FORMATION OF PHYSICAL CULTURE OF PERSONALITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Svarkovskaya Lina Andreevna

The article contains the results of theoretical analysis on the problem of improving the organization of physical education of children in the kindergarten. We present the classification of the types of physical education classes and describe their importance for embracing by a child of physical culture values and their further use in practical activity. Specifics of forming motivation to physical trainings at different stages of holding the class, means of developing self-awareness, forming self-evaluation, moral and volitional traits of a preschool child are exposed in the article.

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11. Ревина Е. В. Использование аутентичных видеоматериалов в процессе обучения иностранному языку // Вестн. Сам. гос. техн. ун-та. Сер. Психолого-педагогич. науки. -2015. - № 4 (28). - URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/ article/n/ispolzovanie-autentichnyh-videomateria-lov-v-protsesse-obucheniya-inostrannomu-yazy-ku (дата обращения: 08.04.2019).

12. Токмовцева М. В. Проблемы академической мобильности в свете принятия нового Федерального закона «Об образовании в Российской Федерации». - URL: http://psyjour-nals.ru/files/65030/35_Tokmovceva.PDF (дата обращения: 12.07.2019).

13. Цветкова Н. А., Ярыгин Г. О., Ло-пач О. В. Политика международной академической мобильности Российской Федерации [Электронный ресурс] // АНИ: экономика и управление. - 2015. - № 4 (13). - URL: https:// cyberleninka.ru/article/n/politika-mezhdunarod-noy-akademicheskoy-mobilnosti-rossiyskoy-fe-deratsii (дата обращения: 08.04.2019).

14. Чистохвалов В. Н. История развития академической мобильности в странах «бо-лонской зоны» // Педагогическое образование и наука. - 2009. - № 9.

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16. Яковлева Н. М. Теория и практика подготовки будущего учителя к творческому решению воспитательных задач: дисс. ... д-ра пед. наук. - Челябинск, 1992. - 403 с.

L. A. Svarkovskaya

УДК 373.2


iJroblem statement. Physical culture of personality, as one of the cultural aspects and a factor influencing behavior, determines a person's attitude to health as a value. The level of physical culture of personality is what independent use of means of physical culture for self-development as well as formation and maintenance of healthy life-style depends on.

Analysis of scientific researches of the recent years (T. K. Andrushenko, O. L. Boginitch, E. S. Vilchkovskey, N. A. Kot, L. V. Lichvitskaya, N. V. Poltavzev, L. A. Svarkovskaya, N. V. Semenova, V. N. Shebeko and others) shows that nowadays formation of physical culture of personality is connected to improving physical education organization, reconsideration of the physical education and recreational work content (learning by children practical abilities and skills that provide health strengthening, developing and improving of psychophysical features and abilities of personality; ensuring general physical preparation; gaining experience in how to use physical active-ties creatively and others) and as a result, assimilation of physical education values by a child (motor skills and abilities, available knowledge of physical culture), understanding of their usefulness and further use in practical activities.

The purpose of this article is to show directions of work on improving of the process of physical education in the context of forming physical culture of a preschool child's personality.

Presentation of the main material. Preschool age according to A. N. Leontiev's definition is the first period of personality formation, the period of developing mechanisms of personality's behavior. Physical culture can successfully contribute to the main goal of the personality's development that is realization of one's self by a child, self-identification as a social individual.

Important characteristic of the personality is its motivation, the system of leading motives of behavior. Motive is a reason for doing something to satisfy one's needs. A person's needs depend on functioning of the internal environment of the body and external conditions of life, motivate to act. A preschool child's need for motor activity is biological. It sets the stage for natural implementing physical culture in preschool children's lifestyle. Motor regime of a child in preschool educational institute is realized through different forms of motor activity organization (E. S. Vilchkovs-key [1, p. 262], E. Y. Stepanenkova [6, p. 310] and others): physical education classes; physical education and health work in the day regime (morning gymnastics, active games and exercises on a walk; physical education minutes, waking up gymnastics, tempering activities); active leisure time (hiking, physical education entertainments and celebrations, days of health, holidays), homework and independent motor activity of children.

