum №4) ISSN 2181-1709 (P)


methodology for organizing computer science classes for 5th grade general secondary education using media technologies was developed and effectively applied in practice during the formative experiment.

Keywords: media technologies, for 5th grade general secondary education, pupils.

Introduction. Like every teacher, I am interested in the most effective use of modern information computer technologies in my lessons, for this purpose I study the experience of my colleagues, I am constantly looking for new approaches in teaching my subject, I always try to captivate my students, develop curiosity when learning each new one. topics, teach each child in a short period of time to master, transform and use huge amounts of information in practice. It is very important to organize the learning process so that the child actively, with interest and enthusiasm works in the lesson, sees the fruits of his labor and can evaluate them.

Combining the capabilities of a TV, VCR, book, calculator, being a universal toy capable of imitating other toys and a wide variety of games, a modern computer, at the same time, is an equal partner for a child, capable of very subtly reacting to his actions and requests, which he sometimes lacks. On the other hand, ICT helps teachers to better assess the child's abilities and knowledge, to understand him, encourages him to look for new, non-traditional forms and methods of teaching.

Materials and methods. The iSpring Power Point program is most convenient for teachers of general education schools in terms of compliance with the qualification requirements for computer science and information technology in general education, secondary and secondary specialized, professional educational institutions, established by state educational standards, as well as the stages of studying computer science. Attracting the attention of 5th graders to teaching using media technologies is also one of the main tasks of a computer science teacher in connection with the formation of basic competencies defined in the State Educational Standard. In particular, in the context of today's pandemic and globalization, it is impossible not to admit that the role and capabilities of media technologies in the information environment of society have increased several times. Of course, the demands of the times show that this is important from a pedagogical point of view.

Results and discussion. According to N.I. Pak, the creation and organization of training courses using e-learning tools, especially based on Internet technologies, is a difficult technological and methodological task. At the same time, large labor costs for the development of e-learning tools are often not compensated for by their effectiveness due to their rapid obsolescence. Nevertheless, the industry of computer teaching materials is


expanding due to their relevance and social significance.

In this regard, it is relevant to develop concepts for the construction and use of computer teaching aids, in particular electronic textbooks, adequate to modern ideas for the development of education (open education, distance education, etc.)

One of the most popular computer-aided teaching tools are electronic textbooks, which make it possible to implement the functions of teaching, self-study, demonstration of the studied material, training in the application of the studied material, control and self-control, systematization of the acquired knowledge, and thus being a multipurpose teaching tool [4].

A.Yu. Ivanova emphasizes that in the process of conducting informatics lessons, along with ordinary textbooks, both teachers and students need to use bright and colorful presentations, have slides designed to emotionally involve students, involve them, stimulate their imagination [2].

According to V.P. Balakina, teachers widely use Power Point to create electronic textbooks, slides, their presentation is accompanied by an explanation of new material. She believes that such electronic materials allow the teacher to work without tools such as a traditional blackboard and chalk. [3].

Despite the large-scale reforms carried out in recent years to inform society and education, the provision of high-quality educational services, the development of science and technology and the development of mechanisms and technologies for informatization of education, the creation and use of e-learning resources, despite the significant scientific work of our scientists on the use of information technologies and implementation is very relevant.

As in all studies in the field of pedagogy and psychology, based on the research problem of the quality of the respondents' research, in our research work it is necessary to determine the initial levels and stages of mastering the quality of media technologies, to study the achievements and shortcomings, the development of methods of enrichment and its elimination, practical verification is important. part of the experimental work. To form a specific methodology, it is necessary to determine the level of respondents' use of products created and developed using media technologies. For this, individual questionnaires were formed for students and teachers involved in the experimental work, and preliminary conclusions about the current situation were drawn from the content of the answers to the questions received by the respondents.

^%\TaymM ea umoea^on maöyu^mxap (2021 üun №4)

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ISSN 2181-1709 (P)

Table 1. Results of the questionnaire on the degree of understanding of _media products

№ Products Per cent

1 Entertainment media 82%

2 Communication (telephone, computer, etc.) 76%

3 Virtual media (social networks, virtual communities, etc.) 79%

4 Online learning platforms (uzedu.uz, utube.uz, mover.uz, etc.) 37%

№ Knowledge, skills and abilities Per cent

1 Knows the science of computer science and the history of its development; 45%

2 can start and shut down the computer properly; 86%

3 follow safety rules and hygiene requirements when working on a computer; 56%

4 knows the basic devices of the computer and their functions, can use them; 52%

5 searches and collects various types of information from information sources; 34%

6 can use elements of the operating system. 45%

7 knows a simple graphics editor and its capabilities; 42%

8 stores and uses searched graphical information; 37%

9 knows the difference between a text editor and a processor, their capabilities, stores and uses the searched textual information; 22%

10 knows the concepts of word processor, such as character, word, line, paragraph, text, block, page layout number, can apply in practice. 63%

11 Can give simple examples of information coding, perform practical exercises; 12%

12 knows the basic and additional computer hardware and their functions, can use them; 36%

13 can use the capabilities of the word processor, such as columns, hyperlinks, footers, screen capture on the page. 32%

Table 2. Results of the survey on respondents' access to media products

According to preliminary results, the content given to respondents-students in school computer science lessons is often incomprehensible to them, an abundance of terms, a lack of theoretical knowledge; Teachers noted that they do not actively use media technologies in the classroom.

Students admitted that they use media technologies and media products in everyday life, and not in computer science lessons, but they find it difficult to say which methods and technologies they use are theoretically or scientifically (officially) called.

According to the survey, students are more in need of "entertainment" media products than "educational" media products. This is confirmed by the quantitative indicators recorded during the experiment.

Conclusion. Despite the fact that in the past decade, especially in the


context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of media products and media technologies in the life of individuals and society has grown at an unprecedented pace, work on the use of media technologies in education is not enough. To prove our opinion, the results of studying the literature on the dissertation problem are explained by the answers to the questionnaire of the teachers of the 5th grade of computer science and students who took part in the experimental work. In the course of an innovative experiment, a special methodology for organizing computer science classes for 5th grade general secondary education using media technologies was developed and effectively applied in practice during the formative experiment. We will talk more about this in our next articles.


1. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 6, 2017 No 187 «On approval of state educational standards of general secondary and secondary special, vocational education» Collection of Legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017, No 14, Article 230.

2. Ivanova A.Yu. Practical modeling. Computer experiment. Methodical instructions for the teacher: Textbook. allowance. - Tomsk: Vol. state University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, 2005.

3. Balakina V.P. Using the Power Point program in the work of a computer science teacher. Materials of the XIX international conference «Application of new technologies in education» June 26-27, 2008.

4. Fayziev R.A., Sobirov A.A., Ziyadullaev D.Sh. Technology for creating electronic textbooks. Tutorial. - T .: IQTISODIYOT, 2019.160 p.

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