Physical education classes are the leading organizational form for the formation of the right motor abilities and skills (E. S. Vilchkovsky [1, p. 268], A. V. Keneman [2, p. 166]). At the classes favorable conditions are created for embracing of common principles and laws of performance of physical exercises as well as diversifying children's skills (E. Y. Stepanenkova [6, p. 168]). Organization of physical education classes with the whole group provides learning and embracing the program material in a certain sequence; allows revision and consolidation of motor action. Physical education classes facilitate formation of preschool children's learning skills. They teach children to memorize action plan and follow it while performing physical exercises. Besides, they boost development of children's value judgements since achieving of positive results in front of the classmates fills a child with confidence and creates happy mood, facilitates awareness of a child's abilities and possibilities in the process of common interests realization. Physical education classes allow preschool children to learn to create conditions for motor activity on their own, lead to independent performance of complex motor actions, form and develop skills of self-organization

while performing different movements and bring interest in active actions, thus providing a base for interesting and meaningful activity in everyday life. The more informative a class is, the more extensive a child's motor experience is, the more conditions there are for providing high level motor regime during a day, what is essential for satisfying preschool children's need for movement.

The results of our researches show, that the following forms of physical education classes are advisable:

- Training sessions and plot lessons facileta-ting formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

- Thematic classes focused on one kind of the program material, as a rule one kind of sport games or exercise;

- Educational classes which feature an integrated nature (for example, life safety and physical education; valeology and physical development, etc.);

- Control classes that are held with the purpose of quantitative and qualitative assessment of physical fitness;

- Play activities that consist of outdoor games, games-relay, fun workout games;

- Classes with the elements of health technologies: breathing gymnastics, self-massage, training devices, etc.

Use of different class types provides strengthening motor skills and, as a result, developing motives and increasing interest to physical education classes and healthy lifestyle. Results of our research show that successful cultivation of motives to physical education exercises greatly depends on motivation of different parts of the class. Analyzing teachers' practice of holding classes we noted that in the traditional organization of the class there is motivation at the beginning of the class in 40 % of the cases, motivation during the class and at the end of the class is not practiced by teachers.

Motivation at the beginning of the class is a stage of initial motivation. At this stage we [5, p. 6] used several ways of encouraging children to be active:

- Fixation and actualization of the motives of previous achievements: "We did a good job on the previous lesson";

- Formation of the motives of relative dissatisfaction: "But not all of you learned to perform jumps in length with a running start correctly;

- Strengthening of the motives of focusing on future activity "Meanwhile, you may need this skill in different life situations: to jump over a moat, at the sport competitions in the kindergarten, at school, in different outdoor games."

Along with these means we stimulated acti-vetion by fleeting motives: amazement, interest, etc. Motivation during the class is a stage of support and strengthening of the motivation which has already arisen. This stage is important because a teacher, having sparked motivation at the previous stage, often forget about it, focusing explicitly on the content of the class. This stage can be used for realization of children and teachers' creative abilities.

One of the means that we used for organic combination of motor and mental activity is search situations. For example, while appointing on-duty pupils who have to bring all necessary equipment for the class, a teacher mentions only movements that will be performed: "Today we will learn to throw a ball at a vertical target and exercise in balancing. What equipment do we need?". It helps children to prepare for the class more consciously and invoke motives of educational nature. Here is another example: children are suggested choosing the way of performing exercise on their own and define the most rational one. Such simple comparative analysis significantly activates performance of the whole group. When search situations arise, preschool children meet controversies that they have to analyze and find a way out. It may be a path of trial and error, playful experimenting, etc.

Formation of motor imagination, development of initiative and independence, procedural motives were facilitated with the tasks for creative perception and independent invention of variations of separate movements (run like "a light breeze", "like a sea wave", "like sun beams hurrying to the first spring flowers", "like a fox", etc.). Preschool children invented their "own" movements, com-

bined them in new ways, gave names to their movements and their mates' movements. All children reacted to such tasks emotionally and performed them with pleasure.

As an additional way of developing creative abilities, emotional satisfaction from the class and really valid motives we used psychophysical sketches. There is quite complex connection between a human body and psyche. Taking this into account, motor exercises can be used for physical improvement as well as for improvement of memory, will, imagination, attention span. Psycho-physical exercises were accompanied with the texts that helped transformation to different roles. We used sketches for gesture expressiveness: ("Snowball game", "Came with stones", "Happy family"); sketches for muscle relaxation: ("I want to sleep", "A fairy of dreams"); sketches of psychomuscle training with the fixation of concentration on breathing: ("On the seashore", "Game with sand", Game with an ant", "Relax by the sea"). They were used at the end of the classes. At this stage it is particularly important that every child leaves motor activity with positive personal experience and at the end of the class children have positive attitude to the further physical culture activity, that is positive motivation of perspective.

Positive assessment of performance of movements, children's participation in moving games is one of the factors forming motivation to physical activity. It is essential for the teacher to notice how a child deals with what stops one from being active, struggles with one's fear and shyness. A couch should pay more attention to indecisive children's success, recommending delicately how to perform different exercises even better. Talking about each child's personal success we noted his ability to work in a team.

Daily physical culture and health work is held taking into account principle of systematic repetition of strengthening procedures (strengthening with air and water) as well as ensures increase of children's emotional state (morning exercise), mental efficiency (physical culture minutes and dynamic breaks) and team work (moving games and physical culture exercises on a walk, homework).

V. N. Schebeko suggests: "...the earlier a child realizes the need for one's engaging in the physical culture, the quicker an important urge will be formed in a child that will be characterized by a positive attitude to physical side of one's life" [9, p. 222].

Formation of motivational component of a child's personality is closely connected to development of a child's consciousness and self-evaluation. Self-evaluation is based on the experience that a child acquires in the course of operating one's body, evaluating of social surrounding, cultural conventions, stereotypes, standards of physical and motor development.

Children's desire to master movements in the structure of a beautiful image can be prominently realized in rhythmic gymnastics, sport dancing. Successful integration of a set of physical exercises with simple elements of acrobatics, artistic gymnastics and dancing rhythmic melodies enhances directly modeling of the personal motor image together with the image of "a beautiful body". According to V. N. Schebeko formation of such images is facilitated by plot physical education classes, special trainings, moving tasks [8, p. 55].

For realization of the task mentioned above we widely used short moving scenes whereby children first were suggested inventing short thematic plots and afterwards a teacher's version was given. The plot was based on folklore works, literature material, real life situations, imaginary stories. It was also suggested inventing new ways to use physical culture equipment (for example, "drawing" with a ball, a jumping rope, a hoop in the air; swinging on a ball like on a swing and others).

New elements were included in active games. For example, in the course of the "Mice in the holes" game thread was stretched obliquely, what made children decide to either crawl where it was lower or where it was higher. In this case a teacher could assess children's agility. The games were held that required quick readjustment of a role-playing and, consequently, motor activity. For example, in "A fox and a rabbit" game a rabbit turns into a hunter and starts chasing a

fox. Then a hunter turns into a cow that wants to eat the grass, the grass becomes a wolf chasing a cow and a cow transforms into an ant that can't be noticed by the wolf.

Pedagogical interaction is essential for the formation of physical culture of a preschool child's personality as well as for development of consciousness, self-evaluation. While implementing different forms of physical education it's important to keep pedagogical tact, to show good attitude to children, to awaken a child's best sides, self-confidence. Objective assessment of a teacher leads children gradually to the analysis and evaluation of their own actions as well as other children's actions.

N. A. Kot's researches show that formation of self-evaluation begins in the middle group [3, p. 158]. At the first stage of this work children's attention should be drawn to essential parameters of movements and distinguishing their major components (to compare movements of two children: to find common and different traits; to point out the best "jumper", "thrower"; to find something new and beautiful in movements). At this stage children should be gradually moved from evaluation to self-evaluation. The latter can be facilitated with a teacher's questions: "How did you manage to do the movement correctly?", "Why did you fail to jump to or hit the target, fall?", "How did you help you team win?", "In which team were the movements performed correctly by the majority of children" and etc.

In the course of introducing children to physical culture the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality is formed. Motor activity enhances development of cognitive, emotional, moral feelings of a child. First of all, it facilitates formation of the following positive traits: sympathy, desire to help, friendly support, sense of justice, honesty, decency. It is clearly shown in active games and playful exercises whereby a child has to make contact with other children, to help during performance of motor task, to find the best ways to coordinate actions. The task of a teacher is to show a dependence of the common result from performance by each child of the particular actions. Understanding of shared responsibility

provides a chance of proving and expressing oneself to a child, develops self-confidence, initiative, fellow-feeling.

The main method of cultivating volitional traits is a method of exercise, the essence of which consists in regular repetition of motor actions that encourages active performance of motor tasks. Regular repetition of motor actions is carried out in two modes that is continuous and interval. According to V. N. Schebeko, for consolidating active and conscious attitude to demonstrating volitional traits the most effective techniques will be the ones aimed at forming motor and moral basis of volitional actions[9, p. 223].

There are the following features of the presence of volitional traits: demonstration of determination and insistence while performing exercises (the maximum duration of performance, number of repetitions, improvement of the results, strong interest to the task); demonstration of endurance and discipline (during a switch from motor activity to static position, the length of running and walking distance, the right time for performance of the movement and maintaining the rhythm); demonstration of decisiveness and bravery (the lack of changes in technique and pace of performance, time of restoring the quality of the exercise after creating "situation of risk", the lack of tremor, maintenance of normal pulse and breath).

Conclusion. The process of improving the organization of physical education of children in the conditions of preschool educational organization in order to form physical culture of a child's personality includes the following directions: using different types of physical culture classes; cultivating interest and forming motives to physical trainings and healthy life style, developing consciousness, independence, initiative, formation of self-evaluation, moral and volitional traits by means of physical culture.

The directions of work suggested in the article do not exhaust all the problems of forming physical culture of a preschool child's personality. We see the perspective of the further researches in studying the specifics of pedagogical support of preschool children in the course of developing physical potential of their personality.


В статье изложены результаты теоретического анализа проблемы совершенствования организации физического воспитания детей в условиях детского сада в направлении формирования физической культуры личности ребенка. Дана классификация типов физкультурных занятий и показано их значение для усвоения ребенком физкультурных ценностей и дальнейшего использования в практической деятельности. Раскрыты особенности формирования мотивации к занятиям физической культурой на разных этапах проведения занятия, приведены средства развития самосознания, формирования самооценки, морально-волевых качеств дошкольников.

Ключевые слова: физическая культура личности, ребенок дошкольного возраста, детский сад, мотивация к занятиям физической культурой, самосознание, самооценка, морально-волевые качества дошкольника.


The article contains the results of theoretical analysis on the problem of improving the organization of physical education of children in the kindergarten. We present the classification of the types of physical education classes and describe their importance for embracing by a child of physical culture values and their further use in practical activity. Specifics of forming motivation to physical trainings at different stages of holding the class, means of developing self-awareness, forming self-evaluation, moral and volitional traits of a preschool child are exposed in the article.

Key words: physical culture of personality, a preschool child, kindergarten, motivation to physical education classes, self-consciousness, self-evaluation, moral and volitional traits of a preschool child.


1. Vikhkovskiy E. S. Theory and methods of preschool children education. - Sumy: University book. - 2014. - P. 428

2. Keneman A. B., Khukhlayeva D. V. Theory and methods of preschool children education. -M: Education. - 1978. - P. 272

3. Kot N. A., Denisenko N. F., Ts'os' A. V., Shiyan B. M. and others. Specifics of developing volitional traits in older preschool children in course of motor activity // Optimization of a child's physical development in our educational system: monography. - Zaporozhye: ZIPPO, 2020. -P.149-174

4. Leontiev A. N. Problems of psyche development. - M.: MGU publishment, 1972. - P. 575

5. Svarkovskaya L. A. How to motivate preschool children to physical education classes // Teacher - methodologist of a preschool educational organization. - 2022. - №° 5. - P. 5-7

6. Stepanenkova E. Ya Theory and methods ofphysical education and development of a child. -M.: Academy, 2001. - P. 368

7. Poltavtseva N. V., Gordova N. A. Physical education in preschool childhood: manual for physical education instructors and educators working with children of 2-3 years old. - M.: Education, 2018. - P. 141

8. Shchebeko V. N. Formation of a preschool child's personality through physical education: dissertation ... of the doctor of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.02. - Moscow, 2011. - P. 319.

9. Shchebeko V. N. Development of a preschool child's personality through physical education // International Scientific Congress. Physical Education, sport, tourism - in new conditions of the CIS countries: Materials. - P. 2. Minsk the 23rd - 25th of June, 1999. - P. 221-224.


Т. В. Богун

УДК 159.9


О ведение. В работах ведущих исследователей в области перинатальной психологии С. Грофа, Г. Г. Филипповой, И. Н. Добрякова, Н. П. Коваленко указывается, что перинатальная психология включает в себя такие системы знаний, как:

- перинатальная медицина (внутриутробная диагностика и терапия), «физическое и психическое здоровье ребенка и родителей» [6, с. 2];

- теория адаптивности, концепция инстинктов и психосоматическая патология [5, с. 44];

- теория перинатальных матриц [4, с. 12].

Перинатальная матрица - это информационный блок индивидуального бессознательного, связанный с опытом рождения [8, с. 10]. С. Гроф считает, что перинатальный опыт проявляется в четырех паттернах переживаний, которые глубоко соответствуют четырем клиническим стадиям биологического рождения -в базовых перинатальных матрицах (БПМ).

С. Гроф утверждает, что рождение - это, в первую очередь, преодоление препятствий (по второй БПМ). Успешный результат рождения закрепляет двигательные паттерны рождения как некую схему, приводящую к успеху, в том числе и в области спортивной деятельности.

Таким образом, опыт рождения представляет собой момент формирования врожденных поведенческих актов, которые связаны с мобилизацией внутренних ресурсов человека, направленных на преодоление внутренних и внешних противоречий и реализации программы деятельности, в том числе и спортивной [1, с. 185].

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